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Mowedline init

Load the matchable module so I can use match-lambda.

  (use matchable)

Set the default font and color to something nicer.

  (text-widget-font "Fantasque Sans Mono-13:bold")
  (text-widget-color "#ededed")

Define a convenience function to check if a formatter's argument is not some text.

  (define (not-text? text)
    (or (null? text) (and (not (pair? text)) (string-null? text))))

Define a convenience function that adds spaces around its argument if its argument is text.

  (define (text-maybe-pad-both text)
    (if (not-text? text)
        (list " " text " ")))

Define a convenience function to add a Font Awesome icon to a widget.

  (define (add-fa-icon icon)
    (lambda (text)
      (if (not-text? text)
          (list (list 'font "FontAwesome-10"
                      (string-append " " icon " "))

Tag list

This formatter will parse the herbstluftwm tag status line, which looks like this:

  #1  -2  :3  :4  :5  .6  .7  .8  .9

And turn it into something more useful. The symbols before the tag names (numbers) have the following meaning:

This tag is currently active.
This tag is visible on another monitor.
This tag isn't displayed, but has windows on it.
This tag isn't displayed and is empty.
This tag has an urgent window on it.

First the tag line has to be split into separate parts. Each tag status/name pair is split by a tab character and each status is only one character. So I split the whole string on tabs and then make a list out of each individual part, for easy access to the status character. So we end up with something like:

  ((#\# #\1) (#\- #\2) (#\: #\3) ...)
  (define (split-tag-list str)
    (map string->list (string-split str "\t")))

Next we turn each part into something practical for display in mowedline.

  (define tag-display
     ((#\# . name-list)
      (list '(color "#ececec" font "FontAwesome-10" "")
            (string-append " " (list->string name-list) " ")))
     ((#\- . _) '((color "#bfbfbf" font "FontAwesome-10" "") " "))
     ((#\: . _) '((color "#969696" font "FontAwesome-10" "") " "))
     ((#\! . _) '((color "#a85454" font "FontAwesome-10" "") " "))
     (_ '())))

  (define (tag-list-display tag-list)
    (map tag-display tag-list))

Finally, bring it all together in a function that can be used as a mowedline text formatter.

  (define (tag-list-formatter text)
    (tag-list-display (split-tag-list text)))

Define the widget to be used in the window.

  (define taglist-widget
    (widget:text #:name "taglist" #:format tag-list-formatter))


Define a widget to show email notifications in.

  (define email-widget
     #:name "email"
     #:format (compose text-maybe-pad-both (add-fa-icon ""))))

The window

Create a mowedline window, put it at the bottom.

  (window #:position 'bottom
          #:width 1843
          #:margin-bottom 15
          #:margin-left 46
          #:margin-right 15
          #:background 'transparent

          (widget:spacer #:flex 1)