This command adds a new bookmark to the database and associates any given tags with the bookmark, adding them, if necessary, as well.
114 lines
3.9 KiB
Common Lisp
114 lines
3.9 KiB
Common Lisp
(in-package :org.ryuslash.clark)
(export '(clark))
(defvar *db* nil
"The database connection.")
(defconstant *version* "0.1.0"
"Clark's version.")
(defun add-command (args)
"Add a new bookmark to the database."
(with-transaction *db*
(destructuring-bind (url name description &rest tags) args
(insert-bookmark url name description)
(add-tags tags))))
(defun add-tags (tags)
"Add tags to the bookmark_tag table and possibly to tag."
(let ((bookmark-id (last-insert-rowid *db*)))
(map nil (lambda (tag)
(let ((tag-id (handler-case (insert-tag tag)
(sqlite-error () (get-tag-id tag)))))
(insert-bookmark-tag bookmark-id tag-id))) tags)))
(defun check-db (name)
"Connect to the database, possibly creating it."
(let ((db-exists (probe-file name)))
(setf *db* (connect name))
(unless db-exists
(execute-non-query *db* "CREATE TABLE bookmark (url VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, date INTEGER, name VARCHAR(255), description TEXT)")
(execute-non-query *db* "CREATE TABLE tag (name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE)")
(execute-non-query *db* "CREATE TABLE bookmark_tag (bookmark_id INTEGER REFERENCES bookmark(rowid), tag_id INTEGER REFERENCES tag(rowid), PRIMARY KEY (bookmark_id, tag_id))"))))
(defun get-bookmarks ()
"Get a list of all bookmarks.
The result contains the url and the name of the bookmark."
(let ((statement
(prepare-statement *db* "select url, name from bookmark")))
while (step-statement statement)
collect (list (statement-column-value statement 0)
(statement-column-value statement 1))
finally (finalize-statement statement))))
(defun get-tag-id (name)
"Get the rowid of tag NAME."
(execute-single *db* "SELECT rowid FROM tag WHERE name = ?" name))
(defun help-command (args)
"Show a help message."
(format t (concatenate
"Usage: clark [command [options]...]~%"
"Possible commands:~%"
"add Add a bookmark to the database~%"
"help Display this help and exit~%"
"version Output version information and exit~%")))
(defun insert-bookmark (url name description)
"Insert URL, NAME and DESCRIPTION into the bookmark table."
(execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO bookmark VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
url name (get-universal-time) description))
(defun insert-bookmark-tag (bookmark-id tag-id)
"Insert BOOKMARK-ID and TAG-ID into the bookmark_tag table."
(execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO bookmark_tag VALUES (?, ?)"
bookmark-id tag-id))
(defun insert-tag (name)
"Insert tag NAME into the database and return its rowid."
(execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO tag VALUES (?)" name)
(last-insert-rowid *db*))
(defun make-command-name (base)
"Turn BASE into the name of a possible command."
(intern (concatenate 'string (string-upcase base) "-COMMAND")
(defun parse-args (args)
"Parse command-line arguments ARGS.
The executable name should already have been removed."
(let ((cmd-name (make-command-name (car args))))
(if (fboundp cmd-name)
(funcall cmd-name (cdr args))
(format t "Unknown command: ~A~%" (car args))
(help-command nil)))))
(defun print-bookmark (bm)
"Print information about bookmark BM.
BM should be a list containing the url and name of the bookmark."
(destructuring-bind (url name) bm
(format t "~A~%~A~%~%" url name)))
(defun version-command (args)
"Display clark's version number."
(format t "clark version ~A~%" *version*))
(defun clark (args)
"Main function.
Connect to the database, parse command-line arguments, execute and
then disconnect."
(check-db "test2.db")
(if (> (length args) 1)
(parse-args (cdr args))
(map nil #'print-bookmark (get-bookmarks)))
(disconnect *db*))