path: root/emacs.d/nxhtml/nxhtml/html-wtoc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs.d/nxhtml/nxhtml/html-wtoc/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1395 deletions
diff --git a/emacs.d/nxhtml/nxhtml/html-wtoc/ b/emacs.d/nxhtml/nxhtml/html-wtoc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 56c0e21..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/nxhtml/nxhtml/html-wtoc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1395 +0,0 @@
-#! perl
-# Copyright 2006, 2007 Lennart Borgman, All
-# rights reserved.
-# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-use strict;
-use File::Copy;
-use File::Spec;
-#use File::Path qw();
-use File::Path;
-use File::Find qw();
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/PerlLib";
-use PathSubs qw();
-use html_tags qw(
-*html header
-table Tr td
-p hr br
-a span img b
-### Script start parameters
-my $m_param_action;
-my $m_param_files = 1;
-my $m_param_pnum = 0;
-my $m_param_single = 0;
-my $m_param_Template;
-my $m_param_InPages;
-my $m_param_OutRoot;
-my @m_param_InRoot;
-my $m_param_Overwrite;
-### Globals
-my $m_iAlwaysOpenedLevel = 0;
-my $m_sCommonIn;
-my $m_sInPagesFolder;
-my $m_sTemplateFolder;
-my $m_sStartTemplate;
-my $m_sBodyTemplate;
-#my $m_sEndTemplate;
-my $m_bBorders = 0;
-my @pages;
-my %page_num;
-my %js_show_page;
-my $m_TemplateTime;
-my $m_InPagesTime;
-my %m_linked_files;
-sub get_params();
-sub get_template();
-sub read_page_list($);
-sub find_pages($$);
-sub write_pages();
-sub send_page();
-sub find_template_files();
-sub find_linked_from_pages();
-sub copy_wtoc_files();
-sub copy_linked_files();
-#push @pages, [$ind, $tit, $full_fil, $anc, $hrf, $trg, $tip];
-sub IND { 0 }
-sub TIT { 1 }
-sub FULL_FIL { 2 }
-sub ANC { 3 }
-sub HRF { 4 }
-sub TRG { 5 }
-sub TIP { 6 }
-### Main
-print "\n";
-if ($m_param_action eq "FIND") {
- find_pages(\@m_param_InRoot, $m_param_InPages);
-} elsif($m_param_action eq "MERGE") {
- get_template();
- read_page_list($m_param_InPages);
- find_template_files();
- copy_wtoc_files();
- if ($m_param_files) {
- write_pages();
- } else {
- send_page();
- }
- find_linked_from_pages();
- copy_linked_files();
-} elsif($m_param_action eq "TOC") {
-sub copy_if_newer_or_overwrite($$) {
- my $in_file = shift;
- my $out = shift;
- my $out_file = $out;
- if (-d $out) {
- my ($in_v, $in_d, $in_f) = File::Spec->splitpath( $in_file );
- my ($out_v,$out_d,$out_f) = File::Spec->splitpath( $out, 1 );
- $out_file = File::Spec->catpath( $out_v, $out_d, $in_f );
- }
- my $should_write = 1;
- if (-e $out_file) {
- if ($m_param_Overwrite) {
- my $in_mdt = (stat $in_file)[9];
- my $outmdt = (stat $out_file)[9];
- if (($outmdt > $in_mdt)) {
- $should_write = 0;
- }
- } else {
- $should_write = 0;
- }
- }
- if ($should_write) {
- if (!File::Copy::syscopy($in_file, $out_file)) {
- die "syscopy($in_file, $out_file): $!";
- } else {
- print " $in_file => $out_file\n";
- }
- }
-} # copy_if_newer_or_overwrite
-sub copy_wtoc_files() {
- print "\n**** Copy html-wtoc files\n";
- mkdir $m_param_OutRoot, 0777;
- my $css_file = $FindBin::Bin . "/html-wtoc.css";
- copy_if_newer_or_overwrite($css_file, $m_param_OutRoot);
- my $js_file = $FindBin::Bin . "/html-wtoc.js";
- copy_if_newer_or_overwrite($js_file, $m_param_OutRoot);
- my $OutRootImg = $m_param_OutRoot . "img/";
- mkpath($OutRootImg);
- my $imgsrc = $FindBin::Bin . "/img/";
- opendir(IMGDIR, $imgsrc) or die "Can't opendir $imgsrc: $!";
- while (my $imgfile = readdir(IMGDIR)) {
- my $outimg = $OutRootImg . $imgfile;
- $imgfile = $imgsrc . $imgfile;
- #print STDERR ">>>$imgfile\n";
- if (-f $imgfile) {
- copy_if_newer_or_overwrite($imgfile, $outimg);
- }
- }
- closedir(IMGDIR);
-} # copy_wtoc_files
-sub add_to_linked_files($$) {
- my $from_file = shift;
- my $to_file = shift;
- if (exists $m_linked_files{$to_file}) {
- my $old_from = $m_linked_files{$to_file};
- unless ($old_from eq $from_file) {
- die "Both $from_file and $old_from should be copied to $to_file";
- }
- }
- $m_linked_files{$to_file} = $from_file;
-} # add_to_linked_files
-sub copy_linked_files() {
- print "\n**** Copy linked files\n";
- my %pages;
- for my $pnum (0..$#pages) {
