new-dotfilesNew repository of dotfiles5 days
aliens/scuttleMy fork of SemanticScuttle6 days
guile-inkplateCommunicate with an inkplate over USB with Guile2 weeks
tekuti-elTekuti interaction library2 weeks
circe-serenityA more serene interface for Circe2 weeks
cgit-pygments-wrapperSmall wrapper to customize the use of pygments for cgit2 weeks
guix-packagesMy custom guix package files3 weeks
emacs-configEmacs configuration files3 weeks
aliens/nginx-modeMy fork of Emacs editing mode for Nginx config files.3 weeks
pkgbuilds/deckerpkgbuild for pkgbuilds/decker3 weeks
update-mirrorsAutomatically fetch latest mirrors3 weeks
crafting-interpretersCode for the book Crafting Interpreters20 months
oni-bucketUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the...22 months
new-ryuslash.orgNext org-powered version of ryuslash.org22 months
blogA new test3 years
ryukA customization of the colemak keyboard layout4 years
dot-gtkA configuration project4 years
dot/tom/stumpwmtom's settings for this program4 years
avanduEmacs interface for tt-rss7 years
dotfilesMy configuration files8 years
mode-iconsShow icons instead of mode names8 years
gittoKeep track of your git repositories9 years
pkgbuildsPKGBUILDS for the Arch User Repository9 years
kaarvokGenerate directory structures from templates in emacs9 years
orgwebOrg files of my website9 years
yoshi-themeA theme named after my cat9 years
stiStupid Tool Installer10 years
dot/tom/keysnailtom's settings for this program10 years
dot/tom/systemdtom's settings for this program10 years
dot/tom/emacstom's settings for this program10 years
hypo-cliCommunicate with Hypo from the command-line10 years
hypoQuickly share stuff.10 years
dot/tom/awesometom's settings for this program10 years
cdispassConkeror interface for DisPass10 years
dot/tom/screentom's settings for this program10 years
dot/tom/zshtom's settings for this program10 years
flycheck-commit-checkFlycheck checker using commit-check10 years
commit-checkSimple git commit style checker10 years
dot/tom/conkerortom's settings for this program10 years
dot/tom/x11tom's settings for this program10 years
transient-navigationNavigate with a transient mode10 years
dispass.elEmacs interface for DisPass10 years
eshell-fringe-statusShow last status in fringe10 years
edocsExtract documentation from Elisp files10 years
upcase-modeUpcase all input10 years
desktop-registryKeep a central registry of desktop files10 years
hypo-emacsInteract with Hypo from Emacs.10 years
toppleSettings file maintenance10 years
dot/tom/gittom's settings for this program10 years
persistent-outlineSave outline states between sessions10 years