1009 lines
40 KiB
1009 lines
40 KiB
;;; viper-tut.el --- Viper tutorial
;; Author: Lennart Borgman
;; Created: Fri Sep 08 2006
(defconst viper-tut:version "0.2") ;;Version: 0.2
;; Last-Updated:
;; Keywords:
;; Compatibility: Emacs 22
;; Features that might be required by this library:
;; `button', `cus-edit', `cus-face', `cus-load', `cus-start',
;; `help-mode', `tutorial', `view', `wid-edit'.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Change log:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'mumamo))
(eval-when-compile (require 'ourcomments-util))
(require 'tutorial)
(require 'cus-edit)
(defface viper-tut-header-top
'((t (:foreground "black" :background "goldenrod3")))
"Face for headers."
:group 'web-vcs)
(defface viper-tut-header
'((t (:foreground "black" :background "goldenrod2" :height 1.8)))
"Face for headers."
:group 'web-vcs)
(defvar tutorial--tab-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map [tab] 'forward-button)
(define-key map [(shift tab)] 'backward-button)
(define-key map [(meta tab)] 'backward-button)
"Keymap that allows tabbing between buttons.")
(defconst viper-tut--emacs-part 6)
(defconst viper-tut--default-keys
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Part 1
;; ^D Move DOWN one half-screen
;;(viper-scroll-up [(control ?d)])
(viper-scroll-up [?\C-d])
;; ^U Move UP one half-screen
;;(viper-scroll-down [(control ?u)])
(viper-scroll-down [?\C-u])
;; h Move left one character
(viper-backward-char [?h])
;; j Move down one line
(viper-next-line [?j])
;; k Move up one line
(viper-previous-line [?k])
;; l Move right one character
(viper-forward-char [?l])
;; dd DELETE one line
(viper-command-argument [?d])
;; x X-OUT one character
(viper-delete-char [?x])
;; u UNDO last change
(viper-undo [?u])
;; :q!<RETURN> QUIT without saving changes
(viper-ex [?:])
;; ZZ Exit and save any changes
(viper-save-kill-buffer [?Z ?Z])
;; o OPEN a line for inserting text
(viper-open-line [?o])
;; i INSERT starting at the cursor
(viper-insert [?i])
;; ESC ESCAPE from insert mode
;;(viper-intercept-ESC-key [(escape)])
;(viper-intercept-ESC-key [27])
(viper-intercept-ESC-key [escape])
;; chagned-keys=
;; (([27]
;; viper-intercept-ESC-key
;; viper-intercept-ESC-key
;; <escape>
;; (more info current-binding (keymap (118 . cua-repeat-replace-region)) viper-intercept-ESC-key [27] <escape>)))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Part 2
;; w Move to the beginning of the next WORD
(viper-forward-word [?w])
;; e Move to the END of the next word
(viper-end-of-word [?e])
;; b Move BACK to the beginning to the previous word
(viper-backward-word [?b])
;; $ Move to the end of the line
(viper-goto-eol [?$])
;; ^ Move to the first non-white character on the line
(viper-bol-and-skip-white [?^])
;; 0 Move to the first column on the line (column zero)
(viper-beginning-of-line [?0])
;; #| Move to an exact column on the line (column #) e.g. 5| 12|
(viper-goto-col [?|])
;; f char FIND the next occurrence of char on the line
(viper-find-char-forward [?f])
;; t char Move 'TIL the next occurrence of char on the line
(viper-goto-char-forward [?t])
;; F char FIND the previous occurrence of char on the line
(viper-find-char-backward [?F])
;; T char Move 'TIL the previous occurrence of char on the line
(viper-goto-char-backward [?T])
;; ; Repeat the last f, t, F, or T
(viper-repeat-find [?\;])
;; , Reverse the last f, t, F, or T
(viper-repeat-find-opposite [?,])
;; % Show matching () or {} or []
(viper-exec-mapped-kbd-macro [?%])
;; H Move to the HIGHEST position in the window
(viper-window-top [?H])
;; M Move to the MIDDLE position in the window
(viper-window-middle [?M])
;; L Move to the LOWEST position in the window
(viper-window-bottom [?L])
;; m char MARK this location and name it char
(viper-mark-point [?m])
;; ' char (quote character) return to line named char
;; '' (quote quote) return from last movement
(viper-goto-mark-and-skip-white [?'])
