path: root/src/com/craftinginterpreters/lox/Parser.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/craftinginterpreters/lox/Parser.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 457 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/craftinginterpreters/lox/Parser.java b/src/com/craftinginterpreters/lox/Parser.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ab4baaa..0000000
--- a/src/com/craftinginterpreters/lox/Parser.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-package com.craftinginterpreters.lox;
-import static com.craftinginterpreters.lox.TokenType.*;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-class Parser {
- private static class ParseError extends RuntimeException {
- }
- private final List<Token> tokens;
- private int current = 0;
- Parser(List<Token> tokens) {
- this.tokens = tokens;
- }
- public List<Stmt> parse() {
- List<Stmt> statements = new ArrayList<>();
- while (!isAtEnd()) {
- statements.add(declaration());
- }
- return statements;
- }
- private Expr expression() {
- return assignment();
- }
- private Stmt declaration() {
- try {
- if (match(CLASS))
- return classDeclaration();
- if (match(FUN))
- return function("function");
- if (match(VAR))
- return varDeclaration();
- return statement();
- } catch (ParseError error) {
- synchronize();
- return null;
- }
- }
- private Stmt classDeclaration() {
- Token name = consume(IDENTIFIER, "Expect class name.");
- Expr.Variable superclass = null;
- if (match(LESS)) {
- consume(IDENTIFIER, "Expect superclass name.");
- superclass = new Expr.Variable(previous());
- }
- consume(LEFT_BRACE, "Expect '{' before class body.");
- List<Stmt.Function> methods = new ArrayList<>();
- while (!check(RIGHT_BRACE) && !isAtEnd()) {
- methods.add(function("method"));
- }
- consume(RIGHT_BRACE, "Expect '}' after class body.");
- return new Stmt.Class(name, superclass, methods);
- }
- private Stmt statement() {
- if (match(FOR))
- return forStatement();
- if (match(IF))
- return ifStatement();
- if (match(PRINT))
- return printStatement();
- if (match(RETURN))
- return returnStatement();
- if (match(WHILE))
- return whileStatement();
- if (match(LEFT_BRACE))
- return new Stmt.Block(block());
- return expressionStatement();
- }
- private Stmt forStatement() {
- consume(LEFT_PAREN, "Expect '(' after 'for'.");
- Stmt initializer;
- if (match(SEMICOLON)) {
- initializer = null;
- } else if (match(VAR)) {
- initializer = varDeclaration();
- } else {
- initializer = expressionStatement();
- }
- Expr condition = null;
- if (!check(SEMICOLON)) {
- condition = expression();
- }
- consume(SEMICOLON, "Expect ';' after loop condition.");
- Expr increment = null;
- if (!check(RIGHT_PAREN)) {
- increment = expression();
- }
- consume(RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after for clauses.");
- Stmt body = statement();
- if (increment != null) {
- body = new Stmt.Block(Arrays.asList(body, new Stmt.Expression(increment)));
- }
- if (condition == null)
- condition = new Expr.Literal(true);
- body = new Stmt.While(condition, body);
- if (initializer != null) {
- body = new Stmt.Block(Arrays.asList(initializer, body));
- }
- return body;
- }
- private Stmt ifStatement() {
- consume(LEFT_PAREN, "Expect '(' after 'if'.");
- Expr condition = expression();
- consume(RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after if condition.");
- Stmt thenBranch = statement();
- Stmt elseBranch = null;
- if (match(ELSE)) {
- elseBranch = statement();
- }
- return new Stmt.If(condition, thenBranch, elseBranch);
- }
- private Stmt printStatement() {
- Expr value = expression();
- consume(SEMICOLON, "Expect ';' after value.");
- return new Stmt.Print(value);
- }
- private Stmt returnStatement() {
- Token keyword = previous();
- Expr value = null;
- if (!check(SEMICOLON)) {
- value = expression();
- }
- consume(SEMICOLON, "Expect ';' after return value.");
- return new Stmt.Return(keyword, value);
- }
- private Stmt varDeclaration() {
- Token name = consume(IDENTIFIER, "Expect variable name.");
- Expr initializer = null;
- if (match(EQUAL)) {
- initializer = expression();
- }
- consume(SEMICOLON, "Expect ';' after variable declaration.");
- return new Stmt.Var(name, initializer);
- }
- private Stmt whileStatement() {
- consume(LEFT_PAREN, "Expect '(' after 'while'.");
- Expr condition = expression();
- consume(RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after condition.");
- Stmt body = statement();
- return new Stmt.While(condition, body);
- }
- private Stmt expressionStatement() {
- Expr expr = expression();
- consume(SEMICOLON, "Expect ';' after expression.");
- return new Stmt.Expression(expr);
- }
- private Stmt.Function function(String kind) {
- Token name = consume(IDENTIFIER, "Expect " + kind + " name.");
- consume(LEFT_PAREN, "Expect '(' after " + kind + " name.");
- List<Token> parameters = new ArrayList();
- if (!check(RIGHT_PAREN)) {
- do {
- if (parameters.size() >= 255) {
- error(peek(), "Can't have more than 255 parameters.");
- }
- parameters.add(consume(IDENTIFIER, "Expect parameter name."));
