299 lines
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299 lines
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;;; mumamo-test.el --- Test routines for mumamo
;; Author: Lennart Borgman
;; Created: Sat Mar 31 03:59:26 2007
;; Version: 0.1
;; Last-Updated:
;;; Commentary:
;; This file defines some test for mumamo.el and a the minor mode
;; `mumamu-test-mode' to bind the test functions to some keys for
;; convenient use. This will define F3 to run
;; `mumamo-test-create-chunk-at' and Shift-F3 to
;; `mumamo-test-create-chunks-at-all-points'.
;;; Change log:
;;; Code:
;;(eval-when-compile (require 'mumamo))
(eval-when-compile (require 'mumamo))
(require 'whelp)
;;;;;;; TESTS, run in fundamental-mode buffer
(defvar mumamo-test-mode-keymap
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map [f11] 'goto-char)
(define-key map [(meta f3)] 'mumamo-test-fontify-region)
(define-key map [(shift f3)] 'mumamo-test-create-chunks-at-all-points)
(define-key map [f3] 'mumamo-test-create-chunk-at-point)
(defvar mumamo-test-current-chunk-family nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'mumamo-test-current-chunk-family)
(define-minor-mode mumamo-test-mode
"For testing creating mumamo-mode chunks.
When this mode is on the following keys are defined:
" MuMaMo-TEST"
:keymap mumamo-test-mode-keymap
(if mumamo-test-mode
(setq mumamo-test-current-chunk-family mumamo-current-chunk-family)
(setq mumamo-use-condition-case nil)
(setq mumamo-debugger nil)
(run-with-idle-timer 0 nil 'mumamo-test-tell-bindings))
(setq mumamo-use-condition-case t)
(setq mumamo-debugger (default-value 'mumamo-debugger)))
(defun mumamo-test-tell-bindings ()
(save-match-data ;; runs in timer
(let ((s "mumamo-test-mode is on, use F3/shift-F3 for simple testing"))
(put-text-property 0 (length s)
'face 'font-lock-warning-face
(message "%s" s))))
;;(mumamo-test-mode 1)
;; (defun mumamo-test-fontify-buffer ()
;; (interactive)
;; (unless mumamo-current-chunk-family
;; (mumamo-select-chunk-family))
;; ;;(when mumamo-mode (mumamo-mode 0))
;; (when mumamo-multi-major-mode (mumamo-turn-off-actions))
;; (save-excursion
;; (mumamo-remove-all-chunk-overlays)
;; (mumamo-save-buffer-state nil
;; (put-text-property (point-min) (point-max) 'face nil))
;; (mumamo-fontify-buffer)))
(defun mumamo-test-create-chunk-at-point ()
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'mumamo-post-command t)
(font-lock-mode -1)
(setq fontification-functions nil)
(mumamo-save-buffer-state nil
(remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) '(face nil syntax-table nil)))
(let* ((mumamo-current-chunk-family mumamo-test-current-chunk-family)
(here (point))
(mumamo-save-buffer-state nil
;;(setq chunk (mumamo-create-chunk-at here)))
(setq chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "test1")))
;;(setq chunk2 (mumamo-get-chunk-at here))
(setq chunk2 (mumamo-find-chunks here "set chunk2"))
;;(message "mumamo-test-create-chunk-at-point.chunk 1=%s" chunk)
;;(lwarn 'test-create-chunk-at :warning "chunk=%s, chunk2=%s" chunk chunk2)
;;(when (overlay-buffer chunk)
(assert (eq chunk chunk2))
;;(message "mumamo-test-create-chunk-at-point.chunk 2=%s" chunk)
;;(syntax-ppss-flush-cache (1- (overlay-start chunk)))
(syntax-ppss-flush-cache (overlay-start chunk))
(let ((start (overlay-start chunk))
(end (overlay-end chunk)))
;;(setq syntax-ppss-last (cons 319 (parse-partial-sexp 1 1)))
;;(message "mumamo-test-create-chunk-at-point.chunk 2a=%s" chunk)
(mumamo-save-buffer-state nil
(mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end nil)))
;;(message "mumamo-test-create-chunk-at-point.chunk 3=%s" chunk)
(unless mumamo-test-mode (mumamo-test-mode 1))
;;(message "mumamo-test-create-chunk-at-point.chunk 4=%s" chunk)
;;(message "test 2.debugger=%s" debugger)
;;(mumamo-get-chunk-at here)
(mumamo-find-chunks here "return value")
(defun mumamo-test-create-chunks-at-all-points ()
;;(goto-char (point-min))
(let (last-ovl
(while (< (point) (point-max))
;;(setq this-ovl (mumamo-test-create-chunk-at-point))
(setq this-ovl (mumamo-find-chunks (point) "test loop"))
;;(message "this-ovl=%s" this-ovl)