- $pages{ full_in_name($pnum) } = 1;
- }
- for my $to_file (keys %m_linked_files) {
- my $from_file = $m_linked_files{$to_file};
- unless (exists $pages{$from_file}) {
- if (-e $from_file) {
- mkpath4file($to_file);
- copy_if_newer_or_overwrite($from_file, $to_file);
- }
- }
- }
-} # copy_linked_files
-sub find_linked_files($;$) {
- my $in_file = shift;
- my $out_file = shift;
- $out_file = in2out($in_file) unless ($out_file);
- my $whole = get_file($in_file);
- while ($whole =~ m!(?:\s|^)(?:href|src)="(.*?)"!gis) {
- my $l = $1;
- next unless $l =~ m!\.(?:css|js|jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$!;
- if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($l)) {
- next if $l =~ m!^javascript:!;
- next if $l =~ m!^http://!;
- next if $l =~ m!^ftp://!;
- next if $l =~ m!^mailto:!;
- }
- my $rel_l = $l;
- my $full_in = $l;
- if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($l)) {
- $rel_l = PathSubs::mk_relative_link($in_file, $l);
- } else {
- $full_in = PathSubs::mk_absolute_link($in_file, $l);
- }
- my $full_out = PathSubs::mk_absolute_link($out_file, $rel_l);
- add_to_linked_files($full_in, $full_out);
- }
-} # find_linked_files
-sub find_template_files() {
- print "\n**** Find files referenced in template file\n";
- my $in_file = $m_param_Template;
- my $out_file = $m_param_OutRoot . "dummy.htm";
- find_linked_files($in_file, $out_file);
-sub find_linked_from_pages() {
- for my $pnum (0..$#pages) {
- next unless defined $pages[$pnum][FULL_FIL];
- next unless $pages[$pnum][FULL_FIL] ne "";
- next if defined $pages[$pnum][TRG];
- find_linked_files( full_in_name($pnum) );
- }
-sub should_write_merged($$) {
- my $pnum = shift;
- my $out_file = shift;
- my $should_write = 1;
- if (-e $out_file) {
- if ($m_param_Overwrite) {
- my $srcmdt = page_src_time($pnum);
- my $outmdt = (stat $out_file)[9];
- if (($outmdt > $srcmdt)
- && ($outmdt > $m_TemplateTime)
- && ($outmdt > $m_InPagesTime)) {
- $should_write = 0;
- }
- } else {
- $should_write = 0;
- }
- }
- return $should_write;
-sub write_pages() {
- #print STDERR "*** param_OutRoot=$m_param_OutRoot\n";
- if ($m_param_single) {
- my $out_file = $m_param_OutRoot . "single_$m_param_pnum.html";
- if (should_write_merged($m_param_pnum, $out_file)) {
- my $page = create_single_page($m_param_pnum);
- $page = shrink($page);
- create_file_and_path($out_file, $page);
- }
- } else {
- my $iPages = 0;
- print "\n*** Creating pages:\n";
- for my $pnum (0..$#pages) {
- next unless defined $pages[$pnum][FULL_FIL];
- next unless $pages[$pnum][FULL_FIL] ne "";
- next if defined $pages[$pnum][TRG];
- $iPages++;
- my $out_file = full_out_name($pnum);
- if (should_write_merged($pnum, $out_file)) {
- my $page = create_page($pnum);
- next unless $page;
- print " Creating page $iPages: " . full_in_name($pnum) . "\n";
- $page = shrink($page);
- print "\t=> $out_file\n";
- create_file_and_path($out_file, $page);
- }
- }
- }
-} # write_pages
-sub send_page() {
- my $page = ($m_param_single ?
- create_single_page($m_param_pnum)
- :
- create_page($m_param_pnum) );
- print $page;
-} # send_page
-### Params
-sub die_usage() {
- my $sScript = $0;
- $sScript =~ tr!\\!/!;
- $sScript =~ s!.*/(.*)!$1!;
- die qq(Usage:
- Making preliminary file list:
- $sScript find in="in-dir" pages="pages-file" [overwrite=1]
- Merging pages and table of contents:
- $sScript merge pages="pages-file" outroot="out-dir" template="template-file" [overwrite=1]
- \n);
-#use Getopt::Long;
-sub get_params() {
- $| = 1;
- for my $arg (@ARGV) { print " "; print $arg; } print "\n\n";
- die_usage() unless $#ARGV > 0;
- $m_param_action = $ARGV[0];
- $m_param_action =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- #push @m_param_InRoot, $FindBin::Bin . "/doc/";
- #$m_param_OutRoot = $FindBin::Bin . "/tmp/";
- #$m_param_Template = $FindBin::Bin . "/doc/home_template.htm";
- #$m_param_InPages = $FindBin::Bin . "/doc/toc_pages.txt";
- for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) {
- my ($k, $v) = ($ARGV[$i] =~ m!(.*?)=(.*)!);
- $v =~ tr!\\!/!;
- if ($k eq "in") {
- $v = PathSubs::uniq_file($v);
- $v .= "/" unless substr($v, -1) eq "/";
- push @m_param_InRoot, $v;
