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;; Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Willemsen <tom at ryuslash dot org>
;; This file is part of CLark
;; CLark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; CLark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with CLark. If not, see <>.
;;; Code:
(in-package :org.ryuslash.clark)
(export '(clark))
(defvar *db* nil
"The database connection.")
(defvar *help-messages* nil
"Help texts for commands.")
(defvar *max-command-name-length* 0
"Length of the longest command name.")
(defvar *script* nil
"Whether or not to output in a machine-readable format.")
(defmacro call-command (name &rest args)
(let ((command-name (make-command-name (symbol-name name))))
`(,command-name ',args)))
(defmacro defcommand (name (&key (min-args 0) (max-args nil)) sdoc ldoc
&body body)
"Define a new command usable on the command-line."
(let* ((sname (string-downcase (symbol-name name)))
(command-name (make-command-name (symbol-name name))))
(defun ,command-name (args)
(let ((min-args ,min-args)
(max-args ,max-args)
(num-args (length args)))
((< num-args min-args)
(format t "Too few arguments, need at least ~D, got ~D~%"
min-args num-args)
(call-command help ,sname))
((and max-args (> num-args max-args))
(format t "Too many arguments, need at most ~D, got ~D~%"
max-args num-args)
(call-command help ,sname))
(t ,@body))))
(setf *help-messages*
(nconc *help-messages* '((,sname ,sdoc ,ldoc)))
(max *max-command-name-length* (length ,sname))))))
(defconstant *version* "0.1.0"
"Clark's version.")
(defun add-tags (url-or-id tags)
"Add tags to the bookmark_tag table and possibly to tag."
(when url-or-id
(if (integerp url-or-id)
(map nil (lambda (tag)
(let ((tag-id (handler-case (insert-tag tag)
(sqlite-error () (get-tag-id tag)))))
(insert-bookmark-tag url-or-id tag-id))) tags)
(add-tags (get-bookmark-id url-or-id) tags))))
(defun clear-tags (url-or-id)
"Remove all tags from the bookmark URL."
(when url-or-id
(if (integerp url-or-id)
*db* "DELETE FROM bookmark_tag WHERE bookmark_id = ?" url-or-id)
(clear-tags (get-bookmark-id url-or-id)))))
(defun ensure-db-exists (name)
"Connect to the database, possibly creating it."
(let ((db-exists (probe-file name)))
(setf *db* (connect name))
(unless db-exists
(execute-non-query *db* "CREATE TABLE bookmark (url VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, date INTEGER, name VARCHAR(255), description TEXT)")
(execute-non-query *db* "CREATE TABLE tag (name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE)")
(execute-non-query *db* "CREATE TABLE bookmark_tag (bookmark_id INTEGER REFERENCES bookmark(rowid), tag_id INTEGER REFERENCES tag(rowid), PRIMARY KEY (bookmark_id, tag_id))"))))
(defun get-bookmarks ()
"Get a list of all bookmarks.
The result contains the url, name and the description of the bookmark."
(execute-to-list *db* "select url, name, description from bookmark"))
(defun get-bookmark-id (url)
"Get the id of the bookmark for URL."
(execute-single *db* "SELECT rowid FROM bookmark WHERE url = ?" url))
(defun get-db-location ()
"Get the location of the database."
(apply 'concatenate 'string
(or (sb-ext:posix-getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME")
(list (sb-ext:posix-getenv "HOME") "/.local/share"))
(defun get-tag-id (name)
"Get the rowid of tag NAME."
(execute-single *db* "SELECT rowid FROM tag WHERE name = ?" name))
(defun help-message ()
(format t (concatenate
"Usage: clark [<command> [<options> ...]]~%"
"Possible commands:~%"
(map nil (lambda (hlp)
(destructuring-bind (name short long) hlp
(declare (ignore long))
(format t " ~vA ~A~%" *max-command-name-length*
name short))) *help-messages*)
(format t "~%~A~%"
(concatenate 'string "Use `clark help <command>' to get more "
"information on a command.")))
(defun insert-bookmark (url name description)
"Insert URL, NAME and DESCRIPTION into the bookmark table."
(execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO bookmark VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
url (get-universal-time) name description))
(defun insert-bookmark-tag (bookmark-id tag-id)
"Insert BOOKMARK-ID and TAG-ID into the bookmark_tag table."
(execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO bookmark_tag VALUES (?, ?)"
bookmark-id tag-id))
(defun insert-tag (name)
"Insert tag NAME into the database and return its rowid."
(execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO tag VALUES (?)" name)
(last-insert-rowid *db*))
(defun load-db ()
"Load the database."
