path: root/articles
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Diffstat (limited to 'articles')
5 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/articles/ b/articles/
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index 0000000..525e462
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#+TITLE: C-d to close eshell
+One of the "tricks" that I have learned to use when working with
+terminals is using ~C-d~ to close them, or when working on a TTY
+logout. It somehow grew to the extent that if I can't use it, I get
+annoyed, like with ~eshell~.
+I have customized ~ansi-term~ to immediately close its buffer after the
+shell quits. This makes it very easy to start an ~ansi-term~, which I've
+bound to ~C-c t~, run a quick command (perhaps ~make~, or similar), ~C-d~,
+and I'm out. I want that for my ~eshell~ too.
+There are a few conditions that I want met before the buffer is
+killed, though.
+1. Since ~eshell~ is an Emacs mode like any other, ~C-d~ is usually used
+ to forward-kill characters, I don't want to lose this.
+2. I only want it to quit when the line of input is empty.
+The following piece of code make sure these conditions are met.
+1. It interactively calls =delete-char=, which keeps keybindings like
+ ~C-4 C-d~ to delete 4 characters working.
+2. It catches the error condition which is signaled whenever
+ =delete-char= can't do it's job (like when there's nothing left to
+ delete in the buffer).
+3. It checks to make sure that the signaled error is the =end-of-buffer=
+ error. I don't want to kill the buffer if I try to delete more
+ characters than are in the buffer because I feel that could cause
+ irritating surprises.
+4. It checks of the cursor is at the ~eshell~ prompt. This, combined
+ with only responding to the =end-of-buffer= error, makes sure we're
+ on an empty line and not just at the end of the input. Sometimes
+ keys are pressed at the wrong time and I don't want to have to
+ re-type a command just because I was being an idiot.
+5. If the right conditions aren't met, signal the error again so I can
+ see what's going on.
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (defun eshell-C-d ()
+ "Either call `delete-char' interactively or quit."
+ (interactive)
+ (condition-case err
+ (call-interactively #'delete-char)
+ (error (if (and (eq (car err) 'end-of-buffer)
+ (looking-back eshell-prompt-regexp))
+ (kill-buffer)
+ (signal (car err) (cdr err))))))
+I then bind this to =C-d= in eshell.
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook
+ (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "C-d") #'eshell-C-d)))
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index 0000000..da9918f
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+#+OPTIONS: toc:nil c:t
+#+HTML_LINK_UP: ../blog.html
+* Mounting music dir before MPD :systemd:mpd:conf:
+Systemd allows you to specify a program to run before running the main
+daemon (or program) with =ExecStartPre=. This can, for instance, be used
+to run a mount command before starting ~mpd~. By adding under the
+=[Service]= heading:
+#+BEGIN_SRC conf-unix
+ ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mount /mnt/music
+Now I have already setup my ~fstab~ to know what to mount on ~/mnt/music~,
+but of course that shouldn't be necessary. According to the
+~systemd.service(5)~ man page it uses the same syntax as =ExecStart=,
+which tells us that one must use absolute file names since no shell is
+used to start them.
+This also has the effect of stopping the =ExecStart= part from the
+~.service~ from being executed if the =ExecStartPre= doesn't finish
+successfully. Which works out great in my case as I don't want to
+start ~mpd~ if my music directory didn't mount. If you want to ignore
+the exit status of (one of) the =ExecStartPre= commands you can prefix
+it with a ~-~, for example:
+#+BEGIN_SRC conf-unix
+ ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/mount /mnt/music
+Which would continue running the =ExecStart= even if mounting failed.
+Also know that there can be multiple =ExecStartPre= options and they
+will be executed serially, so for example:
+#+BEGIN_SRC conf-unix
+ ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mount /mnt/music
+ ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/mount /mnt/music2
+This would fail if ~/mnt/music~ doesn't mount, but would continue just
+fine if ~/mnt/music~ did and ~/mnt/music2~ didn't.
