205 lines
6.4 KiB
205 lines
6.4 KiB
* This file is part of the symfony package.
* (c) 2004-2006 Fabien Potencier <fabien.potencier@symfony-project.com>
* (c) 2004 David Heinemeier Hansson
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* TextHelper.
* @package symfony
* @subpackage helper
* @author Fabien Potencier <fabien.potencier@symfony-project.com>
* @author David Heinemeier Hansson
* @version SVN: $Id: TextHelper.php 3699 2007-04-02 11:47:32Z fabien $
* Truncates +text+ to the length of +length+ and replaces the last three characters with the +truncate_string+
* if the +text+ is longer than +length+.
function truncate_text($text, $length = 30, $truncate_string = '...', $truncate_lastspace = false)
if ($text == '')
return '';
if (strlen($text) > $length)
$truncate_text = substr($text, 0, $length - strlen($truncate_string));
if ($truncate_lastspace)
$truncate_text = preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '', $truncate_text);
return $truncate_text.$truncate_string;
return $text;
* Highlights the +phrase+ where it is found in the +text+ by surrounding it like
* <strong class="highlight">I'm a highlight phrase</strong>. The highlighter can be specialized by
* passing +highlighter+ as single-quoted string with \1 where the phrase is supposed to be inserted.
* N.B.: The +phrase+ is sanitized to include only letters, digits, and spaces before use.
function highlight_text($text, $phrase, $highlighter = '<strong class="highlight">\\1</strong>')
if ($text == '')
return '';
if ($phrase == '')
return $text;
return preg_replace('/('.preg_quote($phrase, '/').')/i', $highlighter, $text);
* Extracts an excerpt from the +text+ surrounding the +phrase+ with a number of characters on each side determined
* by +radius+. If the phrase isn't found, nil is returned. Ex:
* excerpt("hello my world", "my", 3) => "...lo my wo..."
function excerpt_text($text, $phrase, $radius = 100, $excerpt_string = '...')
if ($text == '' || $phrase == '')
return '';
$found_pos = strpos(strtolower($text), strtolower($phrase));
if ($found_pos !== false)
$start_pos = max($found_pos - $radius, 0);
$end_pos = min($found_pos + strlen($phrase) + $radius, strlen($text));
$prefix = ($start_pos > 0) ? $excerpt_string : '';
$postfix = $end_pos < strlen($text) ? $excerpt_string : '';
return $prefix.substr($text, $start_pos, $end_pos - $start_pos).$postfix;
* Word wrap long lines to line_width.
function wrap_text($text, $line_width = 80)
return preg_replace('/(.{1,'.$line_width.'})(\s+|$)/s', "\\1\n", preg_replace("/\n/", "\n\n", $text));
# Returns +text+ transformed into html using very simple formatting rules
# Surrounds paragraphs with <tt><p></tt> tags, and converts line breaks into <tt><br /></tt>
# Two consecutive newlines(<tt>\n\n</tt>) are considered as a paragraph, one newline (<tt>\n</tt>) is
# considered a linebreak, three or more consecutive newlines are turned into two newlines
function simple_format_text($text, $options = array())
$css = (isset($options['class'])) ? ' class="'.$options['class'].'"' : '';
$text = sfToolkit::pregtr($text, array("/(\r\n|\r)/" => "\n", // lets make them newlines crossplatform
"/\n{3,}/" => "\n\n", // zap dupes
"/\n\n/" => "</p>\\0<p$css>", // turn two newlines into paragraph
"/([^\n])\n([^\n])/" => "\\1\n<br />\\2")); // turn single newline into <br/>
return '<p'.$css.'>'.$text.'</p>'; // wrap the first and last line in paragraphs before we're done
* Turns all urls and email addresses into clickable links. The +link+ parameter can limit what should be linked.
* Options are :all (default), :email_addresses, and :urls.
* Example:
* auto_link("Go to http://www.symfony-project.com and say hello to fabien.potencier@example.com") =>
* Go to <a href="http://www.symfony-project.com">http://www.symfony-project.com</a> and
* say hello to <a href="mailto:fabien.potencier@example.com">fabien.potencier@example.com</a>
function auto_link_text($text, $link = 'all', $href_options = array())
if ($link == 'all')
return _auto_link_urls(_auto_link_email_addresses($text), $href_options);
else if ($link == 'email_addresses')
return _auto_link_email_addresses($text);
else if ($link == 'urls')
return _auto_link_urls($text, $href_options);
* Turns all links into words, like "<a href="something">else</a>" to "else".
function strip_links_text($text)
return preg_replace('/<a.*>(.*)<\/a>/m', '\\1', $text);
if (!defined('SF_AUTO_LINK_RE'))
define('SF_AUTO_LINK_RE', '~
( # leading text
<\w+.*?>| # leading HTML tag, or
[^=!:\'"/]| # leading punctuation, or
^ # beginning of line
(?:https?://)| # protocol spec, or
(?:www\.) # www.*
[-\w]+ # subdomain or domain
(?:\.[-\w]+)* # remaining subdomains or domain
(?::\d+)? # port
(?:/(?:(?:[\~\w\+%-]|(?:[,.;:][^\s$]))+)?)* # path
(?:\?[\w\+%&=.;-]+)? # query string
(?:\#[\w\-]*)? # trailing anchor
([[:punct:]]|\s|<|$) # trailing text
* Turns all urls into clickable links.
function _auto_link_urls($text, $href_options = array())
$href_options = _tag_options($href_options);
return preg_replace_callback(
create_function('$matches', '
if (preg_match("/<a\s/i", $matches[1]))
return $matches[0];
return $matches[1].\'<a href="\'.($matches[2] == "www." ? "http://www." : $matches[2]).$matches[3].\'"'.$href_options.'>\'.$matches[2].$matches[3].\'</a>\'.$matches[4];
, $text);
* Turns all email addresses into clickable links.
function _auto_link_email_addresses($text)
return preg_replace('/([\w\.!#\$%\-+.]+@[A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)+)/', '<a href="mailto:\\1">\\1</a>', $text);