path: root/.emacs.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.emacs.d')
-rw-r--r--.emacs.d/auto-complete-config.elcbin0 -> 15943 bytes
-rw-r--r--.emacs.d/auto-complete.elcbin0 -> 59995 bytes
-rw-r--r--.emacs.d/fuzzy.elcbin0 -> 7438 bytes
-rw-r--r--.emacs.d/popup.elcbin0 -> 64893 bytes
-rw-r--r--.emacs.d/slash_theme.el (renamed from .emacs.d/color-theme-weirdness.el)29
30 files changed, 12043 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c++-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c++-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3cd8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c++-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..496f904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/c-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/clojure-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/clojure-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16348ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/clojure-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+zipmap \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/css-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/css-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ec8f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/css-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/java-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/java-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ed3d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/java-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/javascript-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/javascript-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d83f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/javascript-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/php-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/php-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04352d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/php-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/python-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/python-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33b4b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/python-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/ruby-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/ruby-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90b4fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/ruby-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/scheme-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/scheme-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5cca61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/scheme-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ac-dict/tcl-mode b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/tcl-mode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07a1281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ac-dict/tcl-mode
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
diff --git a/.emacs.d/auto-complete-config.el b/.emacs.d/auto-complete-config.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26ec044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/auto-complete-config.el
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+;;; auto-complete-config.el --- auto-complete additional configuations
+;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Tomohiro Matsuyama
+;; Author: Tomohiro Matsuyama <>
+;; Keywords: convenience
+;; Version: 1.3
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+ (require 'cl))
+(require 'auto-complete)
+;;;; Additional sources
+;; imenu
+(defvar ac-imenu-index nil)
+(ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes 'ac-imenu-index)
+(defun ac-imenu-candidates ()
+ (loop with i = 0
+ with stack = (progn
+ (unless (local-variable-p 'ac-imenu-index)
+ (make-local-variable 'ac-imenu-index))
+ (or ac-imenu-index
+ (setq ac-imenu-index
+ (ignore-errors
+ (with-no-warnings
+ (imenu--make-index-alist))))))
+ with result
+ while (and stack (or (not (integerp ac-limit))
+ (< i ac-limit)))
+ for node = (pop stack)
+ if (consp node)
+ do
+ (let ((car (car node))
+ (cdr (cdr node)))
+ (if (consp cdr)
+ (mapc (lambda (child)
+ (push child stack))
+ cdr)
+ (when (and (stringp car)
+ (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote ac-prefix)) car))
+ ;; Remove extra characters
+ (if (string-match "^.*\\(()\\|=\\|<>\\)$" car)
+ (setq car (substring car 0 (match-beginning 1))))
+ (push car result)
+ (incf i))))
+ finally return (nreverse result)))
+(ac-define-source imenu
+ '((depends imenu)
+ (candidates . ac-imenu-candidates)
+ (symbol . "s")))
+;; gtags
+(defface ac-gtags-candidate-face
+ '((t (:background "lightgray" :foreground "navy")))
+ "Face for gtags candidate"
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defface ac-gtags-selection-face
+ '((t (:background "navy" :foreground "white")))
+ "Face for the gtags selected candidate."
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defun ac-gtags-candidate ()
+ (ignore-errors
+ (split-string (shell-command-to-string (format "global -ci %s" ac-prefix)) "\n")))
+(ac-define-source gtags
+ '((candidates . ac-gtags-candidate)
+ (candidate-face . ac-gtags-candidate-face)
+ (selection-face . ac-gtags-selection-face)
+ (requires . 3)
+ (symbol . "s")))
+;; yasnippet
+(defface ac-yasnippet-candidate-face
+ '((t (:background "sandybrown" :foreground "black")))
+ "Face for yasnippet candidate."
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defface ac-yasnippet-selection-face
+ '((t (:background "coral3" :foreground "white")))
+ "Face for the yasnippet selected candidate."
