Tom Willemse
The security of these sessions should be upgraded to verify that the user is actually allowed to look at the page(s) and that the given session hasn't expired, among other things.
301 lines
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301 lines
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;;; scrumelo.el --- Scrum with elnode and org-mode -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Willemse
;; Author: Tom Willemse <>
;; Keywords: tools, hypermedia, outlines, comm
;;; Commentary:
;; A scrum web app.
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'eieio)
(require 'elnode)
(require 'esxml)
(require 'org)
(require 'cl-macs))
;;; Code:
(defvar scrumelo-project-file "~/projects/scrumelo/"
"The file containing the scrum backlog.")
(defvar scrumelo--base-dir
(if load-file-name
(file-name-directory load-file-name)
"The current directory.")
(defvar scrumelo-bootstrap-css-location
"The location of the twitter bootstrap CSS file.")
(defvar scrumelo-bootstrap-js-location
"The location of the twitter bootstrap JS file.")
(defvar scrumelo-font-awesome-css-location
"The location of the font awesome CSS file.")
(defvar scrumelo-jquery-js-location
"The location of the jQuery JS file.")
(defvar scrumelo-react-js-location
"The location of the React JS file.")
(defvar scrumelo-jsxtransformer-js-location
"The location of the JSX Transformer JS file.")
(defvar scrumelo--sessions
(make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 6)
"Collection of session information.")
(defclass scrumelo-session ()
((email :accessor session-email)
(audience :accessor session-audience)
(expires :accessor session-expires)
(issuer :accessor session-issuer)
(defmacro editing-scrumelo-story (id after &rest body)
"Edit the story with ID.
Goto the story with ID and execute AFTER after executing BODY and
saving the buffer."
(declare (indent 2))
(let ((entry-var (cl-gensym)))
(let ((,entry-var (cdr (org-id-find ,id))))
(goto-char ,entry-var)
(defmacro with-scrumelo-http-params (params httpcon &rest body)
"Bind parameters PARAMS from HTTPCON and execute BODY."
(declare (indent 2))
`(let (,@(mapcar (lambda (p)
`(,p (elnode-http-param ,httpcon ,(symbol-name p))))
(defmacro with-scrumelo-buffer (&rest body)
"Set the current buffer to `scrumelo-project-file' and run BODY."
(declare (indent 0))
`(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect scrumelo-project-file)
(defun scrumelo--json-to-session (persona-json)
"Turn PERSONA-JSON into a `scrumelo-session' object."
(let ((session (scrumelo-session "session")))
(mapc (lambda (cns)
(setf (slot-value session (car cns)) (cdr cns)))
(defun scrumelo--css (href)
"Return a link pointing to HREF."
`(link (@ (href ,href) (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css"))))
(defun scrumelo--css-list ()
"Return a list of all required CSS files."
(list (scrumelo--css scrumelo-bootstrap-css-location)
(scrumelo--css scrumelo-font-awesome-css-location)))
(defun scrumelo--js (src)
"Return a script sourcing SRC."
`(script (@ (src ,src) (language "JavaScript")
(type "text/javascript")) ""))
(defun scrumelo--js-list ()
"Return a list of all required JS files."
(list (scrumelo--js scrumelo-bootstrap-js-location)
(scrumelo--js scrumelo-jquery-js-location)
(scrumelo--js scrumelo-react-js-location)
(scrumelo--js scrumelo-jsxtransformer-js-location)
(scrumelo--js "js/scrumelo.js")))
(defun scrumelo--logged-in-p (httpcon)
"Check if the session on HTTPCON is logged-in."
(gethash (elnode-http-cookie httpcon "sessionid" t)
(defun scrumelo-backlog-page (httpcon)
"Send the backlog overview over HTTPCON."
(if (not (scrumelo--logged-in-p httpcon))
(elnode-send-redirect httpcon "/login")
"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
`(html (head (title "Scrumelo")
(a (@ (href "/logout")) "Logout")
(div (@ (class "container"))
(h1 "Backlog")
(div (@ (id "content")) "")
(script (@ (type "text/jsx")
(src "js/main.js")) "")))))))))
(defun scrumelo-new-story (httpcon)
"Parse data from HTTPCON and write a new scrum story using it."
(elnode-method httpcon
(with-scrumelo-http-params (role necessity headline) httpcon
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert "\n* TODO " headline)
(org-set-property "Role" role)
(org-set-property "Necessity" necessity)
(org-set-property "ID" (org-id-new "scrumelo"))
(elnode-send-redirect httpcon "/"))))
(defun scrumelo-change-state (httpcon)
"Parse data from HTTPCON and change the given task's state."
