2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
;;; oni-org.el --- Org mode configuration -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2019 Tom Willemse
;; Author: Tom Willemse <tom@ryuslash.org>
;; Keywords: local
2022-02-28 00:59:06 -08:00
;; Version: 2022.0224.190643
2021-09-11 02:47:56 -07:00
;; Package-Requires: (oni-yasnippet oni-alert oni-hydra org org-contrib org-bullets org-edna diminish all-the-icons olivetti mixed-pitch)
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
2020-08-18 08:00:45 -07:00
;; Configuration for `org-mode'. The icons used in
2021-07-06 13:53:08 -07:00
;; ‘org-agenda-category-icon-alist’ are from the following sites:
;; - bx*-*.svg: https://boxicons.com/ (bxs for Solid, and bx for not solid)
;; - mat-*.svg: https://fonts.google.com/icons?selected=Material+Icons
;; - bs-*.svg: https://icons.getbootstrap.com/
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
2021-07-20 01:14:06 -07:00
;; Add the following to your init file if you want to use this configuration:
;; (with-eval-after-load 'org (require 'oni-org))
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
;;; Code:
2020-04-09 11:32:52 -07:00
(require 'diminish)
2019-02-22 00:04:47 -08:00
(require 'hydra)
2019-09-16 20:49:42 -07:00
(require 'ob)
2021-10-17 16:39:06 -07:00
;; (require 'ol-man)
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(require 'org)
2019-08-15 16:36:27 -07:00
(require 'org-clock)
2020-03-08 17:15:47 -07:00
(require 'org-edna)
2020-07-10 10:20:03 -07:00
(require 'org-element)
2020-08-05 10:15:32 -07:00
(require 'org-faces)
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(require 'org-habit)
2020-12-04 00:01:33 -08:00
(require 'org-protocol)
2020-01-14 00:22:00 -08:00
(require 'subr-x)
2019-08-27 23:43:04 -07:00
(require 'yasnippet)
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
;;; Constants
2019-08-27 23:43:04 -07:00
(defconst oni-org-root
(or load-file-name
"The directory where ‘oni-org’ was loaded from.")
(defconst oni-org-snippets-dir
(expand-file-name "snippets" oni-org-root)
"The directory where ‘oni-org’ stores its snippets.")
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
2020-08-18 08:00:45 -07:00
(defconst oni-org-icons-dir
(expand-file-name "icons" oni-org-root)
"The directory where ‘oni-org’ stores its icons.")
2021-08-15 23:40:49 -07:00
(defconst oni-org-todo-dir
(expand-file-name "documents/gtd" (getenv "HOME"))
"The directory where all the TODO notes are stored.")
(defconst oni-org-todo-main-file
(expand-file-name "everything.org" oni-org-todo-dir)
"The main file for TODO notes.")
2022-01-12 10:42:06 -08:00
(defconst oni-org-todo-someday-file
(expand-file-name "someday.org" oni-org-todo-dir)
"The file for TODO notes I will want to do some day, but not today.")
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
;;; Fake org-roam -- oni-org-exocortex
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
;; I tried using org-roam v2 with Orgro, but it didn’t work. I’ve only been
;; using org-roam to more easily find and insert strings. The file renaming in
;; v1 always seemed to have some issue, so I never really used that. And I
;; didn’t even look any further into any of the functionality. So these
;; functions are my re-implementation of the convenience of org-roam. This way
;; Orgro still works and I can easily build up my knowledge base as well. I call
;; it fake org-roam for now because I’m too tired to think of anything else,
;; it’s not actually enough to be a fake anything.
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-macs))
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
(defvar oni-org-exocortex-directory (expand-file-name "~/documents/org"))
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
;; Expected (I need to turn these into tests):
;; - C++ :: c
;; - Crafting Interpreters - 10 - Fucntions - Native Functions :: crafting_interpreters_10_functions_native_functions
;; This is a helper function to turn the strings into the same kind of slugs
;; that org-roam uses so I stay consistent in my naming.
(defun oni-org--slugify (str)
"Turn STR into a filesystem-safe slug."
(let ((regexp (rx (one-or-more (not alphanumeric)))))
(replace-regexp-in-string regexp "_" (string-trim-right str regexp)))))
;; This mimicks the file name pattern of org-roam with a date and time, followed
;; by a filesystem-safe slug of the actual title.
(defun oni-org--create-name (title)
(interactive "MTitle: ")
(format "%s-%s.org"
(format-time-string "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
(oni-org--slugify title)))
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
;; Collect all of the files under the ‘oni-org-exocortex-directory’. org-roam indexes
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
;; all of the files in a database, but I really didn’t want to recreate that
;; today. For the moment I don’t have so many files that parsing all of them
;; like this is a huge problem.
