Add macro defcommand
The defcommand macro defines a new command-line command. It also sets up some variables for the help function.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 50 additions and 39 deletions
@ -5,27 +5,29 @@
(defvar *db* nil
"The database connection.")
(defconstant *helps*
'(("add" "Add a bookmark to the database"
"add <url> <name> <description> [<tags> ...]")
("help" "Display this help and exit"
("version" "Output version information and exit"
("search" "Search for a name or tag"
"search <query>"))
(defvar *help-messages* nil
"Help texts for commands.")
(defvar *max-command-name-length* 0
"Lenght of the longest command name.")
(defmacro defcommand (name doc &body body)
"Define a new command usable on the command-line."
(let* ((sname (symbol-name name))
(command-name (make-command-name sname)))
(defun ,command-name (args)
(setf *help-messages*
(nconc *help-messages*
'((,(string-downcase sname) ,doc "")))
(max *max-command-name-length* (length ,sname))))))
(defconstant *version* "0.1.0"
"Clark's version.")
(defun add-command (args)
"Add a new bookmark to the database."
(with-transaction *db*
(destructuring-bind (url name description &rest tags) args
(insert-bookmark url name description)
(add-tags tags))))
(defun add-tags (tags)
"Add tags to the bookmark_tag table and possibly to tag."
(let ((bookmark-id (last-insert-rowid *db*)))
@ -59,21 +61,6 @@ The result contains the url and the name of the bookmark."
"Get the rowid of tag NAME."
(execute-single *db* "SELECT rowid FROM tag WHERE name = ?" name))
(defun help-command (args)
"Show a help message."
(declare (ignore args))
(format t (concatenate
"Usage: clark [<command> [<options> ...]]~%"
" clark add <url> <name> <description> [<tags> ...]~%"
"Possible commands:~%"
(map nil (lambda (hlp)
(destructuring-bind (name short long) hlp
(declare (ignore long))
(format t " ~7A ~A~%" name short))) *helps*))
(defun insert-bookmark (url name description)
"Insert URL, NAME and DESCRIPTION into the bookmark table."
(execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO bookmark VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
@ -89,10 +76,11 @@ The result contains the url and the name of the bookmark."
(execute-non-query *db* "INSERT INTO tag VALUES (?)" name)
(last-insert-rowid *db*))
(defun make-command-name (base)
"Turn BASE into the name of a possible command."
(intern (concatenate 'string (string-upcase base) "-COMMAND")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(defun make-command-name (base)
"Turn BASE into the name of a possible command."
(intern (concatenate 'string (string-upcase base) "-COMMAND")
(defun parse-args (args)
"Parse command-line arguments ARGS.
@ -112,8 +100,31 @@ BM should be a list containing the url and name of the bookmark."
(destructuring-bind (url name) bm
(format t "~A~%~A~%~%" url name)))
(defun search-command (args)
"Search the database for a match."
(defcommand add
"Add a new bookmark."
(with-transaction *db*
(destructuring-bind (url name description &rest tags) args
(insert-bookmark url name description)
(add-tags tags))))
(defcommand help
"Show help message."
(declare (ignore args))
(format t (concatenate
"Usage: clark [<command> [<options> ...]]~%"
" clark add <url> <name> <description> [<tags> ...]~%"
"Possible commands:~%"
(map nil (lambda (hlp)
(destructuring-bind (name short long) hlp
(declare (ignore long))
(format t " ~vA ~A~%" *max-command-name-length*
name short))) *help-messages*))
(defcommand search
"Search through bookmarks."
nil (lambda (bm)
(destructuring-bind (url name description) bm
@ -129,8 +140,8 @@ BM should be a list containing the url and name of the bookmark."
"WHERE bookmark_id = bookmark.rowid)")
(format nil "%~A%" (car args)) (car args))))
(defun version-command (args)
"Display clark's version number."
(defcommand version
"Show version."
(declare (ignore args))
(format t "clark version ~A~%" *version*))
Add table
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