- } while (match(COMMA));
- }
- consume(RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after parameters.");
- consume(LEFT_BRACE, "Expect '{' before " + kind + " body.");
- List<Stmt> body = block();
- return new Stmt.Function(name, parameters, body);
- }
- private List<Stmt> block() {
- List<Stmt> statements = new ArrayList<>();
- while (!check(RIGHT_BRACE) && !isAtEnd()) {
- statements.add(declaration());
- }
- consume(RIGHT_BRACE, "Expect '}' after block.");
- return statements;
- }
- private Expr assignment() {
- Expr expr = or();
- if (match(EQUAL)) {
- Token equals = previous();
- Expr value = assignment();
- if (expr instanceof Expr.Variable) {
- Token name = ((Expr.Variable) expr).name;
- return new Expr.Assign(name, value);
- } else if (expr instanceof Expr.Get) {
- Expr.Get get = (Expr.Get) expr;
- return new Expr.Set(get.object, get.name, value);
- }
- error(equals, "Invalid assignment target.");
- }
- return expr;
- }
- private Expr or() {
- Expr expr = and();
- while (match(OR)) {
- Token operator = previous();
- Expr right = and();
- expr = new Expr.Logical(expr, operator, right);
- }
- return expr;
- }
- private Expr and() {
- Expr expr = equality();
- while (match(AND)) {
- Token operator = previous();
- Expr right = equality();
- expr = new Expr.Logical(expr, operator, right);
- }
- return expr;
- }
- private Expr equality() {
- Expr expr = comparison();
- while (match(BANG_EQUAL, EQUAL_EQUAL)) {
- Token operator = previous();
- Expr right = comparison();
- expr = new Expr.Binary(expr, operator, right);
- }
- return expr;
- }
- private Expr comparison() {
- Expr expr = term();
- Token operator = previous();
- Expr right = term();
- expr = new Expr.Binary(expr, operator, right);
- }
- return expr;
- }
- private Expr term() {
- Expr expr = factor();
- while (match(MINUS, PLUS)) {
- Token operator = previous();
- Expr right = factor();
- expr = new Expr.Binary(expr, operator, right);
- }
- return expr;
- }
- private Expr factor() {
- Expr expr = unary();
- while (match(SLASH, STAR)) {
- Token operator = previous();
- Expr right = unary();
- expr = new Expr.Binary(expr, operator, right);
- }
- return expr;
- }
- private Expr unary() {
- if (match(BANG, MINUS)) {
- Token operator = previous();
- Expr right = unary();
- return new Expr.Unary(operator, right);
- }
- return call();
- }
- private Expr finishCall(Expr callee) {
- List<Expr> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
- if (!check(RIGHT_PAREN)) {
- do {
- if (arguments.size() >= 255) {
- error(peek(), "Can't have more than 255 arguments.");
- }
- arguments.add(expression());
- } while (match(COMMA));
- }
- Token paren = consume(RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after arguments.");
- return new Expr.Call(callee, paren, arguments);
- }
- private Expr call() {
- Expr expr = primary();
- while (true) {
- if (match(LEFT_PAREN)) {
- expr = finishCall(expr);
- } else if (match(DOT)) {
- Token name = consume(IDENTIFIER, "Expect property name after '.'");
- expr = new Expr.Get(expr, name);
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- return expr;
- }
- private Expr primary() {
- if (match(FALSE))
- return new Expr.Literal(false);
- if (match(TRUE))
- return new Expr.Literal(true);
- if (match(NIL))
- return new Expr.Literal(null);
- if (match(NUMBER, STRING)) {
- return new Expr.Literal(previous().literal);
- }
- if (match(SUPER)) {
- Token keyword = previous();
- consume(DOT, "Expect '.' after 'super'.");
- Token method = consume(IDENTIFIER, "Expect superclass method name.");
- return new Expr.Super(keyword, method);
- }
- if (match(THIS))
- return new Expr.This(previous());
- if (match(IDENTIFIER)) {
- return new Expr.Variable(previous());
- }
- if (match(LEFT_PAREN)) {
- Expr expr = expression();
- consume(RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after expression.");
- return new Expr.Grouping(expr);
- }
- throw error(peek(), "Expect expression.");
- }
- private boolean match(TokenType... types) {
- for (TokenType type : types) {
- if (check(type)) {
- advance();
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private Token consume(TokenType type, String message) {
- if (check(type))
- return advance();
- throw error(peek(), message);
- }
- private boolean check(TokenType type) {
- if (isAtEnd())
- return false;
- return peek().type == type;
- }
- private Token advance() {
- if (!isAtEnd())
- current++;
- return previous();
- }
- private boolean isAtEnd() {
- return peek().type == EOF;
- }
- private Token peek() {
- return tokens.get(current);
- }
- private Token previous() {
- return tokens.get(current - 1);
- }
- private ParseError error(Token token, String message) {
- Lox.error(token, message);
- return new ParseError();
- }
- private void synchronize() {
- advance();
- while (!isAtEnd()) {
- if (previous().type == SEMICOLON)
- return;
- switch (peek().type) {
- case CLASS:
- case FUN:
- case VAR:
- case FOR:
- case IF:
- case WHILE:
- case PRINT:
- case RETURN:
- return;
- }
- advance();
- }
- }