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index 0000000..2c388f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/articles/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#+TITLE: Python mixins
+#+TAGS: python,coding
+I learned something fun the other day. And it has made me consider
+writing more mixins and using Python's multiple inheritance more. This
+is not completely new to me, but I finally tested it a few days ago
+and what I thought I knew seems to have been confirmed.
+Given some classes:
+#+NAME: setup
+#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports code :results output :session
+ class Foo(object):
+ def frob(self):
+ print('foo')
+ class Bar(Foo):
+ def frob(self):
+ super(Bar, self).frob()
+ print('bar')
+ class BazMixin(object):
+ def frob(self):
+ super(BazMixin, self).frob()
+ print('baz')
+ class Unmixed(Bar, BazMixin):
+ def frob(self):
+ super(Unmixed, self).frob()
+ print('unmixed')
+ class Mixed(BazMixin, Bar):
+ def frob(self):
+ super(Mixed, self).frob()
+ print('mixed')
+#+RESULTS: setup
+We can see the progression of inheritance. You will see here that
+=BazMixin= is skipped:
+#+NAME: unmixed
+#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports both :results output :session
+ unmixed = Unmixed()
+ unmixed.frob()
+#+RESULTS: unmixed
+: foo
+: bar
+: unmixed
+And here that it is not:
+#+NAME: mixed
+#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports both :results output :session
+ mixed = Mixed()
+ mixed.frob()
+#+RESULTS: mixed
+: foo
+: bar
+: baz
+: mixed
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index 0000000..cc8d94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/articles/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#+TITLE: rlwrapping sbcl
+[[][SBCL]] is an excellent lisp implementation. The only thing that's not so
+nice about it is overly simple command-line interface. The absence of
+~<UP>~, ~C-a~, ~M-b~, etc. can be annoying, even though I only occasionally
+use SBCL directly.
+I have 3 solutions to this problem now:
+- Use [[][SLIME]], which is what I do most of the time, but sometimes this
+ isn't practical.
+- Use [[][Linedit]]. I tried this, and it was cool. But somehow I broke it
+ and now I can't get it to work.
+- Use [[][rlwrap]]. This requires you to either always invoke SBCL as
+ =rlwrap sbcl= or create an alias for it. This works very well too,
+ is very simple and doesn't noticeably increase start-up time.
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index 0000000..e9d3f39
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+#+TITLE: Some quick git diff tips
+A couple of quick tips. As you possibly know you can specify some
+options to be used for diffs (and other things) per file type. The
+one I'm interested in is the function name.
+* For org-mode
+ The primary way of identifying which part of an org-mode document
+ a change occurs in seems to me to be the heading. So, in your
+ ~$HOME/.gitconfig~ put:
+ #+BEGIN_SRC conf
+ [diff "org"]
+ xfuncname = "^\\*+.*"
+ Which should show any lines starting with one or more ~*~
+ characters. And then in ~$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/attributes~ or
+ ~$HOME/.config/git/attributes~ put:
+ ,*.org diff=org
+* For lisp and lisp-like langauges
+ For anything that resembles lisp (so Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Hy,
+ scheme, etc.) I would think that the easiest thing to do is just
+ see the closes top-level form. So, in your ~$HOME/.gitconfig~ put:
+ #+BEGIN_SRC conf
+ [diff "lisp"]
+ xfuncname = "^\\([^ ]+ [^ ]+"
+ Which should show the opening parenthesis and the first two words.
+ For example:
+ (defun some-function-name
+ (defclass my-awesome-class
+ (define-route this-strange-route
+ And then put in your ~$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/attributes~ or
+ ~$HOME/.config/git/attributes~:
+ ,*.lisp diff=lisp
+ ,*.el diff=lisp
+ ,*.hy diff=lisp
+ ,*.scm diff=lisp
+ And possibly any other lisp-like language files you can think of.