;; G GO to the last line in the file
;; #G GO to line #. (e.g., 3G , 5G , 175G )
(viper-goto-line [?G])
;; { (left brace) Move to the beginning of a paragraph
;; } (right brace) Move to the end of a paragraph
(viper-backward-paragraph [?{])
(viper-forward-paragraph [?}])
;; ( (left paren) Move to the beginning of a sentence
;; ) (right paren) Move to the beginning of the next sentence
(viper-backward-sentence [?\(])
(viper-forward-sentence [?\)])
;; [[ Move to the beginning of a section
;; ]] Move to the end of a section
(viper-brac-function [?\[])
(viper-ket-function [?\]])
;; /string Find string looking forward
(viper-exec-mapped-kbd-macro [?/])
;; ?string Find string looking backward
(viper-search-backward [??])
;; n Repeat last / or ? command
;; N Reverse last / or ? command
(viper-search-next [?n])
(viper-search-Next [?N])
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Part 3
;; #movement repeat movement # times
(viper-digit-argument [?1])
(viper-digit-argument [?2])
(viper-digit-argument [?3])
(viper-digit-argument [?4])
(viper-digit-argument [?5])
(viper-digit-argument [?6])
(viper-digit-argument [?7])
(viper-digit-argument [?8])
(viper-digit-argument [?9])
;; dmovement DELETE to where "movement" command specifies
;; d#movement DELETE to where the #movement command specifies
;; d runs the command viper-command-argument
;; ymovement YANK to where "movement" command specifies
;; y#movement YANK to where the #movement command specifies
(viper-command-argument [?y])
;; P (upper p) PUT the contents of the buffer before the cursor
;; p (lower p) PUT the contents of the buffer after the cursor
(viper-put-back [?p])
(viper-Put-back [?P])
;; "#P (upper p) PUT contents of buffer # before the cursor
;; "#p (lower p) PUT contents of buffer # after the cursor
;; "aDELETE DELETE text into buffer a
;; "aYANK YANK text into buffer a
;; "aPUT PUT text from named buffer a
(viper-command-argument [?\"])
;; :w<RETURN> WRITE contents of the file (without quitting)
;; :e filename<RETURN> Begin EDITing the file called "filename"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Part 4
;; o OPEN a line below the cursor
;; O OPEN a line above the cursor
(viper-open-line [?o])
(viper-Open-line [?O])
;; i INSERT starting before the cursor
;; I INSERT at the beginning of the line
(viper-insert [?i])
(viper-Insert [?I])
;; a APPEND starting after the cursor
;; A APPEND at the end of the line
(viper-append [?a])
(viper-Append [?A])
;; ESC ESCAPE from insert mode
(viper-intercept-ESC-key [(escape)])
;; J JOIN two lines
(viper-join-lines [?J])
;; #s SUBSTITUTE for # characters
;; #S SUBSTITUTE for # whole lines
(viper-substitute [?s])
(viper-substitute-line [?S])
;; r REPLACE character (NO need to press ESC)
;; R enter over-type mode
(viper-replace-char [?r])
(viper-overwrite [?R])
;; cmovement CHANGE to where the movement commands specifies
(viper-command-argument [?c])
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Part 5
;; ~ (tilde) Convert case of current character
(viper-toggle-case [?~])
;; U (upper u) UNDO all changes made to the current line
;; not implemented
;;(viper-undo [?U])
;; . (dot) repeat last change
(viper-repeat [?.])
;; ^F Move FORWARD one full-screen
;; ^B Move BACKWARD one full-screen
;;(viper-scroll-screen [(control ?f)])
(viper-scroll-screen [?\C-f])
;;(viper-scroll-screen-back [(control ?b)])
(viper-scroll-screen-back [?\C-b])
;; ^E Move the window down one line without moving cursor
;; ^Y Move the window up one line without moving cursor
;;(viper-scroll-up-one [(control ?e)])
(viper-scroll-up-one [?\C-e])
;;(viper-scroll-down-one [(control ?y)])
(viper-scroll-down-one [?\C-y])
;; z<RETURN> Position the current line to top of window
;; z. Position the current line to middle of window
;; z- Position the current line to bottom of window
(viper-line-to-top "z\C-m")
(viper-line-to-middle [?z ?.])
