
733 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

;; This file contains an example of the functions that are defined by
;; `mumamo-fetch-major-mode-setup'. The file was written using utf-8.
;; The functions are given names like mumamo-eval-in-MODE. The code
;; that was evaled to define the function is saved in the property
;; `mumamo-defun' on the function symbol. This code was used to insert
;; the function code below:
(insert (pp-to-string (get 'mumamo-eval-in-html-mode 'mumamo-defun)))
;; I have inserted comments by hand below:
(defun mumamo-eval-in-html-mode (body)
;; The parameter BODY is evaled at the end of the let form
;; below. The let bound variables are from two sources:
;; 1) Buffer local variables (minus some that do not fit/disturbs,
;; see `mumamo-get-relevant-buffer-local-vars'.
;; 2) From the list in `mumamo-fetch-major-mode-setup'. This list
;; contains variables that are often set buffer locally for
;; fontification indentation etc. Unfortunately not all of these
;; are automatic buffer locals.
;; These variables are from the list in
;; `mumamo-fetch-major-mode-setup':
((sgml-xml-mode nil)
(indent-line-function 'sgml-indent-line)
(indent-region-function nil)
(normal-auto-fill-function 'do-auto-fill)
(comment-start "<!-- ")
(comment-end " -->")
(comment-start-skip "<!--[ ]*")
(comment-end-skip "[ ]*--[ \n]*>")
(comment-multi-line nil)
(comment-line-break-function 'sgml-comment-indent-new-line)
(paragraph-start "[ ]*$\\|[ ]*</?\\([_:[:alpha:]][-_.:[:alnum:]]*\\(?:[^\"'/><]\\|\"[^\"]*\"\\|'[^']*'\\)*\\)?>")
(paragraph-separate "[ ]*$\\|[ ]*</?\\([_:[:alpha:]][-_.:[:alnum:]]*\\(?:[^\"'/><]\\|\"[^\"]*\"\\|'[^']*'\\)*\\)?>$")
(paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix nil)
(adaptive-fill-mode t)
(adaptive-fill-regexp "[ ]*")
(font-lock-multiline nil)
(font-lock-extend-after-change-region-function nil)
'(font-lock-extend-region-wholelines font-lock-extend-region-multiline))
(font-lock-comment-start-skip nil)
(font-lock-comment-end-skip nil)
'((sgml-font-lock-keywords sgml-font-lock-keywords-1 sgml-font-lock-keywords-2)
nil t nil nil
(font-lock-syntactic-keywords . sgml-font-lock-syntactic-keywords)))
(font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function nil)
"\3038\203 \207\n\207"
[state font-lock-string-face font-lock-comment-face 3]
(font-lock-mark-block-function nil)
(font-lock-extra-managed-props nil)
(font-lock-fontify-buffer-function 'jit-lock-refontify)
(font-lock-unfontify-buffer-function 'font-lock-default-unfontify-buffer)
(font-lock-fontify-region-function 'font-lock-default-fontify-region)
(font-lock-unfontify-region-function 'font-lock-default-unfontify-region)
'(font-lock-extend-jit-lock-region-after-change t))
(syntax-begin-function nil)
(fill-paragraph-function nil)
(comment-use-global-state nil)
(multibyte-syntax-as-symbol 'multibyte-syntax-as-symbol)
(parse-sexp-ignore-comments 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments)
(parse-sexp-lookup-properties 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties)
;; These variables are fetched with
;; `mumamo-get-relevant-buffer-local-vars':
(text-mode-variant t)
(skeleton-transformation-function 'identity)
'((completion-ignore-case t)))
'#[nil "l\206\301=\206\242\301=?\206\302 \207"
[v2 n newline-and-indent]
(sgml-xml-mode nil)
'("body" "colgroup" "dd" "dt" "head" "html" "li" "option" "p" "tbody" "td" "tfoot" "th" "thead" "tr"))
'(("!" . "Empty declaration for comment")
("![" . "Embed declarations with parser directive")
("!attlist" . "Tag attributes declaration")
("!doctype" . "Document type (DTD) declaration")
("!element" . "Tag declaration")
("!entity" . "Entity (macro) declaration")
("a" . "Anchor of point or link elsewhere")
("abbrev" . "?")
