path: root/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut
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diff --git a/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/0intro b/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/0intro
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index 3a37e33..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/0intro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Viper tutorial #0: Introduction
-This Viper tutorial is based on the vi tutorial VILEARN. Some things
-works differently in Emacs and corresponding parts of the tutorial has
-been changed for this. There has also been added some basic
-information about Emacs that are useful to get started if you already
-are a vi user.
-This tutorial is a hands-on-tutorial for Viper. If you want more
-information about Viper, please read the VIPER-MANUAL.
-Note that if you are using Viper you probably still want to know quite
-a bit about Emacs to use Emacs efficiently. Therefore you can also
-run the Emacs tutorial from here - with special support for
-Viper. This is part 6 below. You should run this part also to get to
-know which Emacs standard key bindings are shadowed by Viper.
-The tutorial consists of these parts:
- 0 Introduction
- (this file)
- 1 Basic Editing
- Covers the handful of commands required to both navigate all
- five tutorials and do basic editing.
- 2 Moving Efficiently
- Covers all of the cursor positioning commands. These are the
- commands used later as arguments to editing commands.
- 3 Cutting and Pasting
- Introduces the first compound commands, numbering, and copy
- buffers.
- 4 Inserting Techniques
- Continues the discussion of compound commands, while completing
- the list of insertion commands first discussed in tutorial one.
- 5 Tricks and Timesavers
- This is less a tutorial than a description of common vi commands
- which don't fit correctly into normal logic.
- 6 Emacs Tutorial for Viper Users
- Even Viper users use a lot of keys from Emacs. Therefore you can
- run the Emacs tutorial here too. It will show you which keys in
- the tutorial that are changed because you are using Viper. This
- depends of which Viper state you are in, vi state or some insert
- state. If you switch Viper state the tutorial will immediately
- show which keys are affected.
-Vilearn has the remark that it "Still doesn't cover variables, ex
-commands, or tags. At least one more tutorial is necessary for a
-complete introduction to vi." - I do not think you have to learn those
-parts to use Viper. There are other ways to do these things in Emacs!
-For more information about vilearn see the the README-FILE.
diff --git a/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/1basics b/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/1basics
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index aea1fc5..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/1basics
+++ /dev/null
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-Viper tutorial #1: The Basics
-This lesson lasts 10-15 minutes and teaches simple editing. Lines
-which begin with >>> mark exercises you should try. When you
-want to exit this tutorial type 'Z''Z' (type capital Z, twice).
-When you type commands in vi they do not appear on the screen. If the
-letters you type unexpectedly appear on the screen, press the ESC key.
-To move through the tutorial use C-d (control d) and C-u (control u).
- C-d Move DOWN one half-screen
- (depress the control key and type d)
- C-u Move UP one half-screen
- (depress the control key and type u)
-* EMACS-NOTICE: C-u is normally used in Emacs for UNIVERSAL-ARGUMENT.
- You can in most cases use DIGIT-ARGUMENT instead.
->>> Now type C-d (control d) and C-u (control u) to move down and back up.
-When you are done reading a screen, you are expected to type C-d to move
-down to the next screen. You must remember to type C-d throughout the
-To move the cursor line by line, or character by character, use the
-four keys 'h', 'j', 'k', and 'l'.
- 'h' Move left one character
- 'j' Move down one line
- 'k' Move up one line
- 'l' Move right one character
-You will notice that these keys are in a straight line on the
-keyboard. Study the diagram below showing the function of h, j, k, l.
- UP
- ....... ....... ....... .......
- : : : : : : : :
- LEFT : h : : j : : k : : l : RIGHT
- :.....: :.....: :.....: :.....:
->>> Now type 'j' or 'k' a few times to bring the cursor to this line.
->>> Try moving off the right end of a line using 'l' . Notice that
->>> vi will not allow you to move off the end of the line using 'l' .
->>> Likewise, you cannot use 'h' and 'l' on a blank line.
->>> Try moving past the bottom of the screen using 'j' . Notice how
->>> how the screen scrolls downward.
->>> Now practice using 'k' to move up, and 'h' to move left.
-To delete characters and lines, use 'x' and 'd''d'.
- 'x' X-OUT one character
- 'd''d' DELETE one line
-To undo your changes, use 'u'.
- 'u' UNDO last change only
->>> Delete this SCRAP line. Move to this line with 'j' or 'k' , now type 'd''d' .
->>> Try undoing the deletion with 'u' .
->>> Move to this line and x-out the Y's with 'x' : "whY ask whY?"
->>> Try undoing the deletion with 'u' . Try typing 'u' several times.
->>> Notice that 'u' only undoes the last change.
-* EMACS-NOTICE: In Viper you can use the repeat command '.' (just a dot)
- to undo more changes. This goes in both direction, ie undoing and
- redoing. Typing just 'u' changes direction.
-Here are more lines on which to practice deleting and undoing (use: 'd''d' 'x' 'u' )
- Emacs is a nice creation. Emacs is a nice creation.
- Emacs is a nice creation. Emacs is a nice creation.
- Emacs is a nice creation. Emacs is a nice creation.
-(DO NOT QUIT the tutorial at this time.)
-To quit a file without saving any changes you have made (for instance,
-with the 'd''d' or 'x' commands) use :q!<RETURN> . To quit and save your
-changes, use 'Z''Z' . When you are editing your own files, you normally
-use 'Z''Z' to quit.
