144 lines
4.7 KiB
Common Lisp
144 lines
4.7 KiB
Common Lisp
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Willemsen <tom at ryuslash dot org>
;; This file is part of CLark
;; CLark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; CLark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with CLark. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Code:
(in-package :clark)
(defcommand add (url name description &rest tags)
"Add a new bookmark."
"Usage: clark add <url> <name> <description> [<tags> ...]
Add URL with NAME, DESCRIPTION and TAGS to the database. TAGS may be
omitted or any number of tag names."
(if (not (bookmark-exists-p url))
(with-transaction *db*
(insert-bookmark url name description)
(add-tags (last-insert-rowid *db*) tags))
(format t "~A has already been bookmarked~%" url)))
(defcommand edit (url &rest rest)
"Edit a bookmark."
"Usage: clark edit <url> [--name <name>] \\
[--description <description>]
Edit the information for URL, specifying which part(s) to edit. Each
option will replace the previous value for that part."
(let ((name-lst (member "--name" rest :test #'string=))
(desc-lst (member "--description" rest :test #'string=))
query qargs)
(when name-lst
(setf query (concatenate 'string query "name = ? ")
qargs (nconc qargs (list (cadr name-lst)))))
(when desc-lst
(setf query (concatenate 'string query (when qargs ", ")
"description = ? ")
qargs (nconc qargs (list (cadr desc-lst)))))
(when qargs
(apply #'execute-non-query *db*
nil (sql update "bookmark" set "~A" where "url" = ?) query)
(append qargs (list url))))))
(defcommand exists (url)
"Check if a bookmark exists in the database."
"Usage: clark exists <url>
Check if URL exists in the database. Prints `yes' when found and `no'
(format t "~:[no~;yes~]~%" (bookmark-exists-p url)))
(defcommand help (&optional command)
"Show help message."
(if command
(let ((ldoc
(nth 2 (car (member
command *help-messages*
:test #'(lambda (x y) (equal x (car y))))))))
((null ldoc)
1 "help" "Unknown command: ~a~%" command))
((and (symbolp ldoc) (fboundp ldoc)) (funcall ldoc))
(t (format t "~A~%" ldoc))))
(call-command help "help")))
(defcommand remove (url)
"Remove a bookmark from the database."
"Usage: clark remove <url>
Remove URL from the database."
(clear-tags url)
(delete-bookmark url))
(defcommand search (str)
"Search through bookmarks."
"Usage: clark search <str>
Search the database for STR. Matches are made for substrings of a
bookmark's name or an exact match for a tag."
(map nil #'print-bookmark (bookmark-search str)))
(defcommand set-tags (url &rest tags)
"Set a bookmark's tags."
"Usage: clark set-tags <url> [<tags> ...]
Set bookmark URL's tags to the given list, overwriting the previous
list of tags."
(clear-tags url)
(add-tags url tags))
(defun random-item (lst)
(nth (random (length lst) (make-random-state t)) lst))
(defcommand random (&optional tag)
"Pick a random bookmark, possibly from TAG."
"Usage: clark random [<tag>]
Get a random bookmark. If TAG is given limit the result to a bookmark
having the tag TAG."
(format t "~a~%" (random-item (url-list tag))))
(defcommand remove-tags (url &rest tags)
"Remove given tags from bookmark's tag list."
"Usage: clark remove-tags <url> [<tags> ...]
Remove the given TAGS from URL's tag list. If no tags are given,
remove all tags from bookmark."
(delete-tags url tags))
(defcommand version ()
"Show version."
"Usage: clark version
Print the version number and exit."
(format t "clark version ~A~%" version))
(defcommand tags (&optional (num 0))
"List a number of or all tags."
"Usage: clark tags [<num>]
Print a list of tags and the number of bookmarks tagged with it
ordered by that number. If NUM is given, only print the first NUM
(let ((num (if (integerp num) num (parse-integer num)))
(counter 1))
(dolist (tag (tag-list))
(format t "~30A~10D~%" (car tag) (cadr tag))
(if (> (incf counter) num 0)