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
(defun oni-org--get-exocortex-files ()
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
(cl-labels ((add-titles (file)
(list (with-temp-buffer
(insert-file-contents (expand-file-name file))
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((line-end-position (line-end-position)))
(when (search-forward ":" line-end-position t)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (1+ (point)) line-end-position))))
(unimportant-file-p (file)
(or (string-prefix-p "." (file-name-nondirectory file))
(string-match-p (rx bos "#" (one-or-more any) "#" eos) (file-name-nondirectory file))))
(unimportant-directory-p (directory)
(not (string-match-p (rx "/.") directory))))
(mapcar #'add-titles
(cl-delete-if #'unimportant-file-p
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
(directory-files-recursively oni-org-exocortex-directory (rx bos (repeat 14 digit) "-" (one-or-more (any alphanumeric "_")) ".org") nil #'unimportant-directory-p)))))
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
;; Find and visit a file in the ‘oni-org-exocortex-directory’. If the file doesn’t
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
;; exist yet, it’s created and the title is inserted into it.
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
(defun oni-org-find-exocortex-file ()
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
(let* ((default-directory oni-org-exocortex-directory)
(completions (oni-org--get-exocortex-files))
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
(pick (completing-read "File: " completions))
(file (car (alist-get pick completions nil nil #'string=))))
(if file
(find-file file)
(find-file (oni-org--create-name pick))
(insert "#+TITLE: " pick "\n\n"))))
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
;; Insert a link to a file in the ‘oni-org-exocortex-directory’ into the current
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
;; buffer. Don’t visit the file, just insert a link to it.
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
(defun oni-org-insert-exocortex-link ()
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
(let* ((completions (oni-org--get-exocortex-files))
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
(pick (completing-read "File: " completions))
(file (car (alist-get pick completions nil nil #'string=))))
(unless file
(setq file (oni-org--create-name pick))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
(insert "#+TITLE: " pick "\n\n")
2021-07-30 23:16:34 -07:00
(insert "[[file:" (file-relative-name file oni-org-exocortex-directory) "][" pick "]]")))
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
;;; Functions
2021-06-30 11:12:50 -07:00
(defun oni-org-document-add-inline-images-startup ()
"Add a line to the current org buffer that will make it load images inline."
(unless (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
(error "Not currently in an org-mode buffer"))
2021-07-24 01:09:07 -07:00
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((header-end (or (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
(case-fold-search t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(unless (search-forward "#+startup: inlineimages" header-end t)
(goto-char (1- header-end))
(insert "#+STARTUP: inlineimages\n")))))
2021-06-30 11:12:50 -07:00
2021-06-30 11:22:09 -07:00
(defun oni-org-document-remove-inline-images-startup ()
"Remove a line to the current org buffer that will make it load images inline."
(unless (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
(error "Not currently in an org-mode buffer"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((header-end (or (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
(case-fold-search t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (search-forward "#+startup: inlineimages" header-end t)
(defun oni-org-document-toggle-inline-images-startup ()
"Add or remove a line to the current org buffer that will make it load images inline."
(unless (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
(error "Not currently in an org-mode buffer"))
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((header-end (or (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
(case-fold-search t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (search-forward "#+startup: inlineimages" header-end t)
(goto-char (1- header-end))
(insert "#+STARTUP: inlineimages\n")))))
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(defun oni-org-expand-to-home (file-name)
"Expand FILE-NAME to the base directory for that system.
The base for all org files on Windows is u:/, but on my linux
installs it will always be ~."
2020-01-21 21:47:22 -08:00
(let ((base-dir "~"))
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(expand-file-name file-name base-dir)))
2021-06-30 15:22:57 -07:00
(defun oni-org-set-yasnippet-condition ()
"Change the ‘yas-buffer-local-condition’ variable to work for org.
This condition requires that the key used for the snippet is
located at the start of the line."
(setq-local yas-buffer-local-condition
2021-07-06 13:50:45 -07:00
'(looking-back (rx line-start (one-or-more (not space))))))
2021-06-30 15:22:57 -07:00
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(defun oni-org-setup-prettify-symbols-mode ()
"Set up prettify symbols mode for org mode."
2020-04-13 00:40:22 -07:00
(setq-local prettify-symbols-alist
'(("[ ]" . ?)
2021-06-22 22:20:31 -07:00
("[X]" . ?)
