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2023-08-01 10:35:54 -07:00

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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

COMMENT Unreleased

7.0.0 2023-08-01

ADDED Colors and variables for ivy-posframe

Add the ivy-posframe faces: ivy-posframe, ivy-posframe-border. And variables: ivy-posframe-border-width, ivy-posframe-style.

ADDED Variables for hydra-posframe

Add the hydra-posframe: hydra-posframe-show-params.

ADDED Colors and variables for flycheck-posframe

Add the flycheck-posframe faces: flycheck-posframe-background-face, flycheck-posframe-border-face. And variables: flycheck-posframe-border-width.

CHANGED the background colors of org blocks

Instead of showing an underline and an overline for the beginning and end blocks, give them a background color. With the variable org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line set to t, this causes it to create a line-thick border at the top of the block. The background of the block itself has been changed to match that of other highlighted backgrounds, such as the posframe pop-ups for ivy and company. The bottom line has been given the same color so that blocks don't look too busy all over your document.

ADDED the setting to fontify whole block delimiter lines

With org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line set to t the org block colors have a better appearance.

ADDED Some ediff faces

Add the ediff faces: ediff-even-diff-A, ediff-even-diff-B, ediff-odd-diff-A, and ediff-odd-diff-B.

ADDED fill-column-indicator face

Add the face fill-column-indicator.

ADDED A couple of cider faces

Add the cider faces: cider-test-success-face and cider-test-failure-face.

ADDED Some org-mode faces

Add the org-code, org-verbatim, org-document-info-keyword, org-meta-line, org-document-info, and org-table faces.

CHANGED All the gray faces

Change all the gray faces to provide a little bit more flexibility in which colors I can use and allow for more distinctive use of certain colors.

This is inspired by ideas from the Nord theme Colors and Palettes.

CHANGED mode-line faces

I hope that these changes make the mode-line more distinctive and nicer to look at. I wanted to use one of the new colors after reading some of the Nord theme Colors and Palettes notes about the use of their colors for different “levels” of UI elements. I thought this worked quite well with the mode-line and some of the other elements such as hydras as well.

CHANGED org-block face

Made org-block inherit from the fixed-pitch face so that when variable-pitch-mode is used for Org mode, code in code blocks are still using monospaced fonts.

ADDED Some tab bar faces

Add the tab-bar, tab-bar-tab, and tab-bar-tab-inactive faces.

ADDED A notmuch face

Add the notmuch-message-summary-face.

FIXED Diff refine changed face name

diff-refine-change doesn't exist, it's diff-refine-changed.

CHANGED Background color of package status avail obso face

Change background color of package-status-avail-obso. Gray seems more appropriate than green, although I'm not sure what this face is for anymore.

ADDED Bright colors

Some UI elements really need to stand out more than the previous set of colors allowed for.

CHANGED All the other colors

This is to make them seem more consistent when applied as background and foreground colors. The contrast specifically should be more consistent now.

6.2.0 2019-05-05

ADDED Colors for modes using ansi-color.el, such as Eshell

ADDED Some package faces

Add the package faces: package-status-avail-obso, package-status-available, package-status-dependency, package-status-installed.

ADDED Window divider faces

Add the Window Divider faces: window-divider, window-divider-first-pixel and window-divider-last-pixel.

ADDED Window divider settings

Enable window-divider-mode and set the window-divider-default-right-width to 1.

ADDED Some js2-mode faces

Add the JS2 Mode faces: js2-error, js2-function-call, js2-object-property, js2-warning.

ADDED Some company-mode faces

Add the Company faces: company-preview, company-preview-common, company-scrollbar-bg, company-scrollbar-fg, company-tooltip, company-tooltip-annotation, company-tooltip-common, common-tooltip-search, common-tooltip-search-selecion, common-tooltip-selection.

ADDED Some ivy faces

Add the Ivy faces: ivy-current-match, ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1, ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2, ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3, ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4.

ADDED flycheck-inline faces

Add the flycheck-inline faces: flycheck-inline-error, flycheck-inline-info, flycheck-inline-warning.

ADDED highlight-indent-guides face

Add the highlight-indent-guides face: highlight-indent-guides-character-face.

