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authorGravatar Tom Willemse2015-01-03 02:54:37 +0100
committerGravatar Tom Willemse2015-01-03 02:54:37 +0100
commitce6d2a4d3564aa48557b3ff6b13bfb41b6d01df1 (patch)
parent586030d9702a03121e57a4326124b248732342e5 (diff)
Add old posts
-rw-r--r--org-examples-on-github.post32 (renamed from
9 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
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+title: CLark 0.1.0
+tags: projects, clark, markam, common-lisp, lisp
+date: 2013-04-03 23:04
+format: md
+A few days ago I tagged
+[CLark 0.1.0](
+CLark is a Common Lisp rewrite of my
+[Markam]( project,
+which in turn was a Chicken Scheme rewrite of
+[linkwave]( With
+each rewrite I come a step closer to having the program that I need.
+Linkwave could only store bookmarks, Markam could also search through
+them and had a conkeror interface which allowed adding and searching
+through bookmarks. Now CLark expands upon this by allowing users to
+edit their bookmark's information, changing the tags, removing
+bookmarks, writing their own commands, an improved command-line
+interface and bookmark status checking (bookmarked or not). It also
+adds commands to conkeror for the data manipulation commands that are
+new (edit, set-tags, remove) and a mode-line indicator of bookmarked
+For now it only targets [SBCL](, but I'm not averse
+to including others.
+The next big step should be adding a mcclim-based GUI for those crazy
+people who don't like to use the command line.
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+title: dispass.el features
+tags: projects, dispass, dispass.el
+date: 2013-01-20 17:06
+format: md
+Today I've added 3 new features to
+- Add support for different algorithms.
+- Add support for different sequence numbers.
+- Add support for different labelfiles.
+With these changes the functionality offered in
+[dispass.el]( should be
+on-par with the ones found in [DisPass](,
+which is a nice milestone.
+There is one little bug that we're both working on at the moment, if
+you have a label that is also a substring of one of your other labels
+it won't work in
+[dispass.el](, but we're
+working on fixing this case in [DisPass](
+Now we wait untill [DisPass]( gets another
+release and as of then we will try and keep up with both the stable
+releases of [DisPass]( and the development
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+title: Filtering org tasks
+tags: tips, emacs, org-mode
+date: 2013-08-25 00:38
+format: md
+I want to be able to easily see a list of tasks that are relevant to
+the currently loaded desktop file. As I use `desktop.el` as a kind of
+project system, this means I only want the tasks for the project I'm
+currently working on.
+First I wrote the `tagify` function, because `org-mode` tags can't
+contain `.` or `-` characters (among others I'm sure, but these are
+the only ones that have caused me any trouble so far). It's a simple
+string replacement:
+``` emacs-lisp
+(defun tagify (str)
+ "Remove dots, replace - with _ in STR."
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "-" "_" (replace-regexp-in-string "\\." "" (downcase str))))
+Then I wrote a function to filter the task list by not showing
+anything that wasn't tagged with the name of the currently loaded
+desktop, unless it isn't tagged at all or no desktop has been loaded.
+And set this function to be the value of
+``` emacs-lisp
+(defun filter-by-desktop (entry)
+ "Return ENTRY if it has no tags or a tag corresponding to the desktop."
+ (require 'desktop)
+ (let ((label (when desktop-dirname
+ (tagify (file-name-base
+ (directory-file-name
+ (expand-file-name desktop-dirname))))))
+ (tags (get-text-property 0 'tags entry)))
+ (when (or (null desktop-dirname) (null tags) (member label tags))
+ entry)))
+(setq org-agenda-before-sorting-filter-function #'filter-by-desktop)
+This works fine. I keep untagged tasks in the list as well because
+they might be important at all times and I don't want them falling
+through the cracks. I also want a complete list if no desktop has been
+loaded so I can browse through my tasks and decide what I'm going to
+do next.
+The downside of this solution is that I have to close my current
+project in order to see the whole list.
+Then I discovered the `/` key in the agenda buffer. I can't believe I
+didn't notice this key before. Anyway, that changed my solution.
+Instead of setting `org-agenda-before-sorting-filter-function` I add a
+hook to the `org-agenda-finalize-hook`. The `filter-by-desktop`
+function looks a little different now:
+``` emacs-lisp
+(defun org-init-filter-by-desktop ()
+ "Filter agenda by current label."
