This way make won’t remove them after compilation is done. Normally this might be useful, but in the case of Emacs Lisp being generated from Org files, it’s really useful to have the original lisp files after compiling them to elc files.
47 lines
1.5 KiB
47 lines
1.5 KiB
include ../../
AUTOLOADS_FILE = site-lisp/site-autoloads.el
UNWANTED = $(AUTOLOADS_FILE) site-lisp/flycheck_% site-lisp/flycheck-%
SITE_LISPS = $(addsuffix c,$(filter-out $(UNWANTED),$(wildcard site-lisp/*.el)))
INIT_LISPS = $(addsuffix .elc,$(basename $(wildcard init/*.org)))
VENDOR_DIRS = $(wildcard vendor-lisp/*)
.PHONE: all snippets
all: $(SITE_LISPS) init.elc $(INIT_LISPS) $(AUTOLOADS_FILE) snippets
$(call tangle,emacs-lisp)
%.elc: %.el
@echo -e "\e[31mELC\e[0m $<"
@$(EMACS) -batch \
-directory "$(HOME)/.emacs.d/site-lisp" \
-directory "$(HOME)/.emacs.d/vendor-lisp/emacs-slack" \
-directory "$(HOME)/.emacs.d/vendor-lisp/circe" \
-directory "$(HOME)/.emacs.d/vendor-lisp/circe-serenity" \
-eval "(package-initialize)" \
-eval "(byte-compile-file \"$<\")"
### Site Lisp
@echo -e "\e[32mGEN\e[0m $@"
@$(EMACS) -batch \
-eval "(setq generated-autoload-file \"$(CURDIR)/$@\")" \
-eval "(update-directory-autoloads \"$(CURDIR)/site-lisp/\")"
### Snippets
SNIPPET_DIRS = $(wildcard snippets/*)
COMPILED_SNIPPETS = $(addsuffix /.yas-compiled-snippets.el, $(SNIPPET_DIRS))
%/.yas-compiled-snippets.el: %/*
@echo -e "\e[36mYAS\e[0m $(CURDIR)/snippets"
@$(EMACS) -batch \
-eval "(package-initialize)" \
-l yasnippet \
-eval "(yas-compile-directory \"$(CURDIR)/snippets\")"