2021-07-24 00:51:16 -07:00
("#+TITLE: " . "")
("#+title: " . "")))
2020-04-13 00:40:22 -07:00
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
2019-08-27 23:43:04 -07:00
(defun oni-org-snippets-initialize ()
"Initialize the snippets for ‘oni-org’."
(when (boundp 'yas-snippet-dirs)
(add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs oni-org-snippets-dir t))
(yas-load-directory oni-org-snippets-dir))
2019-08-15 16:36:27 -07:00
(defun oni-org-maybe-change-todo-state (current-state)
"Change the state of the current task to in-progress CURRENT-STATE is todo."
2022-01-11 10:02:29 -08:00
(if (and (not org-capture-mode)
(member current-state org-todo-heads))
2021-01-06 10:52:05 -08:00
(cadr (member current-state org-todo-keywords-1))
2019-08-15 16:36:27 -07:00
2019-04-16 22:36:52 -07:00
(defun oni-org-open-index ()
"Open the index of my org-based personal wiki."
2019-05-01 08:47:34 -07:00
(find-file (oni-org-expand-to-home "documents/gtd/index.org")))
2019-04-16 22:36:52 -07:00
2020-01-13 22:51:39 -08:00
(defun oni-org-color-for (object)
"Generate a hex color by taking the first 6 characters of OBJECT’s MD5 sum."
(format "#%s" (substring (md5 object) 0 6)))
(defun oni-org-generate-todo-keyword-faces ()
"Create faces for all todo keywords in the current buffer."
2020-08-05 10:15:32 -07:00
(if-let ((keywords (cl-remove-if (lambda (tag) (assoc tag org-todo-keyword-faces))
(append org-todo-keyword-faces
(mapcar (lambda (keyword) (cons keyword (oni-org-color-for keyword)))
2020-01-13 22:51:39 -08:00
(defun oni-org-generate-tag-faces ()
"Create faces for all the tags in the current buffer."
2020-08-05 10:15:32 -07:00
(if-let ((tags (cl-remove-if (lambda (tag) (assoc (car tag) org-tag-faces))
(append org-tag-faces
(mapcar (lambda (tag)
(let ((tag (car tag)))
(cons tag (oni-org-color-for tag))))
2020-01-13 22:51:39 -08:00
(defun oni-org-set-todo-keyword-faces ()
"Set ‘org-todo-keyword-faces’ to all different colors."
(setq org-todo-keyword-faces (oni-org-generate-todo-keyword-faces)))
(defun oni-org-set-tag-faces ()
"Set ‘org-tag-faces’ to all different colors."
(setq org-tag-faces (oni-org-generate-tag-faces))
(org-set-tag-faces 'org-tag-faces org-tag-faces))
2019-02-22 00:04:47 -08:00
;;;###autoload(autoload 'oni-hydra-org/body "oni-org")
2020-03-05 22:50:18 -08:00
(defhydra oni-hydra-org (:color teal :hint nil)
2021-04-18 16:13:28 -07:00
^Tasks^ ^Buffer^ ^Capture^
2020-03-08 15:18:54 -07:00
_a_: Show Agenda _b_: Switch to org buffer _t_: Note
_c_: Capture new heading _s_: Save all org buffers _A_: Appointment
_l_: Store link ^^ _j_: Journal entry
2021-10-06 01:14:14 -07:00
^^ ^Roam^^^
_f_: Find note _i_: Insert note
2021-06-30 11:12:50 -07:00
^^ ^Document^^^
_di_: Add inlineimages STARTUP
2020-03-05 22:50:18 -08:00
("l" org-store-link)
("a" org-agenda)
("c" org-capture)
2020-03-08 15:18:54 -07:00
("b" org-switchb)
("s" org-save-all-org-buffers)
("t" (org-capture nil "t"))
("A" (org-capture nil "a"))
2021-01-31 21:42:29 -08:00
("j" (org-capture nil "j"))
2021-10-06 01:14:14 -07:00
("f" org-roam-node-find)
("i" org-roam-node-insert)
2021-06-30 11:12:50 -07:00
("di" oni-org-document-add-inline-images-startup))
2019-02-22 00:04:47 -08:00
2020-09-21 15:32:25 -07:00
(defun oni-org-in-dblock-p ()
"Non-nil when point belongs to a dynamic block."
(let ((case-fold-search t)
(lim-up (save-excursion (outline-previous-heading)))
(lim-down (save-excursion (outline-next-heading))))
"^[ \t]*#\\+begin"
"^[ \t]*#\\+end"
lim-up lim-down))))
2020-11-15 14:10:39 -08:00
(defun oni-org-at-origin-property-p ()
"Non-nil when point is in an origin property."
