First: the match needs to be any entry that does match the names of the people
whos blogs I already follow.
Second: The search regular expression can't contain spaces. It seems to be the
same as any search query. So when a regular expression contains a space it's
considered two different search terms. This doesn't work when we're searching
for one option with a space in it (“Irreal” or “Sacha Chua” or “Andrea”) since
the syntax for the regular expression gets all messed up. Quickest workaround is
to match any whitespace instead.
In order to support my tablet which seems to have a lower maximum integer
value (I guess it’s 32-bit? I’m surprised) and can’t handle the version numbers
I was using before. It would turn them into floating point numbers, which adds a
~.0~, this made it impossible to install any package.
Any installations I have will need to reinstall all their oni packages so that
the new version number is picked up, since the new version number will be lower
than the old one.