2020-10-09 22:15:24 -07:00
pipeline {
2020-10-09 23:57:28 -07:00
agent none
2020-10-09 23:27:53 -07:00
2020-10-18 16:09:13 -07:00
triggers {
pollSCM('H 0-3,10-23 * * *')
2020-10-09 22:15:24 -07:00
stages {
stage('Build') {
2020-10-09 23:07:55 -07:00
parallel {
stage('HTML') {
agent {
docker {
image 'silex/emacs:27.1-alpine-dev'
args '-u root --privileged'
steps {
sh 'cask'
sh 'make html'
2020-10-09 23:57:49 -07:00
// Because we're running in root, the public/ directory
// isn't owned by the Jenkins user, meaning that
// unstashing in a different stage fails.
2020-11-22 15:42:33 -08:00
sh 'chown -R $(stat -c "%u" .):$(stat -c "%g" .) public'
2020-10-09 23:15:14 -07:00
stash includes: 'public/**', name: 'public_html'
2020-10-09 23:07:55 -07:00
stage('CSS') {
agent { dockerfile true }
steps {
sh 'make css'
2020-10-09 23:15:14 -07:00
stash includes: 'public/**', name: 'public_css'
2020-10-09 23:07:55 -07:00
2020-10-09 22:20:16 -07:00
2020-09-21 01:44:42 -07:00
2020-10-09 22:15:24 -07:00
stage('Deploy') {
2020-10-09 23:07:55 -07:00
agent {
docker {
image 'instrumentisto/rsync-ssh'
2020-10-09 23:18:50 -07:00
args '-u root --privileged'
2020-10-09 23:07:55 -07:00
2020-10-09 22:20:16 -07:00
steps {
unstash 'public_html'
2020-10-09 23:07:55 -07:00
unstash 'public_css'
2020-09-21 01:44:42 -07:00
2020-10-10 01:37:03 -07:00
credentialsId: 'ryuslash.org-deploy-key-2',
keyFileVariable: 'KEY_FILE',
usernameVariable: 'USERNAME'),
credentialsId: 'ryuslash-known-hosts',
variable: 'KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE')
]) {
2020-10-18 14:13:42 -07:00
sh 'rsync -e "ssh -p 4511 -o \\"UserKnownHostsFile $KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE\\" -i $KEY_FILE" -v -c -r --delete public/ "$USERNAME@ryuslash.org:ryuslash-next/"'
2020-10-09 22:20:16 -07:00
2020-09-21 01:44:42 -07:00