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1 files changed, 158 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/mode-icons.el b/mode-icons.el
index 3b4f704..d3739a8 100644
--- a/mode-icons.el
+++ b/mode-icons.el
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@
;; (mode-icons-mode)
;;; Code:
+(defgroup mode-icons nil
+ "Provide icons for major modes."
+ :group 'editing-basics
+ :group 'convenience)
(defconst mode-icons--directory
(if load-file-name
@@ -65,9 +69,8 @@ ICON should be a file name with extension. The result is the
absolute path to ICON."
(concat mode-icons--directory "/icons/" icon))
-(defvar mode-icons
- `(
- ("CSS" "css" xpm)
+(defcustom mode-icons
+ '(("CSS" "css" xpm)
("Coffee" "coffee" xpm)
("Compilation" "compile" xpm)
("Emacs-Lisp" "emacs" xpm)
@@ -97,14 +100,29 @@ absolute path to ICON."
("XML" "xml" xpm)
("YAML" "yaml" xpm)
("YASnippet" "yas" xpm)
- )
- "Icons for major modes.
+ (" yas" "yas" xpm)
+ (" hs" "hs" xpm)
+ ("\\(ElDoc\\|Anzu\\|SP\\|Guide\\|PgLn\\|Golden\\|Undo-Tree\\|Ergo.*\\|,\\)" nil nil))
+ "Icons for major and minor modes.
-Each specification is a list with the first element being the
+Each specificatioun is a list with the first element being the
name of the major mode. The second the name of the icon file,
-without the extension. And the third being the type of icon.")
+without the extension. And the third being the type of icon."
+ :type '(repeat
+ (list (string :tag "Regular Expression")
+ (choice
+ (string :tag "Icon Name")
+ (const :tag "Suppress" nil))
+ (choice
+ (const :tag "text" nil)
+ (const :tag "png" png)
+ (const :tag "gif" gif)
+ (const :tag "jpeg" jpeg)
+ (const :tag "xbm" xbm)
+ (const :tag "xpm" xpm))))
+ :group 'mode-icons)
-(defun get-icon-display (icon type)
+(defun mode-icons-get-icon-display (icon type)
"Get the value for the display property of ICON having TYPE.
ICON should be a string naming the file of the icon, without its
@@ -112,31 +130,139 @@ extension. Type should be a symbol designating the file type for
the icon."
(let ((icon-path (mode-icons-get-icon-file
(concat icon "." (symbol-name type)))))
- `(image :type ,type :file ,icon-path :ascent center)))
+ `(image :type ,type :file ,icon-path :ascent center)))
-(defun propertize-mode (mode icon-spec)
+(defcustom mode-icons-minor-mode-base-text-properties
+ '('help-echo 'rm--help-echo
+ 'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
+ 'local-map mode-line-minor-mode-keymap)
+ "List of text propeties to apply to every minor mode."
+ :type '(repeat sexp)
+ :group 'mode-icons)
+(defvar mode-icons-powerline-p nil)
+(defun mode-icons-need-update-p ()
+ "Determine if the mode-icons need an update"
+ (not (or (and (boundp 'rich-minority-mode) rich-minority-mode)
+ (member 'sml/pos-id-separator mode-line-format)
+ (string-match-p "powerline" (prin1-to-string mode-line-format)))))
+(defun mode-icons-propertize-mode (mode icon-spec)
"Propertize MODE with ICON-SPEC.
MODE should be a string, the name of the mode to propertize.
ICON-SPEC should be a specification from `mode-icons'."
- (propertize
- mode 'display (get-icon-display (nth 1 icon-spec) (nth 2 icon-spec))))
+ (cond
+ ((not (nth 1 icon-spec)) "")
+ (t (propertize mode 'display (mode-icons-get-icon-display (nth 1 icon-spec) (nth 2 icon-spec))))))
-(defun get-mode-icon (mode)
+(defun mode-icons-get-icon-spec (mode)
+ "Get icon spec based on regular expression."
+ (catch 'found-mode
+ (dolist (item mode-icons)
+ (when (string-match-p (car item) mode)
+ (throw 'found-mode item)))
+ nil))
+(defun mode-icons-get-mode-icon (mode)
"Get the icon for MODE, if there is one."
(let* ((mode-name (format-mode-line mode))
- (icon-spec (assoc mode-name mode-icons)))
+ (icon-spec (mode-icons-get-icon-spec mode-name)))
(if icon-spec
- (propertize-mode mode-name icon-spec)
+ (mode-icons-propertize-mode mode-name icon-spec)
-(defun set-mode-icon (mode)
+(defvar mode-icons-cached-mode-name nil
+ "Cached mode name to restore when disabling mode-icons.")