+ (when desktop-dirname
+ (let ((label (tagify (file-name-base
+ (directory-file-name
+ (expand-file-name desktop-dirname))))))
+ (org-agenda-filter-apply (cons label nil) 'tag))))
+(add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook 'org-init-filter-by-desktop)
+I don't need to compare any tags now, and if I want to see my entire
+list of tasks I can easily just press `/ /`. Since it is easier to get
+back to the overview of my tasks it also doesn't bother me so much
+that this way any untagged tasks don't show up in the filtered buffer.
+I haven't stopped using `/` since I discovered it. Filtering in this
+way is one of the things I like about `ibuffer` as well, now for
+`org-mode` it works excellently as well.
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+title: highlight VC diffs
+tags: tips, emacs, git, vc, diff
+date: 2013-01-25 02:20
+format: md
+Sometimes you come across these gems of packages that seem to fulfill
+a wish that you didn't even realise you had.
+Today I came across
+[git-gutter]( for Emacs and
+its companion
+which are apparently based on an extension for Sumblime Text 2. These
+show the status of changes in a special "gutter" next to the fringe or
+in the fringe itself. This is very cool stuff.
+To enable it I added the following code to my Emacs init file:
+``` emacs-lisp
+(eval-after-load "git-gutter" '(load "git-gutter-fringe"))
+(defun maybe-use-git-gutter ()
+ "Run `git-gutter' if the current file is being tracked by git."
+ (when (eq (vc-backend (buffer-file-name)) 'Git)
+ (git-gutter)))
+(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'maybe-use-git-gutter)
+(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'maybe-use-git-gutter)
+(add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'maybe-use-git-gutter)
+`git-gutter` was easily installed through MELPA, but I had to download
+`git-gutter-fringe` separately and use `package-install-file` to
+install that.
+I had to load `git-gutter-fringe` manually because it didn't seem to
+have any autoloads defined, and I had to run it using these three
+hooks because the information seemed to disappear if I switched
+windows and came back, didn't automatically update after saving and
+didn't automatically show anything when first loading the file. This
+was all fine, since just calling the function updates the buffer it's
+easy to use this way.
+Later, though, I stumbled upon
+[diff-hl]( by accident. I was
+looking for anything involving the fringe, which I think, for the most
+part, is underused.
+It does pretty much the same thing, except that it does so at least
+for git, bazaar and mercurial (according to the readme). It also
+defines some commands for working with the blocks of changes, like
+navigating between them and reverting them. It uses the fringe by
+default, and doesn't require a separate package to be installed. And
+it's much easier to set up.
+It can also be installed through MELPA, and afterwards it's just a
+line in our init file away:
+``` emacs-lisp
+Of course if you don't want it enabled globally you can call
+`diff-hl-mode` from some hooks, but this way works fine for me.
+It's funny how I had no idea these existed, didn't even think about
+needing/wanting this feature and then finding two of them in the same
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+title: Markam v0.2.0
+tags: projects, markam
+date: 2013-02-16 11:37
+format: md
+I've just pushed version 0.2.0 of my project
+[Markam]( It took longer than I
+thought it would. Since storing was still all I wanted to do I had no
+rush to add anything else. Until now.
+Changes include:
+- Add `install`, `uninstall` and `install-strip` targets to the
+ Makefile, this should make installing easier.
+- Add simple tag/title searching. Looks through bookmarks for any that
+ have been tagged with the given string, or that have it somewhere in
+ their title.
+- Add a `--script` switch, which changes output for both the default
+ and search behavior. When this switch is passed to markam it outputs
+ the name, description and url of each bookmark, where each bookmark
+ is separated by `C-^`
+ ([Record separator](
+ and each field by `C-_`
+ ([Unit separator](
+ This should help in building tools around it by making parsing
+ somewhat easier. The bundled [Conkeror](
+ interface uses it.
+- Update the [Conkeror]( interface:
+ - Add the commands `markam-find-url` and
+ `markam-find-url-new-buffer`. These call markam with a possible
+ search string and add them as completion candidates, for easy
+ searching and opening of your bookmarks. `markam-find-url` uses
+ the current buffer and `markam-find-url-new-buffer` opens the url
+ in a new buffer.
