path: root/oni/home/services
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'oni/home/services')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/oni/home/services/dunst.scm b/oni/home/services/dunst.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..079f40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oni/home/services/dunst.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+(define-module (oni home services dunst)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-2)
+ #:use-module (gnu services configuration)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages dunst)
+ #:use-module (gnu home services)
+ #:use-module (gnu home services shepherd)
+ #:use-module (gnu home services utils)
+ #:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
+ #:export (home-dunst-service-type
+ home-dunst-configuration))
+(define (color? value)
+ (and (string? value)
+ (= 7 (string-length value))
+ (string-prefix? "#" value)))
+(define (hyphen->underscore str)
+ (string-join (string-split str #\-) "_"))
+(define (integer-or-list-of-numbers? value)
+ (or (integer? value)
+ (list-of-numbers? value)))
+(define (list-of-numbers? value)
+ (and (list? value)
+ (every integer? value)))
+(define (list-of-strings? value)
+ (and (list? value)
+ (every string? value)))
+(define (serialize-alist field value)
+ (apply string-append (map serialize-rule value)))
+(define (serialize-boolean field value)
+ (serialize-string field (if value "true" "false")))
+(define (serialize-color field value)
+ (serialize-string field (string-append "\"" value "\"")))
+(define (serialize-integer field value)
+ (serialize-string field (number->string value)))
+(define (serialize-integer-or-list-of-numbers field value)
+ (match value
+ ((? integer? _) (serialize-integer field value))
+ ((? list? _) (serialize-list-of-numbers field value))
+ (_ (error "Unknown type of value, not integer or list" value))))
+(define (serialize-list-of-numbers field value)
+ (match field
+ ('offset (serialize-string field (string-join (map number->string value) "x")))
+ (_ (serialize-string field (string-append "(" (string-join (map number->string value) ", ") ")")))))
+(define (serialize-list-of-strings field value)
+ (serialize-string field (string-join value ":")))
+(define (serialize-rule value)
+ (string-append "[" (car value) "]\n"
+ (string-join (map serialize-rule-property (cdr value)) "\n")
+ "\n"))
+(define (serialize-rule-property value)
+ (string-append (hyphen->underscore (symbol->string (car value))) " = " (object->string (cadr value))))
+(define (serialize-string field value)
+ (let ((field-key (hyphen->underscore (symbol->string field))))
+ (string-append field-key " = " value "\n")))
+(define (serialize-symbol field value)
+ (serialize-string field (symbol->string value)))
+(define (serialize-symbol-or-color field value)
+ (match value
+ ((? symbol? _) (serialize-symbol field value))
+ ((? color? _) (serialize-color field value))
+ (_ (error "Unknown type of value, not symbol or color" value))))
+(define (symbol-or-color? value)
+ (or (symbol? value)
+ (color? value)))
+(define-maybe color)
+(define-maybe integer-or-list-of-numbers)
+(define-maybe integer)
+(define-maybe list-of-numbers)
+(define-maybe list-of-strings)
+(define-maybe string)
+(define-configuration home-dunst-configuration
+ (package
+ (package dunst)
+ "Package to use for setting Dunst")
+ (font
+ maybe-string
+ "Display font")
+ (markup
+ (symbol 'no)
+ "Allow pango markup")
+ (format
+ maybe-string
+ "Specifies how various attributes of the notification should be formatted on
+the notification window.")
+ (sort
+ (boolean #t)
+ "If set to true, display notifications with higher urgency above the others.")
+ (indicate-hidden
+ (boolean #t)
+ "If this is set to true, a notification indicating how many notifications are
+not being displayed due to the notification limit will be shown in place of the
+last notification slot.")
+ (alignment
+ (symbol 'left)
+ "Defines how the text should be aligned within the notification.")
+ (show-age-threshold
+ (integer 60)
+ "Show age of message if message is older than this time.")
+ (word-wrap
+ (boolean #t)
+ "Specifies whether to wrap the text if the line gets longer than the maximum
+notification width.")
+ (ignore-newline
+ (boolean #f)
+ "If set to true, replace newline characters in notifications with whitespace.")
