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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
title: Auto-suggestions for DuckDuckGo in Conkeror
tags: conkeror, config
date: 2014-06-03 22:08
format: md
Recently [DuckDuckGo]( gave its UI a big
overhaul. One of the new parts of the UI is the auto-suggestions,
which are pretty cool, especially when working with `!bang` syntax. I
want that in my conkeror webjump! So I started looking...
Turns out that [Conkeror]( can work with
[OpenSearch]( descriptions to
create webjumps and actually already has a DuckDuckGo OpenSearch XML
file. However, DuckDuckGo has a newer version of that file.
So, for starters you should download the proper XML
[file]( After this, you can
replace the `/usr/share/conkeror/search-engines/duckduckgo.xml`
file[<sup>1</sup>](#fn1) with the newly downloaded one and you'd be
done, ready to use the new auto-suggest
If, however, you don't like overwriting your package's files because
they may get overwritten again in the future[<sup>3</sup>](#fn3) or
you really don't think it's proper, you can also create a custom
webjump that does the same thing, which is what I did.
In case you are following my lead, first we'd need to put the
downloaded XML file somewhere. I suggest
`~/.conkerorrc/search-engines` because that way everything in your
configuration stays nice and contained, although you might want to put
it in your
`~/`, where
`CODE` is an eight-character alphanumeric sequence (as far as I can
tell) and `PROFILE` is the name of the profile you
use[<sup>4</sup>](#fn4), because that should already be included in
your `opensearch_load_paths`.
If you put the XML in your `.conkerorrc` you'll need to add that
directory to your `opensearch_load_paths`, so put something like the
following in your `init.js`, or whichever filename you use for your
conkeror init:
After Conkeror knows where to find your custom search engine
specifications you can create a webjump for it:
define_opensearch_webjump("ddg", "ddg.xml");
Once you evaluate these lines or restart your Conkeror, you should
have a `ddg` webjump with auto-suggestion. Yay!
## Footnotes
<a name="fn1"></a> I have Conkeror installed in `/usr`, so if you have
it installed somewhere else your path will be different.
<a name="fn2"></a> You might have to restart Conkeror first, I didn't
test it without restarting.
<a name="fn3"></a> This can of course happen when, for example, your
package manager updates your Conkeror installation.
<a name="fn4"></a> The default profile is named (appropriately)
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title: C-d to close eshell
tags: eshell, emacs, elisp, config
date: 2013-08-17 02:25
format: md
One of the "tricks" that I have learned to use when working with
terminals is using `C-d` to close them, or when working on a TTY
logout. It somehow grew to the extent that if I can't use it, I get
annoyed, like with `eshell`.
I have customized `ansi-term` to immediately close its buffer after the
shell quits. This makes it very easy to start an `ansi-term`, which I've
bound to `C-c t`, run a quick command (perhaps `make`, or similar), `C-d`,
and I'm out. I want that for my `eshell` too.
There are a few conditions that I want met before the buffer is
killed, though.
1. Since `eshell` is an Emacs mode like any other, `C-d` is usually used
to forward-kill characters, I don't want to lose this.
2. I only want it to quit when the line of input is empty.
The following piece of code make sure these conditions are met.
1. It interactively calls `delete-char`, which keeps keybindings like
`C-4 C-d` to delete 4 characters working.
2. It catches the error condition which is signaled whenever
`delete-char` can't do it's job (like when there's nothing left to
delete in the buffer).
3. It checks to make sure that the signaled error is the `end-of-buffer`
error. I don't want to kill the buffer if I try to delete more
characters than are in the buffer because I feel that could cause
irritating surprises.
4. It checks of the cursor is at the `eshell` prompt. This, combined
with only responding to the `end-of-buffer` error, makes sure we're
on an empty line and not just at the end of the input. Sometimes
keys are pressed at the wrong time and I don't want to have to
re-type a command just because I was being an idiot.
5. If the right conditions aren't met, signal the error again so I can
see what's going on.
``` emacs-lisp
(defun eshell-C-d ()
"Either call `delete-char' interactively or quit."
(condition-case err
(call-interactively #'delete-char)
(error (if (and (eq (car err) 'end-of-buffer)
(looking-back eshell-prompt-regexp))
(signal (car err) (cdr err))))))
I then bind this to `C-d` in eshell.
``` emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook
(lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "C-d") #'eshell-C-d)))
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
title: Installing HLA on Archlinux
tags: hla, archlinux, vagrant
date: 2014-12-27 21:43
format: md
I recently started reading
[The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Edition](
It uses High-Level Assembly language in its code examples and this
requires a special compiler, or assembler, to turn your code into
machine code.
## Fixing the PKGBUILD
The compiler, `hla`, is available on the Archlinux User Repository
[here]( At the time of
writing, though, that `PKGBUILD` doesn't work entirely. By default
pacman removes all static libraries from the created packages, which
took me a while to find out. Adding the following line to the
`PKGBUILD` fixes it:
I also placed a comment on the AUR page, but there has been no sign
of acknowledgment so far.
## Running on x86_64
After having installed the compiler I got a lot of errors compiling
my very simple hello world application, as typed over from the
book. The gist of them was that it couldn't create 64-bit
executables, which isn't very surprising as HLA seems to be only
for x86 (32-bit) architecture. Another comment on the AUR page
helped that though. One should add the `-lmelf_i386` switch to the
`hla` command-line. So I put in my `~/.zshrc`:
alias hla="hla -lmelf_i386"
This discovery only came after a few other attempts to install HLA.