CHANGED the color of high-scoring unread mails in gnus

CHANGED the color of normal ticked mails in gnus

CHANGED the padding around the mode-line

CHANGED the JS2 function param face color

Inherit from font-lock-warning-face and don't specify a special underline.

CHANGED the Diff Highlight faces

Make the foreground and background color on the diff-hl-change, diff-hl-add and diff-hl-remove the same.

CHANGED the top 3 Org heading faces

Make the org-level-1, org-level-2 and org-level-3 stand out more by giving them and underline, bold weight and italic slant respectively. Also give the org-level-1 and org-level-2 some extra height.

CHANGED the color of comments

Change the color of font-lock-comment-face to stand out more, since comments are generally important pieces of information that show up scarcely.

REMOVED the 10th rainbow delimiters depth face

6.1.0 2015-11-20

ADDED Some helm faces

Add the helm faces: helm-M-x-key, helm-buffer-directory, helm-buffer-file, helm-buffer-not-saved, helm-buffer-process, helm-buffer-size, helm-match, helm-selection, helm-source-header, helm-ff-directory, helm-ff-dotted-directory, helm-ff-executable, helm-ff-file, helm-ff-invalid-symlink, helm-ff-symlink.

ADDED Some circe faces

Add the circe faces: circe-highlight-nick-face and circe-server-face.

ADDED Some lui faces

Add the lui faces: lui-button-face, lui-time-stamp-face.


Add the CSS faces: css-property, css-selector and css-proprietary-property.

ADDED magit-section-highlight face

ADDED highlight-numbers-number face

FIXED Make markdown header faces work without loading Org

Stop making the markdown-header-face-* faces inherit from the equivalent org-level-* faces, this kept the markdown faces from working if Org mode wasn't loaded.

6.0.0 2015-08-31

ADDED js2-function-param face.

ADDED magit-log-head-label-head face.

ADDED magit-log-head-label-default face.

ADDED Some hydra faces.

Add the hydra-face-amaranth, hydra-face-blue, hydra-face-pink, hydra-face-red and hydra-face-teal faces.

ADDED Some magit faces.

Magit came out with a new version and changed (almost) all the face names. The following faces have been added because of this: magit-bisect-bad, magit-bisect-good, magit-bisect-skip, magit-blame-date, magit-blame-hash, magit-blame-heading, magit-blame-name, magit-blame-summary, magit-branch-current, magit-branch-local, magit-branch-remote, magit-diff-added, magit-diff-added-highlight, magit-diff-context, magit-diff-context-highlight, magit-diff-file-heading, magit-diff-removed, magit-diff-removed-highlight, magit-process-ng, magit-process-ok, magit-section-heading.

ADDED erc-button face.

CHANGED Change faces to stop using certain colors.

CHANGED Change gnus-signature foreground to fgdim.

CHANGED Change message-header-xheader foreground to fgdim and make it italic.

CHANGED Change mode-line background and box color to bgblue.

CHANGED Change mode-line-buffer-id foreground to fggreen.

CHANGED Change org-agenda-done foreground to fgorange.

CHANGED Remove org-block-begin-line background.

CHANGED Remove org-block-end-line background.

CHANGED Change org-headline-done foreground to fgdim.

CHANGED Remove bold weight from org-level-1.

CHANGED Change org-level-2 foreground to fgcyan and remove bold weight.

CHANGED Change org-level-3 foreground to fgred and remove bold weight.

CHANGED Change org-level-4 foreground to fgblue and remove bold weight.

CHANGED Change org-level-5 foreground to fgyellow and remove bold weight.

CHANGED Change org-level-6 foreground to fgpurple and remove bold weight.

CHANGED Change org-level-7 foreground to fgturquoise and remove bold weight.

CHANGED Change org-level-8 foreground to fgorange and remove bold weight.

CHANGED Remove whitespace-tab foreground and change underline to bgbright.

CHANGED Change the foreground color of diff-file-header to bright and add bold weight

REMOVED Stop using and remove certain colors for simplicity.

Stop using and remove the following colors: fgdim-1, fgdim-2, fgorange-1, fggreen-1, fggreen-2, fggreen-3, fggreen-4 and bgblue-1 colors.

COMMENT Local variables