Commit graph

115 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
de402ded78 Add a note component
This highlights a specific piece of text.
2022-03-20 21:25:26 -07:00
d36261a563 Remove my explicit name
It makes me feel weird having my name on my website in that way.
2022-03-20 21:18:09 -07:00
bbec15a8e0 Fix link to Mastodon profile 2022-03-20 01:39:55 -07:00
420088066a Add link to my Mastodon account
This link has the ‘rel’ attribute of ‘me’ so that Mastodon can verify that it's
my personal website.
2022-03-20 01:36:00 -07:00
6d6d37d6f7 Switch from Cask to Eldev 2022-03-20 01:13:28 -07:00
4730feae4e Add `deploy' target to send updates to my site 2021-07-04 02:10:20 -07:00
c9f9a30c21 Fixup the cgit pager, repo section header, and tabs display 2021-07-04 02:09:47 -07:00
d65b08c17a Remove unfinished section 2021-07-04 02:09:15 -07:00
cd9f05c76f Use newer Emacs docker container 2021-07-03 01:50:53 -07:00
3f7955bda0 Fixup folder ownership for Jenkins 2021-07-03 01:44:47 -07:00
2fd6e21e56 Add content to front page
Copy some of the wording from my current front page over to this page.
2021-07-03 01:31:42 -07:00
a4603a7901 Update design and include CSS for my CGit and tekuti instances
This should include both a light and a dark theme, but I will admit that I'm
mostly testing with the dark one.
2021-07-03 01:29:43 -07:00
339103c4fe Use the proper group when changing ownership 2020-11-22 15:44:09 -08:00
4433e31e6d Exclude README from being built 2020-11-22 15:44:09 -08:00
88de93b360 Add Atom feed from my source control system to each page 2020-11-22 15:44:09 -08:00
c8856eb797 Poll if there are any changes to build
Poll once every hour every day between 10am and 3am
2020-10-18 16:09:13 -07:00
c61fa2a1b8 Upload files to ryuslash-next 2020-10-18 14:13:42 -07:00
1a0d823b5c Use HTML5 2020-10-10 18:05:08 -07:00
8625e7e8e8 Add pages about Android launchers and CI/CD pipelines 2020-10-10 18:05:08 -07:00
84bdc58130 Make figures align in the center 2020-10-10 18:05:08 -07:00
e473acb3c9 Use an SSH username and private key combination 2020-10-10 01:37:03 -07:00
5a6f49d286 Delete gitlab-ci
Everything works on Jenkins now, no need to also build on Gitlab.
2020-10-10 01:15:06 -07:00
4a92c675ef Fix upload location
When using rrsync the directory it restricts you to becomes the base directory
you see.
2020-10-10 01:11:11 -07:00
0c0c1602e4 Escape backslashes
I’m not sure how/when to escape these in declarative pipelines
2020-10-10 01:05:47 -07:00
2a2bd05f8c Add known hosts to the rsync command 2020-10-10 01:02:05 -07:00
cb771cd950 Fix credentials used 2020-10-10 00:08:14 -07:00
258d99a4cb Try using chown to fix file permissions 2020-10-09 23:57:49 -07:00
34dc13695e Don’t preserve stashes between runs, don’t use global agent 2020-10-09 23:57:28 -07:00
f0a6ee309a Use any agent
Perhaps it needs to run everything on an agent for stash/unstash to work?
2020-10-09 23:33:39 -07:00
9095479324 Preserve stashes of the latest build
This is to help me inspect them to figure out why I can’t unstash them in the
other job.
2020-10-09 23:27:53 -07:00
d5e49d2a5c Run the Deploy step as root
Running as the default user Jenkins uses it doesn’t seem to have access to
wherever the artifacts from the previous steps get stored, so it fails to
extract them. Hopefully running as root will let it access them.
2020-10-09 23:18:50 -07:00
ede65b4db2 (Try to) Recursively include all files in public/ 2020-10-09 23:15:14 -07:00
1357f94e7e Don’t use any agent at all
The syntax for agent any was wrong and the default doesn’t really need an agent.
2020-10-09 23:12:05 -07:00
b052934ced Define top-level agent
Since all the stages define different agents, the top-level can use any agent.
2020-10-09 23:10:50 -07:00
f58fe670d9 Run stages using different container images
The Build/HTML stage needs the Emacs image because it uses Emacs to convert the
org files into html files. The Build/CSS stage runs in an image defined by the
Dockerfile in this repository, installing just make, npm, and lessc to convert
the less files into CSS files. And the Deploy step needs to upload using rsync
overs ssh.
2020-10-09 23:07:55 -07:00
d9e8ecd246 Install Cask dependencies before make 2020-10-09 22:38:41 -07:00
cd7aae642a Try running the Emacs container as root 2020-10-09 22:36:51 -07:00
1fae33754e Update the Jenkinsfile to use steps
The previous commit tried to change the Jenkinsfile to a declaractive, instead
of scripted, pipeline, and this was missed.
2020-10-09 22:20:16 -07:00
84725806f5 Try running with Dockerfile 2020-10-09 22:15:24 -07:00
a6d666a7e9 Put output in public_html/ 2020-09-26 16:20:18 -07:00
6dbbe818ca Add Jenkinsfile 2020-09-21 01:44:42 -07:00
2620ee69bf Add mention of Mastering Emacs 2020-09-21 01:12:56 -07:00
3c06769ea9 Restructure website, start writing 2020-09-10 01:34:32 -07:00
8216f2dc83 Add rainbow-delimiters to prog-mode 2020-03-19 23:16:08 -07:00
099356512e Move org-timestamps directory to project
I prefer keeping everything local so nothing can interfere with one another.
2020-03-19 20:38:13 -07:00
077938588b Fixup .gitignore
Everything should publish to ‘/public‘ now instead of ‘/public_html’. Cask uses
‘/.cask’ to install the local dependencies. ‘/posts/’ and
‘/posts/’ get generated by org-mode.
2020-03-19 20:27:23 -07:00
70ec137a55 Update post properties
‘ID’ shouldn’t be necessary anymore, since it shouldn’t be used for RSS
generation. ‘PUBDATE’ should be ‘DATE’. ‘FILE_TAGS’ is actually ‘FILETAGS’.
2020-03-19 20:24:30 -07:00
3e28016db9 Generate CSS classes instead of trying to generate inline-css
I’ll style the actual faces later.
2020-03-19 20:23:37 -07:00
5c36c36465 Add syntax highlighting for Dockerfile mode 2020-03-19 20:23:17 -07:00
c58e1e28fd Fix publishing
Since everything is published to public/ instead of public_html/ now, I don’t
need to move any directory.
2020-03-19 20:22:03 -07:00