- } elsif( $k eq "outroot") {
- $v = PathSubs::uniq_dir($v);
- $v .= "/" unless substr($v, -1) eq "/";
- $m_param_OutRoot = $v;
- } elsif( $k eq "pages") {
- $v = PathSubs::uniq_file($v);
- $m_param_InPages = $v;
- } elsif( $k eq "template") {
- $v = PathSubs::uniq_file($v);
- $m_param_Template = $v;
- } elsif( $k eq "overwrite" ) {
- $m_param_Overwrite = $v;
- } elsif( $k eq "openedlevel" ) {
- $m_iAlwaysOpenedLevel = $v * 1;
- } else {
- die "Unknown parameter: $ARGV[$i]\n";
- }
- }
- if($m_param_action eq "FIND") {
- if ($#m_param_InRoot < 0) { die_usage(); }
- if (! defined $m_param_InPages) { die_usage(); }
- } elsif($m_param_action eq "MERGE") {
- if (! defined $m_param_InPages) { die_usage(); }
- if (! defined $m_param_OutRoot) { die_usage(); }
- if (! defined $m_param_Template) { die_usage(); }
- $m_sTemplateFolder = $m_param_Template;
- $m_sTemplateFolder =~ s![^/]*$!!;
- } else {
- die_usage();
- }
- $m_sInPagesFolder = $m_param_InPages;
- $m_sInPagesFolder =~ s![^/]*$!!;
- print "Parameters:\n";
- print " " . $m_param_action . "\n";
- print " pages=" . $m_param_InPages . "\n";
- print " outroot=" . $m_param_OutRoot . "\n";
- print " template=" . $m_param_Template . "\n";
- if (defined $m_param_Overwrite) {
- print " overwrite=" . $m_param_Overwrite . "\n";
- }
- #if ($#m_param_InRoot == -1) { push @m_param_InRoot,$m_sInPagesFolder; }
-sub get_template() {
- my $sTemplate = get_file($m_param_Template, 1);
- $m_TemplateTime = (stat $m_param_Template)[9];
- $m_InPagesTime = (stat $m_param_InPages)[9];
- $sTemplate =~ s/<!--.*?-->//gs;
- if ( $sTemplate =~ m!(.*?<body.*?>)(.*)</body>!si ) {
- $m_sStartTemplate = $1;
- $m_sBodyTemplate = $2;
- #$m_sEndTemplate = $3;
- } else {
- die "Can't find body of template\n";
- }
-} # get_template
-sub read_page_list($) {
- my $sPagesFile = shift;
- my @in_files;
- open(P,$sPagesFile) or die "Can't open toc list file $sPagesFile: $!\n";
- while (my $sLine = <P>) {
- chomp $sLine;
- $sLine =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
- next if $sLine eq "";
- next if substr($sLine, 0, 1) eq ";";
- #print STDERR "$sLine\n";
- my ($ind, $tit, $ref, $tip, $trg, $ico)
- = map { s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $_; } split("###", $sLine);
- #warn "trg=$trg\n" if defined $trg;
- my ($fil, $anc) = ("", "");
- my $hrf = "";
- my $full_fil = "";
- #$ref = "" unless defined $ref;
- #print STDERR "ref=$ref\n";
- if (defined $ref) {
- if (defined $trg) { undef $trg unless $trg ne ""; }
- if ((defined $trg) || ($ref =~ m/https?:/i)) {
- $hrf = $ref;
- } else {
- ($fil, $anc) = split('#', $ref);
- if ($ind >= 0) {
- if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($fil)) {
- $full_fil = $fil;
- } else {
- $full_fil = PathSubs::uniq_file($m_sInPagesFolder . $fil);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((!$tip) && ($full_fil ne "")) {
- $tip = get_title($full_fil);
- }
- push @pages, [$ind, $tit, $full_fil, $anc, $hrf, $trg, $tip];
- push @in_files, $full_fil if !defined $trg;
- }
- close P;
- $m_sCommonIn = get_common_root(\@in_files). "/";
-} # read_page_list
-sub get_common_root($) {
- my $psRoots = shift;
- my @sCommon;
- for my $s (@$psRoots) {
- my $full_s = PathSubs::uniq_file($s);
- my @full_s = split("/", $full_s);
- if ($#sCommon == -1) {
- @sCommon = @full_s;
- } else {
- my $iMax = $#sCommon; if ($#full_s < $iMax) { $iMax = $#full_s; }
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $iMax; $i++) {
- if ($sCommon[$i] ne $full_s[$i]) {
- #print STDERR "$i: $sCommon[$i] != $full_s[$i]\n";
- @sCommon = @sCommon[0..$i-1];
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- my $sCommon = join("/", @sCommon);
- return $sCommon;
-} # get_common_root
-sub find_pages($$) {
- my $pasInRoot = shift;
- my $sOutFile = shift;
- if (!$m_param_Overwrite) {
- die "Don't want to overwrite existing output file $sOutFile!\n" if -e $sOutFile;
- }
- my $root_level;
- my $sList;
- my $handle_file =
- sub {
- return unless m/.html?/i;
- return if -d $_;
- my $fname = PathSubs::uniq_file($_);
- die "Can't read $fname\n" unless -r $_;
- my $title = get_title($_);
- my $level = $fname =~ tr!/!!;
- $level -= $root_level;
