Replaces restas with ningle. Restas had 2 problem I could not overcome: 1) It would only let me return a status code or a response, not, for example, a 403 status code with some json. 2) It would not allow me to place it under a subdirectory. Both of these problems possibly (likely) have solutions with restas, but I already found out how to do these things with ningle. This rewrite is sloppy and messy. The code should be cleaned up soon.
115 lines
4.7 KiB
Common Lisp
115 lines
4.7 KiB
Common Lisp
;; scrumli --- A simple scrum web application
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Willemse
;; scrumli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; scrumli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
;; along with scrumli. If not, see <>.
(in-package :scrumli)
(defclass story ()
((id :col-type serial :reader story-id)
(state :col-type string :reader state :initform "TODO")
(role :col-type string :reader role :initarg :role)
(necessity :col-type string :reader necessity :initarg :necessity)
(title :col-type string :reader title :initarg :title)
(priority :col-type integer :reader priority :initarg :priority)
(content :col-type string :reader content :initarg :content)
(reporter :col-type string :reader reporter :initarg :reporter)
(assignee :col-type string :reader assignee :initarg :assignee))
(:metaclass dao-class)
(:keys id))
(defclass task ()
((id :col-type serial :reader story-id)
(state :col-type string :reader state :initform "TODO")
(description :col-type string :reader description :initarg :description)
(priority :col-type integer :reader priority :initarg :priority)
(reporter :col-type string :reader reporter :initarg :reporter)
(assignee :col-type string :reader assignee :initarg :assignee)
(story-id :col-type integer :reader story-id :initarg :story-id))
(:metaclass dao-class)
(:keys id))
(deftable task
(!foreign 'story 'story-id 'id))
(defun datainit ()
(unless (table-exists-p 'story)
(execute (dao-table-definition 'story)))
(unless (table-exists-p 'task) (create-table 'task)))
(defun get-all-stories ()
(query (:order-by (:select :* (:as (:md5 'assignee) 'md5)
:from 'story) 'priority) :alists))
(defun get-stories-for (username)
(query (:order-by (:select :* (:as (:md5 'assignee) 'md5)
:from 'story
:where (:= 'assignee username))
'priority) :alists))
(defun get-story (id)
(append (query (:select :* (:as (:md5 'assignee) 'md5) :from 'story
:where (:= 'id id)) :alist)
`((tasks . ,(get-tasks-for-story id)))))
(defun get-tasks-for-story (id)
(query (:order-by (:select :* (:as (:md5 'assignee) 'md5) :from 'task
:where (:= 'story-id id))
(defun post-story (role necessity title content reporter)
(let ((obj (make-instance
'story :role role :necessity necessity :title title
:priority (+ 1 (or (query (:select
(:coalesce (:max 'priority) 0)
:from 'story) :single)
:content content :assignee "" :reporter reporter)))
(save-dao obj)))
(defun post-task (story-id description reporter)
(let ((obj (make-instance
'task :description description
:priority (+ 1 (query (:select
(:coalesce (:max 'priority) 0)
:from 'task) :single))
:reporter reporter :story-id (parse-integer story-id)
:assignee "")))
(save-dao obj)))
(defun story-get-state (type id)
(query (:select 'state :from type :where (:= 'id id)) :single))
(defun story-set-state (type id state)
(execute (:update type :set 'state state :where (:= 'id id))))
(defun story-change-priority (type id dir)
(let* ((current-priority (query (:select 'priority :from type
:where (:= 'id id))
(next-priority (funcall (ecase dir (:up #'-) (:down #'+))
current-priority 1))
(max-priority (query (:select (:max 'priority) :from type)
(execute (:update type :set 'priority current-priority
:where (:= 'priority next-priority)))
(execute (:update type :set
'priority (max 1 (min next-priority max-priority))
:where (:= 'id id)))))
(defun set-assignee (type id assignee)
(execute (:update type :set 'assignee assignee
:where (:= 'id id))))