2013-11-03 21:21:21 +01:00

205 lines
6.1 KiB

-- -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-- @author Nicolas Berthier <nberthier@gmail.com>
-- @copyright 2010 Nicolas Berthier
-- Bowls are kind of helpers that can be drawn (at the bottom --- for now) of an
-- area, and displaying the current key prefix. It is inspired by emacs'
-- behavior, that prints prefix keys in the minibuffer after a certain time.
-- I call it `bowl' as a reference to the bowl that one might have at home,
-- where one puts its actual keys... A more serious name would be `hint' or
-- `tooltip' (but they do not fit well for this usage).
-- Example usage: see `rc.lua' file.
--{{{ Grab environment (mostly aliases)
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local ipairs = ipairs
local type = type
local pairs = pairs
local string = string
local print = print
local error = error
local capi = capi
local client = client
local awesome = awesome
local root = root
local timer = timer
local infoline = require ("infoline")
module ("bowl")
-- Privata data: we use weak keys in order to allow collection of private data
-- if keys (clients) are collected (i.e., no longer used, after having been
-- killed for instance)
local data = setmetatable ({}, { __mode = 'k' })
--{{{ Default values
--- Default modifier filter
local modfilter = {
["Mod1"] = "M",
["Mod4"] = "S",
["Control"] = "C",
["Shift"] = string.upper,
-- Timers configuration
local use_timers = true
local timeout = 2.0
--{{{ Keychain pretty-printing
function mod_to_string (mods, k)
local ret, k = "", k
for _, mod in ipairs (mods) do
if modfilter[mod] then
local t = type (modfilter[mod])
if t == "function" then
k = modfilter[mod](k)
elseif t == "string" then
ret = ret .. modfilter[mod] .. "-"
error ("Invalid modifier key filter: got a " .. t)
ret = ret .. mod .. "-"
return ret, k
function ks_to_string (m, k)
local m, k = mod_to_string (m, k)
return m .. k
--{{{ Timer management
local function delete_timer_maybe (d)
if d.timer then -- stop and remove the timer
d.timer:remove_signal ("timeout", d.timer_function)
d.timer:stop ()
d.timer = nil
d.timer_expired = true
local function delayed_call_maybe (d, f)
if use_timers then
if not d.timer_expired and not d.timer then
-- create and start the timer
d.timer = timer ({ timeout = timeout })
d.timer_function = function () f (); delete_timer_maybe (d) end
d.timer:add_signal ("timeout", d.timer_function)
d.timer:start ()
d.timer_expired = false
elseif not d.timer_expired then
-- restart the timer...
-- XXX: What is the actual semantics of the call to `start' (ie,
-- does it restart the timer with the initial timeout)?
d.timer:stop ()
d.timer.timeout = timeout -- reset timeout
d.timer:start ()
else -- timers disabled
f () -- call the given function directly
--{{{ Infoline management
function dispose (w)
local d = data[w]
if d.bowl then -- if bowl was enabled... (should always be true...)
infoline.dispose (d.bowl)
d.bowl = nil
delete_timer_maybe (d)
data[w] = nil
function append (w, m, k)
local d = data[w]
local pretty_ks = ks_to_string (m, k) .. " "
infoline.set_text (d.bowl, infoline.get_text (d.bowl) .. pretty_ks)
local function enable_bowl ()
-- XXX: is there a possible bad interleaving that could make
-- this function execute while the bowl has already been
-- disposed of? in which case the condition should be checked
-- first...
-- if d.bowl then
infoline.attach (d.bowl, w)
-- end
delayed_call_maybe (d, enable_bowl)
function create (w)
-- XXX: Note the prefix text could be customizable...
data[w] = { bowl = infoline.new (" ") }
--- Initializes the bowl module, with given properties; should be called before
--- ANY other function of this module.
-- Configurations fields include:
-- `use_timers', `timeout': A boolean defining whether bowls drawing should be
-- delayed, along with a number being this time shift, in seconds (Default
-- values are `true' and `2').
-- `modfilter': A table associating modifiers (Mod1, Mod4, Control, Shift, etc.)
-- with either a string (in this case it will replace the modifier when printed
-- in heplers) or functions (in this case the key string will be repaced by a
-- call to this function with the key string as parameter). Default value is:
-- { ["Mod1"] = "M", ["Mod4"] = "S", ["Control"] = "C", ["Shift"] =
-- string.upper }
-- @param c The table of properties.
function init (c)
local c = c or { }
modfilter = c.modfilter and c.modfilter or modfilter
if c.use_timers ~= nil then use_timers = c.use_timers end
if use_timers then
timeout = c.timeout ~= nil and c.timeout or timeout
--- Setup signal listeners, that trigger appropriate functions for a default
--- behavior.
function default_setup ()
local function to_root (f) return function (...) f (root, ...) end end
client.add_signal ("keychain::enter", create)
client.add_signal ("keychain::append", append)
client.add_signal ("keychain::leave", dispose)
awesome.add_signal ("keychain::enter", to_root (create))
awesome.add_signal ("keychain::append", to_root (append))
awesome.add_signal ("keychain::leave", to_root (dispose))
-- Local variables:
-- indent-tabs-mode: nil
-- fill-column: 80
-- lua-indent-level: 4
-- End:
-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=80