("acronym" . "?")
("address" . "Formatted mail address")
("array" . "Math array")
("au" . "?")
("b" . "Bold face")
("base" . "Base address for URLs")
("big" . "Font size")
("blink" . "Blinking text")
("blockquote" . "Indented quotation")
("body" . "Document body")
("box" . "Math fraction")
("br" . "Line break")
("caption" . "Table caption")
("center" . "Centered text")
("changed" . "Change bars")
("cite" . "Citation of a document")
("code" . "Formatted source code")
("dd" . "Definition of term")
("del" . "?")
("dfn" . "?")
("dir" . "Directory list (obsolete)")
("dl" . "Definition list")
("dt" . "Term to be definined")
("em" . "Emphasized")
("embed" . "Embedded data in foreign format")
("fig" . "Figure")
("figa" . "Figure anchor")
("figd" . "Figure description")
("figt" . "Figure text")
("font" . "Font size")
("form" . "Form with input fields")
("group" . "Document grouping")
("h1" . "Most important section headline")
("h2" . "Important section headline")
("h3" . "Section headline")
("h4" . "Minor section headline")
("h5" . "Unimportant section headline")
("h6" . "Least important section headline")
("head" . "Document header")
("hr" . "Horizontal rule")
("html" . "HTML Document")
("i" . "Italic face")
("img" . "Graphic image")
("input" . "Form input field")
("ins" . "?")
("isindex" . "Input field for index search")
("kbd" . "Keybard example face")
("lang" . "Natural language")
("li" . "List item")
("link" . "Link relationship")
("math" . "Math formula")
("menu" . "Menu list (obsolete)")
("mh" . "Form mail header")
("nextid" . "Allocate new id")
("nobr" . "Text without line break")
("ol" . "Ordered list")
("option" . "Selection list item")
("over" . "Math fraction rule")
("p" . "Paragraph start")
("panel" . "Floating panel")
("person" . "?")
("pre" . "Preformatted fixed width text")
("q" . "?")
("rev" . "Reverse video")
("s" . "?")
("samp" . "Sample text")
("select" . "Selection list")
("small" . "Font size")
("sp" . "Nobreak space")
("strong" . "Standout text")
("sub" . "Subscript")
("sup" . "Superscript")
("table" . "Table with rows and columns")
("tb" . "Table vertical break")
("td" . "Table data cell")
("textarea" . "Form multiline edit area")
("th" . "Table header cell")
("title" . "Document title")
("tr" . "Table row separator")
("tt" . "Typewriter face")
("u" . "Underlined text")
("ul" . "Unordered list")
("var" . "Math variable face")
("wbr" . "Enable <br> within <nobr>")))
'(("b" . bold)
("big" . bold)
("blink" . highlight)
("cite" . italic)
("em" . italic)
("h1" bold underline)
("h2" bold-italic underline)
("h3" italic underline)
("h4" . underline)
("h5" . underline)
("h6" . underline)
("i" . italic)
("rev" . modeline)
("s" . underline)
("small" . default)
("strong" . bold)
("title" bold underline)
("tt" . default)
("u" . underline)
("var" . italic)))
("base" t "href"
(nil n
("List item: " "<li>" str
(if sgml-xml-mode "</li>")
("font" nil "size"
(n _ n "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"\""
(if sgml-xml-mode " />" ">"))
("hr" t
("noshade" t)
("img" t
("width" "1")
("height" "1")
("border" "1")
("vspace" "1")
("hspace" "1")
("ismap" t))
("input" t
("checked" t)
("link" t
(nil n
("List item: " "<li>" str
(if sgml-xml-mode "</li>")
(nil n
("List item: " "<li>" str
(if sgml-xml-mode "</li>")
("p" t
(nil n
