
5 KiB

Global config


Use a nice font.

  font = Fantasque Sans Mono 15

Allow markup like <b>, <i>, <s> and <u> in messages. See Pango Markup Format for more info.

  markup = full

Show the summary and body in messages.

  format = "<u>%s</u>\n\n%b"

Sort messages by urgency

  sort = yes

Show how many messages are curently hidden (because of geometry).

  indicate_hidden = yes

Left-align messages.

  alignment = left

Don't "bounce" long messages back and forth.

  bounce_freq = 0

Show a message's age if it's more than a minute old.

  show_age_threshold = 60

Split long messages into multiple lines.

  word_wrap = yes

Allow newlines in messages.

  ignore_newline = no

Show messages at the top-right of the monitor.

  geometry = "600x5-30+20"

Shrink messages to fit their content if it's smaller than the specified geometry.

  shrink = yes

Keep messages opaque to keep them properly readable.

  transparency = 0

Keep showing messages after two minutes of idle time.

  idle_threshold = 120

Always show messages on the primary monitor.

  monitor = 0

Don't follow focus when showing messages, so don't show it on the secondary monitor if that's where I'm working.

  follow = none

Don't use a timeout when showing messages from history, keep them visible.

  sticky_history = yes

Make lines the same height as their font.

  line_height = 0

Show a separator between messages.

  separator_height = 2

Add some padding around each message.

  padding = 15
  horizontal_padding = 15

Automatically pick a separator color between the messages.

  separator_color = auto

Don't show a message when dunst starts.

  startup_notification = false

Tell dunst about dmenu, but actually use rofi.

  dmenu = /usr/bin/rofi -dmenu -p dunst:

Tell dunst about Conkeror.

  browser = conkeror

Show icons to the left of their messages.

  icon_position = left

Look for icons in the following paths.

  icon_folders = /usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/status/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/devices/:/usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/

Show a border around each message.

  frame_width = 2

Give it a proper color.

  frame_color = "#3d3d3d"

Scale icons larger than 24x24 down.

  max_icon_size = 24

Keyboard shortcuts


Use Mod4+m to close the latest message.

  close = mod4+m

Use Mod4+Shift+m to close all messages.

  close_all = mod4+shift+m

Use Mod4+Control+m to retrieve a message from history.

  history = mod4+ctrl+m

Use Mod4+Alt+m to show the context menu.

  context = mod4+mod1+m


  background = "#405c2e"
  foreground = "#eeeeec"
  timeout = 10

  background = "#222224"
  foreground = "#eeeeec"
  timeout = 10

  background = "#973732"
  foreground = "#eeeeec"
  timeout = 0


  appname = Emacs
  background = "#7f5ab6"
  foreground = "#fafafa"

Metal Express Radio

  [Metal Express Radio]
  appname = Metal Express Radio
  background = "#ef4136"
  feroground = "#ffffff"


  appname = Syncthing GTK
  background = "#337ab7"
  foreground = "#ffffff"


  appname = Lollypop
  background = "#fd3e75"
  foreground = "#ffffff"


  appname = gPodder
  background = "#7f5785"
  foreground = "#ffffff"