166 lines
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166 lines
5.8 KiB
;;; scrumelo.el --- Scrum with elnode and org-mode -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Willemse
;; Author: Tom Willemse <tom@ryuslash.org>
;; Keywords: tools, hypermedia, outlines, comm
;;; Commentary:
;; A scrum web app.
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'elnode)
(require 'esxml)
(require 'org)
;;; Code:
(defvar scrumelo-project-file "~/projects/scrumelo/aeos.org"
"The file containing the scrum backlog.")
(defvar scrumelo--base-dir
(if load-file-name
(file-name-directory load-file-name)
"The current directory.")
(defvar scrumelo-bootstrap-css-location
"The location of the twitter bootstrap CSS file.")
(defvar scrumelo-bootstrap-js-location
"The location of the twitter bootstrap JS file.")
(defvar scrumelo-font-awesome-css-location
"The location of the font awesome CSS file.")
(defvar scrumelo-jquery-js-location
"The location of the jQuery JS file.")
(defvar scrumelo-react-js-location
"The location of the React JS file.")
(defvar scrumelo-jsxtransformer-js-location
"The location of the JSX Transformer JS file.")
(defmacro with-scrumelo-http-params (params httpcon &rest body)
"Bind parameters PARAMS from HTTPCON and execute BODY."
(declare (indent 2))
`(let (,@(mapcar (lambda (p)
`(,p (elnode-http-param ,httpcon ,(symbol-name p))))
(defun scrumelo--css (href)
"Return a link pointing to HREF."
`(link (@ (href ,href) (rel "stylesheet") (type "text/css"))))
(defun scrumelo--css-list ()
"Return a list of all required CSS files."
(list (scrumelo--css scrumelo-bootstrap-css-location)
(scrumelo--css scrumelo-font-awesome-css-location)))
(defun scrumelo--js (src)
"Return a script sourcing SRC."
`(script (@ (src ,src) (language "JavaScript")
(type "text/javascript")) ""))
(defun scrumelo--js-list ()
"Return a list of all required JS files."
(list (scrumelo--js scrumelo-bootstrap-js-location)
(scrumelo--js scrumelo-jquery-js-location)
(scrumelo--js scrumelo-react-js-location)
(scrumelo--js scrumelo-jsxtransformer-js-location)
(scrumelo--js "js/scrumelo.js")))
(defun scrumelo-backlog-page (httpcon)
"Send the backlog overview over HTTPCON."
(elnode-http-start httpcon 200 '("Content-Type" . "text/html"))
"<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
`(html (head (title "Scrumelo")
(div (@ (class "container"))
(h1 "Backlog")
(div (@ (id "content")) "")
(script (@ (type "text/jsx") (src "js/main.js")) ""))))))))
(defun scrumelo-new-story (httpcon)
"Parse data from HTTPCON and write a new scrum story using it."
(elnode-method httpcon
(let ((buffer (find-file-noselect scrumelo-project-file)))
(with-scrumelo-http-params (role necessity headline) httpcon
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert "\n* TODO " headline)
(org-set-property "Role" role)
(org-set-property "Necessity" necessity)
(elnode-send-redirect httpcon "/"))))
(defun scrumelo--send-json (httpcon obj)
"Respond to HTTPCON with OBJ converted to a json structure."
(elnode-http-start httpcon 200 '("Content-Type" . "text/json"))
(elnode-http-return httpcon (json-encode obj)))
(defun scrumelo-story-json (httpcon)
"Repsond to HTTPCON with some json info about a story."
(let* ((story (match-string 1 (elnode-http-mapping httpcon)))
(buffer (find-file-noselect scrumelo-project-file))
(entry (cdr (org-id-find story))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char entry)
httpcon (list (cons 'Assignee (org-entry-get (point) "Assignee"))
(cons 'content (buffer-substring-no-properties
(defun scrumelo--org-entry-to-list ()
"Turn an org-entry to json."
(let ((components (org-heading-components)))
(when (= (car components) 1)
`((:id . ,(org-id-get))
(:state . ,(org-entry-get (point) "TODO"))
(:role . ,(org-entry-get (point) "Role"))
(:necessity . ,(org-entry-get (point) "Necessity"))
(:title . ,(nth 4 components))))))
(defun scrumelo-main-json (request)
"Respond to REQUEST with the json info for the main page."
(let ((buffer (find-file-noselect scrumelo-project-file)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
request (cl-map 'vector #'identity
(delq nil
nil nil 'comment)))))))
(defun scrumelo-handler (httpcon)
"Send the right requests in HTTPCON to the right functions."
`(("^/$" . scrumelo-backlog-page)
("^/js/main.js" . ,(elnode-make-send-file
(concat scrumelo--base-dir "js/main.js")))
("^/stories/$" . scrumelo-main-json)
("^/stories/new/$" . scrumelo-new-story)
("^/stories/\\([a-z0-9:-]+\\)/$" . scrumelo-story-json))))
(elnode-start 'scrumelo-handler :port 8028 :host "")
(provide 'scrumelo)
;;; scrumelo.el ends here