(let ((db-location (get-db-location)))
(ensure-directories-exist db-location)
(ensure-db-exists db-location)))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(defun make-command-name (base)
"Turn BASE into the name of a possible command."
(intern (concatenate 'string (string-upcase base) "-COMMAND")
(defun parse-args (args)
"Parse command-line arguments ARGS.
The executable name should already have been removed."
(loop while (and args (char= (char (car args) 0) #\-))
do (case (intern (string-upcase (string-left-trim "-" (car args)))
(script (setf *script* t args (cdr args)))))
(if args
(let ((cmd-name (make-command-name (car args))))
(if (fboundp cmd-name)
(funcall cmd-name (cdr args))
(format t "Unknown command: ~A~%" (car args))
(call-command help))))
(map nil #'print-bookmark (get-bookmarks))))
(defun print-bookmark (bm)
"Print information about bookmark BM.
BM should be a list containing the url, name and description of the
(destructuring-bind (url name description) bm
(if *script*
(format t "~A~A~A" name description url)
(format t "~A~% ~A~% ~A~%~%" url name description))))
(defcommand add (:min-args 3)
"Add a new bookmark."
"Usage: clark add <url> <name> <description> [<tags> ...]
Add URL with NAME, DESCRIPTION and TAGS to the database. TAGS may be
omitted or any number of tag names."
(with-transaction *db*
(destructuring-bind (url name description &rest tags) args
(insert-bookmark url name description)
(add-tags (last-insert-rowid *db*) tags))))
(defcommand edit (:min-args 3)
"Edit a bookmark."
"Usage: clark edit <url> [--name <name>] \\
[--description <description>]
Edit the information for URL, specifying which part(s) to edit. Each
option will replace the previous value for that part."
(let ((name-lst (member "--name" args :test #'string=))
(desc-lst (member "--description" args :test #'string=))
query qargs)
(when name-lst
(setf query (concatenate 'string query "name = ? ")
qargs (nconc qargs (list (cadr name-lst)))))
(when desc-lst
(setf query (concatenate 'string query (when qargs ", ")
"description = ? ")
qargs (nconc qargs (list (cadr desc-lst)))))
(when qargs
(apply #'execute-non-query *db*
(format nil "UPDATE bookmark SET ~A WHERE url = ?" query)
(append qargs (list (car args)))))))
(defcommand exists (:min-args 1 :max-args 1)
"Check if a bookmark exists in the database."
"Usage: clark exists <url>
Check if URL exists in the database. Prints `yes' when found and `no'
(format t "~:[no~;yes~]~%"
*db* "SELECT rowid FROM bookmark WHERE url = ?" (car args))))
(defcommand help (:max-args 1)
"Show help message."
(if (> (length args) 0)
(let ((ldoc
(nth 2 (car (member
(car args) *help-messages*
:test #'(lambda (x y) (equal x (car y))))))))
((null ldoc) (format t "Unkown command: ~A~%" (car args)))
((and (symbolp ldoc) (fboundp ldoc)) (funcall ldoc))
(t (format t "~A~%" ldoc))))
(call-command help "help")))
(defcommand remove (:min-args 1 :max-args 1)
"Remove a bookmark from the database."
"Usage: clark remove <url>
Remove URL from the database."
(clear-tags (car args))
*db* "DELETE FROM bookmark WHERE url = ?" (car args)))
(defcommand search (:min-args 1 :max-args 1)
"Search through bookmarks."
"Usage: clark search <str>
Search the database for STR. Matches are made for substrings of a
bookmark's name or an exact match for a tag."
(map nil #'print-bookmark
*db* (concatenate 'string
"SELECT url, name, description "
"FROM bookmark "
"WHERE name LIKE ? "
"OR ? IN (SELECT name "
"FROM tag "
"JOIN bookmark_tag ON (tag_id = tag.rowid) "
"WHERE bookmark_id = bookmark.rowid)")
(format nil "%~A%" (car args)) (car args))))
(defcommand set-tags (:min-args 1)
"Set a bookmark's tags."
"Usage: clark set-tags <url> [<tags> ...]
Set bookmark URL's tags to the given list, overwriting the previous
list of tags."
(clear-tags (car args))
(add-tags (car args) (cdr args)))
(defcommand version (:max-args 0)
"Show version."
"Usage: clark version
Print the version number and exit."
(format t "clark version ~A~%" *version*))
(defun clark (args)
"Main function.
Connect to the database, parse command-line arguments, execute and
then disconnect."
(parse-args (cdr args))
(disconnect *db*))