- my $rel_fname = PathSubs::mk_relative_link($sOutFile, $fname);
- $sList .= "$level ### $title ### $rel_fname\n";
- };
- for my $sInRoot (@$pasInRoot) {
- $sInRoot = PathSubs::uniq_file($sInRoot);
- chop($sInRoot) if (substr($sInRoot, -1) eq "/");
- $root_level = $sInRoot =~ tr!/!!;
- File::Find::find($handle_file, $sInRoot);
- }
- create_file($sOutFile, $sList);
-} # find_pages
-### File - page helpers
-sub file_name($) {
- my $num = shift;
- return $pages[$num][FULL_FIL];
-sub file_anchor($) {
- my $num = shift;
- return $pages[$num][ANC];
-sub file_href($) {
- my $num = shift;
- #die $pages[$num][HRF] if defined $pages[$num][HRF];
- return $pages[$num][HRF];
-sub file_target($) {
- my $num = shift;
- return $pages[$num][TRG];
-sub file_title($) {
- my $num = shift;
- return $pages[$num][TIT];
-sub file_tip($) {
- my $num = shift;
- return $pages[$num][TIP];
-sub full_in_name($) {
- my $num = shift;
- my $name = file_name($num);
- return $name;
-sub full_out_href($) {
- my $num = shift;
- my $anchor = file_anchor($num);
- my $full_href = full_out_name($num);
- warn "full_href is null" unless $full_href;
- if ((defined $anchor) && ($anchor ne "")) { $full_href .= "#" . $anchor; }
- return $full_href;
-sub full_out_name($) {
- my $num = shift;
- my $in_name = file_name($num);
- return unless $in_name;
- my $anchor = file_anchor($num);
- #$m_param_OutRoot . $name;
- $anchor = "";
- my $name = substr($in_name, length($m_sCommonIn));
- if ($anchor) {
- my $base;
- my $ext;
- for (my $i = length($name);$i>0;$i--) {
- if (substr($name, $i, 1) eq ".") {
- $base = substr($name, 0, $i-1);
- $ext = substr($name, $i);
- $name = $base . "_sharp_" . $anchor . $ext;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- $m_param_OutRoot . $name;
-sub replace_name_link($) {
- my $page = shift;
- for my $k (keys %page_num) {
- my $num = $page_num{$k};
- my $href = ($m_param_single ? "javascript:ShowPage($num)" : file_name($num));
- $page =~ s!%%$k%%!$href!gs;
- }
- return $page;
-### File name helpers
-sub in2out($) {
- my $in_name = shift;
- die "in2out: File name is not abs: $in_name" unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($in_name);
- my $name = substr($in_name, length($m_sCommonIn));
- $m_param_OutRoot . $name;
-### File reading/writing
-sub mkpath4file($) {
- my $file = shift;
- my $path = $file;
- $path =~ s|[^/]*$||;
- File::Path::mkpath($path);
-sub create_file($$) {
- my ($out_file, $page) = @_;
- if (!$m_param_Overwrite) {
- if (-e $out_file) { die "Will not overwrite $out_file\n"; }
- }
- open(OUT, ">$out_file") or die "Can't create $out_file: $!";
- print OUT $page;
- close OUT;
- chmod 0111|((stat $out_file)[2]&07777), $out_file
-sub create_file_and_path($$) {
- my ($out_file, $page) = @_;
- mkpath4file($out_file);
- create_file($out_file, $page);
-sub get_file($$) {
- my ($file, $need) = @_;
- if (open(FL, $file)) {
- local $/;
- my $whole = <FL>;
- close FL;
- return $whole;
- } else {
- my $err = $!;
- die "Can't open $file: $err\n" if $need;
- return "";
- }
-sub get_title($) {
- my $file = shift;
- open(H, $file) or die "Can't open and get title from $file: $!";
- while (my $line = <H>) {
- if ($line =~ m!<title>(.*?)</title>!i) { close H; return $1; }
- }
- close H;
-### Html parsing etc
-sub get_head_from_file($) {
- my $fname = shift;
- my $err;
- my $head = get_head(get_file($fname, 1), \$err);
- die "\n\n$fname\n\t" . $err if defined $err;
- return $head;
-# BUG: These actually requires parsing of the file, but it does not
-# seem very important:
-sub get_head($$) {
- my $html = shift;
- my $perr = shift;
- return "" unless $html;
- $html =~ s/<!--.*?-->//g;
- if ($html =~ m!<head.*?>(.*)</head>!is) {
- return $1;
- }
- $$perr = "Can't find <head>-tag in $html\n";
-sub get_body($) {
- my $html = shift;
- return "" unless $html;
- $html =~ s/<!--.*?-->//gs;
- if ($html =~ m!<body[^>]*>(.*)</body>!is) {
- return $1;
- }
- die "Can't find <body>-tag in $html\n";
-sub shrink($) {
- my $str = shift;
- my $out_str = "";
- my @str = split("\n", $str);
- my $in_pre = 0;
- for my $s (@str) {
- if ($s =~ m!<pre>!i) { $in_pre = 1; }
- if ($s =~ m!</pre>!i) { $in_pre = 0; }
- $s =~ s!^(\s*)!! unless $in_pre;
