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mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~ryuslash/yoshi-theme synced 2025-03-04 08:40:57 +01:00

Update colors

This commit is contained in:
Tom Willemse 2013-04-23 22:40:29 +02:00
parent 14a5799193
commit 1bdee5aa0b

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
;;; yoshi-theme.el --- Theme named after my cat
;; Copyright (C) 2012 Tom Willemsen
;; Copyright (C) 2012,2013 Tom Willemsen
;; Author: Tom Willemsen <tom@ryuslash.org>
;; Keywords: faces
;; Version: 5.4.0
;; Version:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
`(compilation-info ((t (:foreground ,lblue :inherit unspecified))))
`(cursor ((t (:background ,lwhite))))
`(default ((t (:background ,dblack :foreground ,lwhite))))
`(diff-added ((t (:background ,dgreen :inherit unspecified))))
@ -154,13 +155,16 @@
`(jabber-chat-prompt-system ((t (:foreground ,lgreen :slant italic))))
`(jabber-rare-time-face ((t (:foreground ,lwhite :underline t))))
`(jabber-roster-user-away ((t (:foreground ,lgreen :slant italic))))
`(jabber-roster-user-chatty ((t (:foreground ,lpink))))
`(jabber-roster-user-error ((t (:foreground ,lred :slant italic))))
`(jabber-roster-user-offline ((t (:foreground ,lblack :slant italic))))
`(jabber-roster-user-online ((t (:foreground ,lblue))))
`(js2-external-variable ((t (:foreground ,lmagenta))))
`(link ((t (:foreground ,lorange :underline t))))
`(link-visited ((t (:foreground ,lmagenta :underline t))))
`(magit-branch ((t (:foreground ,lpink :weight bold :inherit unspecified))))
`(magit-item-highlight ((t (:slant italic :inherit unspecified))))
`(magit-log-sha1 ((t (:foreground ,lmagenta))))
`(magit-section-title ((t (:foreground ,lturquoise :inherit unspecified))))
`(markdown-header-face-1 ((t (:inherit org-level-1))))
`(markdown-header-face-2 ((t (:inherit org-level-2))))
@ -169,9 +173,9 @@
`(markdown-header-face-5 ((t (:inherit org-level-5))))
`(markdown-header-face-6 ((t (:inherit org-level-6))))
`(minibuffer-prompt ((t (:foreground ,lblue))))
`(mode-line ((t (:background ,dwhite :foreground ,lwhite :box (:color ,dwhite :line-width 1 :style nil)))))
`(mode-line ((t (:background ,dblue :foreground ,lblack :box (:color ,dwhite :line-width 1 :style nil)))))
`(mode-line-buffer-id ((t (:foreground ,lpurple :weight bold))))
`(mode-line-inactive ((t (:weight normal :background ,dblack :foreground ,dwhite :box (:color ,dwhite :line-width 1 :style nil) :inherit unspecified))))
`(mode-line-inactive ((t (:weight normal :background ,dwhite :foreground ,lwhite :box (:color ,dwhite :line-width 1 :style nil) :inherit unspecified))))
`(org-agenda-calendar-sexp ((t (:foreground ,lyellow))))
`(org-agenda-current-time ((t (:foreground ,lorange :weight bold))))
`(org-agenda-date ((t (:foreground ,dcyan))))
@ -180,6 +184,7 @@
`(org-agenda-structure ((t (:foreground ,lblue))))
`(org-checkbox-statistics-done ((t (:foreground ,dcyan))))
`(org-checkbox-statistics-todo ((t (:foreground ,lcyan))))
`(org-date ((t (:foreground ,lpink :underline unspecified))))
`(org-document-title ((t (:foreground ,lorange :height 1.5))))
`(org-headline-done ((t (:foreground ,lblack :strike-through t))))
`(org-level-1 ((t (:foreground ,lred))))
@ -214,6 +219,7 @@
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face ((t (:foreground ,lpurple))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face ((t (:foreground ,lmagenta))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face ((t (:background ,dred :foreground unspecified))))
`(rebase-mode-description-face ((t (:foreground ,lblack))))
`(region ((t (:background ,dblue))))
`(rst-level-1 ((t (:background unspecified))))
`(rst-level-2 ((t (:background unspecified))))
@ -222,13 +228,14 @@
`(rst-level-5 ((t (:background unspecified))))
`(rst-level-6 ((t (:background unspecified))))
`(sh-heredoc ((t (:foreground ,lorange))))
`(shadow ((t (:foreground ,lblack))))
`(shadow ((t (:foreground ,dwhite))))
`(show-paren-match ((t (:background ,dwhite :weight bold))))
`(show-paren-mismatch ((t (:background unspecified :foreground ,lred))))
`(slime-repl-input-face ((t (:foreground ,lblack))))
`(slime-repl-inputed-output-face ((t (:foreground ,lblack))))
`(slime-repl-output-face ((t (:foreground ,lwhite))))
`(slime-repl-prompt-face ((t (:foreground ,lblue))))
`(success ((t (:foreground ,lgreen :weight bold))))
`(term-color-black ((t (:background ,dblack :foreground ,lblack))))
`(term-color-blue ((t (:background ,dblue :foreground ,lblue))))
`(term-color-cyan ((t (:background ,dcyan :foreground ,lcyan))))