312 lines
20 KiB
312 lines
20 KiB
Illegal char in prolog
mumamo-jit-lock-after-change 1 2 0
mumamo-jit-lock-after-change: font-lock-extend-after-change-region-function=nil
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup nxhtml-mode => html-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (progn (let ((jit-lock-start (\, min)) (jit-lock-end (\, max))) (mumamo-with-buffer-prepared-for-jit-lock (run-hook-with-args (quote jit-lock-after-change-extend-region-functions) min max old-len)) (setq min jit-lock-start) (setq max jit-lock-end) (syntax-ppss-flush-cache min)))))
mumamo-jit-lock-after-change r-min,max=(1 . 7),nil major-min,max=nxhtml-mode,nil
mumamo-jit-lock-after-change new-min,max=1,7
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=1,7 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-mark-for-refontification B min,max=1,7 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-jit-lock-function 1, ff=nil, just-changed=nil
++++++ mumamo-fontify-region 1 8 nil, skip=nil
here 1, here=1, end=8
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup nxhtml-mode => html-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (progn (let (ppss ret) (setq ppss (parse-partial-sexp (\, syntax-start) (+ (\, syntax-end) 0))) (if (or (nth 3 ppss) (nth 4 ppss)) (progn nil t) t)))))
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(1 6 nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 1 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 1/6
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=7,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-mark-for-refontification B min,max=7,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-create-chunk-from-chunk-values (1 6 nil nil nil nil)
mumamo-remove-chunk-overlays 1 6
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup nxhtml-mode => html-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (quote (if syntax-begin-function (progn syntax-begin-function) (when (and (not syntax-begin-function) (boundp (quote font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function)) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function))))
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 1 nil, chunk-max: 6 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=1, chunk=#<overlay from 1 to 6 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=1, start=1, chunk-min=1,max=6 end=8 chunk-major=nxhtml-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 1 6 nil nxhtml-mode, ff=t
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup nxhtml-mode => html-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 1 6 nil 1 6 nxhtml-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 1 6, chunk-syntax-min,max=1,6, new: 1 6
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup nxhtml-mode => html-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) last-pos)))
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 1 6 nil 1 6 nxhtml-mode
here 1, here=6, end=8
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(6 nil php-mode nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=nil cv-min/cv-max 6/nil
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=8,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-mark-for-refontification B min,max=8,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-create-chunk-from-chunk-values (6 nil php-mode nil nil nil)
mumamo-remove-chunk-overlays 6 329
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (quote (if syntax-begin-function (progn syntax-begin-function) (when (and (not syntax-begin-function) (boundp (quote font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function)) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function))))
mumamo-major-mode-from-modespec php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 6 font-lock-keyword-face, chunk-max: 329 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=6, chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=6, start=1, chunk-min=6,max=329 end=8 chunk-major=php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 6 8 nil php-mode, ff=nil
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 6 8 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 6 8, chunk-syntax-min,max=6,329, new: 6 8
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 6 8 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=8,8 point-min,max=1,329
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 3 ovl-start=1,end=329, start=1, chunks-to-remove=nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 4
++++++ mumamo-fontify-region 8 329 nil, skip=nil
here 1, here=8, end=329
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(6 nil php-mode nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 6/nil
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 6 font-lock-keyword-face, chunk-max: 329 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=8, chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=8, start=8, chunk-min=6,max=329 end=329 chunk-major=php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 8 329 nil php-mode, ff=t
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 8 329 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 8 329, chunk-syntax-min,max=6,329, new: 8 329
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 8 329 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=329,329 point-min,max=1,329
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 3 ovl-start=6,end=329, start=8, chunks-to-remove=nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 4
mumamo-jit-lock-function 6, ff=nil, just-changed=nil
++++++ mumamo-fontify-region 1 48 nil, skip=nil
here 1, here=1, end=48
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup nxhtml-mode => html-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (progn (let (ppss ret) (setq ppss (parse-partial-sexp (\, syntax-start) (+ (\, syntax-end) 0))) (if (or (nth 3 ppss) (nth 4 ppss)) (progn nil t) t)))))
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(1 6 nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 1 to 6 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 1/6
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 1 nil, chunk-max: 6 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=1, chunk=#<overlay from 1 to 6 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=1, start=1, chunk-min=1,max=6 end=48 chunk-major=nxhtml-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 1 6 nil nxhtml-mode, ff=t
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup nxhtml-mode => html-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 1 6 nil 1 6 nxhtml-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 1 6, chunk-syntax-min,max=1,6, new: 1 6
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup nxhtml-mode => html-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) last-pos)))
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 1 6 nil 1 6 nxhtml-mode
here 1, here=6, end=48
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(6 nil php-mode nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 6/nil
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=48,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-mark-for-refontification B min,max=48,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-create-chunk-from-chunk-values (6 nil php-mode nil nil nil)
mumamo-remove-chunk-overlays 6 329
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (quote (if syntax-begin-function (progn syntax-begin-function) (when (and (not syntax-begin-function) (boundp (quote font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function)) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function))))
mumamo-major-mode-from-modespec php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 6 font-lock-keyword-face, chunk-max: 329 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=6, chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=6, start=1, chunk-min=6,max=329 end=48 chunk-major=php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 6 48 nil php-mode, ff=nil
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 6 48 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 6 48, chunk-syntax-min,max=6,329, new: 6 48
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 6 48 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=48,48 point-min,max=1,329
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 3 ovl-start=1,end=329, start=1, chunks-to-remove=nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 4
++++++ mumamo-fontify-region 48 329 nil, skip=nil
here 1, here=48, end=329
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(6 nil php-mode nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 6/nil