- $out_str .= $s . "\n";
- }
- return $out_str;
- $str =~ s!^(\s*)!!gm;
- $str;
-### Making what we see
-sub mk_search() {
- return "" if ! $m_param_single;
- return qq[
- <a href="javascript:show_search()" xstyle="font-size: 8pt"
- title="Show Search Form"
- ><img src="img/search.gif" border="$m_bBorders" align="left"></a>
- <a href="javascript:show_search()" xstyle="font-size: 8pt"
- title="Show Search Form"
- class="html-wtoc-search"
- >Sök</a>
- ];
-sub mk_main_table($$$$$) {
- my $left = shift;
- my $main = shift;
- my $srch_table = shift;
- my $sFile = shift;
- my $pNum = shift;
- my $search_tr = "";
- if ($m_param_single) {
- $search_tr =
- Tr(
- td("&nbsp;&nbsp;")
- . td({-valign=>'bottom', }, mk_search(), ) )
- }
- my $cont_table =
- table(
- { -border=>"$m_bBorders", -cellpadding=>0, -cellspacing=>0,
- -width=>"100%",
- -id=>"html-wtoc-contents",
- #-style=>"display:",
- -summary=>"Table of contents",
- },
- Tr(
- #td("&nbsp;&nbsp;")
- td({-class=>"html-wtoc-margin"})
- . td({-valign=>'top'}, $left) )
- . $search_tr
- )
- ;
- my $page = $m_sBodyTemplate;
- $page = replace_template_links($m_sBodyTemplate, $sFile);
- $page =~ s!%%TOC%%!$cont_table!;
- $page =~ s!%%PAGE%%!$main!;
- return $page;
-} # mk_main_table
-sub find_ind_level_prev($) {
- my $lThis = shift;
- for (my $i = $lThis - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
- my $ind_lev = $pages[$i][IND];
- if ($ind_lev < 50) { return $ind_lev; }
- }
- return undef;
-sub find_ind_level_next($) {
- my $lThis = shift;
- #print "find_ind_level_next($lThis)";
- #print ", ";
- #print file_title($lThis);
- #print "\n";
- #for (my $i = $lThis; $i < $#pages; $i++) {
- for (my $i = $lThis + 1; $i <= $#pages; $i++) {
- my $ind_lev = $pages[$i][IND];
- if ($ind_lev < 50) { return $ind_lev; }
- }
- return undef;
-sub mk_opener_elem($$$) {
- my $iPi = shift;
- my $sHref = shift;
- my $bOpened = shift;
- my $Aattrib =
- {
- -id =>"opener_$iPi",
- };
- if ($sHref) { $$Aattrib{href} = $sHref; }
- my $sImg;
- my $sAlt;
- if ($bOpened) {
- $sImg = "down";
- $sAlt = "Close";
- } else {
- $sImg = "right";
- $sAlt = "Open";
- }
- return
- a(
- $Aattrib,
- img({
- -src=>"img/$sImg.gif",
- -alt=>$sAlt,
- -border=>0,
- -width=>12,
- -height=>12,
- },
- ),
- );
-} # mk_opener_elem
-sub mk_content($) {
- my $pnum = shift;
- if (!$pages[$pnum]) {
- return br();
- }
- my $cont;
- my @father;
- my @child_trace;
- my $this_indent = $pages[$pnum][IND];
- my $this_file = $pages[$pnum][FULL_FIL];
- if ($this_indent == -2) {
- return "";
- }
- my $this_href = full_out_name($pnum);
- #my $anchor = file_anchor($pnum);
- #if (defined $anchor) { $this_href .= "#" . $anchor; }
- my @size;
- $size[0] = "1em";
- $size[1] = "0.8em";
- $size[2] = "0.8em";
- ### Open all main level nodes
- my @opened; # rename to visible!!!!!
- for my $pi (0..$#pages) {
- my $indent = $pages[$pi][IND];
- if ($indent <= $m_iAlwaysOpenedLevel) {
- $opened[$pi] = 1;
- } else {
- $opened[$pi] = 0; # more simple to handle
- }
- }
- ### Open ancestors and older sisters (if not a standalone node)
- my $pnum_indent = $pages[$pnum][IND];
- my $high_open = $pnum_indent;
- my $standalone_open = 10;
- if ($high_open < $standalone_open) { ### Not a standalone node
- for (my $pi = $pnum; $pi >= 0; $pi--) {
- my $pi_indent = $pages[$pi][IND];
- if ($high_open >= $pi_indent) {
- $opened[$pi] = 1;
- $high_open = $pi_indent;
- for (my $ps = $pi+1; $ps <= $#pages; $ps++) {
- my $ps_indent = $pages[$ps][IND];
- last if $ps_indent < $pi_indent;
- $opened[$ps] = 1 if $ps_indent == $pi_indent;
- }
- }
- last if $pi_indent == 0;
- }
- }
- ### Open direct childs and younger sisters
- my $maybe_child = 1;
- my $more_sisters = 1;
- my $max_open_indent = $pnum_indent;
- for my $pi ($pnum+1..$#pages) {
- my $pi_indent = $pages[$pi][IND];
- if ($pi_indent <= $max_open_indent) { $maybe_child = 0; }
- if ($pi_indent < $pnum_indent) { $more_sisters = 0; }
- if ($pi_indent == $pnum_indent) {
- if ($more_sisters) { $opened[$pi] = 1; }
- $maybe_child = 0;
- } elsif ($pi_indent == $pnum_indent+1) {
- if ($maybe_child) { $opened[$pi] = 1; }
- }
- }
- #exit if $pnum == 3;
- ### Open all in the same file (necessary for non-JavaScript)
