Revert "Move stuff to other config files"
This reverts commit 6d01ebceb9
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 38 additions and 11 deletions
@ -46,19 +46,25 @@
(require 'package)
;; ;; Add MELPA because it's the biggest package repository for Emacs.
;; (add-to-list 'package-archives
;; '("melpa" . ""))
;; ;; Add the Org package archive to be able to install the bleeding
;; ;; edge Org mode.
;; (add-to-list 'package-archives
;; '("org" . ""))
;; ;; Add my personal package archive so I can upload custom libraries
;; ;; and stuff there.
;; (add-to-list 'package-archives
;; '("oni" . ""))
;; Add MELPA because it's the biggest package repository for Emacs.
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . ""))
;; Add the Org package archive to be able to install the bleeding
;; edge Org mode.
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("org" . ""))
;; Add my personal package archive so I can upload custom libraries
;; and stuff there.
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("oni" . ""))
;;; Highlight the line the cursor is on in the Packages menu for
;;; better visibility.
(add-hook 'package-menu-mode-hook 'hl-line-mode)
(with-eval-after-load 'package (require 'oni-package-x))
;;;; Dependencies
(require 'counsel)
@ -72,6 +78,19 @@
;;;; Settings
;;; Put backup and auto save files in their own directories so they
;;; don't clutter the rest of the filesystem.
(setq backup-directory-alist
`((".*" . ,(concat user-emacs-directory "data/backup-files"))))
`(".*" ,(concat user-emacs-directory "data/auto-save-files/") t)
(setq auto-save-list-file-prefix
(concat user-emacs-directory "data/" "auto-save-list/.saves-"))
(setq delete-old-versions t)
(setq kept-new-versions 20)
(setq kept-old-versions 20)
@ -119,6 +138,8 @@
(diminish 'counsel-mode)
(eval-when-compile (require 'bookmark))
(setq bookmark-default-file
(concat user-emacs-directory "data/bookmarks"))
(setq user-full-name "Tom Willemse"
user-mail-address "")
@ -166,6 +187,9 @@ ORIG-FUN is the function being wrapped, ARGS are the arguments specified"
(add-function :around (symbol-function 'diff-hl-changes-buffer)
(setq projectile-known-projects-file
(concat user-emacs-directory "data/projectile-bookmarks.eld"))
(with-eval-after-load 'projectile
(setq projectile-mode-line
@ -176,6 +200,9 @@ ORIG-FUN is the function being wrapped, ARGS are the arguments specified"
(format " P[%s]" name)))))))
(setq projectile-cache-file
(concat user-emacs-directory "data/projectile.cache"))
(define-key projectile-mode-map (kbd "C-c p") 'projectile-command-map)
Add table
Reference in a new issue