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 6 font-lock-keyword-face, chunk-max: 329 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=48, chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=48, start=48, chunk-min=6,max=329 end=329 chunk-major=php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 48 329 nil php-mode, ff=t
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 48 329 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 48 329, chunk-syntax-min,max=6,329, new: 48 329
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 48 329 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=329,329 point-min,max=1,329
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 3 ovl-start=6,end=329, start=48, chunks-to-remove=nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 4
mumamo-jit-lock-function 7, ff=nil, just-changed=nil
++++++ mumamo-fontify-region 7 88 nil, skip=nil
here 1, here=7, end=88
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(6 nil php-mode nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 6/nil
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=88,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-mark-for-refontification B min,max=88,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-create-chunk-from-chunk-values (6 nil php-mode nil nil nil)
mumamo-remove-chunk-overlays 6 329
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (quote (if syntax-begin-function (progn syntax-begin-function) (when (and (not syntax-begin-function) (boundp (quote font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function)) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function))))
mumamo-major-mode-from-modespec php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 6 font-lock-keyword-face, chunk-max: 329 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=7, chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=7, start=7, chunk-min=6,max=329 end=88 chunk-major=php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 7 88 nil php-mode, ff=nil
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 7 88 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 7 88, chunk-syntax-min,max=6,329, new: 7 88
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 7 88 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=88,88 point-min,max=1,329
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 3 ovl-start=6,end=329, start=7, chunks-to-remove=nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 4
++++++ mumamo-fontify-region 88 329 nil, skip=nil
here 1, here=88, end=329
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(6 nil php-mode nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 6/nil
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 6 font-lock-keyword-face, chunk-max: 329 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=88, chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=88, start=88, chunk-min=6,max=329 end=329 chunk-major=php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 88 329 nil php-mode, ff=t
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 88 329 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 88 329, chunk-syntax-min,max=6,329, new: 88 329
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 88 329 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=329,329 point-min,max=1,329
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 3 ovl-start=6,end=329, start=88, chunks-to-remove=nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 4
mumamo-jit-lock-function 8, ff=nil, just-changed=nil
++++++ mumamo-fontify-region 8 128 nil, skip=nil
here 1, here=8, end=128
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(6 nil php-mode nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 6/nil
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=128,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-mark-for-refontification B min,max=128,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-create-chunk-from-chunk-values (6 nil php-mode nil nil nil)
mumamo-remove-chunk-overlays 6 329
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (quote (if syntax-begin-function (progn syntax-begin-function) (when (and (not syntax-begin-function) (boundp (quote font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function)) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function))))
mumamo-major-mode-from-modespec php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 6 font-lock-keyword-face, chunk-max: 329 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=8, chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=8, start=8, chunk-min=6,max=329 end=128 chunk-major=php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 8 128 nil php-mode, ff=nil
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 8 128 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 8 128, chunk-syntax-min,max=6,329, new: 8 128
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 8 128 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=128,128 point-min,max=1,329
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 3 ovl-start=6,end=329, start=8, chunks-to-remove=nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 4
++++++ mumamo-fontify-region 128 329 nil, skip=nil
here 1, here=128, end=329
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(6 nil php-mode nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 6/nil
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 6 font-lock-keyword-face, chunk-max: 329 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=128, chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=128, start=128, chunk-min=6,max=329 end=329 chunk-major=php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 128 329 nil php-mode, ff=t
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 128 329 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 128 329, chunk-syntax-min,max=6,329, new: 128 329
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 128 329 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=329,329 point-min,max=1,329
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 3 ovl-start=6,end=329, start=128, chunks-to-remove=nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 4
mumamo-jit-lock-function 20, ff=nil, just-changed=nil
++++++ mumamo-fontify-region 8 168 nil, skip=nil
here 1, here=8, end=168
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(6 nil php-mode nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 6/nil
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=168,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-mark-for-refontification B min,max=168,329 point-min,max=1,329
mumamo-create-chunk-from-chunk-values (6 nil php-mode nil nil nil)
mumamo-remove-chunk-overlays 6 329
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (quote (if syntax-begin-function (progn syntax-begin-function) (when (and (not syntax-begin-function) (boundp (quote font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function)) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function) font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function))))
mumamo-major-mode-from-modespec php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 6 font-lock-keyword-face, chunk-max: 329 nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1.here=8, chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php>
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 2 here=8, start=8, chunk-min=6,max=329 end=168 chunk-major=php-mode
mumamo-fontify-region-with 8 168 nil php-mode, ff=nil
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup php-mode => php-mode
mumamo-with-major-mode-setup <<<<<<<<<< body=(progn (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))
mumamo-do-fontify <<<<<<< 8 168 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-do-fontify 8 168, chunk-syntax-min,max=6,329, new: 8 168
mumamo-do-fontify exit >>>>>>> 8 168 nil 6 329 php-mode
mumamo-mark-for-refontification A min,max=168,168 point-min,max=1,329
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 3 ovl-start=6,end=329, start=8, chunks-to-remove=nil
*** mumamo-fontify-region-1: here 4
++++++ mumamo-fontify-region 168 329 nil, skip=nil
here 1, here=168, end=329
fn=mumamo-chunk-xml-pi, r=(6 nil php-mode nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-style, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-inlined-script, r=(1 nil nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-style=, r=(nil nil nil)
fn=mumamo-chunk-onjs=, r=(nil nil nil)
old-chunk=#<overlay from 6 to 329 in no-php-end-2.php> cv-min/cv-max 6/nil
mumamo-fontify-region-1 FACE FACE FACE chunk-min: 6 font-lock-keyword-face, chunk-max: 329 nil