("Text: " "<option>" str
(if sgml-xml-mode "</option>")
("multiple" t))
(nil n
((completing-read "Cell kind: "
nil t "t")
"<tr><" str 62 _
(if sgml-xml-mode
(concat "<" str "></tr>"))
("border" t
("width" "10")
("td" t
("nowrap" t))
("th" t
("nowrap" t))
(nil n
("List item: " "<li>" str
(if sgml-xml-mode "</li>")
("ignore" t)
("include" t))
(nil n
("Item: " "<item>" str
(if sgml-xml-mode "</item>")
("blockquote" n)
("body" n
("background" ".gif")
("bgcolor" "#")
("text" "#")
("link" "#")
("alink" "#")
("vlink" "#"))
(nil _ "<over>" _
(if sgml-xml-mode "</over>")))
("br" t
("center" n)
("code" n)
("dd" t)
(nil n
("Term: " "<dt>" str
(if sgml-xml-mode "</dt>")
"<dd>" _
(if sgml-xml-mode "</dd>")
(t _
(if sgml-xml-mode "</dt>")
(if sgml-xml-mode "</dd>")
("head" n)
(n "<head>\n" "<title>"
(setq str
(read-input "Title: "))
"</title>\n" "</head>\n" "<body>\n<h1>" str "</h1>\n" _ "\n<address>\n<a href=\"mailto:" user-mail-address "\">"
"</a>\n</address>\n" "</body>"))
("isindex" t
("li" t)
("math" n)
("option" t
("selected" t))
("over" t)
("pre" n)
("span" nil
("tr" t)
("wbr" t)))
(sgml-saved-validate-command nil)
'((bold . "b")
(italic . "i")
(underline . "u")
(modeline . "rev")))
'("area" "base" "basefont" "br" "col" "frame" "hr" "img" "input" "isindex" "link" "meta" "param" "wbr"))
'((img . "[/]")
(hr . "----------")
(li . "o ")))
(sentence-end-base "[.?!][]\"'””)}]*\\(<[^>]*>\\)*")
(require-final-newline t)
(paragraph-start "[ ]*$\\|[ ]*</?\\([_:[:alpha:]][-_.:[:alnum:]]*\\(?:[^\"'/><]\\|\"[^\"]*\"\\|'[^']*'\\)*\\)?>")
(paragraph-separate "[ ]*$\\|[ ]*</?\\([_:[:alpha:]][-_.:[:alnum:]]*\\(?:[^\"'/><]\\|\"[^\"]*\"\\|'[^']*'\\)*\\)?>$")
(outline-regexp "^.*<[Hh][1-6]\\>")
'#[nil "\300\225Sf\207"
(outline-heading-end-regexp "</[Hh][1-6]>")
(nxhtml-minor-mode-major-mode 'html-mode)
(nxhtml-minor-mode t)
(major-mode 'html-mode)
'(font-lock-extend-jit-lock-region-after-change t))
(indent-line-function 'sgml-indent-line)
(imenu-create-index-function 'html-imenu-index)
(font-lock-syntactic-keywords 'sgml-font-lock-syntactic-keywords)
(font-lock-multiline nil)
'(sgml-fill-nobreak t))
(facemenu-end-add-face nil)
(facemenu-add-face-function 'sgml-mode-facemenu-add-face-function)
(comment-start-skip "<!--[ ]*")
(comment-start "<!-- ")
(comment-line-break-function 'sgml-comment-indent-new-line)
(comment-indent-function 'sgml-comment-indent)
(comment-end-skip "[ ]*--[ \n]*>")
(comment-end " -->")
'((face font-lock-face)))
(auto-composition-mode-major-mode 'html-mode)
(auto-composition-mode t)
(auto-composition-function 'auto-compose-chars)
(adaptive-fill-regexp "[ ]*"))
;; The syntax table is handled differently since it is not just a
;; variable. Instead of copying it the name of the syntax table is
;; used together with `with-syntax-table' to change it
;; temporarily.
(if html-mode-syntax-table html-mode-syntax-table
(let ((t1 (get-internal-run-time))
;; And here I am setting font lock variables again. Why did I
;; do that? I have to test, it is probably a left over from
;; earlier versions.
(setq font-lock-set-defaults nil)
;; Just some timing test stuff:
(setq t2 (get-internal-run-time))
(mumamo-msgfntfy "font-lock-set-defaults runtime=%s, %s" t1 t2)
;; And finally - here is what I wanted to do:
(eval body))))
;; Local Variables:
;; coding: utf-8
;; End: