path: root/gitto/main.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gitto/main.scm')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/gitto/main.scm b/gitto/main.scm
index e65275a..efd1cee 100644
--- a/gitto/main.scm
+++ b/gitto/main.scm
@@ -18,75 +18,15 @@
;; along with gitto. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(define-module (gitto main)
+ #:use-module (gitto git)
#:use-module (gitto path)
#:use-module (ice-9 format)
- #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
#:use-module (ice-9 getopt-long)
#:use-module (ice-9 popen)
- #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
#:use-module (oop goops)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:export (main))
-(define-generic same-repository?)
-(define-generic print)
-(define-class <repository> ()
- (name #:getter repo-name)
- (location #:getter repo-location)
- (clean? #:getter repo-clean?)
- (branches #:getter repo-branches))
-(define-class <branch> ()
- (name #:getter branch-name)
- (pushable #:getter branch-pushable)
- (pullable #:getter branch-pullable)
- (updated #:getter branch-updated))
-(define-method (initialize (repo <repository>) args)
- (let ((dir (car args)))
- (slot-set! repo 'name (basename dir))
- (slot-set! repo 'location dir)
- (slot-set! repo 'clean? (delay (git-clean? dir)))
- (slot-set! repo 'branches
- (delay (map (lambda (b) (make <branch> b dir))
- (git-branches dir))))))
-(define-method (initialize (branch <branch>) args)
- (let ((name (car args))
- (dir (cadr args)))
- (slot-set! branch 'name name)
- (slot-set! branch 'pushable (delay (git-revs-to-push dir name)))
- (slot-set! branch 'pullable (delay (git-revs-to-pull dir name)))
- (slot-set! branch 'updated (delay (git-last-update dir name)))))
-(define-method (repo-clean? (repo <repository>))
- (force (slot-ref repo 'clean?)))
-(define-method (repo-branches (repo <repository>))
- (force (slot-ref repo 'branches)))
-(define-method (branch-pushable (branch <branch>))
- (force (slot-ref branch 'pushable)))
-(define-method (branch-pullable (branch <branch>))
- (force (slot-ref branch 'pullable)))
-(define-method (branch-updated (branch <branch>))
- (force (slot-ref branch 'updated)))
-(define-method (print (repo <repository>))
- (if (file-exists? (repo-location repo))
- (begin
- (format #t "~a: Worktree is ~a~%" (repo-name repo)
- (if (repo-clean? repo) "clean" "dirty"))
- (for-each print (repo-branches repo))
- (newline))
- (format #t "~a:~15tnot found at ~s\n"
- (repo-name repo) (repo-location repo))))
-(define-method (print (branch <branch>))
- (format #t " ~a:~15t~d to push and ~d to pull. Last update: ~a~%"
- (branch-name branch) (branch-pushable branch)
- (branch-pullable branch) (branch-updated branch)))
(define (storage-dir xdg-env fallback)
(let ((xdg (getenv xdg-env)))
@@ -118,21 +58,6 @@ gitto [options]
-h, --help Display this help
-(define (git-dir? dir)
- "Check whether or not DIR/.git exists."
- (let ((dir (string-append dir "/.git")))
- (if (file-exists? dir)
- (let ((dirstat (stat dir)))
- (eq? (stat:type dirstat) 'directory))
- #f)))
-(define-method (same-repository? (x <repository>) (y <repository>))
- (string= (repo-location x) (repo-location y)))
-(define-method (same-repository? (x <string>) (y <repository>))
- (string= x (repo-location y)))
-(define-method (same-repository? (x <repository>) (y <string>))
- (string= (repo-location x) y))
(define (known? repo)
"Do we know REPO?"
(or (member repo repositories same-repository?)
@@ -187,53 +112,6 @@ gitto [options]
(display "Not a registered repository."))
-(define (git-revs-to-push dir branch)
- "Check how many commits should be pushed upstream."
- (let* ((pipe (start-git
- dir (format #f "log --pretty=oneline ~a@{u}..~:*~a" branch)
- "| wc -l"))
- (num (string->number (read-line pipe))))
- (close-pipe pipe)
- num))
-(define (git-revs-to-pull dir branch)
- "Check how many commits should be pulled/merged from upstream."
- (let* ((pipe (start-git
- dir (format #f "log --pretty=oneline ~a..~:*~a@{u}" branch)
- "| wc -l"))
- (num (string->number (read-line pipe))))
- (close-pipe pipe)
- num))
-(define* (start-git dir args #:optional (extra ""))
- (open-input-pipe
- (format #f "git --work-tree=~s --git-dir=\"~a/.git\" ~a 2>/dev/null ~a"
- dir dir args extra)))
-(define (git-branches dir)
- (let ((pipe (start-git dir "branch")))
- (map
- (lambda (b) (string-trim-both b (char-set #\* #\space)))
- (string-split (string-trim-right (read-string pipe)) #\newline))))
-(define (git-clean? dir)
- "Check whether a repository is clean, meaning there are no changes
-to the tracked files. Utracked files will not register."
- (let* ((pipe (start-git dir "status -suno"))
- (clean? (eof-object? (read-delimited "" pipe))))
- (close-pipe pipe)
- clean?))
-(define (git-last-update dir branch)
- "Check when the last update upstream was."
- (let* ((pipe (start-git
- dir (format #f "log -1 --format=%ar ~a@{u}" branch)))
- (relative-last-update (read-line pipe)))
- (close-pipe pipe)
- (if (eof-object? relative-last-update)
- "never"
- relative-last-update)))
(define (list-repositories)
"List information about every repository."
(for-each print repositories))