- :q!<RETURN> QUIT without saving changes
- (type a colon, then the letter q, then an
- exclamation point, and press RETURN)
- 'Z''Z' Exit and save any changes
- (type capital Z, twice)
-You enter insert mode with 'i' or 'o' . Anything you type during insert
-mode appears on the screen. When you are done inserting, press ESC
-to exit insert mode. Type C-[ (control [ ), if you do not have an ESC key.
- 'o' OPEN a line for inserting text
- 'i' INSERT starting at the cursor
- ESC ESCAPE from insert mode
-During insert mode, use your erase character (usually backspace or
-delete) to delete mistakes. The characters you delete will remain on
-the screen until you press ESC.
->>> Insert your name and phone number below the next blank line. To do this:
->>> Open a line below using 'o' .
->>> Type your first and last name. Press RETURN.
->>> Then type your phone number and press ESC.
->>> Use 'x' to erase part of your phone number.
->>> Type the date below your phone number. To do this:
->>> Open another line using 'o' .
->>> Type the date and press ESC.
->>> Type 'u' to undo the insertion.
->>> Insert a nickname between your first and last names, using 'i'. To do this:
->>> Move the cursor to the spot between your names using 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l'.
->>> Press 'i' .
->>> Type the nickname, use DELETE or BACKSPACE to erase any typos.
->>> Then press ESC.
-On some computers, a line may be longer than the width of the screen.
-This means that a very long line may appear to be two lines on the
-screen. This happens when you keep typing without pressing RETURN at
-the edge of the screen. To avoid any confusion when you're inserting
-text, be sure to press RETURN before reaching the right edge of the
-These are the vi commands you should know after tutorial #1:
- C-d Move DOWN one half-screen
- (depress the control key and type d)
- C-u Move UP one half-screen
- (depress the control key and type u)
- 'h' Move left one character
- 'j' Move down one line
- 'k' Move up one line
- 'l' Move right one character
- 'd''d' DELETE one line
- 'x' X-OUT one character
- 'u' UNDO last change
- :q!<RETURN> QUIT without saving changes
- (type a colon, then the letter q, then an
- exclamation point, and press RETURN)
- 'Z''Z' Exit and save any changes
- (type capital Z, twice)
- 'o' OPEN a line for inserting text
- 'i' INSERT starting at the cursor
- ESC ESCAPE from insert mode
-You are now prepared to do simple editing on your own files. Practice
-using vi for a few days. Then take the second vi tutorial to learn
-more powerful and useful vi commands.
-Copyright (c) 1992 Jill Kliger and Wesley Craig. All Rights Reserved.
diff --git a/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/2moving b/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/2moving
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index 8e4148e..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/2moving
+++ /dev/null
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-Viper tutorial #2: Moving Through Files Efficiently
-This lesson lasts 15-20 minutes. The material taught here is used in
-tutorial #3: Cutting and Pasting. Lines which begin with >>> mark
-exercises you should try. When you want to exit this tutorial type 'Z''Z'.
-There are many ways to move from one word to another. Consider these:
- 'w' Move to the beginning of the next WORD
- 'e' Move to the END of the next word
- 'b' Move BACK to the beginning to the previous word
-For 'w', 'e', and 'b', a word is delimited by any non-alphanumeric
-character. The capitalized versions, 'W', 'E', and 'B', also move from word
-to word. The difference is that for 'W', 'E', and 'B', a word is delimited
-by any blank space.
->>> Try out 'w', 'b', 'e', on the lines provided below.
->>> Next practice using 'B', 'W', 'b', 'E' on the lines provided below.
- EX-PER-IMENT on these lines;test moving back &forth.
- EX-PER-IMENT on these lines;test moving back &forth.
-You can move immediately to any point on the current line.
- '$' Move to the end of the line
- '^' Move to the first non-white character on the line
- '0' Move to the first column on the line (column zero)
- #'|' Move to an exact column on the line (column #) e.g. 5| 12|
->>> Experiment with '$' and '^' on the line provided below. Notice
->>> that '^' moves to the first non-white character, not the beginning.
- This is a PRACTICE LINE. There is white space at the front. END
-'0' (zero) will always take you to the far left edge of the screen.
-#'|' (number vertical-bar) is for moving to an explicit column on a line.
-Just type any number 1-80 and press | . For example: 5| 20| 30|
-Note that you can't move beyond the last column on a line.
-Often you want to move to a specific letter or character on a line.
- 'f' char FIND the next occurrence of char on the line
- 't' char Move 'TIL the next occurrence of char on the line
- 'F' char FIND the previous occurrence of char on the line
- 'T' char Move 'TIL the previous occurrence of char on the line
- ';' Repeat the last f, t, F, or T
- ',' Reverse the last f, t, F, or T
-'f' and 'F' land on the character. 't' and 'T' land next to the character.
-'f' and 't' move forward, while 'F' and 'T' move backward.
-If the specified character is not on the line, vi will beep.
->>> Move to the beginning of the line below, and try out these commands:
->>> 'f'e 'f'E ';' ';' ',' ',' 't'@ 'T'P 't'e 't'E ',' ';' ',' ';'
- "PRACTICE line?" "Each and Every?" "Find thE char@cter and move to it.END
-vi has a handy way to determine if (), {}, and [] pairs match up.
- '%' Move to matching () or {} or []
->>> On the practice lines below, move your cursor over a (,),{,},[, or ].
->>> Then type '%' .