- for my $pi (0..$#pages) {
- my $file = $pages[$pi][FULL_FIL];
- #printf STDERR "file - open=(%s)\n", $file;
- #if ($file eq $this_file) {
- if ($file eq $this_file) {
- $opened[$pi] = 1;
- }
- if ($file eq "") {
- if ($pi < $#pages) {
- if ($pages[$pi][IND] < $pages[$pi+1][IND]) {
- $opened[$pi+1] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($pages[$pi][IND] > 10) {
- $opened[$pi] = 0;
- #print ">>>>>>>>\$opened[$pi] = 0;\n";
- }
- #print STDERR "+++++++++\$opened[$pi] = $opened[$pi]\n";
- }
- ### Make the actual contents
- my $tooltip;
- my $child_id;
- for my $pi (0..$#pages) {
-# if (!$pages[$pi][FULL_FIL] && !$pages[$pi][HRF]) {
-# my $txt = file_title($pi); #$pages[$pi][TIT];
-# $txt = qq(</p><hr width="50%" align="left" /><p style='margin-top:0'>) if $txt eq "-";
-# $cont .= $txt;
-# $cont .= br();
-# next;
-# }
- my $txt = file_title($pi); #$pages[$pi][TIT];
- if ($txt eq "-") {
- $txt = qq(</p><hr width="50%" align="left" /><p style='margin-top:0'>);
- $cont .= $txt;
- $cont .= br();
- next;
- }
- #if ($pages[$pi][TRG]) {
- # next;
- #}
- #next if ! defined $opened[$pi];
- #next if ! $opened[$pi];
- my $ind_lev = $pages[$pi][IND];
- next if $ind_lev > 50;
- my $ind_lev_next = find_ind_level_next($pi);
- #my $ind_lev_prev = find_ind_level_prev($pi);
- my $this_entry = "";
- ### Child id from previous row
- if (defined $child_id) {
- my $display = "";
- if (!$opened[$pi]) {
- $display = qq(style="display:none");
- } else {
- }
- $this_entry .= "\n<div id=\"$child_id\" $display>\n";
- undef $child_id;
- }
- my $opener_elem = ""; #qq(<img src="img/blank12.gif" width=12 height=12 alt=" ">);
- my $childs_are_visible = ($pi == $pnum);
- if ($pi < $#pages) {
- if ($pages[$pi][IND] < $pages[$pi+1][IND]) {
- if ($opened[$pi+1]) { $childs_are_visible = 1; }
- }
- }
- #if ($pages[$pi][IND] < $m_iAlwaysOpenedLevel) { $childs_are_visible = 1; }
- my $file_href;
- my $target;
- my $href;
- my $href_self;
- my $target_attrib;
- my $title = file_title($pi);
- my $file_name = file_name($pi);
- if ($title) {
- $file_href = file_href($pi); # || "";
- $target = file_target($pi);
- $href =
- ($file_name ?
- ($m_param_files ?
- ($m_param_single ? "JavaScript:ShowPage($pi);" :
- ($file_href ne ""? $file_href
- :
- PathSubs::mk_relative_link($this_href, full_out_href($pi))))
- :
- ($m_param_single ? "JavaScript:ShowPage($pi)" : "?pnum=$pi")
- )
- :
- (File::Spec->splitpath($this_href))[2]);
- if ($pi == $pnum) {
- $href_self = $this_href;
- if ($href_self =~ m!([^/\\]*$)!) {
- $href_self = $1;
- }
- }
- $target_attrib = (defined $target? qq(target="$target"): "");
- } else {
- $href = "";
- $target_attrib = "";
- }
- if (defined $ind_lev_next && $ind_lev_next > $ind_lev) {
- $child_id = "toc_child_$pi";
- #print " child_id=$child_id\n";
- push @child_trace, $child_id;
- $opener_elem = mk_opener_elem($pi,
- ($href? $href : $href_self),
- $childs_are_visible);
- }
- $title =~ s/_/&nbsp;/go;
- my $indent = ($ind_lev ? "&nbsp;" x (($ind_lev-1) * 4) : "");
- my $size = $size[$ind_lev];
- $title = b($title) if $ind_lev == 0;
- my $Aattrib =
- {
- id=>"toc_link_$pi",
- onclick=>"html_wtoc_nailing(this)",
- };
- if (!$file_name) {
- $Aattrib =
- {
- id=>"opener_text_$pi",
- };
- }
- if ($pi == $pnum) {
- ### Current page
- $$Aattrib{class} = "html-wtoc-currcont";
- $$Aattrib{title} = "You are here";
- $$Aattrib{href} = $href_self;
- $this_entry .=
- table({
- -cellspacing=>0,
- -cellpadding=>0,
- -class=>"html-wtoc-contline",
- -border=>0,
- -summary=>"Formatter",
- },
- Tr({
- },
- td({
- },
- a(
- $Aattrib,
- $indent . $title . "&nbsp;"
- )
- )
- . td({
- -class=>"html-wtoc-mark",
- },
- $opener_elem
- )
- )
- );
- } else {
- ### Link to other page
- if (file_title($pi)) {
- $tooltip = $pages[$pi][TIP];
- if (!defined $tooltip) { $tooltip = "Go to the page $title"; }
- $$Aattrib{class} = "html-wtoc-contents-a";
- my $a_or_span;
- if (!defined $href) {
- $a_or_span = span($Aattrib, $indent . $title);
- } else {
- $$Aattrib{title} = $tooltip;
- $$Aattrib{href} = $href;
- if (defined $target) { $$Aattrib{target} = $target; }
- $a_or_span = a($Aattrib, $indent . $title);
- }
- $this_entry .=
- table({
- -cellspacing=>0,
- -cellpadding=>0,
- -class=>"html-wtoc-contline",
- -border=>0,
- -summary=>"Formatter",
- },
- Tr({
- },
- td({
- },
- $a_or_span
- )
- . td({
- -class=>"html-wtoc-mark",
- },
- $opener_elem
- )
- )
- );
- } else {
- $this_entry .= $indent . " " . $title;
- #die $this_entry;
- }
- }
- if ((!defined $ind_lev_next) || $ind_lev_next <= $ind_lev) {
- my $ind_end = $ind_lev;
- if (defined $ind_lev_next) { $ind_end = $ind_lev_next+1; }
- for (my $i = $ind_end; $i <= $ind_lev; $i++) {
- my $end_id = pop @child_trace;
- if (defined $end_id) {
- $this_entry .= "</div><!-- end child $end_id -->"; # end childs' span
- #print " end $end_id\n";
- }
- }
- }
- $cont .= $this_entry;
- $father[$ind_lev] = $pi;
- } #for my $pi (0..$#pages)
- $cont = div({-class=>"html-wtoc-contents"}, $cont) . p("&nbsp;");
- #$cont =~ s|<|\n<|gms;
- #$cont =~ tr!\n\r! !;
- $cont =~ s{
- (\ssrc=)"(.*?)"
- }
- {
- my $s1 = $1;
- my $src = $2;
- if (!PathSubs::is_abs_path($src)) {
- my $srcabs = PathSubs::mk_absolute_link(full_out_name(0), $src);
- $src = PathSubs::mk_relative_link(full_out_name($pnum), $srcabs);
- };
- "${s1}\"$src\"";
- }egsmx;
- $cont;
-} # mk_content
-sub mk_main_window($) {
- my $pnum = shift;
- my $full_name = full_in_name($pnum);
- return unless defined $full_name;
- return get_body(get_file($full_name, 1));
-### The JavaScripts and styles we need
-sub mk_style($) {
- return "";
- my $pnum = shift;
- my $rel_link =
- PathSubs::mk_relative_link(full_out_name($pnum), $m_param_OutRoot . "html-wtoc.css");
- return qq(<link rel="stylesheet" href="$rel_link" type="text/css">\n);
-sub mk_js($) {
- my $pnum = shift;
- return <<__HTML_END_JS_PNUM__;
- <script type="text/JavaScript">
- var iCurrentChild = $pnum;
- var iMaxChildNum = $#pages;
- </script>
- return "";
- my $single_js = "";
- if ($m_param_single) {
- $single_js = qq[if (!document.all) { navigate("0.html"); }];
- my $page_info = "var page_name = new Array;\n";
- for my $i (0..$#pages) {
- my $page_name = file_title($i); #$pages[$i][TIT];
- $page_info .= qq[ page_name[$i] = "$page_name";\n];
- }
- $single_js .= $page_info;
- }
- my $sch_link =
- PathSubs::mk_relative_link(full_out_name($pnum), $m_param_OutRoot . "search.js");
- my $top_link =
- PathSubs::mk_relative_link(full_out_name($pnum), $m_param_OutRoot . "html-wtoc.js");
- return <<__HTML_END_JS__;
- <script type="text/JavaScript" src="$sch_link"></script>
- <script type="text/JavaScript" src="$top_link"></script>
- <script type="text/JavaScript">
- $single_js
- </script>
-### Page creation
-sub replace_template_links($$) {
- my $template = shift;
- my $sFile = shift;
- $template =~ s{\ssrc="(.*?)"}
- {
- my $sSrc = $m_param_OutRoot . $1;
- my $sRelSrc = PathSubs::mk_relative_link($sFile, $sSrc);
- qq( src="$sRelSrc");
- }exg;
- $template =~ s{\shref="(.*?)"}
- {
- my $sOld = $1;
- if ((lc substr($sOld, 0, 11)) eq "javascript:") {
- qq( href="$sOld");
- } elsif (PathSubs::is_abs_netpath($sOld)) {
- qq( href="$sOld");
- } else {
- my $sSrc = $m_param_OutRoot . $sOld;
- my $sRelSrc = PathSubs::mk_relative_link($sFile, $sSrc);
- qq( href="$sRelSrc");
- }
- }exg;
- return $template;
-} # replace_template_links
-sub mk_start_of_page($) {
- my $pnum = shift;
- my $page = "";
- my $page_style = mk_style($pnum);
- my $page_js = mk_js($pnum);
- my $sFile = full_out_name($pnum);
- my $head = "";
- $head .= $page_js;
- $head .= $page_style;
- $head .= get_head_from_file(full_in_name($pnum));
- $page .= header if !$m_param_files;
- $page .= replace_template_links($m_sStartTemplate, $sFile);
- $page =~ s!<title>HEAD</title>!$head!;
- my $focus_pnum = $pnum;
- my $ind_lev = $pages[$pnum][IND];
- if ($ind_lev > 50) { $focus_pnum = 0; }
- $page =~ s!%%PNUM%%!$focus_pnum!;
- return $page;
-} # mk_start_of_page
-my %m_sCreatedPages;
-sub page_src_time($) {
- my $pnum = shift;
- my $src_file = $pages[$pnum][FULL_FIL];
- return (stat $src_file)[9];
-sub create_page($) {
- my $pnum = shift;
- return unless $pages[$pnum][FULL_FIL];
- my $out_name = full_out_name($pnum);
- return if exists $m_sCreatedPages{$out_name};
- $m_sCreatedPages{$out_name} = 1;
- my $page = mk_start_of_page($pnum);
