
A simple script that searches through any number of image files and picks one at random to set as the current wallpaper.

This script also tells herbstluftwm what wallpaper it picked so that other scripts can work off of that.


This script requires scsh, findutils, xwininfo, feh, and herbstluftwm.


Put the pick-random-wallpaper script anywhere in your $PATH.


Call the pick-random-wallpaper script without any arguments. It assumes that wallpapers are stored in $HOME/pictures/wallpaper under the resolution that they are for. It also looks at $HOME/pictures/wallpaper/patterns/ for any tiled patterns. The hierarchy might look like:

|- 1024x768
| \- a.jpg
|- 5120x1440
| |- b.png
| \- sonic.jpg
\- patterns
  \- sandstone.png