I like the naquadah theme for emacs, so now I've changed a few colors to make my terminal apps look a little bit more like it, more will most likely follow.
22 lines
717 B
22 lines
717 B
auto-reload yes
browser luakit
confirm-exit yes
feedlist-format "%-35t %?d?- %-35d&? %> %u"
max-items 2000
notify-program notify-send
notify-beep yes
reload-threads 3
reload-time 60
show-read-feeds no
show-read-articles no
text-width 80
articlelist-format "%-4i %f %t"
feedlist-title-format "%N %V %> %u feeds with new articles"
articlelist-title-format "%N %V %T"
# colors
color listfocus white black
color info white black
# keys
bind-key i prev-dialog