(viper-line-to-bottom [?z ?-])
;; ^G Show status of current file
;;(viper-info-on-file [(control ?c)(control ?g)])
(viper-info-on-file [?\C-c ?\C-g])
;; ^L Refresh screen
;;(recenter [(control ?l)])
(recenter-top-bottom [?\C-l])
;; !}fmt Format the paragraph, joining and filling lines to
;; !}sort Sort lines of a paragraph alphabetically
(viper-command-argument [?!])
;; >movement Shift right to where the movement command specifies
;; <movement Shift left to where the movement command specifies
(viper-command-argument [?>])
(viper-command-argument [?<])
(defun viper-tut--detailed-help (button)
"Give detailed help about changed keys."
(with-output-to-temp-buffer (help-buffer)
(help-setup-xref (list #'viper-tut--detailed-help button)
(with-current-buffer (help-buffer)
(let* ((tutorial-buffer (button-get button 'tutorial-buffer))
;;(tutorial-arg (button-get button 'tutorial-arg))
(explain-key-desc (button-get button 'explain-key-desc))
(part (button-get button 'part))
(changed-keys (with-current-buffer tutorial-buffer
(let ((tutorial--lang "English"))
(if (= part viper-tut--emacs-part)
(when changed-keys
"The following key bindings used in the tutorial had been changed\n"
(if (= part viper-tut--emacs-part)
"from Emacs default in the "
"from Viper default in the ")
(buffer-name tutorial-buffer) " buffer:\n\n" )
(let ((frm " %-9s %-27s %-11s %s\n"))
(insert (format frm "Key" "Standard Binding" "Is Now On" "Remark")))
(dolist (tk changed-keys)
(let* ((def-fun (nth 1 tk))
(key (nth 0 tk))
(def-fun-txt (nth 2 tk))
(where (nth 3 tk))
(remark (nth 4 tk))
(rem-fun (command-remapping def-fun))
(key-txt (key-description key))
(key-fun (with-current-buffer tutorial-buffer (key-binding key)))
(unless (eq def-fun key-fun)
;; Insert key binding description:
(when (string= key-txt explain-key-desc)
(put-text-property 0 (length key-txt) 'face '(:background "yellow") key-txt))
(insert " " key-txt " ")
(setq tot-len (length key-txt))
(when (> 9 tot-len)
(insert (make-string (- 9 tot-len) ? ))
(setq tot-len 9))
;; Insert a link describing the old binding:
(insert-button def-fun-txt
'help-echo (format "Describe function '%s" def-fun-txt)
'action `(lambda(button) (interactive)
(describe-function ',def-fun))
'follow-link t)
(setq tot-len (+ tot-len (length def-fun-txt)))
(when (> 36 tot-len)
(insert (make-string (- 36 tot-len) ? )))
(when (listp where)
(setq where "list"))
;; Tell where the old binding is now:
(insert (format " %-11s " where))
;; Insert a link with more information, for example
;; current binding and keymap or information about
;; cua-mode replacements:
(insert-button (car remark)
'help-echo "Give more information about the changed key binding"
'action `(lambda(b) (interactive)
(let ((value ,(cdr remark)))
;; Fix-me:
(tutorial--describe-nonstandard-key value)))
'follow-link t)
(insert "\n")))))
(insert "
It is legitimate to change key bindings, but changed bindings do not
correspond to what the tutorial says.
\(See also " )
(insert-button "Key Binding Conventions"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
"(elisp) Key Binding Conventions")
(message "Type C-x 0 to close the new window"))
'follow-link t)
(insert ".)\n\n")
(with-no-warnings (print-help-return-message))))))
(defvar viper-tut--part nil
"Viper tutorial part.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'viper-tut--part)
(defun viper-tut--saved-file ()
"File name in which to save tutorials."
(let* ((file-name
(file-name-nondirectory (viper-tut--file viper-tut--part)))
(ext (file-name-extension file-name)))
(when (or (not ext)
(string= ext ""))
(setq file-name (concat file-name ".tut")))
(expand-file-name file-name (tutorial--saved-dir))))
(defun viper-tut--save-tutorial ()
"Save the tutorial buffer.
