Update linkwave

* Add parsing of command line arguments, if the first argument starts
  with "http://" assume it's a new bookmark and save it to the

* Add adding bookmarks to the database.

* linkwave.scm (string-no-null): Only try to remove the final null
  byte if the string is longer than 0 characters and only if the last
  character _is_ a null character.
This commit is contained in:
Tom Willemsen 2012-12-27 03:08:55 +01:00
parent 1b6badfcce
commit 10d453e5d7

View file

@ -5,13 +5,38 @@
(: string-no-null (string -> string))
(define (string-no-null str)
(substring str 0 (- (string-length str) 1)))
(if (and (> (string-length str) 0)
(char=? (string-ref str (- (string-length str) 1)) #\nul))
(substring str 0 (- (string-length str) 1))
(: print-row (string fixnum string string -> void))
(define (print-row url seconds name description)
(format #t "~a~% ~a~% ~a~% ~a~%~%" (string-no-null name) (string-no-null description)
(string-no-null url) (seconds->string seconds)))
(define (add-bookmark url name description tags)
(execute db "INSERT INTO bookmark VALUES (?, STRFTIME('%s'), ?, ?)"
url name description)
(let ((bookmark-id (last-insert-rowid db)))
(for-each (lambda (tag)
(let ((tag-id (first-result db "SELECT rowid FROM tag WHERE name = ?" tag)))
(unless tag-id
(execute db "INSERT INTO tag VALUES (?)" tag)
(set! tag-id (last-insert-rowid db)))
(execute db "INSERT INTO bookmark_tag VALUES (?, ?)"
bookmark-id tag-id)))
(define db (open-database (data-file "linkwave.db")))
(for-each-row print-row db "select * from bookmark")
(let ((cla (command-line-arguments)))
(if (null? cla)
(for-each-row print-row db "select * from bookmark")
((and (>= (string-length (car cla)) 7) (string= (substring (car cla) 0 7) "http://"))
(add-bookmark (car cla) (cadr cla) (caddr cla) (cdddr cla)))
(format #t "Unrecognized option: ~a~%" (car cla))))))
(finalize! db #t)