diff options
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/scrumelo.el b/scrumelo.el
index d3449e1..aedcb2e 100644
--- a/scrumelo.el
+++ b/scrumelo.el
@@ -34,6 +34,14 @@
"The location of the jQuery JS file.")
+(defmacro with-scrumelo-http-params (params httpcon &rest body)
+ "Bind parameters PARAMS from HTTPCON and execute BODY."
+ `(let (,@(mapcar (lambda (p)
+ `(,p (elnode-http-param ,httpcon ,(symbol-name p))))
+ params))
+ ,@body))
+(put 'with-scrumelo-http-params 'lisp-indent-function 2)
(defun scrumelo--css (href)
"Return a link pointing to HREF."
`(link (@ (href ,href) (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css"))))
@@ -88,6 +96,25 @@
`(table (@ (class "table table-striped"))
,@(scrumelo--inner-story-table buffer)))
+(defun scrumelo--new-story-form ()
+ "Create a form for adding new stories."
+ `(form (@ (method "POST")
+ (action "/stories/new/"))
+ (fieldset
+ (legend "New story")
+ (div (@ (style "text-align: center;"))
+ (div (@ (class "input-prepend input-append"))
+ (span (@ (class "add-on")) "As a ")
+ (input (@ (class "input-medium") (type "text")
+ (name "role")))
+ (span (@ (class "add-on")) " I ")
+ (input (@ (class "input-mini") (type "text")
+ (name "necessity")))
+ (span (@ (class "add-on")) " to ")
+ (input (@ (class "input-xxlarge") (type "text")
+ (name "headline")))
+ (button (@ (class "btn") (type "submit")) "!"))))))
(defun scrumelo-backlog-page (httpcon)
"Send the backlog overview over HTTPCON."
(let ((buffer (find-file-noselect scrumelo-project-file)))
@@ -102,13 +129,29 @@
(div (@ (class "container"))
- ,(scrumelo--story-table buffer)))))))))
+ ,(scrumelo--story-table buffer)
+ ,(scrumelo--new-story-form)))))))))
+(defun scrumelo-new-story (httpcon)
+ "Parse data from HTTPCON and write a new scrum story using it."
+ (elnode-method httpcon
+ (let ((buffer (find-file-noselect scrumelo-project-file)))
+ (with-scrumelo-http-params (role necessity headline) httpcon
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert "\n* TODO " headline)
+ (org-set-property "Role" role)
+ (org-set-property "Necessity" necessity)
+ (save-buffer))))
+ (elnode-send-redirect httpcon "/"))))
(defun scrumelo-handler (httpcon)
"Send the right requests in HTTPCON to the right functions."
- '(("^/$" . scrumelo-backlog-page))))
+ '(("^/$" . scrumelo-backlog-page)
+ ("^/stories/new/$" . scrumelo-new-story))))
(elnode-start 'scrumelo-handler :port 8028 :host "localhost")