(elnode-method httpcon
(with-scrumelo-http-params (id) httpcon
(editing-scrumelo-story id
httpcon `((:state . ,(org-entry-get (point) "TODO"))))
(defun scrumelo-move-story (dir)
"Create a function to move a story in direction DIR."
(let ((func (intern (concat "org-move-subtree-" dir))))
(lambda (httpcon)
(elnode-method httpcon
(with-scrumelo-http-params (id) httpcon
(editing-scrumelo-story id
(scrumelo--send-json httpcon '((:status . "OK")))
(funcall func))))))))
(defun scrumelo--send-json (httpcon obj)
"Respond to HTTPCON with OBJ converted to a json structure."
(elnode-http-start httpcon 200 '("Content-Type" . "text/json"))
(elnode-http-return httpcon (json-encode obj)))
(defun scrumelo-story-json (httpcon)
"Repsond to HTTPCON with some json info about a story."
(let* ((story (match-string 1 (elnode-http-mapping httpcon)))
(entry (cdr (org-id-find story))))
(goto-char entry)
httpcon (list (cons 'Assignee (org-entry-get (point) "Assignee"))
(cons 'content (buffer-substring-no-properties
(defun scrumelo--org-entry-to-list ()
"Turn an org-entry to json."
(let ((components (org-heading-components)))
(when (= (car components) 1)
`((:id . ,(org-id-get))
(:state . ,(org-entry-get (point) "TODO"))
(:role . ,(org-entry-get (point) "Role"))
(:necessity . ,(org-entry-get (point) "Necessity"))
(:title . ,(nth 4 components))))))
(defun scrumelo-main-json (request)
"Respond to REQUEST with the json info for the main page."
request (cl-map 'vector #'identity
(delq nil
nil nil 'comment))))))
(defun scrumelo--verify-credentials (audience assertion)
"Make sure AUDIENCE and ASSERTION are correct."
(let ((url-request-extra-headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json")))
(url-request-data (json-encode `(("assertion" . ,assertion)
("audience" . ,audience))))
(url-request-method "POST")
(url-retrieve-synchronously "")
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward "\n\n")
(setq result (json-read))
(defun scrumelo-login-page (httpcon)
"Show a login link for persona for HTTPCON."
(if (scrumelo--logged-in-p httpcon)
(elnode-send-redirect httpcon "/")
(elnode-method httpcon
(elnode-http-start httpcon 200 '("Content-Type" . "text/html"))
"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
'(html (@ (lang "en"))
(head (meta (@ (charset "utf-8")))
(title "Login")
(script (@ (src "")) "")
(script (@ (src "/js/login.js")) ""))
(form (@ (id "login-form")
(method "POST")
(action ""))
(input (@ (id "assertion-field")
(type "hidden")
(name "assertion")
(value ""))))
(p (a (@ (href "javascript:login()")) "Login"))))))))
(let* ((audience "http://localhost:8028")
(assertion (elnode-http-param httpcon "assertion"))
(result (scrumelo--verify-credentials audience assertion)))
(if (equal (cdr (assoc 'status result)) "okay")
(puthash (elnode-http-cookie httpcon "sessionid" t)
(scrumelo--json-to-session result)
(elnode-send-redirect httpcon "/"))
(elnode-send-status httpcon 403 "Not allowed")))))))
(defun scrumelo-logout (httpcon)
"Destroy the session on HTTPCON."
(remhash (elnode-http-cookie httpcon "sessionid" t) scrumelo--sessions)
(elnode-send-redirect httpcon "/login"))
(defun scrumelo-handler (httpcon)
"Send the right requests in HTTPCON to the right functions."
`(("^/$" . scrumelo-backlog-page)
("^/js/main.js" . ,(elnode-make-send-file
(concat scrumelo--base-dir "js/main.js")))
("^/js/login.js" . ,(elnode-make-send-file
(concat scrumelo--base-dir "js/login.js")))
("^/login/$" . scrumelo-login-page)
("^/logout/$" . scrumelo-logout)
("^/stories/$" . scrumelo-main-json)
("^/stories/new/$" . scrumelo-new-story)
("^/stories/state/$" . scrumelo-change-state)
("^/stories/up/$" . ,(scrumelo-move-story "up"))
("^/stories/down/$" . ,(scrumelo-move-story "down"))
("^/stories/\\([a-z0-9:-]+\\)/$" . scrumelo-story-json))))
(elnode-start 'scrumelo-handler :port 8028 :host "")
(provide 'scrumelo)
;;; scrumelo.el ends here