## Alternative: Using Vagrant
Before I'd read about the `-lmelf_i386` command-line switch I was
looking at ways to run a 32-bit operating system inside my
Archlinux installation. There are a few options I'm familiar with:
lxc, Docker and Vagrant.
At first I tried to create a 32-bit Archlinux container, but the
installation script failed, so I couldn't get that started. Then I
went on to Vagrant, which worked pretty quickly.
I used the `ubuntu/trusty32` box, which can be downloaded by calling:
vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty32
A very short `Vagrantfile`:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
|||| = "ubuntu/trusty32"
config.vm.provision :shell, path: ""
and then the provision in ``:
tar --directory / --extract --file linux.hla.tar.gz
cat > /etc/profile.d/ <<EOF
export hlalib=/usr/hla/hlalib
export hlainc=/usr/hla/include
export hlatemp=/tmp
export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/hla"
After that you can just call `vagrant up`, wait a while and then have
fun playing around with HLA in an Ubuntu 14.04 environment.
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: Mounting music dir before MPD
tags: systemd, mpd, config
date: 2013-11-24 14:03
format: md
Systemd allows you to specify a program to run before running the main
daemon (or program) with `ExecStartPre`. This can, for instance, be
used to run a mount command before starting `mpd`. By adding under the
`[Service]` heading:
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mount /mnt/music
Now I have already setup my `fstab` to know what to mount on
`/mnt/music`, but of course that shouldn't be necessary. According to
the `systemd.service(5)` man page it uses the same syntax as
`ExecStart`, which tells us that one must use absolute file names
since no shell is used to start them.
This also has the effect of stopping the `ExecStart` part from the
`.service` from being executed if the `ExecStartPre` doesn't finish
successfully. Which works out great in my case as I don't want to
start `mpd` if my music directory didn't mount. If you want to ignore
the exit status of (one of) the `ExecStartPre` commands you can prefix
it with a `-`, for example:
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/mount /mnt/music
Which would continue running the `ExecStart` even if mounting failed.
Also know that there can be multiple `ExecStartPre` options and they
will be executed serially, so for example:
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mount /mnt/music
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/mount /mnt/music2
This would fail if `/mnt/music` doesn't mount, but would continue just
fine if `/mnt/music` did and `/mnt/music2` didn't.
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: rlwrapping sbcl
tags: sbcl, lisp, utility
date: 2013-10-06 13:02
format: md
[SBCL]( is an excellent lisp implementation. The only
thing that's not so nice about it is overly simple command-line
interface. The absence of `<UP>`, `C-a`, `M-b`, etc. can be annoying,
even though I only occasionally use SBCL directly.
I have 3 solutions to this problem now:
- Use [SLIME](, which is what I
do most of the time, but sometimes this isn't practical.
- Use [Linedit]( I tried
this, and it was cool. But somehow I broke it and now I can't get it
to work.
- Use [rlwrap](
This requires you to either always invoke SBCL as `rlwrap sbcl` or
create an alias for it. This works very well too, is very simple and
doesn't noticeably increase start-up time.
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: Stop shr from using background color
tags: emacs, elisp, config
date: 2014-04-03 22:11
format: md
Here's just one more example why Emacs is so awesome
Reading mail in Gnus is very nice, but shr has become a little too
good at its job. Add to this the many occasions when a background is
specified without specifying a foreground, plus a color theme that
is the inverse of what is usually expected, and you can get
hard-to-read HTML messages, gray foreground and gray background.
I've looked at the other possible renderers, but they don't look
very nice compared to shr. So just remove its ability to add
background colors.
(defun oni:shr-colorize-remove-last-arg (args)
"If ARGS has more than 3 items, remove the last one."
(if (> (length args) 3)
(butlast args)
(with-eval-after-load 'shr
(advice-add #'shr-colorize-region :filter-args
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
title: Some quick git diff tips
tags: org-mode, lisp, config, git
date: 2013-08-11 00:54
format: md
A couple of quick tips. As you possibly know you can specify some
options to be used for diffs (and other things) per file type. The one
I'm interested in is the function name.
## For org-mode
The primary way of identifying which part of an org-mode document a
change occurs in seems to me to be the heading. So, in your
`$HOME/.gitconfig` put:
[diff "org"]
xfuncname = "^\\*+.*"
Which should show any lines starting with one or more `*` characters.
And then in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/attributes` or
`$HOME/.config/git/attributes` put:
,*.org diff=org
## For lisp and lisp-like langauges
For anything that resembles lisp (so Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Hy,
scheme, etc.) I would think that the easiest thing to do is just see
the closes top-level form. So, in your `$HOME/.gitconfig` put:
[diff "lisp"]
xfuncname = "^\\([^ ]+ [^ ]+"
Which should show the opening parenthesis and the first two words. For
(defun some-function-name
(defclass my-awesome-class
(define-route this-strange-route
And then put in your `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/attributes` or
,*.lisp diff=lisp
,*.el diff=lisp
,*.hy diff=lisp
,*.scm diff=lisp
And possibly any other lisp-like language files you can think of.
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