Tom Willemsen a07c98fc82 Explicitly set colors for fringe face
It has been brought to my attention that the fringe colors don't carry
over well between theme switches unless they are explicitly given.
2012-07-23 17:15:50 +02:00

218 lines
9.7 KiB

;;; tron-theme.el --- A theme loosely based on Tron: Legacy colors
;; Copyright (C) 2012 Tom Willemsen <>
;; Author: Tom Willemsen <>
;; Created: Wed Jan 4 2012
;; Version: 11
;; Keywords: faces
;; URL:
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this file; If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; tron-theme is an Emacs theme that is loosely based on the colors
;; observed in the movie Tron: Legacy.
;;; Change Log:
;; 1 - Initial release.
;; 2 - Decrease size of the `org-level-*' faces.
;; 3 - Add `info-title-1' through `info-title-4', `info-xref' and
;; `info-xref-visited' faces.
;; 4 - Add `custom-button', `custom-button-mouse' and
;; `custom-button-pressed' faces.
;; 5 - Add `css-property' and `css-proprietary-property' faces.
;; 6 - Add `erc-default-face', `erc-input-face' and
;; `erc-nick-default-face' faces.
;; 7 - Change `mode-line', `mode-line-buffer-id' and
;; `mode-line-inactive' faces.
;; 8 - Add `region' face.
;; - Add riley's changes:
;; - Add `show-paren-match-face', `eshell-ls-archive-face',
;; `eshell-ls-backup-face', `eshell-ls-clutter-face',
;; `eshell-ls-directory-face', `eshell-ls-executable-face',
;; `eshell-ls-missing-face', `eshell-ls-product-face',
;; `eshell-ls-readonly-face', `eshell-ls-readonly-face',
;; `eshell-ls-special-face', `eshell-ls-symlink-face',
;; `eshell-ls-unreadable-face', `eshell-prompt-face',
;; `eshell-test-failed-face' and `eshell-test-ok-face' faces.
;; - Change `font-lock-comment-face' face.
;; 9 - Fix typo in `font-lock-variable-name-face' face.
;; - Add `magit-header', `magit-diff-add', `magit-diff-del',
;; `magit-diff-hunk-header', `magit-diff-file-header',
;; `magit-item-highlight' and `magit-item-mark' faces.
;; 10 - Add `rst-level-1-face' through `rst-level-6-face' faces.
;; 11 - Change `font-lock-warning-face', `header-line',
;; `jabber-chat-prompt-local' and `jabber-chat-text-local'
;; faces.
;; - Add header.
;; - Add local variables, enable `rainbow-mode'.
;; 12 - Remove quotes from :inherit properties.
;; - Explicitly set colors for `fringe'.
;;; Code:
(deftheme tron
"Create 2012-01-01")
'(bold ((t (:foreground "#24c6e0" :weight bold))))
'(bold-italic ((t (:inherit bold :slant italic))))
'(cursor ((t (:background "#15abc3"))))
'(default ((t (:background "#000000" :foreground "#15abc3"))))
'(fringe ((t (:background "#000000" :foreground "#15abc3"))))
'(header-line ((t (:inherit mode-line))))
'(linum ((t (:inherit default))))
'(mouse ((t (:foreground "#e0c625"))))
'(region ((t (:background "#e0c625" :foreground "#000000"))))
'(show-paren-match-face ((t (:weight bold))))
;; column-marker
'(column-marker-1 ((t (:background "#a3e8ef" :foreground "#000000"))))
'(column-marker-2 ((t (:background "#55c3f8" :foreground "#000000"))))
'(column-marker-3 ((t (:background "#f6faf9" :foreground "#000000"))))
;; css
'(css-property ((t (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))))
'(css-proprietary-property ((t (:inherit mouse))))
;; custom
'(custom-button ((t (:inherit default :box (:line-width 1 :color "#15abc3")))))
'(custom-button-mouse ((t (:inherit custom-button :box (:color "#e0c624")))))
'(custom-button-pressed ((t (:inherit custom-button :box (:color "#05e4a5")))))
;; Eshell
'(eshell-ls-archive-face ((t (:foreground "#029cdc" :bold t))))
'(eshell-ls-backup-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face :italic t))))
'(eshell-ls-clutter-face ((t (:foreground "OrangeRed" :bold t))))
'(eshell-ls-directory-face ((t (:foreground "#e0c625" :bold t))))
'(eshell-ls-executable-face ((t (:foreground "#00815b"))))
'(eshell-ls-missing-face ((t (:foreground "#e0c624" :bold t))))
'(eshell-ls-product-face ((t (:foreground "OrangeRed"))))
'(eshell-ls-readonly-face ((t (:foreground "#808080" :italic t))))
'(eshell-ls-special-face ((t (:foreground "Mauve" :bold t))))
'(eshell-ls-symlink-face ((t (:foreground "#035390" :bold t))))
'(eshell-ls-unreadable-face ((t (:foreground "Grey30"))))
'(eshell-prompt-face ((t (:foreground "#e0c625"))))
'(eshell-test-failed-face ((t (:foreground "OrangeRed" :bold t))))
'(eshell-test-ok-face ((t (:foreground "#05e4a5" :bold t))))
;; font-lock
'(font-lock-builtin-face ((t (:foreground "#029cdc"))))
'(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((t (:foreground "#2e3436" :weight bold))))
'(font-lock-comment-face ((t (:foreground "#808080" :slant italic))))
'(font-lock-constant-face ((t (:foreground "#035390"))))
'(font-lock-doc-face ((t (:foreground "#00815b"))))
'(font-lock-function-name-face ((t (:foreground "#e0c624" :bold t))))
'(font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face :weight bold))))
'(font-lock-negation-char-face ((t (:foreground "#c3ab15"))))