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(and (looking-at org-property-re)
(string= (match-string 2) "ORIGIN")))))
2020-09-21 15:32:25 -07:00
(defun oni-org-dblock-write-backlinks (_params)
"Generate backlinks to org headings."
(let ((current-heading (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))
2020-09-22 22:15:33 -07:00
(current-heading-id (alist-get "CUSTOM_ID" (org-entry-properties) nil nil #'string=))
2020-09-21 15:32:25 -07:00
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward (rx-to-string `(and "*" ,current-heading "]")) nil t)
2020-11-15 14:10:39 -08:00
(unless (or (oni-org-in-dblock-p)
2020-11-19 23:57:20 -08:00
(let ((components (org-heading-components)))
(push (cons (nth 2 components) (nth 4 components)) backlinks)))))
2020-09-22 22:15:33 -07:00
(when (not (null current-heading-id))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward (rx-to-string `(and "#" ,current-heading-id "]")) nil t)
2020-11-19 23:57:20 -08:00
(unless (or (oni-org-in-dblock-p)
(let ((components (org-heading-components)))
(push (cons (nth 2 components) (nth 4 components)) backlinks))))))
2020-09-21 15:32:25 -07:00
(insert (string-join
(mapcar (lambda (link)
2020-11-19 23:57:20 -08:00
(concat "- [[*" (cdr link) "][" (if (car link) (format "%s - " (car link)) "") (cdr link) "]]"))
(sort (seq-uniq backlinks (lambda (a b) (string= (cdr a) (cdr b))))
(lambda (a b) (string< (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
2020-09-21 15:32:25 -07:00
2021-06-22 22:20:50 -07:00
(defun oni-org-wrap-region-in-block (block-name beginning end)
"Create a block BLOCK-NAME and wrap the text between BEGINNING and END in there."
(interactive "sName: \nr")
(goto-char end)
(unless (looking-back (rx "\n") nil) (insert "\n"))
(insert "#+end_" block-name)
(unless (looking-at (rx "\n")) (insert "\n"))
(goto-char beginning)
(unless (looking-back (rx "\n") nil) (insert "\n"))
(insert "#+begin_" block-name)
(unless (looking-at (rx "\n")) (insert "\n"))))
2020-09-21 15:32:25 -07:00
(defalias 'org-dblock-write:oni-backlinks 'oni-org-dblock-write-backlinks)
2020-04-08 23:52:54 -07:00
(setq org-catch-invisible-edits 'error)
(setq org-clock-in-switch-to-state #'oni-org-maybe-change-todo-state)
2021-06-21 23:49:46 -07:00
(setq org-extend-today-until 2)
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(setq org-fontify-whole-heading-line t)
2021-04-25 18:00:51 -07:00
(setq org-footnote-auto-adjust t)
2020-04-08 23:52:54 -07:00
(setq org-habit-graph-column 60)
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t)
2021-02-15 16:49:53 -08:00
(setq org-hide-macro-markers t)
2021-04-25 18:00:08 -07:00
(setq org-pretty-entities t)
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(setq org-return-follows-link t)
2020-04-08 23:52:54 -07:00
(setq org-return-follows-link t)
2021-04-25 18:01:45 -07:00
(setq org-special-ctrl-a/e t)
2020-04-08 23:52:54 -07:00
(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
2021-04-25 18:00:08 -07:00
(setq org-tags-column -72)
(setq org-tags-sort-function #'string<)
2021-09-16 19:53:23 -07:00
(setq org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance '("project"))
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(setq org-use-fast-todo-selection t)
2021-04-25 18:03:22 -07:00
(setq org-use-sub-superscripts '{})
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
2021-09-12 03:09:18 -07:00
;; Generally, for state updates and such, I like to have all of the notes added
;; into the logbook, but when I want to add a note manually I definitely want it
;; to show up easily seen in the buffer.
(setq org-log-into-drawer t)
(defun oni-org-logging-outside-drawer (func &rest args)
"Call FUNC with ARGS.
Set ‘org-log-into-drawer’ to nil if we’re trying to take a note,
and not a state update."
(let ((org-log-into-drawer (not (eql org-log-note-purpose 'note))))
(apply func args)))
(add-function :around (symbol-function 'org-store-log-note)
2020-09-21 18:23:04 -07:00
;; Set the maximum indentation level for description lists to 5 (which is the
;; seemingly hardcoded value of the indentation it gets when it goes over
;; ‘org-list-description-max-indent’) so that I don’t get dangling descriptions
;; when my term is 19 characters long.