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+title: New tag pages
+tags: meta, tekuti, dispass.el
+date: 2013-04-03 03:33
+format: md
+I've changed my tekuti instance to have tag pages that look more like
+the index page. I did this so that I can use tag pages as news pages
+for my various projects. You may have a look at the
+[dispass.el]( project site to
+see the new "Read News" link, which will take you to the
+[dispass.el tag page](
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+title: Notstumpwm
+tags: experiments, notion, wm, lua, config, stumpwm, lisp, archlinux, exherbo
+date: 2013-05-24 00:10
+format: md
+I have just returned from an excursion into the land of
+[exherbo](, which is an awesome source-based
+distro, and I found that while I was gone, something changed that made
+[stumpwm]( cause a segmentation fault
+in X11 a few seconds after starting up.
+I have tried everything I can think of to get it running again, but
+alas, to no avail. So I started looking at alternatives again. Feeling
+a little crazy I decided to give [notion](
+another try. And it fits strangely well.
+It's configured/extended in lua, which I'm not particularly fond of,
+and it has a (in my opinion) crazy default configuration. **But** it
+also allows Emacs-like key combinations out-of-the-box, which is a
+very big plus in my book. So the quest to bring it closer to my
+stumpwm setup has begun.
+## Window layout
+One of the nicest additions to my stumpwm configuration I made in the
+last few weeks was a loaded window configuration which put my Emacs
+frames in a big chunk of my left monitor, my terminals on my left
+monitor with just enough space for 80 columns and my web browser
+filling my right screen. I had also set-up some rules to always place
+them in the correct spots.
+I have not yet tried to automatically place the windows in the right
+spots, but I do have the proportions right. I just had to delete the
+right frames and resize the one for terminals and, by default, notion
+remembers this set-up and automatically restores it when I log in.
+I will look at creating a special layout for this so I don't have to
+worry about (accidentally) changing things.
+## run-or-raise
+I found this interesting
+[page]( about
+`run-or-raise`-like functionality for Ion3, which notion is a fork of.
+This is a little outdated, though, since notion has changed
+(apparently) the workings of some functions and lua 5.2 introduced the
+goto keyword, so I had to change it to this:
+function oni_match_class(class)
+ local result = {}
+ ioncore.clientwin_i(
+ function (win)
+ if class `` win:get_ident().class then
+ table.insert(result, win)
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ )
+ return result
+function xsteve_run_byclass(prog, class)
+ local win = oni_match_class(class)[1]
+ if win then
+ win:goto_()
+ else
+ ioncore.exec(prog)
+ end
+There is no function to get a list of all the client windows, only a
+function to iterate over them. For the moment I am only interested in
+finding the first window with class CLASS, so I return `false` when a
+match is found, this stops the iteration process. I also had to use
+the `WRegion.goto_` function, instead of `WRegion.goto` because of the
+mentioned change in lua 5.2, but they are the same.
+I then only have to bind it:
+defbindings("WScreen", {
+ -- ...
+ submap("Control+Z", {
+ -- ...
+ kpress("E", "xsteve_run_byclass('emacsclient -ca emacs', 'Emacs')"),
+ kpress("W", "xsteve_run_byclass('conkeror', 'Conkeror')"),
+ kpress("C", "xsteve_run_byclass('urxvt', 'URxvt')"),
+ }),
+## Quoting C-z
+One of the coolest things about using a prefix in stumpwm that I have
+been able to find in precious few other solutions is the ability to
+send the prefix key to the applications you use, so you don't entirely
+miss its functionality. In stumpwm this is easy, but in notion its a
+little more work:
+defbindings("WClientWin", {
+ -- ...
+ submap("Control+Z", {
+ -- ...
+ kpress("Q", "WClientWin.quote_next(_)"),
+ }),
+This means that I have to type `C-z q C-z` to send the `C-z` key to,
+for instance, Emacs. That a few more keys than I was used to in
+stumpwm, but at least it's possible.
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+title: Org examples on github
+tags: github, org-mode, emacs
+date: 2013-01-20 14:09
+format: md
+[github]( has an org-mode parser for their README
+files, but I always thought it didn't handle `#+BEGIN_SRC` and
+`#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE` style blocks. And I'm not wrong, but it does handle
+`:` blocks.
+So this won't work:
+ This is an example
+But this will:
+: This is an example
+That was a nice surprise for me, because I prefer org-mode for almost
+all of my documents.
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