- my $cont_win = mk_content($pnum);
- my $main_win = mk_main_window($pnum);
- $page .= mk_main_table(
- $cont_win,
- $main_win,
- "",
- $out_name,
- $pnum,
- );
- $page .= end_html;
- $page = replace_name_link($page);
- return $page;
-} # create_page
- ##########################################################
- ### Unused currently
- ##########################################################
- sub build_ShowPage() {
- for my $num (0..$#pages) {
- $page_num{$pages[$num][FULL_FIL]} = $num;
- my $fon = full_out_name($num);
- if ($fon) { $js_show_page{$fon} = "ShowPage($num);"; }
- }
-sub mk_meta_enter_exit() {
- return <<__HTML_EE__;
- <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Page-Enter" content="RevealTrans (Duration=0.1, Transition=31)">
- <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Page-Exit" content="RevealTrans (Duration=1, Transition=23)">
-### Single page
-sub mk_noscript() {
- return <<__HTML_END_NOSCRIPT__;
- <noScript>
- Sorry, there is not yet any version for non-JavaScript browsers.
- You need to enable JavaScript to see the rest of the pages!
-sub create_single_page($) {
- my $pnum = shift;
- my $page = mk_start_of_page($pnum);
- my $left_col = "";
- my $main = "";
- for my $pi (0..$#pages) {
- next unless $pages[$pi][FULL_FIL];
- my $display = ($pi == $pnum ? 'style="display: block"' : 'Style="display: none"');
- my $pi_left_col = replace_rel_link(mk_content($pi), full_out_name($pi));
- my $pi_main = replace_rel_link(mk_main_window($pi), full_out_name($pi));
- my $pi_margin = "";
- $left_col .= "\n<div id='left_col_$pi' $display>" . $pi_left_col . "</div>\n";
- $main .= "\n<div id='main_$pi' $display>" . $pi_main . "</div>\n";
- }
- my $search_table = qq[
- <table border="0" width="100%" height="200"
- cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
- xbgcolor="yellow"
- class="html-wtoc-search"
- id="search" style="display:none">
- <tr>
- <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
- <td align="left" valign="top" height="1">
- <form onsubmit="return do_search(input.value);"
- class="html-wtoc-search-form"
- >
- <input id="input" size="14"
- ><input type="image" name="Search" value="Search"
- title="Search"
- src="img/search.gif"
- align="top"
- >
- </td>
- </form>
- </tr>
- <tr valign="top">
- <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
- <td id="hits" valign="top">
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
- <td valign="bottom">
- <a href="javascript:hide_search()" xstyle="font-size: 8pt"
- title="Show Menu"
- ><img src="img/nosearch.gif" border=0 align="left"></a>
- <a href="javascript:hide_search()"
- title="Show Menu"
- >Göm sökning</a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- ];
- $page .= mk_main_table(
- $left_col,
- $main,
- $search_table,
- full_out_name($pnum),
- $pnum,
- );
- $page .= mk_noscript();
- $page .= end_html;
- $page =~ s/(\d+)\.html/javascript:ShowPage($1);/gs;
- #$page =~ s/<body(.*?)>/<body$1 onload="ShowPage(0)">/gis;
- $page =~ s/<body(.*?)>/<body$1 onload="HTML_WTOC_NS.onload_actions()">/gis;
- $page = replace_name_link($page);
- return $page;
-} # create_single_page
-my $abs_pos_tbl =
- qq(
- <table border="$m_bBorders" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
- width="100%" height=70
- bgcolor="white"
- style="
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
- "
- >
- <tr>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- );
-### Index.htm
-# sub mk_index_page($) {
-# my $page = shift;
-# my $check_browser = qq[ //if (document.all) { navigate("single_0.html"); }\n];
-# #$page =~ s/(<script.*?>)/$1\n$check_browser/s;
-# mkdir $m_param_OutRoot, 0777;
-# my $out_file = $m_param_OutRoot . "index.htm";
-# create_file_and_path($out_file, $page);
-# }
-### Links handling
-sub replace_rel_link($$) {
- my ($page, $page_file) = @_;
- my $qr;
- $page =~
- s{
- (src|href)="(.*?)"
- }{
- my $src_href = $1;
- my $href = $2;
- if (!PathSubs::is_abs_path($href)) {
- $href = PathSubs::mk_absolute_link($page_file, $href);
- $href =~ tr|\\|/|;
- if (exists $js_show_page{$href}) {
- $href = "javascript:$js_show_page{$href}";
- }
- }
- qq($src_href="$href");
- }xegsm;
- $page;