
This commit is contained in:
Tom Willemsen 2012-12-04 17:51:55 +01:00
parent 0fc7500375
commit 77c8d5e865

View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
(defmacro reddit-feed (name)
"Return a reddit feed url"
(concat "http://www.reddit.com/r/" name "/new/.rss?sort=new"))
(setq newsticker-automatically-mark-items-as-old nil)
(setq newsticker-html-renderer 'w3m-region)
(setq newsticker-obsolete-item-max-age 604800)
(setq newsticker-url-list
"http://irreal.org/blog/?feed=rss2" nil nil nil)
("Arch Linux - Keeping it Simple"
,(reddit-feed "archlinux") nil nil nil)
("The C programming language"
,(reddit-feed "c_language") nil nil nil)
,(reddit-feed "C_Programming") nil nil nil)
,(reddit-feed "coding") nil nil nil)
("Command Line"
,(reddit-feed "commandline") nil nil nil)
,(reddit-feed "django") nil nil nil)
("M-x emacs-reddit"
,(reddit-feed "emacs") nil nil nil)
,(reddit-feed "git") nil nil nil)
,(reddit-feed "javascript") nil nil nil)
,(reddit-feed "linux") nil nil nil)
("Linux Gaming on Reddit"
,(reddit-feed "linux_gaming") nil nil nil)
,(reddit-feed "lisp") nil nil nil)
("Open Source on Reddit"
,(reddit-feed "opensource") nil nil nil)
("PHP: The latest news in the PHP world"
,(reddit-feed "PHP") nil nil nil)
,(reddit-feed "programming") nil nil nil)
,(reddit-feed "Python") nil nil nil)
("Scheme Programming Language articles"
,(reddit-feed "scheme") nil nil nil)
("The Wayland Display Server"
,(reddit-feed "wayland") nil nil nil)
("Identity at Mozilla"
"http://identity.mozilla.com/rss" nil nil nil)
"http://julien.danjou.info/blog/index.xml" nil nil nil)
("KaKaRoTo's Blog"
"http://kakaroto.homelinux.net/feed/" nil nil nil)
("Awhan Patnaik"
"http://awhan.wordpress.com/feed/" nil nil nil)
("The Gitorious Blog"
"http://blog.gitorious.org/feed/" nil nil nil)
;; ("Dieter on the web"
;; "http://dieter.plaetinck.be/index.rss" nil nil nil)
("Public Git Hosting - conkeror.git/atom log"
"http://repo.or.cz/w/conkeror.git/atom" nil nil nil)
("Stevey's Blog Rants"
nil nil nil)
("Script Tutorials"
"http://www.script-tutorials.com/feed/rss/" nil nil nil)
("Hacker News"
"http://news.ycombinator.com/rss" nil nil nil)
("HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials -"
"http://www.howtoforge.com/node/feed" nil nil nil)
("IBM developerWorks : Linux"
nil nil nil)
"http://linuxtoday.com/backend/biglt.rss" nil nil nil)
("Linux.com - Content Feed"
"http://linux.com/rss/feeds.php" nil nil nil)
("TuxRadar feed"
"http://www.tuxradar.com/rss" nil nil nil)
("Planet Emacsen"
"http://planet.emacsen.org/atom.xml" nil nil nil)
("M-x all-things-emacs"
"http://emacsblog.org/feed/" nil nil nil)
;; ("Xah Emacs Blog"
;; "http://feeds.feedburner.com/XahsEmacsBlog" nil nil nil)
;; ("Mastering Emacs"
;; "http://www.masteringemacs.org/feed/" nil nil nil)
("WikEmacs - Recent changes [en]"
nil nil nil)
("newest questions tagged emacs - Stack Overflow"
nil nil nil)
("newest questions tagged elisp - Stack Overflow"
nil nil nil)
("Recent Commits to python-django.el:master"
nil nil nil)))
(setq newsticker-use-full-width nil)
(provide 'newsticker-init)