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authorGravatar Matthew L. Fidler2016-02-09 23:07:44 -0600
committerGravatar Matthew L. Fidler2016-02-09 23:07:44 -0600
commit57acfed66687fe71c659d3db37d28ab531ef36bd (patch)
parent72736b5a92b0b821db2255ee616011d79736e1d3 (diff)
Allow mode-icons fonts to work in windows
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/mode-icons.el b/mode-icons.el
index 0758717..97a078e 100644
--- a/mode-icons.el
+++ b/mode-icons.el
@@ -43,9 +43,15 @@ ICON should be a file name with extension. The result is the
absolute path to ICON."
(concat mode-icons--directory "/icons/" icon))
-(defvar mode-icons-octicons-font
- (find-font (font-spec :name "github-octicons")))
+(defmacro mode-icons-define-font (font)
+ "Define FONT for `mode-icons'."
+ `(progn
+ (defvar ,(intern (format "mode-icons-font-spec-%s" font))
+ (font-spec :name ,(format "%s" font)))
+ (defvar ,(intern (format "mode-icons-font-%s" font))
+ (find-font ,(intern (format "mode-icons-font-spec-%s" font))))))
+(mode-icons-define-font "github-octicons")
(defcustom mode-icons
`(("CSS" "css" xpm)
@@ -78,7 +84,7 @@ absolute path to ICON."
("YASnippet" "yas" xpm)
(" yas" "yas" xpm)
(" hs" "hs" xpm)
- ("Markdown" ,(make-string 1 #xf0c9) octicons)
+ ("Markdown" ,(make-string 1 #xf0c9) github-octicons)
;; Diminished modes
("\\(ElDoc\\|Anzu\\|SP\\|Guide\\|PgLn\\|Golden\\|Undo-Tree\\|Ergo.*\\|,\\|Isearch\\)" nil nil)
@@ -94,7 +100,7 @@ without the extension. And the third being the type of icon."
(const :tag "Suppress" nil))
(const :tag "text" nil)
- (const :tag "Octicons" octicons)
+ (const :tag "Octicons" github-octicons)
(const :tag "png" png)
(const :tag "gif" gif)
(const :tag "jpeg" jpeg)
@@ -136,12 +142,37 @@ the icon."
(member 'sml/pos-id-separator mode-line-format)
(string-match-p "powerline" (prin1-to-string mode-line-format)))))
+(defvar mode-icons-font-register-alist nil
+ "Alist of characters supported.")
+(defun mode-icons-supported-font-p (char font &optional dont-register)
+ "Determine if the CHAR is supported in FONT.
+When DONT-REGISTER is non-nil, don't register the font.
+Otherwise, under windows 32, emacs register the font for use in
+the mode-line."
+ (when (and (or (integerp char)
+ (and (stringp char) (= 1 (length char))))
+ (boundp (intern (format "mode-icons-font-spec-%s" font)))
+ (symbol-value (intern (format "mode-icons-font-spec-%s" font))))
+ (if (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt)) 'direct-font
+ (let* ((char (or (and (integerp char) char)
+ (and (stringp char) (= 1 (length char))
+ (aref (vconcat char) 0))))
+ (found-char-p (assoc char mode-icons-font-register-alist))
+ (char-font-p (and found-char-p (eq (cdr found-char-p) font))))
+ (cond
+ (char-font-p t)
+ (found-char-p t)
+ (t ;; not yet registered.
+ (set-fontset-font t (cons char char) (symbol-value (intern (format "mode-icons-font-spec-%s" font))))
+ (push (cons char font) mode-icons-font-register-alist)
+ t))))))
(defun mode-icons-supported-p (icon-spec)
"Determine if ICON-SPEC is suppored on your system."
(and (or (eq (nth 2 icon-spec) nil) (eq (nth 1 icon-spec) nil)) t)
- (and (eq (nth 2 icon-spec) 'octicons) mode-icons-octicons-font (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
- (stringp (nth 1 icon-spec)))
+ (mode-icons-supported-font-p (nth 1 icon-spec) (nth 2 icon-spec) t)
(and (eq (nth 2 icon-spec) 'jpg) (image-type-available-p 'jpeg))
(and (image-type-available-p (nth 2 icon-spec)))))
@@ -150,21 +181,23 @@ the icon."
MODE should be a string, the name of the mode to propertize.
ICON-SPEC should be a specification from `mode-icons'."
- (cond
- ((get-text-property 0 'mode-icons-p mode)
- mode)
- ((not (nth 1 icon-spec))
- "")
- ((and mode-icons-octicons-font (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
- (stringp (nth 1 icon-spec)) (eq (nth 2 icon-spec) 'octicons))
- (propertize mode 'display (nth 1 icon-spec)
- 'font 'mode-icons-octicons-font
- 'mode-icons-p t))
- ((and (stringp (nth 1 icon-spec)) (not (nth 2 icon-spec)))
- (propertize mode 'display (mode-icons-get-icon-display (nth 1 icon-spec) (nth 2 icon-spec))
- 'mode-icons-p t))
- (t (propertize mode 'display (mode-icons-get-icon-display (nth 1 icon-spec) (nth 2 icon-spec))
- 'mode-icons-p t))))
+ (let (tmp)
+ (cond
+ ((get-text-property 0 'mode-icons-p mode)
+ mode)
+ ((not (nth 1 icon-spec))
+ "")
+ ((setq tmp (mode-icons-supported-font-p (nth 1 icon-spec) (nth 2 icon-spec)))
+ (if (eq 'direct-font tmp)
+ (propertize mode 'display (nth 1 icon-spec)
+ 'font (symbol-value (intern (format "mode-icons-font-%s" font)))
+ 'mode-icons-p t)
+ (propertize mode 'display (nth 1 icon-spec) 'mode-icons-p t)))
+ ((and (stringp (nth 1 icon-spec)) (not (nth 2 icon-spec)))
+ (propertize mode 'display (mode-icons-get-icon-display (nth 1 icon-spec) (nth 2 icon-spec))
+ 'mode-icons-p t))
+ (t (propertize mode 'display (mode-icons-get-icon-display (nth 1 icon-spec) (nth 2 icon-spec))
+ 'mode-icons-p t)))))
(defun mode-icons-get-icon-spec (mode)
"Get icon spec for MODE based on regular expression."