(sit-for 0.005)
;;(sit-for 0)
(when last-ovl
(if (= (point) (overlay-end last-ovl))
(assert (= (overlay-end last-ovl) (overlay-start this-ovl)))
(assert (= (overlay-start last-ovl) (overlay-start this-ovl)))
(assert (= (overlay-end last-ovl) (overlay-end this-ovl)))
(if last-ovl
(move-overlay last-ovl (overlay-start this-ovl) (overlay-end this-ovl))
(setq last-ovl (make-overlay (overlay-start this-ovl) (overlay-end this-ovl))))
(forward-char 1)
(message "No problems found")))
(defun mumamo-test-fontify-region ()
(let ((font-lock-mode t))
;;(mumamo-fontify-region-with (point-min) (point-max) nil 'php-mode nil)
(mumamo-fontify-region (point-min) (point-max) t)))
;; Fix-me: can't byte compile:
;; (defun mumamo-test-easy-make ()
;; (interactive)
;; (let ((start-str "--Start Submode:")
;; (end-str "--End Submode--")
;; (start-reg nil))
;; (setq start-reg
;; ;; (rx
;; ;; (eval start-str)
;; ;; (0+ space)
;; ;; (submatch
;; ;; (0+ (any "a-z-")))
;; ;; (0+ space)
;; ;; "--"
;; ;; )
;; (rx-to-string
;; `(and
;; ,start-str
;; (0+ space)
;; (submatch
;; (0+ (any "a-z-")))
;; (0+ space)
;; "--"
;; ))
;; )
;; (mumamo-easy-make-chunk-fun testchunk
;; start-str
;; start-reg
;; end-str))
;; (setq mumamo-current-chunk-family
;; (list "testing"
;; 'text-mode
;; (list
;; 'testchunk
;; ))))
;; (defun mumamo-test-emb-perl ()
;; (interactive)
;; (let ((start-str "[-")
;; (end-str "-]")
;; (start-reg nil))
;; (mumamo-easy-make-chunk-fun testchunk-ep
;; start-str
;; start-reg
;; end-str))
;; (setq mumamo-current-chunk-family
;; (list "emb perl test"
;; 'perl-mode
;; (list
;; 'testchunk-ep
;; ))))
;; These are for testing bad initialization in mumamo. They can be
;; used for example with php-mode. (They are mainly for development
;; purposes.)
;; (mumamo-bad-c-init)
(defun mumamo-bad-c-init() (/ 1 0))
(defun mumamo-setup-bad-c-init ()
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'mumamo-bad-c-init))
(defun mumamo-teardown-bad-c-init ()
(remove-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'mumamo-bad-c-init))
;; (defmacro mumamo-get-backtrace (bodyform)
;; "Evaluate BODYFORM, return backtrace as a string.
;; If there is an error in BODYFORM then return the backtrace as a
;; string, otherwise return nil."
;; `(let* ((debugger-ret nil)
;; (debugger (lambda (&rest debugger-args)
;; (setq debugger-ret (with-output-to-string (backtrace)))
;; (message "DEBUGGER CALLED AFTER, debugger-ret=%s" debugger-ret)
;; ))
;; (debug-on-error t)
;; (debug-on-signal t)
;; )
;; (condition-case err
;; (progn
;; ,bodyform
;; nil)
;; (error
;; (message "err=%S" err)
;; (message "debugger-ret=%S\n\n\n" debugger-ret)
;; (let* ((errmsg (error-message-string err))
;; (debugger-lines (split-string debugger-ret "\n"))
;; (dbg-ret (mapconcat 'identity (nthcdr 6 debugger-lines) "\n")))
;; (concat errmsg "\n" dbg-ret))))))
;; (defun mumamo-test3-debug()
;; (interactive)
;; (message "%s"
;; (mumamo-get-backtrace
;; (mumamo-test-major-mode-init 'php-mode))))
;; (defun mumamo-test2-debug()
;; (interactive)
;; (mumamo-condition-case var
;; (mumamo-test-major-mode-init 'php-mode)
;; handlers))
(defun mumamo-test-debug()
(condition-case err
(let ((debugger 'mumamo-debug)
(debug-on-error t)
(debug-on-signal t))
;;(message "here d")(sit-for 1)
(mumamo-test-major-mode-init 'php-mode))
(error (message "here 2 err=%S" err))))
(defun mumamo-debug (&rest debugger-args)
(let ((s (with-output-to-string (backtrace))))
(message "mumamo-debug: %s" s)))
;; (defun mumamo-bt-to-msg (msg)
;; (mumamo-msgfntfy "%s: %s" msg
;; (with-output-to-string
;; (backtrace))))
(defun mumamo-test-major-mode-init (major)
"Turn on major mode MAJOR in a temp buffer.
This function should be used after getting errors during
fontification where the message in the *Message* buffer tells
that you should call it to get a traceback.
Send the traceback you get, if any, together with the message in
the message buffer when reporting the error."
(interactive "CMajor mode: ")
;;(setq mumamo-explicitly-turned-on-off t)
(setq debug-on-error t)
(funcall major)))
(provide 'mumamo-test)
;;; mumamo-test.el ends here