This saves the part of the tutorial before and after the area
showing changed keys. It also saves point position and the
position where the display of changed bindings was inserted.
Do not save anything if not `viper-mode' is enabled in the
tutorial buffer."
;; This runs in a hook so protect it:
(condition-case err
(when (boundp 'viper-mode-string)
(tutorial--save-tutorial-to (viper-tut--saved-file)))
(error (warn "Error saving tutorial state: %s" (error-message-string err)))))
(defvar viper-tut--parts
(0 "0intro" "Introduction")
(1 "1basics" "Basic Editing")
(2 "2moving" "Moving Efficiently")
(3 "3cutpaste" "Cutting and Pasting")
(4 "4inserting" "Inserting Techniques")
(5 "5tricks" "Tricks and Timesavers")
(6 "(no file)" "Emacs tutorial for Viper Users")
(defcustom viper-tut-directory
(let* ((this-file (if load-file-name
(this-dir (file-name-directory this-file)))
(expand-file-name "../etc/viper-tut" this-dir)))
"Directory where the Viper tutorial files lives."
:type 'directory
:group 'viper)
(defun viper-tut--file(part)
"Get file name for part."
(let ((tut-file))
(mapc (lambda(rec)
(when (= part (nth 0 rec))
(setq tut-file
(if (= part viper-tut--emacs-part)
(let ((tf (expand-file-name (get-language-info "English" 'tutorial) tutorial-directory)))
(unless (file-exists-p tf)
(error "Can't find the English tutorial file for Emacs: %S" tf))
(expand-file-name (nth 1 rec) viper-tut-directory)))))
(defun viper-tut-viper-is-on ()
;;(message "viper-tut-viper-is-on, vms=%s, cb=%s" (boundp 'viper-mode-string) (current-buffer))
;;(boundp 'viper-mode-string)
(boundp 'viper-current-state))
(defun viper-tut--display-changes (changed-keys part)
"Display changes to some default Viper key bindings.
If some of the default key bindings that the Viper tutorial
depends on have been changed then display the changes in the
tutorial buffer with some explanatory links.
CHANGED-KEYS should be a list in the format returned by
(when (or changed-keys
;; Need the custom button face for viper buttons:
;;(when (and (boundp 'viper-mode) viper-mode) (require 'cus-edit))
(goto-char tutorial--point-before-chkeys)
(let* ((start (point))
(if (viper-tut-viper-is-on)
(if (= part viper-tut--emacs-part)
NOTICE: This part of the Viper tutorial runs the Emacs tutorial.
Several keybindings are changed from Emacs default (either
because of Viper or some other customization) and doesn't
correspond to the tutorial.
We have inserted colored notices where the altered commands have
been introduced. If you change Viper state (vi state, insert
state, etc) these notices will be changed to reflect the new
state. ["
NOTICE: The main purpose of the Viper tutorial is to teach you
the most important vi commands (key bindings). However, your
Emacs has been customized by changing some of these basic Viper
editing commands, so it doesn't correspond to the tutorial. We
have inserted colored notices where the altered commands have
been introduced. [")
NOTICE: You have currently not turned on Viper. Nothing in this
tutorial \(the Viper Tutorial\) will work unless you do that. ["
(head2 (if (viper-tut-viper-is-on)
(get-lang-string tutorial--lang 'tut-chgdhead2)
"More information")))
(when (and head head2)
(insert head)
(insert-button head2
;;'tutorial-arg arg
'part part
(if (viper-tut-viper-is-on)
'follow-link t
'echo "Click for more information"
'face '(:inherit link :background "yellow"))
(insert "]\n\n" )
(when changed-keys
(dolist (tk changed-keys)
(let* ((def-fun (nth 1 tk))
(key (nth 0 tk))
(def-fun-txt (nth 2 tk))
(where (nth 3 tk))
(remark (nth 4 tk))
(rem-fun (command-remapping def-fun))
(key-txt (key-description key))
(key-fun (key-binding key))
(unless (eq def-fun key-fun)
;; Mark the key in the tutorial text
(unless (string= "Same key" where)
(let* ((here (point))
(key-desc (key-description key))
(vi-char (= 1 (length key-desc)))
(when (string= "RET" key-desc)
(setq key-desc "Return"))
(when (string= "DEL" key-desc)
(setq key-desc "Delback"))
(while (if (not vi-char)
(unless hit ;; Only tell once
(setq hit t)
(concat "[^[:alpha:]]\\("
(regexp-quote key-desc)
"\\)[^[:alpha:]]") nil t))
(setq vi-char-pos
(point) 'vi-char)))
(if (not vi-char)
(put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
(match-end 0)
'tutorial-remark nil) ;;'only-colored)
(put-text-property (match-beginning 0)
(match-end 0)
'face '(:background "yellow"))
(goto-char (1+ vi-char-pos))
(setq hit (string= key-desc (char-to-string (char-before))))
(when hit
(put-text-property vi-char-pos (1+ vi-char-pos)
'face '(:background "yellow"))))
(when hit
(let ((s (get-lang-string tutorial--lang 'tut-chgdkey))
(s2 (get-lang-string tutorial--lang 'tut-chgdkey2))
(start (point))
;; key-desc " has been rebound, but you can use " where " instead ["))
(when (and s s2)
(when (or (not where) (= 0 (length where)))
(setq where (concat "`M-x " def-fun-txt "'")))
(setq s (format s key-desc where s2))
(insert s " [")
(insert-button s2
;;'tutorial-arg arg
'part part
'explain-key-desc key-desc
'follow-link t
'face '(:inherit link :background "yellow"))
(insert "] **")
(insert "\n")
(setq end (point))
(put-text-property start end 'local-map tutorial--tab-map)
(put-text-property start end 'tutorial-remark t)
(put-text-property start end
'face '(:background "yellow" :foreground "#c00"))
(put-text-property start end 'read-only t)))))
(goto-char here)))))))
(setq end (point))
;; Make the area with information about change key
;; bindings stand out:
(put-text-property start end
;; The default warning face does not
;;look good in this situation. Instead
;;try something that could be
;;recognized from warnings in normal
;; 'font-lock-warning-face
(list :background "yellow" :foreground "#c00"))
;; Make it possible to use Tab/S-Tab between fields in
;; this area:
(put-text-property start end 'local-map tutorial--tab-map)
(put-text-property start end 'tutorial-remark t)
(setq tutorial--point-after-chkeys (point-marker))
;; Make this area read-only:
(put-text-property start end 'read-only t)))))
(defun viper-tut--at-change-state()
(condition-case err
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(here (point)))
;; Delete the remarks:
;; Add them again
(goto-char here)
(error (message "error in viper-tut--at-change-state: %s" (error-message-string err)))))
(defun viper-tutorial(part &optional dont-ask-for-revert)
"Run a tutorial for Viper.
A simple classic tutorial in 5 parts that have been used by many
people starting to learn vi keys. You may learn enough to start
using `viper-mode' in Emacs.
Some people find that vi keys helps against repetetive strain
injury, see URL
Note: There might be a few clashes between vi key binding and
Emacs standard key bindings. You will be notified about those in
the tutorial. Even more, if your own key bindings comes in
between you will be notified about that too."
(interactive (list
;; (condition-case nil
;; (widget-choose "The following viper tutorials are available"
;; (mapcar (lambda(rec)
;; (cons (nth 2 rec) (nth 0 rec)))
;; viper-tut--parts))
;; (error nil))
(if (not (boundp 'viper-current-state))
(let ((prompt
You can not run the Viper tutorial in this Emacs because you
have not enabled Viper.
Do you want to run the Viper tutorial in a new Emacs? "))
(if (y-or-n-p prompt)
(let ((ret (funcall 'emacs--no-desktop
" (setq viper-mode t)"
" (require 'viper)"
" (require 'viper-tut)"
" (call-interactively 'viper-tutorial))"))))
(message "Starting Viper tutorial in a new Emacs"))
(message "Viper tutorial aborted by user")))
(let* ((filename (viper-tut--file part))
;; Choose a buffer name including the language so that
;; several languages can be tested simultaneously:
(tut-buf-name "Viper TUTORIAL")
(old-tut-buf (get-buffer tut-buf-name))
(old-tut-part (when old-tut-buf
(with-current-buffer old-tut-buf
(old-tut-win (when old-tut-buf (get-buffer-window old-tut-buf t)))
(old-tut-is-ok (when old-tut-buf
(= part old-tut-part)
(not (buffer-modified-p old-tut-buf)))))
(old-tut-point 1))
(unless (file-exists-p filename) (error "Can't fine %s" filename))
(setq tutorial--point-after-chkeys (point-min))
;; Try to display the tutorial buffer before asking to revert it.
;; If the tutorial buffer is shown in some window make sure it is
;; selected and displayed:
(if old-tut-win
(select-window (get-buffer-window old-tut-buf t))))
;; Else, is there an old tutorial buffer? Then display it:
(when old-tut-buf
(switch-to-buffer old-tut-buf)))
;; Use whole frame for tutorial
;; If the tutorial buffer has been changed then ask if it should
;; be reverted:
(when (and old-tut-buf
(not old-tut-is-ok)
(= part old-tut-part))
(setq old-tut-is-ok
(if dont-ask-for-revert
(not (y-or-n-p
"You have changed the Tutorial buffer. Revert it? ")))))
;; (Re)build the tutorial buffer if it is not ok
(unless old-tut-is-ok
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create tut-buf-name))
(unless old-tut-buf (text-mode))
(setq viper-tut--part part)
(setq old-tut-file (file-exists-p (viper-tut--saved-file)))
(when (= part 0) (setq old-tut-file nil)) ;; You do not edit in the intro
(setq buffer-read-only nil)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)) ;; For the text property
(message "Preparing Viper tutorial ...") (sit-for 0)
;; Do not associate the tutorial buffer with a file. Instead use
;; a hook to save it when the buffer is killed.
(setq buffer-auto-save-file-name nil)
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'viper-tut--save-tutorial nil t)
;; Insert the tutorial. First offer to resume last tutorial
;; editing session.
(when dont-ask-for-revert
(setq old-tut-file nil))
(when old-tut-file
(setq old-tut-file
"Resume your last saved Viper tutorial part %s? "
(if old-tut-file
(insert-file-contents (viper-tut--saved-file))
(goto-char (point-min))
(setq old-tut-point
(line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))
(setq tutorial--point-before-chkeys
(line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))
(delete-region (point-min) (point))
(goto-char tutorial--point-before-chkeys)
(setq tutorial--point-before-chkeys (point-marker)))
;;(insert-file-contents (expand-file-name filename data-directory))
(insert-file-contents filename)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "'\\([][+a-zA-Z~<>!;,:.'\"%/?(){}$^0|-]\\)'" nil t)
(let ((matched-char (match-string 1))
(inhibit-read-only t))
(put-text-property 0 1 'vi-char t matched-char)
(put-text-property 0 1 'face '(:foreground "blue") matched-char)
(replace-match matched-char))))
(setq tutorial--point-before-chkeys (point-marker)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(when old-tut-file
;; Just move to old point in saved tutorial.
(let ((old-point
(if (> 0 old-tut-point)
(- old-tut-point)
(+ old-tut-point tutorial--point-after-chkeys))))
(when (< old-point 1)
(setq old-point 1))
(goto-char old-point)))
;; Clear message:
(message "") (sit-for 0)
(setq buffer-undo-list nil)
(set-buffer-modified-p nil))
(setq buffer-read-only (= 0 part)))))
;;(tutorial--find-changed-keys '((scroll-up [?\C-v])))
(defun viper-tut--add-remarks()
;; Check if there are key bindings that may disturb the
;; tutorial. If so tell the user.