2019-10-18 11:16:08 -07:00
(setq org-list-description-max-indent 5)
2021-08-15 23:40:49 -07:00
(setq org-default-notes-file (expand-file-name "inbox.org" oni-org-todo-dir))
2020-09-22 22:15:53 -07:00
(setq org-bibtex-autogen-keys t)
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
2020-05-11 00:14:57 -07:00
(defun oni-org-find-heading-in-file (heading file &optional move)
"Try to find HEADING somewhere in FILE.
This function returns nil if HEADING couldn’t be found, and the
position where the chapter starts otherwise. If MOVE is non-nil
also move point to the start of the heading."
(let ((buffer (find-file-noselect file)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
(org-find-exact-headline-in-buffer heading buffer (not move))))))
(defun oni-org-create-book-heading (book-title file)
"Create a new heading for BOOK-TITLE in FILE."
(let ((buffer (find-file file)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert "\n* " book-title "\n\n "))))
(defun oni-org-create-chapter-heading (book-title chapter-title file)
"Create a new heading under BOOK-TITLE for CHAPTER-TITLE in FILE."
(let ((buffer (find-file file)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
(goto-char (oni-org-find-heading-in-file book-title file t))
(goto-char (org-element-property :end (org-element-at-point)))
(unless (= (point) (point-max))
(open-line 2))
(insert "\n** " chapter-title "\n\n "))))
(defun oni-org-create-chapter-section (chapter-title file)
"Create a new notes section under CHAPTER-TITLE in FILE."
(let ((buffer (find-file file)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
(goto-char (oni-org-find-heading-in-file chapter-title file t))
(goto-char (org-element-property :contents-end (org-element-at-point)))
(insert "\n"))))
(defun oni-org-reading-note ()
"Find the org-header associated with the current chapter or page."
(let* ((headers (split-string (format-mode-line header-line-format) ":" t " "))
(book-name (car headers))
(chapter-name (cadr headers))
(notes-file (oni-org-expand-to-home "documents/gtd/reading-notes.org"))
(chapter-start (oni-org-find-heading-in-file chapter-name notes-file)))
(if (not chapter-start)
(let ((book-start (oni-org-find-heading-in-file book-name notes-file)))
(unless book-start
(oni-org-create-book-heading book-name notes-file))
(oni-org-create-chapter-heading book-name chapter-name notes-file))
(oni-org-create-chapter-section chapter-name notes-file))))
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(setq org-todo-keywords
2021-08-03 09:02:35 -07:00
'((sequence "TODO(t)" "WIP" "BLOCKED(b@)" "|" "DONE(d!)")
(sequence "READ(r)" "READING(!)" "|" "FINISHED(!)" "STOPPED(@)")
(sequence "WATCH(w)" "WATCHING" "|" "WATCHED(!)")
(sequence "LISTEN(l)" "LISTENING" "|" "DONE(d!)")
(sequence "|" "CANCELLED(c@)")))
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
2020-03-26 14:45:49 -07:00
(setf (alist-get 'file org-link-frame-setup) 'find-file)
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-habit)
2019-05-28 07:59:20 -07:00
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-tempo)
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
2019-09-16 20:49:42 -07:00
(add-to-list 'org-babel-load-languages '(java . t))
2020-01-13 22:51:39 -08:00
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'oni-org-set-tag-faces)
2020-07-06 23:18:31 -07:00
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'oni-org-set-todo-keyword-faces)
2021-06-30 15:22:57 -07:00
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'oni-org-set-yasnippet-condition)
2021-11-30 15:25:10 -08:00
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'electric-pair-local-mode)
2021-01-31 21:47:13 -08:00
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'electric-quote-local-mode)
2020-07-06 23:18:31 -07:00
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
2021-09-11 02:47:56 -07:00
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'mixed-pitch-mode)
2021-06-30 11:24:30 -07:00
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'olivetti-mode)
2020-07-06 23:18:31 -07:00
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-indent-mode)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'visual-line-mode)
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
2020-03-08 17:15:47 -07:00
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(unless (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(require 'org-bullets)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-bullets-mode)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'oni-org-setup-prettify-symbols-mode))
2019-02-22 00:04:47 -08:00
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c o") 'oni-hydra-org/body)
2019-04-16 22:36:52 -07:00
(global-set-key (kbd "C-<home>") #'oni-org-open-index)
2019-08-27 23:43:04 -07:00
(with-eval-after-load 'org
(with-eval-after-load 'yasnippet
2020-04-09 11:32:52 -07:00
(with-eval-after-load 'org-edna (diminish 'org-edna-mode))
2020-09-21 18:23:04 -07:00
;;;; Agenda
2020-11-17 18:04:38 -08:00
(defun oni-org-agenda-window-p (_target _action)
"Check if the current buffer is the agenda buffer."