+(defun mode-icons-set-mode-icon (mode)
"Set the icon for MODE."
- (setq mode-name (get-mode-icon mode)))
+ (unless mode-icons-cached-mode-name
+ (set (make-local-variable 'mode-icons-cached-mode-name)
+ mode-name)
+ (setq mode-name (mode-icons-get-mode-icon mode))))
-(defun set-current-mode-icon ()
+(defun mode-icons-major-mode-icons-undo ()
+ "Undo the mode-name changes"
+ (dolist (b (buffer-list))
+ (with-current-buffer b
+ (when mode-icons-cached-mode-name
+ (setq mode-name mode-icons-cached-mode-name
+ mode-icons-cached-mode-name nil)))))
+(defun mode-icons-major-mode-icons ()
+ "Apply mode name changes on all buffers."
+ (dolist (b (buffer-list))
+ (with-current-buffer b
+ (mode-icons-set-current-mode-icon))))
+(defun mode-icons-set-current-mode-icon ()
"Set the icon for the current major mode."
- (set-mode-icon mode-name))
+ (mode-icons-set-mode-icon mode-name))
+(defvar mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon-alist nil)
+(defun mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon-undo ()
+ (let (minor)
+ (dolist (mode mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon-alist)
+ (setq minor (assq (car mode) minor-mode-alist))
+ (when minor
+ (setcdr minor (cdr mode)))))
+ (setq mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon-alist nil)
+ (force-mode-line-update))
+(defcustom mode-icons-separate-images-with-spaces t
+ "Separate minor-mode icons with spaces."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'mode-icons)
+(defun mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon ()
+ "Set the icon for the minor modes."
+ (let (icon-spec mode-name minor)
+ (dolist (mode minor-mode-alist)
+ (unless (assq (car mode) mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon-alist)
+ (setq mode-name (format-mode-line mode)
+ icon-spec (mode-icons-get-icon-spec mode-name))
+ (when icon-spec
+ (setq minor (assq (car mode) minor-mode-alist))
+ (when minor
+ (or (assq (car mode) mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon-alist)
+ (push (copy-sequence minor) mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon-alist))
+ (setq mode-name (replace-regexp-in-string "^ " "" mode-name)
+ mode-name (mode-icons-propertize-mode mode-name icon-spec))
+ (if (string= "" mode-name)
+ (setcdr minor (list ""))
+ (setcdr minor (list (concat (or (and mode-icons-separate-images-with-spaces " ") "")
+ mode-name)))))))))
+ (force-mode-line-update))
+(defun mode-icons--generate-minor-mode-list ()
+ "Extracts all rich strings necessary for the minor mode list."
+ (delete " " (delete "" (mapcar (lambda(mode)
+ (concat " " (eval `(propertize ,mode ,@mode-icons-minor-mode-base-text-properties))))
+ (split-string (format-mode-line minor-mode-alist))))))
+;; Based on rich-minority by Artur Malabarba
+(defvar mode-icons--backup-construct nil)
+(defvar mode-icons--mode-line-construct
+ '(:eval (mode-icons--generate-minor-mode-list))
+ "Construct used to replace `minor-mode-alist'.")
+(defun mode-icons-fix (&optional enable)
+ "Fix mode-icons."
+ (if enable
+ (let ((place (or (member 'minor-mode-alist mode-line-modes)
+ (cl-member-if
+ (lambda (x) (and (listp x)
+ (equal (car x) :propertize)
+ (equal (cadr x) '("" minor-mode-alist))))
+ mode-line-modes))))
+ (when place
+ (setq mode-icons--backup-construct (car place))
+ (setcar place mode-icons--mode-line-construct)))
+ (let ((place (member mode-icons--mode-line-construct mode-line-modes)))
+ (when place
+ (setcar place mode-icons--backup-construct)))))
(define-minor-mode mode-icons-mode
@@ -144,9 +270,19 @@ ICON-SPEC should be a specification from `mode-icons'."
:global t
(if mode-icons-mode
- (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'set-current-mode-icon)
- (set-current-mode-icon))
- (remove-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'set-current-mode-icon)))
+ (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'mode-icons-set-current-mode-icon)
+ (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon)
+ (mode-icons-fix t)
+ (mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon)
+ (mode-icons-major-mode-icons))
+ (remove-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon)
+ (remove-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'mode-icons-set-current-mode-icon)
+ (mode-icons-set-minor-mode-icon-undo)
+ (mode-icons-major-mode-icons-undo)
+ (mode-icons-fix)))
(provide 'mode-icons)
;;; mode-icons.el ends here
+;; Local Variables:
+;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
+;; End: