Tronify my xdefaults colors and make urxvt use a visualBell instead of an audible one.
82 lines
1.8 KiB
82 lines
1.8 KiB
! -*- mode: conf-xdefaults; mode: rainbow -*-
! - color scheme
*.background: #000000
*.foreground: #15abc3
! black
*.color0: #000000
*.color8: #0d0b0c
! red
*.color1: #800000
*.color9: #c89490
! green
*.color2: #00815b
*.color10: #05e4a5
! yellow
*.color3: #c3ab15
*.color11: #e0c624
! blue
*.color4: #035390
*.color12: #029cdc
! purple
*.color5: #585ca8
*.color13: #9b859d
! cyan
*.color6: #15abc3
*.color14: #24c6e0
! white
*.color7: #808080
*.color15: #ececec
*.internalBorder: 0
! General
urxvt*loginShell: true
urxvt*scrollBar: false
urxvt*secondaryScroll: true
urxvt*saveLines: 65535
urxvt*cursorBlink: false
urxvt*cursorUnderline: true
urxvt*urgentOnBell: true
urxvt*termName: rxvt-256color
urxvt.visualBell: true
! Extensions
urxvt*perl-lib: /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/
urxvt*perl-ext-common: default,matcher,searchable-scrollback
urxvt*urlLauncher: firefox
urxvt*matcher.button: 1
! Appearance
urxvt.font: -misc-tamsyn-medium-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*
urxvt.boldFont: -misc-tamsyn-bold-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*
urxvt.transparent: true
xterm*faceName: -misc-tamsyn-medium-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*
!xft settings
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
! Emacs settings
Emacs*menuBar: off
Emacs*toolbar: off
Emacs*useXIM: off
xfontsel.sampleText: \
static void print_sample_message(XWindow *win) {\n\
win.label->text = "Sample text 0123456789"\n\
xfontsel.sampleText16: \
static void print_sample_message(XWindow *win) {\n\
win.label->text = "Sample text 0123456789"\n\
xfontsel.sampleTextUCS: \
static void print_sample_message(XWindow *win) {\n\
win.label->text = "Sample text 0123456789"\n\
*.font: -misc-tamsyn-medium-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*