- [TRY THIS. ((Whether) the pairs match up is the question.) [One]
- pair is incomplete]. Can you tell {which one? ]} END
-You can move the cursor to the top, middle, or bottom of the vi window.
- 'H' Move to the HIGHEST position in the window
- 'M' Move to the MIDDLE position in the window
- 'L' Move to the LOWEST position in the window
->>> Try out these commands: type H then M and L and then M again.
-You can mark positions in the file and return to them.
- 'm' char MARK this location and name it char
- ''' char (quote character) return to line named char
- '''''' (quote quote) return from last movement
-char can be any lower case letter, a-z. A mark persists until you:
- 1) use the same char to mark another location
- or 2) delete the marked line
->>> Move to this line and type ma to mark it a
->>> Move to this line and type mb to mark it b
->>> Move to this line and type mz to mark it z
->>> Type 'a to return to line a
->>> Type 'b to return to line b
->>> Type 'z to return to line z
-Certain commands can move you large distances. These commands cause
-your last position to be remembered in the special mark named ' (quote).
-To move to this special mark, just type '' (quote quote).
->>> Try this: 'b to return to line b, and then '' to return here.
- 'G' GO to the last line in the file
- #'G' GO to line #. (e.g., 3G , 5G , 124G )
-Read these directions carefully:
->>> Type '1''G' to go to the top of the file, and then '''''' (quote quote)
->>> to return here.
->>> Now try 'G' to go to the end of the file, and then '''''' to return here.
-It is often convenient to move through files jumping from one block of
-text to the next. To do this use braces and parentheses:
- '{' (left brace) Move to the beginning of a paragraph
- '}' (right brace) Move to the end of a paragraph
- '(' (left paren) Move to the beginning of a sentence
- ')' (right paren) Move to the beginning of the next sentence
->>> Experiment with '}' and '{' on the two paragraphs provided below.
->>> Note that paragraphs are separated by a blank line.
- EXPERIMENT on this first paragraph. The quick brown fox jumped
- over the seven lazy dogs. The fox must have been very large to
- jump over seven dogs!
- EXPERIMENT on this second paragraph. The quick brown dog
- jumped over the seven lazy foxes. The dog didn't have to be nearly
- as large, since foxes aren't too big.
->>> Try out ')' and '(' on the two paragraphs provided above.
->>> Notice that sentences are separated by two blank spaces.
-C programmers find it useful to move by sections, since sections may be
-delimited by a left brace in the first column. By placing the opening
-brace of a C subroutine in the first column, you can move to the top of
-the next subroutine, using '[''[' and ']'']' .
- '[''[' Move to the beginning of a section
- ']'']' Move to the end of a section
-Note that if vi does not find a left brace at the far left, it will
-move to the top or bottom of the file.
->>> Now try ']'']' then ']'']' and '[''[' on the subroutines provided below:
- helloworld();
- printf( "Hello world\n" );
-This enables you to jump to the next occurrence of a string in a file.
-To initially find the string use:
- '/'string Find string looking forward
- '?'string Find string looking backward
-To find additional occurrences of the string type:
- 'n' Repeat last / or ? command
- 'N' Reverse last / or ? command
-vi may search past the bottom of the file and then start again at the top.
-(Or, vi may search past the top and then start again at the bottom.)
->>> You are going to search for a string, find the next three
->>> occurrences. Then flip directions and find the string until you
->>> return to this location. To do this:
->>> Type '/''t''h''e' then press RETURN.
->>> Type 'n' three times.
->>> Type 'N' until you return to this location.
-* EMACS-NOTICE: Emacs has very powerful SEARCH-COMMANDS which you may
- want to use in parallell to those above. One of the first you want
- to try is probably C-s (ISEARCH-FORWARD).
- 'w' Move to the beginning of the next WORD
- 'e' Move to the END of the next word
- 'b' Move BACK to the beginning to the previous word
- '$' Move to the end of the line
- '^' Move to the first non-white character on the line
- '0' Move to the first column on the line (column zero)
- #'|' Move to an exact column on the line (column #) e.g. 5| 12|
- 'f' char FIND the next occurrence of char on the line
- 't' char Move 'TIL the next occurrence of char on the line
- 'F' char FIND the previous occurrence of char on the line
- 'T' char Move 'TIL the previous occurrence of char on the line
- ';' Repeat the last f, t, F, or T
- ',' Reverse the last f, t, F, or T
- '%' Show matching () or {} or []
- 'H' Move to the HIGHEST position in the window
- 'M' Move to the MIDDLE position in the window
- 'L' Move to the LOWEST position in the window
- 'm' char MARK this location and name it char
- ''' char (quote character) return to line named char
- '''''' (quote quote) return from last movement
- 'G' GO to the last line in the file
- #'G' GO to line #. (e.g., 3G , 5G , 175G )
- '{' (left brace) Move to the beginning of a paragraph
- '}' (right brace) Move to the end of a paragraph
- '(' (left paren) Move to the beginning of a sentence
- ')' (right paren) Move to the beginning of the next sentence
- '[''[' Move to the beginning of a section
- ']'']' Move to the end of a section
- '/'string Find string looking forward
- '?'string Find string looking backward
- 'n' Repeat last / or ? command
- 'N' Reverse last / or ? command
-You should now be able to move around files very efficiently. These
-commands are especially useful if you are using vi over a slow modem.
-Practice the material in this lesson for a few days and then take
-either the third vi tutorial to learn how to copy, cut, and paste, or
-the forth vi tutorial to learn additional insertion techniques.
-Copyright (c) 1992 Jill Kliger and Wesley Craig. All Rights Reserved.
diff --git a/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/3cutpaste b/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/3cutpaste
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d531d9..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/3cutpaste
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-Viper tutorial #3: Copying, Cutting, and Pasting
-This lesson lasts 15-20 minutes. This tutorial assumes full knowledge
-of tutorial #1, and familiarity with tutorial #2. Lines which begin
-with >>> mark exercises you should try.
-When you want to exit this tutorial type 'Z''Z' to exit and save your
-changes. Or type :q!<RETURN> to exit without saving changes.
-Remember that typing u will UNDO your last change.
-The delete command can be combined with any of the movement commands
-taught throughout tutorial #2. The resulting command is of the form:
- 'd'movement DELETE to where the movement command specifies
-Consider the following examples:
- 'd''w' DELETE to the beginning of the next WORD
- 'd''$' DELETE to the end of the line
- 'd'')' DELETE to the beginning of the next sentence
- 'd''t'e DELETE 'TIL the next e
- 'd''d' DELETE a line (dd is a special case of the d command)
->>> Experiment with 'd''w' 'd''$' 'd'')' 'd''t'e 'd''d' on the paragraph provided below:
- PRACTICE here. Now is the time for all good users to learn the
- editor. The quick brown fox jumped over the seven lazy fish. Now
- is the time for all good users to learn the editor. The quick
- brown computer jumped over the seven lazy users. END PRACTICE
-* EMACS-NOTICE: In Viper you can also use 'r' and 'R' for Emacs region and
- Viper line extended region. This is very convenient together with
- CUA-MODE where the region is visible (it is usually called the
- selected text or something similar in other applications).
-When text is deleted it is put into a buffer which contains the most
-recently deleted text. To paste the contents of this buffer elsewhere
-in the file use the p or P command.
- 'P' (upper p) PUT the contents of the buffer before the cursor
- 'p' (lower p) PUT the contents of the buffer after the cursor
->>> Try this sequence of commands on the practice lines below:
->>> 'd''d' to delete one line
->>> 'j' to move down a line
->>> 'p' (lower p) to PUT the deleted text after the cursor
->>> '}' to move to the end of the paragraph
->>> 'P' (upper p) to PUT the deleted text before the cursor
- PRACTICE line. Cut and Paste this line to the bottom of the
- paragraph. Here is some filler, feel free to cut and paste the
- text in this practice region. Remember that u undoes the last
->>> Try this sequence of commands at the beginning of a word:
->>> 'd''w' 'w' 'P'
-The fastest way to swap two letters is to type: 'x''p'
->>> Use xp to correct the misspelled words below:
- PRACTICE. Thier weird quiet recieved an inconvenient shriek.
- Thier belief is that to recieve grief from nieghbors outwieghs
- all else. Biege skies lead to wierd science. END.
-Consider cutting and pasting 3 words. Based on previous exercises you
-would type 'd''w' , move to the new location, and type 'p' , and repeat
-this procedure twice more. There is an easier way to do this:
->>> Using the practice lines below, try the following sequence of commands:
->>> Move to the beginning of the first sentence.
->>> Type 'd''3''w' to DELETE 3 WORDS.
->>> Type 'w' to move ahead one WORD.
->>> Type 'P' (upper p) to PUT the three words before the cursor.
- PRACTICE Numbering vi commands is easy to do. Now is the time for
- all good users to learn the editor. The quick brown fox jumped
- over the seven lazy dogs. Numbering vi commands is easy to do.
- Now is the time for all good users to learn the editor. END PRACTICE
->>> Type 'd''2''d' to DELETE 2 lines, using the practice paragraph above.
->>> Move to the top of the paragraph.
->>> Type 'p' (lower p) to PUT the two lines after of the cursor.
-Numbering also works for movement commands.
->>> Now try '4''w' to move ahead 4 WORDs, on the lines provided above.
->>> Then use '3''b' to move BACK 3 words.
-When you type '4''w' THINK "4 words", when you type d4w think "delete 4
-words". In general, we can write
- #movement repeat movement # times
- d#movement DELETE to where the #movement command specifies
-The YANK command works just like the DELETE command, except 'y' is used
-instead of 'd' .
- 'y'movement YANK to where the movement command specifies
-YANK and DELETE are identical except that YANK only copies the specified
-text into the buffer.
->>> Try this sequence of commands on the practice lines below:
->>> 'y''y' to YANK a line (yy is a special case of the y command)
->>> '3''j' to move down 3 lines
->>> 'p' (lower p) to PUT the yanked text after the cursor
- PRACTICE line. Copy and Paste this line to the bottom of the
- paragraph. Here is some filler, feel free to copy and paste the
- text in this practice region. Remember that u undoes the last
-Please note that copy, cutting, and pasting large blocks of text may
-significantly alter the tutorial file. Remember that you can always get
-a new copy of the tutorial file and that u UNDOes your last change.
-Here are some examples which show the similarity between y and d .
- 'y''w' YANK to the beginning of the next WORD
- 'y''$' YANK to the end of the line
- 'y'')' YANK to the beginning of the next sentence
- 'y''t'e YANK 'TIL the next e
- 'y''y' YANK a line
-Here are some more examples using commands from tutorial #2.
- 'y''L' YANK from here to the lowest point of the window
- 'y''/'and YANK from here to the word "and"
- 'y''2''}' YANK 2 paragraphs
- 'y''''a YANK from here to the marked line "a" (mark line first)
->>> Experiment with 'y''w' 'y''t'e 'y''4''w' 'y''2''}' 'y''3''y' and 'y''$' on the paragraph
->>> provided below. Copy text AND use 'p' or 'P' to paste it.
- PRACTICE line. Copy and Paste this line to the bottom of the
- paragraph. Here is some filler, feel free to copy and paste
- the text in this practice region. Remember that u undoes the
- last action. END OF PRACTICE
-In all of the previous pasting exercises you've used the "un-named"
-buffer. The un-named buffer contains the text you most recently cut or
-copied. When you make a new cut or copy, the old contents of the
-un-named buffer are moved to one of the "numbered" buffers. The
-buffers are numbered 1-9. Each time you cut or copy text,
- vi saves your current cut or copy in a buffer #1
- vi saves your 2nd to last cut or copy in a buffer #2
- The cut or copy before that is saved in a buffer #3 ...
- vi saves your 8th oldest cut or copy in a buffer #8
- vi saves your 9th oldest cut or copy in a buffer #9
-Note that buffer #1 is the same as the un-named buffer. Here's how to
-paste from the numbered buffers:
- "#P (upper p) PUT contents of buffer # before the cursor
- "#p (lower p) PUT contents of buffer # after the cursor
-For example:
- "1p PUT buffer 1 after the cursor
- "7p PUT buffer 7 after the cursor
->>> Delete this 1st line with dd
->>> Delete this 2nd line with dd
->>> Delete this 3rd block with d2d
->>> (2nd half of block 3)
->>> Delete this 4th block with dd
->>> Now type "1p "2p "3p "4p
-If you are using vi and have made accidental deletions, just PUT the
-contents of each numbered buffer to recover the deleted text.
-vi maintains the un-named and numbered buffers automatically. You can
-maintain your own buffers named a-z. That is, you can cut or copy text
-into buffer x and later paste the text from buffer x.
- '"'aDELETE DELETE text into buffer a
- "aYANK YANK text into buffer a
- "aPUT PUT text from buffer a
-Note, don't actually type 'DELETE', 'YANK', or 'PUT'; type one of the
-DELETE commands, YANK commands, or PUT commands. See the examples below:
- "ad} DELETE paragraph into buffer a
- "by3y YANK 3 lines into buffer b
- "cy200G YANK to line 200 into buffer c
- "dp PUT buffer d after the cursor
- "zP PUT buffer z before the cursor
-The contents of a named buffer are lost if:
- 1) you store new text in a buffer with the same name
- or 2) you quit vi (using 'Z''Z' or :q!<RETURN> )
->>> Delete this START line into buffer a by typing "add
->>> Paste buffer a by typing "ap
->>> Delete this INTERMEDIATE line into buffer b by typing "bdd
->>> Paste buffer b by typing "bp
-To put new material into buffer a
->>> Delete this FINAL line into buffer a by typing "add
->>> Paste buffer a by typing "ap
-With ZZ you save changes and kill the current buffer. (In vi you also
-exit with 'Z''Z'.) With :w you can save and not quit vi. It is a safe
-practice to save changes to a file regularly. This reduces re-typing
-in the event your computer crashes.
- :w<RETURN> WRITE contents of the file (without quitting)
- (type a colon, type w , then press the RETURN key)
->>> Try :w now. Note the message at the bottom of the screen.
-* EMACS-NOTICE: In Emacs there are no problems editing several
- files. You can however do it in the more complicated vi way below if
- you really want to ;-)
-This is an extremely useful procedure in vi. Only one new command is
-required for pasting between files, the EDIT command
- :e filename<RETURN> Begin EDITing the file called "filename"
-The EDIT command allows you to edit another file without quitting vi.
-This is useful since named buffers are lost when you quit vi.
-Let's say you want to copy 6 lines from the file called "3temp" into
-this file which is named "3cutpaste":
-(Note that "3temp" has already been created for you)
- 1) WRITE "3cutpaste". vi will not allow :w (press RETURN)
- you to edit another file without first
- saving any changes you've made.
- 2) EDIT "3temp" without quitting vi. :e 3temp (press RETURN)
- 3) YANK 6 lines from "3temp". "ay6y
- 4) Return to "3cutpaste". :e 3cutpaste (press RETURN)
- 5) PUT from buffer a "ap
-Note that the un-named and numbered buffers are lost when the EDIT
-command is used. Only named buffers are preserved with EDIT.
->>> Follow the 5-step procedure outlined above. Don't be concerned
->>> with remembering all 5 steps, the instructions are repeated in
->>> "3temp". Paste the text from "3temp" near this line of this file,
->>> "3cutpaste".
-You can use this 5-step procedure on any two files, with any cutting or
-copying action (here, y6y is the example).
- #movement repeat movement # times
- * EMACS-NOTICE: You may also use 'r' or 'R' in Viper.
- 'd'movement DELETE to where "movement" command specifies
- 'd'#movement DELETE to where the #movement command specifies
- (e.g. 'd''w' 'd''3''w' )
- 'y'movement YANK to where "movement" command specifies
- 'y'#movement YANK to where the #movement command specifies
- (e.g. 'y''w' 'y''3''w' )
- 'P' (upper p) PUT the contents of the buffer before the cursor
- 'p' (lower p) PUT the contents of the buffer after the cursor
- '"'#P (upper p) PUT contents of buffer # before the cursor
- '"'#p (lower p) PUT contents of buffer # after the cursor
- (e.g. '"''2''p' '"''7''P' )
- '"'aDELETE DELETE text into buffer a
- '"'aYANK YANK text into buffer a
- '"'aPUT PUT text from named buffer a
- (Note, don't actually type 'DELETE', 'YANK', or 'PUT';
- type one of the DELETE commands, YANK commands, or PUT
- commands, e.g. '"''a''d''}' '"''b''y''3''y' '"''c''y''2''0''0''G' '"''d''p' '"''z''P' )
- :w<RETURN> WRITE contents of the file (without quitting)
- (type a colon, type w , then press the RETURN key)
- :e filename<RETURN> Begin EDITing the file called "filename"
-You are now prepared to handle all cutting, copying and pasting tasks
-which may arise. If you practice what you've learned you'll find editing
-in vi to be fast and convenient.
-Copyright (c) 1992 Jill Kliger and Wesley Craig. All Rights Reserved.
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-Viper tutorial #4: Insertion Techniques
-This lesson lasts 5-10 minutes. This tutorial assumes full knowledge
-of tutorial #1, and familiarity with tutorial #2. Lines which begin
-with >>> mark exercises you should try. When you want to exit this
-tutorial type 'Z''Z' .
-You spend most of your time in vi inserting text. As you might expect,
-there are several commands to begin insertion.
- 'o' OPEN a line below the cursor
- 'O' OPEN a line above the cursor
- 'i' INSERT starting before the cursor
- 'I' INSERT at the beginning of the line
- 'a' APPEND starting after the cursor
- 'A' APPEND at the end of the line
-Remember to type ESC to leave insert mode. If you don't have an ESC key
-type C-[ (control [ ).
- ESC ESCAPE from insert mode
->>> Move the cursor to this line. Type 'O' , enter your name. Press ESC.
->>> Next type 'o' , enter the date. Press ESC.
-Note that 'O' opens the line above and puts you in insert mode,
-while 'o' opens the line below and also puts you in insert mode.
->>> Type 'a' on any line above, enter your name. Press ESC. Do the
->>> same for 'A'.
->>> Read the following. Your goal is to take the sentence fragment below:
->>> and convert it to
->>> To do this type:
->>> 'I' to insert THE QUICK (then press ESC)
->>> move the cursor to after the X in FOX
->>> 'a' to insert JUMPED (then press ESC)
->>> 'A' to insert DOGS. (then press ESC)
->>> Now move to the sentence fragment and make the changes outlined above.
-Often it is convenient to join two short lines into one line. There
-are several ways to do this. The easiest is the J command. Other
-methods will be explored in tutorial #5.
- 'J' JOIN two lines
->>> Go to the first line in the block below. Type J. Type J again.
- Example: NOW IS THE TIME
- the walrus said
-In the event that joining lines creates a line which exceeds the width
-of the screen, you can break the line by typing i and pressing RETURN.
-Substituting combines the delete command and the insert command into a
-single step.
- #'s' SUBSTITUTE for # characters
- #'S' SUBSTITUTE for # whole lines
-In order to substitute text you have to know how much text you want to
-delete. Consider the following examples:
- '3''s' SUBSTITUTE the next 3 characters for what will be typed
- '7''s' SUBSTITUTE the next 7 characters for what will be typed
->>> Change the SAMPLE DEFINITION below. To do this:
->>> move the cursor to the T in TWO
->>> type '3's
->>> type FOUR then press ESC
- SAMPLE DEFINITION: A string quartet is defined to be
- a group of TWO musicians.
-The 'r' and 'R' commands allow you to directly type over existing text.
- 'r' REPLACE character (NO need to press ESC)
- 'R' enter over-type mode
->>> Correct each of the TYPOs on the sample line below. To do this:
->>> move the cursor to the misspelled character
->>> type 'r'
->>> type the correct character
- SAMPLE: maintanence conveniance complience applience dilagent
->>> Use the over-type command, 'R' , on the sample line above.
->>> Type 'R' then type the name of a local restaurant. Press ESC.
-The change command combines insertion, deletion, and the movement
-commands. (Recall that the movement commands were taught in tutorial
-#2.) Change is probably more useful than replace or substitute. The
-general form of the change command is:
- 'c'movement CHANGE to where the movement command specifies
-Consider the following examples:
- 'c''w' CHANGE to the beginning of the next WORD
- 'c''$' CHANGE to the end of the line
- 'c'')' CHANGE to the beginning of the next sentence
- 'c''t'e CHANGE 'TIL the next e
- 'c''3''w' CHANGE the next 3 WORDS
- 'c''c' CHANGE a line (cc is a special case of the c command)
- 'c''}' CHANGE to the end of the paragraph
->>> Follow these steps:
->>> 1. move to the desired location in the practice paragraph below
->>> 2. type 'c''w' (change to the beginning of the next WORD)
->>> 3. type your name
->>> 4. press ESC
- PRACTICE here. Now is the time for all good users to learn the
- editor. The quick red fox jumped over the seven lazy fish. Now
- is the time for all good users to learn the editor. The quick
- brown computer jumped over the seven lazy users. END PRACTICE
->>> Experiment by using a variety of options for step #2. Try
->>> out 'c''$' 'c'')' 'c''t'e 'c''3''w' 'c''c' 'c''}' on the practice paragraph above.
-Note that the change command follows the same pattern as the delete
-and yank commands which were explored in tutorial #3.
- 'o' OPEN a line below the cursor
- 'O' OPEN a line above the cursor
- 'i' INSERT starting before the cursor
- 'I' INSERT at the beginning of the line
- 'a' APPEND starting after the cursor
- 'A' APPEND at the end of the line
- ESC ESCAPE from insert mode
- 'J' JOIN two lines
- #'s' SUBSTITUTE for # characters
- #'S' SUBSTITUTE for # whole lines
- 'r' REPLACE character (NO need to press ESC)
- 'R' enter over-type mode
- 'c'movement CHANGE to where the movement commands specifies
- (e.g. 'c''3''w' 'c''$' 'c''c' )
-These commands should improve your ability to insert text efficiently.
-The next tutorials deal with advanced commands and tricks which can
-further speed up your editing.
-Copyright (c) 1992 Jill Kliger and Wesley Craig. All Rights Reserved.
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+++ /dev/null
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-Viper tutorial #5: Tricks and Timesavers
-This lesson lasts 10-15 minutes. You should have a strong
-understanding of tutorials #1-3 before working through these timesaving
-techniques. Lines which begin with >>> mark exercises you should
-try. When you want to exit this tutorial type 'Z''Z' .
-When you want to change an upper-case character to a lower-case
-character (or lower-case to upper-case) there is a single command which
-does both:
- '~' (tilde) Convert case of current character
->>> Move the cursor to be OVER the first character in the example
->>> line below. Press '~' until you have changed the case of the
->>> entire line. ( '~' will advance to the right automatically).
-Note that '~' only affects alphabetic characters.
-* EMACS-NOTICE: Uppercase U does the same thing as lowercase u in
- Viper so this part of the tutorial which was about U has been
- removed.
-Often you want to make the same change at multiple locations in the
-file. To help accomplish this, vi remembers your previous action.
- '.' (dot) repeat last change
->>> Go through the example below changing "FISH" to "TOAD":
->>> Go to the "F" in the first instance of "FISH"
->>> To change the word: type 'c''w' then type TOAD then press ESC
->>> Move the cursor to "F" in the second occurence of "FISH"
->>> Type '.' (dot)
->>> Move the cursor to "F" in the final occurence of "FISH"
->>> Type '.' (dot)
->>> Now move the cursor to each occurence of "CROW"; Type '.' (dot)
- EXAMPLE: The FISH fed the cat. The CROW fed the cat. Example
- text is FISH to make interesting. The man fed the CROW. The
- worm fed the FISH. Example text is hard to make CROW. END.
->>> Go through the example above deleting all occurences of "TOAD":
->>> Move to the beginning of the EXAMPLE paragraph above.
->>> Type '/''T''O''A''D' and press RETURN (recall tutorial #2)
->>> Delete the word by typing 'd''w'
->>> Type 'n' to move to the next occurence of "TOAD"
->>> Type '.' (dot) to repeat the dw command
->>> Use 'n''.' to delete the remaining "TOAD"s
-Note that '.' only repeats changes, not cursor movements.
-* EMACS-NOTICE: In Emacs '.' also repeat undo and redo.
-* EMACS-NOTICE: Emacs KEYBOARD-MACROS are very powerful for repeating
- whole sequences of keyboard commands.
-You are already familiar with the C-u (depress the control key and
-type u) and C-d commands from tutorial #1.
- C-d Move DOWN one half-screen
- C-u Move UP one half-screen
-There are several related commands:
- C-f Move FORWARD one full-screen
- C-b Move BACKWARD one full-screen
- C-e Move the window down one line without moving cursor
- C-y Move the window up one line without moving cursor
-The C-e and C-y commands may seem obscure; however, notice that on
-the keyboard, e and y are close to d and u respectively. This
-should help you remember that C-e moves DOWN, and C-y moves UP.
-Recall the 'H' 'M' 'L' (HIGH MIDDLE LOW) window commands from Tutorial 2.
-Consider a scenario where you want to yank from the current line to a
-line near the top of the window. You could use C-e and C-y to
-position the text in the window before you use the yH command.
-The 'z' command also moves the window without moving your cursor:
- 'z'<RETURN> Position the current line to top of window
- 'z''.' Position the current line to middle of window
- 'z''-' Position the current line to bottom of window
->>> Move to this line. Type 'z' and press RETURN. Notice that
->>> this text and the cursor have moved to the top of the window.
->>> Try 'z''-' and 'z''.' also.
-* EMACS-NOTICE: In vi C-g shows the status of the current file, but
- C-g in Emacs in most situation stops what Emacs is doing. To get
- information about the current file you can use C-c C-g instead when
- Viper is in vi state.
-* EMACS-NOTICE: In vi C-l refreshes the screen, but C-l in Emacs calls
- the command recenter.
-* EMACS-NOTICE: In vi C-z suspends vi. However in Viper C-z is by
- default the VIPER-TOGGLE-KEY. To suspend or iconify Emacs use C-x
- C-z.
-* EMACS-NOTICE: Emacs has builtin commands to sort etc.
-The exclamation point, '!' (aka BANG), command allows you to feed text
-to any Unix command. The output of the Unix command replaces the
-original text. Here is a useful Unix command to use from within vi:
- !}fmt Format the paragraph, joining and filling lines to
- produce output lines of up to 72 characters
->>> Move to the example paragraph below. Type !}fmt and press
->>> RETURN. Notice the paragraph will be reformatted such that
->>> the lines are of approximately equal length.