(let* ((tutorial--lang "English")
(if (= viper-tut--part viper-tut--emacs-part)
(tutorial--find-changed-keys tutorial--default-keys)
(tutorial--find-changed-keys viper-tut--default-keys))))
(viper-tut--display-changes changed-keys viper-tut--part))
(if (= viper-tut--part viper-tut--emacs-part)
(add-hook 'viper-vi-state-hook 'viper-tut--at-change-state nil t)
(add-hook 'viper-insert-state-hook 'viper-tut--at-change-state nil t)
(add-hook 'viper-replace-state-hook 'viper-tut--at-change-state nil t)
(add-hook 'viper-emacs-state-hook 'viper-tut--at-change-state nil t)
(remove-hook 'viper-vi-state-hook 'viper-tut--at-change-state t)
(remove-hook 'viper-insert-statehook 'viper-tut--at-change-state t)
(remove-hook 'viper-replace-state-hook 'viper-tut--at-change-state t)
(remove-hook 'viper-emacs-state-hook 'viper-tut--at-change-state t)
(defun viper-tut-fix-header-and-footer ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(add-text-properties (point) (1+ (line-end-position))
'( read-only t face viper-tut-header))
(goto-char (point-min))
(viper-tut--insert-goto-row nil)
(goto-char (point-max))
(viper-tut--insert-goto-row t)))
(defun viper-tut--insert-goto-row(last)
(let ((start (point))
(insert " Go to part: ")
(dolist (rec viper-tut--parts)
(let ((n (nth 0 rec))
(file (nth 1 rec))
(title (nth 2 rec)))
(if (= n viper-tut--part)
(insert (format "%s" n))
(insert-button (format "%s" n)
'help-echo (concat "Go to part: " title)
'follow-link t
`(lambda (button)
(viper-tutorial ,n t))))
(insert " ")))
(insert " ")
(insert-button "Exit Tutorial"
'help-echo "Exit tutorial and close tutorial buffer"
'follow-link t
(lambda (button)
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
(unless last (insert "\n"))
(setq end (point))
(put-text-property start end 'local-map tutorial--tab-map)
(put-text-property start end 'tutorial-remark t)
(put-text-property start end
'face 'viper-tut-header-top)
(put-text-property start end 'read-only t)))
(defun viper-tut--replace-links()
"Replace markers for links with actual links."
(let ((re-links (regexp-opt '("VIPER-MANUAL"
(case-fold-search nil)
(inhibit-read-only t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward re-links nil t)
(let ((matched (match-string 0))
(replace-match "")
(setq start (point))
((string= matched "VIPER-TOGGLE-KEY")
(insert-button "viper-toggle-key"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(describe-variable 'viper-toggle-key))
'follow-link t))
((string= matched "CUA-MODE")
(insert-button "cua-mode"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(describe-function 'cua-mode))
'follow-link t))
((string= matched "ISEARCH-FORWARD")
(insert-button "isearch-forward"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(describe-function 'isearch-forward))
'follow-link t))
((string= matched "KILL-BUFFER")
(insert-button "kill-buffer"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(describe-function 'kill-buffer))
'follow-link t))
((string= matched "UNIVERSAL-ARGUMENT")
(insert-button "universal-argument"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(describe-function 'universal-argument))
'follow-link t))
((string= matched "DIGIT-ARGUMENT")
(insert-button "digit-argument"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(describe-function 'digit-argument))
'follow-link t))
((string= matched "* EMACS-NOTICE:")
(insert "* Emacs NOTICE:")
(while (progn
(forward-line 1)
(not (looking-at "^$"))))
(put-text-property start (point)
'face '(:background
:foreground "#999999"))
(put-text-property start (point) 'read-only t)
((string= matched "SEARCH-COMMANDS")
(insert-button "search commands"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(info-other-window "(emacs) Search")
(message "Type C-x 0 to close the new window"))
'follow-link t))
((string= matched "KEYBOARD-MACROS")
(insert-button "keyboard macros"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(info-other-window "(emacs) Keyboard Macros")
(message "Type C-x 0 to close the new window"))
'follow-link t))
((string= matched "VIPER-MANUAL")
(insert-button "Viper manual"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(info-other-window "(viper)")
(message "Type C-x 0 to close the new window"))
'follow-link t))
((string= matched "R-AND-R")
(insert-button "r and R"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(info-other-window "(viper) Basics")
(message "Type C-x 0 to close the new window"))
'follow-link t))
((string= matched "README-FILE")
(insert-button "README file"
(lambda(button) (interactive)
(find-file-other-window (expand-file-name "README" viper-tut-directory))
(message "Type C-x 0 to close the new window"))
'follow-link t))
(error "Unmatched text: %s" matched)))
(put-text-property start (point) 'tutorial-remark t)
(put-text-property start (point) 'tutorial-orig matched)
(put-text-property start (point) 'local-map tutorial--tab-map)
(put-text-property start (point) 'read-only t))))))
(provide 'viper-tut)
;;; viper-tut.el ends here