Refactor main code
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 119 additions and 52 deletions
@ -25,12 +25,13 @@
;; simple HTML export of the Commentary and all the docstrings in a
;; file. It is meant to be used as a batch operation, like so:
;; emacs -batch -l edocs.el -f edocs-generate-docs file.el
;; emacs -batch -l edocs.el -f edocs-generate-batch file.el
;;; Code:
(require 'package)
(require 'help-fns)
(require 'lisp-mnt)
(require 'package)
(defvar edocs-stylesheet-location "style.css"
"Where to find the Cascading Style Sheet for the exported docs.")
@ -38,6 +39,18 @@
(defvar edocs-generate-only-body nil
"Whether to genereate only the body and no header/footer info.")
(defconst edocs--symbol-type-map
#s(hash-table size 8 test equal
data ("defclass" "Class"
"defconst" "Constant"
"defcustom" "Customization option"
"defgeneric" "Method"
"defgroup" "Customization group"
"define-minor-mode" "Minor mode"
"defun" "Function"
"defvar" "Variable"))
"Type -> name map for symbol types.")
(defun edocs--list-symbols ()
"Get a list of all symbols in the buffer.
@ -85,67 +98,121 @@ etc."
(defun edocs--get-type-display (type-name)
"Get the display text for TYPE-NAME."
((string= type-name "defun") "Function")
((string= type-name "define-minor-mode") "Minor mode")
((string= type-name "defgeneric") "Method")
((string= type-name "defclass") "Class")
((string= type-name "defcustom") "Customization option")
((string= type-name "defgroup") "Customization group")
(t type-name)))
(gethash type-name edocs--symbol-type-map type-name))
(defun edocs--insert-header ()
"Insert necessary header information into the current buffer."
(insert "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
"<link href=\"" edocs-stylesheet-location
"\" rel=\"stylesheet\"></head><body>"))
(defun edocs--insert-footer ()
"Insert necessary footer information into the current buffer."
(insert "</body></html>"))
(defun edocs--insert-title (title sub)
"Insert a formatted TITLE and SUB into the current buffer."
(insert "<h1>" title " <small>— " sub "</small></h1>"))
(defmacro edocs--with-tag (tag attrs &rest contents)
"Put insertion of TAG (possibly with ATTRS) around CONTENTS."
(declare (indent 2))
(insert "<" ,tag)
(insert (mapconcat
(lambda (itm) (format " %s=%S" (car itm) (cdr itm))) ,attrs ""))
(insert ">")
(insert "</" ,tag ">")))
(defun edocs--format-text (txt)
"Perform formatting operations on TXT."
(replace-regexp-in-string "\n\n" "</p><p>" txt))
(defun edocs--format-commentary (cmt)
"Perform special commentary formatting operations on CMT."
";; " "" (replace-regexp-in-string
";;; Commentary:\n+" "" cmt))))
(defun edocs--format-doc (doc)
"Perform formatting operations on DOC or on DOC's `cdr'."
(edocs--format-text (if (consp doc) (cdr doc) doc)))
(defun edocs--package-desc-p (package-info)
"Check to see if PACKAGE-INFO is a package-desc struct."
(and (fboundp 'package-desc-p)
(package-desc-p package-info)))
(defun edocs--module-name (package-info)
"Extract the module name from PACKAGE-INFO.
The location of this information seems to have changed since
Emacs 24.3. If the function `package-desc-p' is bound and returns
t for PACKAGE-INFO, it is the new style and we should get it
accordingly. Otherwise we assume we're dealing with an old-style
package description and return the first element."
(if (edocs--package-desc-p package-info)
(symbol-name (package-desc-name package-info))
(aref package-info 0)))
(defun edocs--module-summary (package-info)
"Extract a short description from PACKAGE-INFO.
See the docstring for `edocs--module-name' for more information."
(if (edocs--package-desc-p package-info)
(package-desc-summary package-info)
(aref package-info 2)))
(defun edocs--format-symbol (symbol)
"Format the information in SYMBOL."
(let ((docs (edocs--get-docs (car symbol) (cdr symbol))))
(mapc (lambda (doc)
(edocs--with-tag "div" nil
(insert "– "
(edocs--get-type-display (car symbol))
": <tt>" (cdr symbol) "</tt> "
(if (consp doc) (car doc) ""))
(edocs--with-tag "div" '(("class" . "docstring"))
(edocs--with-tag "p" nil
(insert (or (edocs--format-doc doc)
"Not documented."))))))
(if (or (not (listp docs))
(not (listp (cdr docs))))
(list docs)
(defun edocs-generate ()
"Generate nice-looking documentation for a module or file."
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*edocs*"))
(binfo (package-buffer-info)))
(binfo (package-buffer-info))
(commentary (lm-commentary))
(symbols (edocs--list-symbols)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(unless edocs-generate-only-body (edocs--insert-header))
(edocs--with-tag "div" '(("class" . "container"))
(edocs--insert-title (edocs--module-name binfo)
(edocs--module-summary binfo))
(edocs--with-tag "p" nil
(insert (edocs--format-commentary commentary)))
(mapc #'edocs--format-symbol symbols))
(unless edocs-generate-only-body
(insert "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
"<link href=\"" edocs-stylesheet-location
"\" rel=\"stylesheet\"></head><body>"))
(insert "<div class=\"container\">"
"<h1>" (aref binfo 0) " <small>— " (aref binfo 2)
";; " "" (replace-regexp-in-string
";;; Commentary:\n+" "" (aref binfo 4)))
(mapc (lambda (itm)
(let ((docs (edocs--get-docs (car itm) (cdr itm))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(mapc (lambda (doc)
(insert "<div>– "
(edocs--get-type-display (car itm))
" <tt>" (cdr itm) "</tt> "
(if (consp doc) (car doc) "")
"<p class=\"docstring\">"
(or (if (consp doc)
"\n\n" "</p><p>" (cdr doc))
"\n\n" "</p><p>" doc))
"Not documented.") "</p></div>"))
(if (or (not (listp docs))
(not (listp (cdr docs))))
(list docs)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(insert "</div>")
(unless edocs-generate-only-body
(insert "</body></html>")))
(switch-to-buffer buffer)))
(defun edocs--generate-batch-1 (file)
"Generate docs for FILE."
(with-current-buffer (find-file file)
(write-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".html"))))
(defun edocs-generate-batch ()
"Generate module docs using batch operations."
(mapc (lambda (file)
(with-current-buffer (find-file file)
(write-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".html"))))
(mapc #'edocs--generate-batch-1 command-line-args-left))
(provide 'edocs)
;;; edocs.el ends here
Add table
Reference in a new issue