- So we grow together,
- Like to a double cherry, seeming parted,
- But yet an union in partition;
- Two lovely berries moulded on one stem;
- So, with two seeming bodies, but one heart;
- END.
-Another useful command is:
- !}sort Sort lines of a paragraph alphabetically
->>> Move to the example text below. Type !}sort and press RETURN.
- OBERON king of the fairies.
- PUCK or Robin Goodfellow.
- HERMIA daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander.
- HELENA in love with Demetrius.
- LYSANDER in love with Hermia.
- DEMETRIUS in love with Hermia.
-Remember, any Unix command may be used this way.
-It is possible to shift large blocks of text right and left with the '>'
-and '<' commands.
- '>'movement Shift right to where the movement command specifies
- '<'movement Shift left to where the movement command specifies
-These commands work like the 'd' command. For example:
- '>''}' Shift right to the end of the paragraph
- '<''}' Shift left to the end of the paragraph
- '>''>' Shift the current line right
- '<''<' Shift the current line left
->>> Move the cursor to the first line of the paragraph below.
->>> Type '>''>' and '<''<' to shift the line back and forth. Next
->>> try '>''}' to shift the paragraph to the right, then '<''}' to shift
->>> it left, then type '.' until all four lines start at the left edge.
- IS
- '~' (tilde) Convert case of current character
- 'U' * EMACS-NOTICE: Same as lowercase u undo in Viper.
- '.' (dot) repeat last change
- C-d Move DOWN one half-screen
- (depress the control key and type d)
- C-u Move UP one half-screen
- (depress the control key and type u)
- C-f Move FORWARD one full-screen
- C-b Move BACKWARD one full-screen
- C-e Move the window down one line without moving cursor
- C-y Move the window up one line without moving cursor
- 'z'<RETURN> Position the current line to top of window
- 'z''.' Position the current line to middle of window
- 'z''-' Position the current line to bottom of window
- C-c C-g Show status of current file
- C-l Recenter
- '!'}fmt Format the paragraph, joining and filling lines to
- produce output lines of up to 72 characters
- '!'}sort Sort lines of a paragraph alphabetically
- '>'movement Shift right to where the movement command specifies
- '<'movement Shift left to where the movement command specifies
-These commands should significantly speed up your editing. Have a nice
-day. Tutorial 6 contains even more nifty commands.
-Copyright (c) 1992 Jill Kliger and Wesley Craig. All Rights Reserved.
diff --git a/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/README b/emacs.d/nxhtml/etc/viper-tut/README
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-Viper Tutorial README
-To install the Viper tutorial you must do two things:
-1) Put viper-tutorial.el in your Emacs load-path.
-2) Put the tutorial files (0intro, 1basics etc) in subdirectory to
- where you put viper-tutorial.el with the name viper-tut.
- Optionally you may put those file any where and customize the
- option viper-tut-directory.
-The tutorial is started by
- M-x viper-tutorial RET
-Viper tutorial is based on vilearn version 1.0 which was downloaded
-Below is the original readme from vilearn. Note that the only part
-that applies here is the copyright notice.
-This is version 1.0 of vilearn, an interactive vi tutorial.
-Copyright (c) 1992 Jill Kliger and Wesley Craig. All Rights Reserved.
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that
-the copyright notice, this permission notice, and an explicit record of
-any local changes, appear in supporting documentation. This software
-is supplied as is without expressed or implied warranties of any kind.
-To install, edit the Makefile and type
- make install
-We have a mailing list, To
-be added to the list, send mail to vilearn-admins-request. The list is
-intended to discuss the tutorials, coordinate projects relating to
-them, and provide help to those who may need it.
-Wesley Craig & Jill Kliger
-1317 Packard Street
-Ann Arbor, MI 48104
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-* tutorial 1 FILENAME: 1basics
-* basics
-C-d down
-C-u up
-h left
-j down
-k up
-l right
-dd delete line
-x x-out character
-u undo
-:q! force quit
-ZZ good bye
-o open
-i insert
-* tutorial 2 FILENAME: 2moving
-* objects, finds & marks
-w W word
-b B back
-e E end
-{ } paragraph
-( ) sentence
-[ ] sections
-$ end of line
-^ first non-white
-| column
-0 beginning of line
-f F find
-t T to
-; repeat fFtT
-, reverse fFtT
-G goto
-H high
-M middle
-L low
-n N next
-? / regex
-% match
-' move to marked line
-m mark
-* tutorial 3 FILENAME: 3cutpaste & 3temp
-* cutting, pasting, buffers, and files
-d D deletes
-y Y yank
-p P put
-" buffer
-:e edit
-* tutorial 4 FILENAME: 4inserting
-* insertion
-a A append
-c C change
-i I insert
-o O open
-r R replace
-s S substitute
-J join
-* tutorial 5 FILENAME: 5tricks
-* tricks
-~ case
-u U undo
-. do again
-C-b back
-C-f forward
-C-e down line
-C-y up line
-z zero
-C-g status
-C-l refresh
-C-z suspend
-C-t pop tag proposed
-C-] follow tag proposed
-! command
-< > shift
-* tutorial 6 PROPOSED
-* commands from hell
-: colon commands
-Q quit
-C-r redraw
-@ execute buffer as macro
-& like :&
-C-t shift (insert)
-C-d unshift (insert)