These settings were inspired by this Emacs config: Some existed already, but this was an opportune time to follow the instructions on the r/unixporn wiki to split your Xresources and to use variables:
136 lines
3.3 KiB
136 lines
3.3 KiB
#define backgroundColor #111111
#define foregroundColor #bfbfbf
urxvt.internalBorder: 0
urxvt.loginShell: true
urxvt.scrollBar: false
urxvt.secondaryScroll: true
urxvt.saveLines: 65535
urxvt.cursorBlink: false
urxvt.cursorUnderline: true
urxvt.urgentOnBell: true
urxvt.termName: rxvt-256color
urxvt.visualBell: false
urxvt.letterSpace: -1
! urxvt.perl-lib: /home/slash/projects/urxvt-modeline/:/usr/lib/urxvt/perl/
! urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
URxvt.perl-ext: default,url-select
urxvt.urlLauncher: conkeror
! urxvt.matcher.button: 1
! url-select
URxvt.keysym.M-u: perl:url-select:select_next
URxvt.url-select.launcher: /usr/bin/conkeror
URxvt.url-select.underline: true
! urxvt.keysym.C-Delete: perl:matcher:last
! urxvt.keysym.M-Delete: perl:matcher:list
! URxvt.matcher.pattern.1: File\\ "(.*)",\\ line\\ (\\d+)
! urxvt.matcher.launcher.1: emacsclient -a emacs +$2 $1
urxvt.font: xft:Fantasque Sans Mono:weight=medium:pixelsize=17
urxvt.boldFont: xft:Fantasque Sans Mono:weight=bold:pixelsize=17
urxvt.italicFont: xft:Fantasque Sans Mono:slant=italic:pixelsize=17
URxvt.modeline.fg: 15
| 12
URxvt.modeline.command: urxvt-modeline
urxvt.depth: 32
urxvt.background: #111111
urxvt.foreground: #bfbfbf
urxvt.color0: #222222
urxvt.color8: #3d3d3d
urxvt.color1: #a85454
urxvt.color9: #da9d9d
urxvt.color2: #66a854
urxvt.color10: #a9d39e
urxvt.color3: #8d995c
urxvt.color11: #c2ca9e
urxvt.color4: #5476a8
urxvt.color12: #a2b8d8
urxvt.color5: #9754a8
urxvt.color13: #d0a8da
urxvt.color6: #54a8a8
urxvt.color14: #abdddd
urxvt.color7: #969696
urxvt.color15: #ededed
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
#include ".config/Xresources/Emacs.conf"
! Emacs.font: DejaVu Sans Mono:weight=medium:pixelsize=18
Emacs.useXIM: off
Emacs.borderWidth: 0
Emacs.foreground: #eeeeec
Emacs.internalBorder: 0
Emacs.paneFont: Fantasque Sans Mono-13
Emacs.pointerColor: #eeeeec
Emacs*menu*font: Fantasque Sans Mono-13
Emacs*menu*foreground: #eeeeec
Emacs*menu*background: #222224
Emacs*menu*buttonForeground: #a5a5a4
Emacs*menu*verticalSpacing: 0
Emacs*menu*shadowThickness: 1
Emacs*menu*margin: 0
Emacs.pane.menubar.translations: #override\
Ctrl <Key> n: down()\n\
Ctrl <Key> p: up()\n\
Ctrl <Key> f: right()\n\
Ctrl <Key> b: left()\n\
xfontsel.sampleText: \
static void print_sample_message(XWindow *win) {\n\
win.label->text = "Sample text 0123456789"\n\
xfontsel.sampleText16: \
static void print_sample_message(XWindow *win) {\n\
win.label->text = "Sample text 0123456789"\n\
xfontsel.sampleTextUCS: \
static void print_sample_message(XWindow *win) {\n\
win.label->text = "Sample text 0123456789"\n\
!!! Rofi
rofi.font: Fantasque Sans Mono 13
! Key for run dialog
rofi.key-run: Mod4-r
! Key for window switcher
rofi.key-window: Mod4-w
! Background color
| #111111
! Alternating background color
rofi.bgalt: #222222
! Border color
rofi.bc: #111111
! Border width (px)
| 17
! Foreground color
rofi.fg: #bfbfbf
rofi.fg-urgent: #a85454
rofi.fg-active: #54a875
! Highlighted background color
rofi.hlbg: #1f2c3f
rofi.hlbg-active: #343922
! Highlighted foreground color
rofi.hlfg: #bfbfbf
rofi.hlfg-active: #ececec
rofi.with: 60
rofi.location: 2