2020-03-27 16:01:29 -07:00
* Installing
2020-03-25 23:44:20 -07:00
2020-03-27 16:01:29 -07:00
To use this repository execute the following commands in Emacs:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("oni" . "https://ryuslash.org/elpa/"))
(package-install 'oni-package)
* Adding new configurations
When you add a new configuration file, also add at least a test that it
actually gets loaded:
: tests/integration/oni-example-mode.bats
#+begin_src bats
#!/usr/bin/env bats
@test "Opening a .example file loads oni-example-mode" {
run emacs -batch -l package -f package-initialize \
-visit test.example \
-eval "(prin1 (featurep 'oni-example-mode))"
echo "$output"
[[ "$output" == "t" ]]
And add the integration test in =.gitlab.yaml=:
#+begin_src yaml
stage: integration-test
image: registry.gitlab.com/ryuslash/emacs-config
- package
script: make integration-test-oni-example-mode TEST_ARCHIVE=$(realpath bin/)