Add a ‘’ file that services can hook into and that Herbstluftwm starts
at the end of its startup script. This way different services can be sure that
the window manager itself has started up, and can be dependent on one another.
Hopefully this makes managing these background processes easier.
M4 treats ‘#’ as a comment delimiter, so that if there is a macro that expands
to, for example, ‘#222222’ it will ignore any macros any further along the line.
- Add xsession. Instead of requiring each of my machines to setup their own
‘.xsession’ add one that should work for all of them.
- Use M4 for the Xresources database. I didn’t want the X11 project to be aware
of all the configuration files that could be added in there and I was able to
figure out how to have it load all of the configuration files in the
‘Xresources.d’ directory. Now each configuration can inject properties into the
X resources database.
- Have ‘.xsession’ load all of the scripts in ‘.config/X11/Xsession.d’. Each
configuration can now inject some script to run when X starts.
- Have ‘.xsession’ load a machine-specific script so that each machine can
override what it does when X starts.