'(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((t (:foreground "#c3ab15" :weight bold))))
'(font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "#05e4a5"))))
'(font-lock-type-face ((t (:foreground "#035390" :weight bold))))
'(font-lock-variable-name-face ((t (:foreground "#00815b"))))
'(font-lock-warning-face ((t (:foreground "OrangeRed"))))
;; info
'(info-title-1 ((t (:inherit org-level-1))))
'(info-title-2 ((t (:inherit org-level-2))))
'(info-title-3 ((t (:inherit org-level-3))))
'(info-title-4 ((t (:inherit org-level-4))))
'(info-xref ((t (:inherit default :underline t))))
'(info-xref-visited ((t (:inherit mouse :underline t))))
;; magit
'(magit-header ((t (:foreground "#e0c624" :weight bold))))
'(magit-diff-add ((t (:foreground "#00815b"))))
'(magit-diff-del ((t (:foreground "OrangeRed"))))
'(magit-diff-hunk-header ((t (:background "#101010"))))
'(magit-diff-file-header ((t (:weight bold :inherit magit-diff-hunk-header))))
'(magit-item-highlight ((t (:background "#101010"))))
'(magit-item-mark ((t (:background "#808080"))))
;; mode-line
'(mode-line ((t (:foreground "#e0c625" :background nil :box nil))))
'(mode-line-buffer-id ((t (:weight bold))))
'(mode-line-inactive ((t (:foreground "#15abc3" :background nil :box nil))))
;; rainbow-delimiters
'(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face ((t (:foreground "#a3e8ef"))))
'(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face ((t (:foreground "#55c3f8"))))
'(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face ((t (:foreground "#f6faf9"))))
'(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face ((t (:foreground "#4ed8f5"))))
'(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face ((t (:foreground "#004a88"))))
'(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face ((t (:foreground "#f0ffff"))))
'(rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face ((t (:foreground "#51d7f0"))))
'(rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face ((t (:foreground "#be9194"))))
'(rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face ((t (:foreground "#94949c"))))
;; rainbow-delimiters
'(org-level-1 ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :weight bold :height 1.6))))
'(org-level-2 ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :weight bold :height 1.4))))
'(org-level-3 ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :weight bold :height 1.2))))
'(org-level-4 ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :weight bold))))
'(org-level-5 ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :weight bold))))
'(org-level-6 ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :weight bold))))
'(org-level-7 ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face :weight bold))))
'(org-level-8 ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face :weight bold))))
;; rst
'(rst-level-1-face ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face :weight bold))))
'(rst-level-2-face ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face :weight bold))))
'(rst-level-3-face ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face :weight bold))))
'(rst-level-4-face ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face :weight bold))))
'(rst-level-5-face ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face :weight bold))))
'(rst-level-6-face ((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face :weight bold))))
;; outline
'(outline-1 ((t (:inherit org-level-1))))
'(outline-2 ((t (:inherit org-level-2))))
'(outline-3 ((t (:inherit org-level-3))))
'(outline-4 ((t (:inherit org-level-4))))
'(outline-5 ((t (:inherit org-level-5))))
'(outline-6 ((t (:inherit org-level-6))))
'(outline-7 ((t (:inherit org-level-7))))
'(outline-8 ((t (:inherit org-level-8))))
;; markdown
'(markdown-header-face-1 ((t (:inherit org-level-1))))
'(markdown-header-face-2 ((t (:inherit org-level-2))))
'(markdown-header-face-3 ((t (:inherit org-level-3))))
'(markdown-header-face-4 ((t (:inherit org-level-4))))
'(markdown-header-face-5 ((t (:inherit org-level-5))))
'(markdown-header-face-6 ((t (:inherit org-level-6))))
;; jabber
'(jabber-chat-prompt-local ((t (:foreground "#15abc3" :weight bold))))
'(jabber-chat-prompt-foreign ((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face))))
'(jabber-chat-prompt-system ((t (:inherit font-lock-doc-face))))
'(jabber-chat-text-local ((t (:foreground "#15abc3"))))
'(jabber-chat-text-foreign ((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face :weight normal))))
'(jabber-activity-face ((t (:foreground "#00815b"))))
'(jabber-activity-personal-face ((t (:foreground "OrangeRed"))))
;; erc
'(erc-default-face ((t (:inherit jabber-chat-text-local))))
'(erc-input-face ((t (:inherit jabber-chat-text-foreign))))
'(erc-nick-default-face ((t (:inherit jabber-chat-prompt-system)))))
(provide-theme 'tron)
;; Local Variables:
;; eval: (rainbow-mode 1)
;; End:
;;; tron-theme.el ends here