+ (width
+ maybe-integer-or-list-of-numbers
+ "The width of the notification window in height.")
+ (height
+ maybe-integer
+ "The maximum height of a single notification.")
+ (notification-limit
+ maybe-integer
+ "The number of notifications that can appear at one time.")
+ (offset
+ maybe-list-of-numbers
+ "Respectively the horizontal and vertical offset in pixels from the corner of
+the screen specified by define.")
+ (transparency
+ maybe-integer
+ "A 0-100 range on how transparent the notification window should be, with 0
+being fully opaque and 100 invisible.")
+ (idle-threshold
+ maybe-integer
+ "Don't timeout notifications if user is idle longer than this time.")
+ (monitor
+ maybe-integer
+ "Specifies on which monitor the notifications should be displayed in, count
+starts at 0.")
+ (follow
+ (symbol 'none)
+ "Defines where the notifications should be placed in a multi-monitor setup.")
+ (sticky-history
+ (boolean #t)
+ "If set to true, notifications that have been recalled from history will not
+time out automatically.")
+ (line-height
+ (integer 0)
+ "The amount of extra spacing between text lines in pixels.")
+ (separator-height
+ (integer 2)
+ "The height in pixels of the separator between notifications, if set to 0 there
+will be no separating line between notifications.")
+ (padding
+ (integer 8)
+ "The distance in pixels from the content to the spearator/border of the window
+in the vertical axis.")
+ (horizontal-padding
+ (integer 8)
+ "The distance in pixels from the content to the border of the window in the
+horizontal axis.")
+ (separator-color
+ (symbol-or-color 'frame)
+ "Sets the color of the separator line between two notifications.")
+ (dmenu
+ maybe-string
+ "The command that will be run when opening the context menu.")
+ (browser
+ maybe-string
+ "The command that will be run when opening a URL.")
+ (icon-position
+ (symbol 'left)
+ "Defines the position of the icon in the notification window.")
+ (icon-path
+ maybe-list-of-strings
+ "Can be set to a list of paths to search for icons to use with notifications.")
+ (frame-width
+ (integer 3)
+ "Defines width in pixels of frame around the notification window.")
+ (frame-color
+ maybe-color
+ "The frame color of the notifications.")
+ (max-icon-size
+ (integer 128)
+ "Defines the maximum size in pixels for the icons.")
+ (corner-radius
+ (integer 0)
+ "Define the corner radius in pixels.")
+ (rules
+ (alist '())
+ "Rules allow the conditional modification of notifications."))
+(define (add-dunst-packages config)
+ (list (home-dunst-configuration-package config)))
+(define (serialize-dunst-configuration config)
+ #~(string-append
+ "[global]\n"
+ #$(serialize-configuration config home-dunst-configuration-fields)))
+(define (home-dunst-config-dunstrc config)
+ (computed-file "dunstrc"
+ #~(call-with-output-file #$output
+ (lambda (port)
+ (display #$(serialize-dunst-configuration config)
+ port)))))
+(define (home-dunst-config-files config)
+ `(("dunst/dunstrc" ,(home-dunst-config-dunstrc config))))
+(define (home-dunst-shepherd-service config)
+ (list
+ (shepherd-service
+ (documentation "Start dunst")
+ (provision '(dunst))
+ (auto-start? #t)
+ (start
+ #~(make-forkexec-constructor
+ (list #$(file-append (home-dunst-configuration-package config) "/bin/dunst")
+ "--config" #$(home-dunst-config-dunstrc config))
+ #:log-file (format #f "~a/.local/var/log/dunst.log" (getenv "HOME"))))
+ (stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))
+(define home-dunst-service-type
+ (service-type (name 'home-dunst)
+ (extensions
+ (list (service-extension
+ home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
+ home-dunst-config-files)
+ (service-extension
+ home-profile-service-type
+ add-dunst-packages)
+ (service-extension
+ home-shepherd-service-type
+ home-dunst-shepherd-service)))
+ (default-value (home-dunst-configuration))
+ (description "Configure dunst")))