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diff --git a/articles/ b/articles/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..971cc63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/articles/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#+STARTUP: showall
+* Installing HLA on Archlinux :hla:archlinux:
+ :PUBDATE: <2014-12-27 Sat 21:43>
+ :END:
+ I recently started reading [[][The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd
+ Edition]]. It uses High-Level Assembly language in its code examples
+ and this requires a special compiler, or assembler, to turn your
+ code into machine code.
+** Fixing the PKGBUILD
+ The compiler, ~hla~, is available on the Archlinux User Repository
+ [[][here]]. At the time of writing, though, that ~PKGBUILD~ doesn't work
+ entirely. By default pacman removes all static libraries from the
+ created packages, which took me a while to find out. Adding the
+ following line to the ~PKGBUILD~ fixes it:
+ #+BEGIN_SRC sh
+ options=(staticlibs)
+ I also placed a comment on the AUR page, but there has been no sign
+ of acknowledgment so far.
+** Running on x86_64
+ After having installed the compiler I got a lot of errors compiling
+ my very simple hello world application, as typed over from the
+ book. The gist of them was that it couldn't create 64-bit
+ executables, which isn't very surprising as HLA seems to be only
+ for x86 (32-bit) architecture. Another comment on the AUR page
+ helped that though. One should add the ~-lmelf_i386~ switch to the
+ ~hla~ command-line. So I put in my =~/.zshrc=:
+ #+BEGIN_SRC sh
+ alias hla="hla -lmelf_i386"
+ This discovery only came after a few other attempts to install HLA.
+** Alternative: Using Vagrant
+ Before I'd read about the ~-lmelf_i386~ command-line switch I was
+ looking at ways to run a 32-bit operating system inside my
+ Archlinux installation. There are a few options I'm familiar with:
+ lxc, Docker and Vagrant.
+ At first I tried to create a 32-bit Archlinux container, but the
+ installation script failed, so I couldn't get that started. Then I
+ went on to Vagrant, which worked pretty quickly.
+ I used the ~ubuntu/trusty32~ box, which can be downloaded by calling:
+ : vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty32
+ A very short ~Vagrantfile~:
+ #+BEGIN_SRC ruby
+ # -*- mode: ruby -*-
+ # vi: set ft=ruby :
+ Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
+ = "ubuntu/trusty32"
+ config.vm.provision :shell, path: ""
+ end
+ and then the provision in
+ #+BEGIN_SRC sh
+ wget
+ tar --directory / --extract --file linux.hla.tar.gz
+ cat > /etc/profile.d/ <<EOF
+ #!/usr/bin/bash
+ export hlalib=/usr/hla/hlalib
+ export hlainc=/usr/hla/include
+ export hlatemp=/tmp
+ export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/hla"
+ After that you can just call ~vagrant up~, wait a while and then have
+ fun playing around with HLA in an Ubuntu 14.04 environment.
diff --git a/articles/ b/articles/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..103a79b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/articles/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#+STARTUP: showall
+* Stop shr from using background color :emacs:elisp:config:
+ :PUBDATE: <2014-04-03 Thu 22:11>
+ :END:
+ Here's just one more example why Emacs is so awesome
+ Reading mail in Gnus is very nice, but shr has become a little too
+ good at its job. Add to this the many occasions when a background is
+ specified without specifying a foreground, plus a color theme that
+ is the inverse of what is usually expected, and you can get
+ hard-to-read HTML messages, gray foreground and gray background.
+ I've looked at the other possible renderers, but they don't look
+ very nice compared to shr. So just remove its ability to add
+ background colors.
+ #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (defun oni:shr-colorize-remove-last-arg (args)
+ "If ARGS has more than 3 items, remove the last one."
+ (if (> (length args) 3)
+ (butlast args)
+ args))
+ (with-eval-after-load 'shr
+ (advice-add #'shr-colorize-region :filter-args
+ #'oni:shr-colorize-remove-last-arg))