When moving or adding tasks, instead of waiting for the user to reselect the task reload the task each time.
101 lines
4.3 KiB
Common Lisp
101 lines
4.3 KiB
Common Lisp
(in-package #:scrumli.pg-datastore)
(defclass pg-datastore ()
((connection-spec :initarg :connection-spec
:accessor connection-spec)))
(defclass story ()
((id :col-type serial :reader story-id)
(state :col-type string :reader state :initform "TODO")
(role :col-type string :reader role :initarg :role)
(necessity :col-type string :reader necessity :initarg :necessity)
(title :col-type string :reader title :initarg :title)
(priority :col-type integer :reader priority :initarg :priority)
(content :col-type string :reader content :initarg :content)
(reporter :col-type string :reader reporter :initarg :reporter)
(assignee :col-type string :reader assignee :initarg :assignee))
(:metaclass dao-class)
(:keys id))
(defclass task ()
((id :col-type serial :reader story-id)
(state :col-type string :reader state :initform "TODO")
(description :col-type string :reader description :initarg :description)
(priority :col-type integer :reader priority :initarg :priority)
(reporter :col-type string :reader reporter :initarg :reporter)
(assignee :col-type string :reader assignee :initarg :assignee)
(story-id :col-type integer :reader story-id :initarg :story-id))
(:metaclass dao-class)
(:keys id))
(deftable task
(!foreign 'story 'story-id 'id))
(defmethod datastore-init ((datastore pg-datastore))
(with-connection (connection-spec datastore)
(unless (table-exists-p 'story)
(execute (dao-table-definition 'story)))
(unless (table-exists-p 'task)
(execute (dao-table-definition 'task)))))
(defmethod datastore-get-all-stories ((datastore pg-datastore))
(with-connection (connection-spec datastore)
(query (:order-by (:select :* :from 'story) 'priority) :alists)))
(defmethod datastore-get-story ((datastore pg-datastore) id)
(with-connection (connection-spec datastore)
(append (query (:select :* :from 'story :where (:= 'id id)) :alist)
`((tasks . ,(datastore-get-tasks-for-story datastore id))))))
(defmethod datastore-get-tasks-for-story ((datastore pg-datastore) id)
(with-connection (connection-spec datastore)
(query (:order-by (:select :* :from 'task :where (:= 'story-id id))
(defmethod datastore-post-story
((datastore pg-datastore) role necessity title content reporter)
(with-connection (connection-spec datastore)
(let ((obj (make-instance
'story :role role :necessity necessity :title title
:priority (+ 1 (or (query (:select
(:coalesce (:max 'priority) 0)
:from 'story) :single)
:content content :assignee "" :reporter reporter)))
(save-dao obj))))
(defmethod datastore-post-task
((datastore pg-datastore) story-id description reporter)
(with-connection (connection-spec datastore)
(let ((obj (make-instance
'task :description description
:priority (+ 1 (query (:select
(:coalesce (:max 'priority) 0)
:from 'task) :single))
:reporter reporter :story-id (parse-integer story-id)
:assignee "")))
(save-dao obj))))
(defmethod datastore-story-get-state ((datastore pg-datastore) type id)
(with-connection (connection-spec datastore)
(query (:select 'state :from type :where (:= 'id id)) :single)))
(defmethod datastore-story-set-state
((datastore pg-datastore) type id state)
(with-connection (connection-spec datastore)
(execute (:update type :set 'state state :where (:= 'id id)))))
(defmethod datastore-story-change-priority
((datastore pg-datastore) type id dir)
(with-connection (connection-spec datastore)
(let* ((current-priority (query (:select 'priority :from type
:where (:= 'id id))
(next-priority (funcall (ecase dir (:up #'-) (:down #'+))
current-priority 1)))
(execute (:update type :set 'priority current-priority
:where (:= 'priority next-priority)))
(execute (:update type :set 'priority next-priority
:where (:= 'id id))))))