(string= (buffer-name) org-agenda-buffer-name))
2020-09-21 18:23:04 -07:00
(defun oni-org-initialize-agenda-category-icons ()
"Set ‘org-agenda-category-icon-alist’ if it hasn’t already been set."
2021-01-06 20:19:53 -08:00
(when (and (display-graphic-p)
(null org-agenda-category-icon-alist))
2020-09-21 18:23:04 -07:00
(defun oni-org-set-agenda-category-icons ()
"Set ‘org-agenda-category-icon-alist’."
(let* ((icon-height (window-default-font-height))
2021-04-07 23:41:24 -07:00
(defaults `(nil :height ,icon-height :ascent center))
(svg `(svg ,@defaults)))
2021-04-07 19:57:30 -07:00
(setq org-agenda-category-icon-alist
2021-04-07 23:41:24 -07:00
`((,(rx string-start "task" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bx-task.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "inbox" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bxs-inbox.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "email" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "mat-email.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "life" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "mat-one-up.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "feature" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "mat-star-circle-outline.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "work" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bs-building.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "game" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bxs-game.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "shopping" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bx-shopping-bag.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "bug" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bx-bug.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "idea" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bxs-bulb.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "article" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "mat-post-outline.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "project" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bs-kanban.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "ebook" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bxs-book-content.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "book" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "mat-book-open-variant.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "Morning Cup of Coding" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bxs-coffee.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "paper" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "mat-note-text-outline.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "question" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "mat-head-question.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "music" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bxs-music.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "emacs" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "emacs.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "moving" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bxs-truck.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "security" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "mat-security.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "website" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "mat-web.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
2021-07-06 13:52:57 -07:00
(,(rx string-start "desktop" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bx-desktop.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "maint" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bs-tools.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)
(,(rx string-start "comm" string-end) ,(expand-file-name "bs-telephone-fill.svg" oni-org-icons-dir) ,@svg)))))
2020-09-21 18:23:04 -07:00
2021-02-01 13:41:54 -08:00
(setq org-agenda-files
2021-08-15 23:40:49 -07:00
(cons oni-org-todo-main-file
2021-08-12 22:02:27 -07:00
(mapcar (lambda (file) (expand-file-name file oni-org-exocortex-directory))
(let ((default-directory oni-org-exocortex-directory))
2021-08-30 13:59:36 -07:00
2021-08-12 22:02:27 -07:00
"\n" t))))
2020-09-21 18:23:04 -07:00
(setq org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options t)
(setq org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'future)
2021-04-25 17:37:58 -07:00
(setq org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit t)
2022-02-28 00:59:06 -08:00
(setq org-agenda-start-with-log-mode t)
2020-09-21 18:23:04 -07:00
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
2021-08-30 13:59:36 -07:00
"Inbox: The giant list of things that I haven’t sorted through yet."
todo ""
2021-08-15 23:40:49 -07:00
((org-agenda-files (list org-default-notes-file))
(org-agenda-cmp-user-defined (lambda (_ _) -1))
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(user-defined-up))))
2022-01-11 14:03:00 -08:00
("t" "Todo" tags-todo "TODO=\"TODO\"-CATEGORY=\"inbox\"+SCHEDULED=\"\""
((org-overriding-columns-format "%TODO %46ITEM %1BLOCKED %Effort")))
2021-04-25 17:37:08 -07:00
("r" "Reading list" tags-todo "TODO=\"READ\"+SCHEDULED=\"\"-Effort=\"\""
((org-overriding-columns-format "%8CATEGORY %ITEM %3EFFORT")
2021-05-18 23:03:04 -07:00
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(priority-down effort-up))
(org-agenda-prefix-format " (%3e) %i %-12:c")))
("R" "Reading list (requires estimating)" tags-todo "TODO=\"READ\"+Effort=\"\"")
2020-09-21 18:23:04 -07:00
("s" "Someday" tags-todo "TODO=\"TODO\"-CATEGORY=\"inbox\"")
("p" "Projects & ideas" tags "CATEGORY=\"project\"|CATEGORY=\"idea\"")
("c" "Today's (Current) tasks" tags "SCHEDULED=\"<today>\"")
("w" . "Work topics")
2020-11-19 23:46:53 -08:00
("wo" "Overview" ((tags-todo "+work+FOR=\"\"")
(tags-todo "+work+FOR=\"Jordan\"")
(tags-todo "+work+FOR=\"Remy\"")))
2020-12-01 09:28:21 -08:00
("wt" "Work todo" tags-todo "+work+FOR=\"\"")
2020-11-19 23:46:53 -08:00
("wj" "Topics for Jordan" tags-todo "+work+1o1+FOR=\"Jordan\"")
("wr" "Topics for Remy" tags-todo "+work+1o1+FOR=\"Remy\"")
2020-09-21 18:23:04 -07:00
("S" "Shopping" tags-todo "+shopping")))
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'oni-org-initialize-agenda-category-icons)
2020-11-17 18:04:38 -08:00
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
(inhibit-same-window . t)))
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
;;;; Capture
(require 'org-capture)
2020-09-21 18:46:26 -07:00
(defconst oni-org-capture-template-directory
(expand-file-name "capture-templates" oni-org-root)
"Directory where the template files for ‘org-capture’ are located.")
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
(defun oni-org-delete-frame-once ()
"Run `delete-frame'.
After running it once remove it from `org-capture-after-finalize-hook'."
(remove-hook 'org-capture-after-finalize-hook 'oni-org-delete-frame-once))
(defun oni-org-run-capture-in-dedicated-frame ()
"Run `org-capture' in a dedicated frame."
2022-02-08 09:46:59 -08:00
(with-selected-frame (make-frame '((minibuffer . nil)
(name . "emacs-org-capture")
(width . 80)
(height . 24)))
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
(org-capture nil "t")
(setf (frame-width) 80)
(setf (frame-height) 24)
(add-hook 'org-capture-after-finalize-hook 'oni-org-delete-frame-once)))
2020-12-01 09:28:21 -08:00
(defun oni-org-get-url-title (url)
"Load URL and parse out the title."
(url-retrieve-synchronously url)
(when (re-search-forward (rx "<title" (zero-or-more (not ">")) ">") nil t)
(let ((title-start (point)))
(when (re-search-forward (rx "</title>") nil t)
(string-trim (buffer-substring title-start (- (point) 8))))))
(defun oni-org-get-url-link (url)
"Turn URL into an org link."
(let ((title (oni-org-get-url-title url)))
(format "[[%s][%s]]" url title)))
2021-07-06 00:34:18 -07:00
(defun oni-org-format-months ()
(let* ((time (org-timestamp-to-time
(org-timestamp-from-string (concat "<" (org-read-date) ">"))))
(decoded (decode-time time))
(time-add time (days-to-time (date-days-in-month
(decoded-time-year decoded)
(decoded-time-month decoded))))))
(concat (format-time-string "%b " time)
(format-time-string "%b " next-month)
(format-time-string "%Y" time))))
(defun oni-org-ask-names ()
(let ((n 1)
(while (not (string-empty-p (setq article-name (read-string (format "Article Name %d: " n)))))
(push article-name names)
(cl-incf n))
(reverse names)))
(defun oni-org-format-names (names)
(mapconcat (lambda (n) (format "** READ %s" n)) names "\n"))
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
(setq org-capture-templates
2021-08-15 23:40:49 -07:00
`(("t" "Task" entry (file "")
2020-09-21 18:46:26 -07:00
(file ,(expand-file-name "task.org" oni-org-capture-template-directory)))
2021-08-15 23:40:49 -07:00
("u" "URL to read" entry (file "")
2020-12-01 09:28:21 -08:00
(file ,(expand-file-name "reading-url.org" oni-org-capture-template-directory))
:immediate-finish t)
2021-08-15 23:40:49 -07:00
("U" "URL to read" entry (file "")
2020-12-01 09:28:21 -08:00
(file ,(expand-file-name "reading-url-protocol.org" oni-org-capture-template-directory))
:immediate-finish t)
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
("j" "Journal entry" entry
2021-07-05 23:28:36 -07:00
(file+olp+datetree ,(oni-org-expand-to-home "documents/gtd/journal.org"))
2020-09-21 18:46:26 -07:00
(file ,(expand-file-name "journal.org" oni-org-capture-template-directory)))
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
("n" "Reading note" item (function oni-org-reading-note)
2020-09-21 18:46:26 -07:00
(file ,(expand-file-name "reading-note.org" oni-org-capture-template-directory))
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
:empty-lines 1)
2021-08-15 23:40:49 -07:00
("A" "Album" entry (file "")
"* %^{Artist} - %^{Album Name}
2021-08-30 14:00:35 -07:00
:CATEGORY: music
2021-08-15 23:40:49 -07:00
** TODO Listen to %\\1 - %\\2
** TODO Rip %\\1 - %\\2 to disk
** TODO Add album art to %\\1 - %\\2
** TODO Transfer %\\1 - %\\2 to phone"
:immediate-finish t)
("m" "Code Magazine Issue" entry (file "")
"* CODE Issue %(oni-org-format-months)
** READ Editorial
%(oni-org-format-names (oni-org-ask-names))"
:immediate-finish t)
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
("c" "Add to currently clocked item")
("ca" "Note" plain
2020-09-21 18:46:26 -07:00
(file ,(expand-file-name "clocked/note.org" oni-org-capture-template-directory))
:empty-lines 1)
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
("ci" "Item to current clocked task" item
2021-08-30 14:01:08 -07:00
(file ,(expand-file-name "clocked/item.org" oni-org-capture-template-directory))
2020-09-21 18:46:26 -07:00
:empty-lines 1)
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
("cc" "Marked code example with notes" plain
2020-09-21 18:46:26 -07:00
(file ,(expand-file-name "clocked/code-note.org" oni-org-capture-template-directory))
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
:empty-lines 1)
("cC" "Marked code example" plain
2020-09-21 18:46:26 -07:00
(file ,(expand-file-name "clocked/code.org" oni-org-capture-template-directory))
:immediate-finish t
:empty-lines 1)
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
("ck" "Kill-ring contents" plain
2020-09-21 18:46:26 -07:00
(file ,(expand-file-name "clocked/kill-ring.org" oni-org-capture-template-directory))
:immediate-finish t
:empty-lines 1)))
2020-09-21 18:26:43 -07:00
(setq org-capture-templates-contexts
'(("n" ((in-mode . "nov-mode")))))
2020-12-29 18:49:47 -08:00
(defun org-edna-finder/next-sibling-first-child ()
"A finder for ‘org-edna’ to find the first child of the next sibling."
(org-back-to-heading t)
(list (point-marker))))
2021-02-23 21:40:39 -08:00
;;; Refile
;; Set it up so that I can refile easily and still create new nodes when I
;; refile. Include the file in the outline path so that I can refile into them
;; and create top-level headings.
(setq org-refile-use-outline-path 'file
org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil
org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes 'confirm
org-log-refile 'time)
2022-01-12 10:42:06 -08:00
;; Refiling can go to any heading in the current file, any heading in
;; ‘oni-org-todo-main-file', and the top of ‘oni-org-todo-someday-file'.
2021-06-11 01:19:22 -07:00
(setq org-refile-targets '((nil . (:maxlevel . 10))
2022-01-12 10:42:06 -08:00
(oni-org-todo-main-file . (:maxlevel . 10))
(oni-org-todo-someday-file . (:maxlevel . 1))))
2021-02-23 21:40:39 -08:00
2021-07-01 19:05:46 -07:00
;;; Export
(require 'ox-html)
(require 'nxml-mode)
;; From https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/57433
(defcustom oni-org-html-embed-svg nil
"Embed SVG images.
You can set this variable in Org files with
#+OPTIONS: html-embed-svg:t"
:type 'boolean
:group 'org-export-html)
'(:html-embed-svg "HTML_EMBED_SVG" "html-embed-svg" oni-org-html-embed-svg)
(org-export-backend-options (org-export-get-backend 'html)))
(defun oni-org-html-svg-image-embed (fun source attributes info)
"Make embedding of SVG images possible in org HTML export.
SVG images are embedded if :html-embed-svg is non-nil in the plist INFO.
Otherwise FUN called with SOURCE, ATTRIBUTES, and INFO as arguments.
SOURCE is the file name of the SVG file.
This is an around advice for ‘org-html--svg-image’ as FUN."
(if (member (plist-get info :html-embed-svg) '("yes" "t" t))
(insert-file-contents source)
(with-syntax-table nxml-mode-syntax-table
(while (and (search-forward "<svg" nil t)
(nth 8 (syntax-ppss))))
(delete-region (point-min) (match-beginning 0))
(funcall fun source attributes info)))
(advice-add 'org-html--svg-image :around #'oni-org-html-svg-image-embed)
2022-01-10 22:06:12 -08:00
;;; Pomodoro
;; Add my current pomodoro time duration so that I can make estimates in
;; Pomodoros like 1p.
2022-02-08 09:47:49 -08:00
(defconst oni-org-pomodoro-duration 25
2022-01-10 22:06:12 -08:00
"The duration in minutes of a single pomodoro.")
(with-eval-after-load 'org-duration
(add-to-list 'org-duration-units `("p" . ,oni-org-pomodoro-duration))
2019-02-12 00:59:32 -08:00
(provide 'oni-org)
;;; oni-org.el ends here