2016-08-05 01:43:09 +02:00
## Ryuslash:
IMAPAccount ryuslash
Host imap-ryuslash.alwaysdata.net
User tom@ryuslash.org
PassCmd "~/usr/bin/get-mail-password ryuslash"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore ryuslash-remote
Account ryuslash
MaildirStore ryuslash-local
Path ~/documents/mail/ryuslash/
Inbox ~/documents/mail/ryuslash/inbox
2017-11-13 13:46:12 -08:00
SubFolders Legacy
2016-08-05 01:43:09 +02:00
Channel ryuslash
Master :ryuslash-remote:
Slave :ryuslash-local:
# Don't synchronize lda-dupes, it causes trouble.
Patterns * !dovecot/lda-dupes
Create Both
SyncState *
## Gmail:
IMAPAccount gmail
Host imap.gmail.com
User ryuslash@gmail.com
PassCmd "~/usr/bin/get-mail-password gmail"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore gmail-remote
Account gmail
MaildirStore gmail-local
Path ~/documents/mail/gmail
Inbox ~/documents/mail/gmail/inbox
2017-11-13 13:46:12 -08:00
SubFolders Legacy
2016-08-05 01:43:09 +02:00
# Synchronize only the gmail INBOX mailbox.
Channel gmail-inbox
Master :gmail-remote:
Slave :gmail-local:
Patterns INBOX
# Automatically create missing mailboxes, both locally and on the
# server.
Create Both
# Save the synchronization state files in the relevant directory.
SyncState *
# Synchronize only the gmail [Gmail]/Sent Mail inbox to sent.
Channel gmail-sent
Master :gmail-remote:"[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
Slave :gmail-local:sent
Create Both
SyncState *
# Group the INBOX and [Gmail]/Sent Mail mailboxes together so "mbsync
# gmail" can be used to synchronize both.
Group gmail
Channel gmail-inbox
Channel gmail-sent
## Picturefix:
IMAPAccount picturefix
Host imap.gmail.com
User tom@picturefix.nl
PassCmd "~/usr/bin/get-mail-password picturefix"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore picturefix-remote
Account picturefix
MaildirStore picturefix-local
Path ~/documents/mail/picturefix
Inbox ~/documents/mail/picturefix/inbox
2017-11-13 13:46:12 -08:00
SubFolders Legacy
2016-08-05 01:43:09 +02:00
# Synchronize only the gmail INBOX mailbox.
Channel picturefix-inbox
Master :picturefix-remote:
Slave :picturefix-local:
Patterns INBOX
Create Both
SyncState *
# Synchronize only the sent mailbox.
Channel picturefix-sent
Master :picturefix-remote:"[Gmail]/Verzonden berichten"
Slave :picturefix-local:sent
Create Both
SyncState *
# Group the picturefix channels together so that synching with the
# command-line is easier.
Group picturefix
Channel picturefix-inbox
Channel picturefix-sent
## Ninthfloor:
IMAPAccount ninthfloor
Host mail.ninthfloor.org
User ryuslash
PassCmd "~/usr/bin/get-mail-password ninthfloor"
CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore ninthfloor-remote
Account ninthfloor
MaildirStore ninthfloor-local
Path ~/documents/mail/ninthfloor/
Inbox ~/documents/mail/ninthfloor/inbox
2017-11-13 13:46:12 -08:00
SubFolders Legacy
2016-08-05 01:43:09 +02:00
Channel ninthfloor
Master :ninthfloor-remote:
Slave :ninthfloor-local:
Patterns *
Create Both
SyncState *