Replace all of the previous icons used in org-mode for agenda views with SVG ones, and add ones for the “moving”, “security”, “website” and “desktop” categories.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" id="mdi-head-question" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M13 3C9.23 3 6.19 5.95 6 9.66L4.08 12.19C3.84 12.5 4.08 13 4.5 13H6V16C6 17.11 6.89 18 8 18H9V21H16V16.31C18.37 15.19 20 12.8 20 10C20 6.14 16.88 3 13 3M14 14H12V12H14V14M15.75 8.81C15.46 9.21 15.09 9.5 14.64 9.74C14.39 9.9 14.22 10.07 14.13 10.26C14.04 10.44 14 10.69 14 11H12C12 10.5 12.11 10.08 12.31 9.82C12.5 9.55 12.85 9.25 13.36 8.91C13.62 8.75 13.83 8.55 13.97 8.32C14.13 8.09 14.2 7.82 14.2 7.5C14.2 7.2 14.12 6.94 13.94 6.75C13.76 6.57 13.5 6.47 13.19 6.47C12.93 6.47 12.71 6.55 12.53 6.7C12.35 6.86 12.26 7.09 12.25 7.39H10.32L10.31 7.36C10.3 6.57 10.56 6 11.08 5.59C11.62 5.2 12.32 5 13.19 5C14.12 5 14.85 5.23 15.38 5.68C15.92 6.13 16.19 6.74 16.19 7.5C16.19 8 16.04 8.41 15.75 8.81Z" /></svg> |