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defun ac-yasnippet-table-hash (table)
+ (cond
+ ((fboundp 'yas/snippet-table-hash)
+ (yas/snippet-table-hash table))
+ ((fboundp 'yas/table-hash)
+ (yas/table-hash table))))
+(defun ac-yasnippet-table-parent (table)
+ (cond
+ ((fboundp 'yas/snippet-table-parent)
+ (yas/snippet-table-parent table))
+ ((fboundp 'yas/table-parent)
+ (yas/table-parent table))))
+(defun ac-yasnippet-candidate-1 (table)
+ (with-no-warnings
+ (let ((hashtab (ac-yasnippet-table-hash table))
+ (parent (ac-yasnippet-table-parent table))
+ candidates)
+ (maphash (lambda (key value)
+ (push key candidates))
+ hashtab)
+ (setq candidates (all-completions ac-prefix (nreverse candidates)))
+ (if parent
+ (setq candidates
+ (append candidates (ac-yasnippet-candidate-1 parent))))
+ candidates)))
+(defun ac-yasnippet-candidates ()
+ (with-no-warnings
+ (if (fboundp 'yas/get-snippet-tables)
+ ;; >0.6.0
+ (apply 'append (mapcar 'ac-yasnippet-candidate-1 (yas/get-snippet-tables major-mode)))
+ (let ((table
+ (if (fboundp 'yas/snippet-table)
+ ;; <0.6.0
+ (yas/snippet-table major-mode)
+ ;; 0.6.0
+ (yas/current-snippet-table))))
+ (if table
+ (ac-yasnippet-candidate-1 table))))))
+(ac-define-source yasnippet
+ '((depends yasnippet)
+ (candidates . ac-yasnippet-candidates)
+ (action . yas/expand)
+ (candidate-face . ac-yasnippet-candidate-face)
+ (selection-face . ac-yasnippet-selection-face)
+ (symbol . "a")))
+;; semantic
+(defun ac-semantic-candidates (prefix)
+ (with-no-warnings
+ (delete "" ; semantic sometimes returns an empty string
+ (mapcar 'semantic-tag-name
+ (ignore-errors
+ (or (semantic-analyze-possible-completions
+ (semantic-analyze-current-context))
+ (senator-find-tag-for-completion prefix)))))))
+(ac-define-source semantic
+ '((available . (or (require 'semantic-ia nil t)
+ (require 'semantic/ia nil t)))
+ (candidates . (ac-semantic-candidates ac-prefix))
+ (prefix . c-dot-ref)
+ (requires . 0)
+ (symbol . "m")))
+(ac-define-source semantic-raw
+ '((available . (or (require 'semantic-ia nil t)
+ (require 'semantic/ia nil t)))
+ (candidates . (ac-semantic-candidates ac-prefix))
+ (symbol . "s")))
+;; eclim
+(defun ac-eclim-candidates ()
+ (with-no-warnings
+ (loop for c in (eclim/java-complete)
+ collect (nth 1 c))))
+(ac-define-source eclim
+ '((candidates . ac-eclim-candidates)
+ (prefix . c-dot)
+ (requires . 0)
+ (symbol . "f")))
+;; css
+;; Copied from company-css.el
+(defconst ac-css-property-alist
+ ;; see
+ '(("azimuth" angle "left-side" "far-left" "left" "center-left" "center"
+ "center-right" "right" "far-right" "right-side" "behind" "leftwards"
+ "rightwards")
+ ("background" background-color background-image background-repeat
+ background-attachment background-position)
+ ("background-attachment" "scroll" "fixed")
+ ("background-color" color "transparent")
+ ("background-image" uri "none")
+ ("background-position" percentage length "left" "center" "right" percentage
+ length "top" "center" "bottom" "left" "center" "right" "top" "center"
+ "bottom")
+ ("background-repeat" "repeat" "repeat-x" "repeat-y" "no-repeat")
+ ("border" border-width border-style border-color)
+ ("border-bottom" border)
+ ("border-bottom-color" border-color)
+ ("border-bottom-style" border-style)
+ ("border-bottom-width" border-width)
+ ("border-collapse" "collapse" "separate")
+ ("border-color" color "transparent")
+ ("border-left" border)
+ ("border-left-color" border-color)
+ ("border-left-style" border-style)
+ ("border-left-width" border-width)
+ ("border-right" border)
+ ("border-right-color" border-color)
+ ("border-right-style" border-style)
+ ("border-right-width" border-width)
+ ("border-spacing" length length)
+ ("border-style" border-style)
+ ("border-top" border)
+ ("border-top-color" border-color)
+ ("border-top-style" border-style)
+ ("border-top-width" border-width)
+ ("border-width" border-width)
+ ("bottom" length percentage "auto")
+ ("caption-side" "top" "bottom")
+ ("clear" "none" "left" "right" "both")
+ ("clip" shape "auto")
+ ("color" color)
+ ("content" "normal" "none" string uri counter "attr()" "open-quote"
+ "close-quote" "no-open-quote" "no-close-quote")
+ ("counter-increment" identifier integer "none")
+ ("counter-reset" identifier integer "none")
+ ("cue" cue-before cue-after)
+ ("cue-after" uri "none")
+ ("cue-before" uri "none")
+ ("cursor" uri "*" "auto" "crosshair" "default" "pointer" "move" "e-resize"
+ "ne-resize" "nw-resize" "n-resize" "se-resize" "sw-resize" "s-resize"
+ "w-resize" "text" "wait" "help" "progress")
+ ("direction" "ltr" "rtl")
+ ("display" "inline" "block" "list-item" "run-in" "inline-block" "table"
+ "inline-table" "table-row-group" "table-header-group" "table-footer-group"
+ "table-row" "table-column-group" "table-column" "table-cell"
+ "table-caption" "none")
+ ("elevation" angle "below" "level" "above" "higher" "lower")
+ ("empty-cells" "show" "hide")
+ ("float" "left" "right" "none")
+ ("font" font-style font-variant font-weight font-size "/" line-height
+ font-family "caption" "icon" "menu" "message-box" "small-caption"
+ "status-bar")
+ ("font-family" family-name generic-family)
+ ("font-size" absolute-size relative-size length percentage)
+ ("font-style" "normal" "italic" "oblique")
+ ("font-variant" "normal" "small-caps")
+ ("font-weight" "normal" "bold" "bolder" "lighter" "100" "200" "300" "400"
+ "500" "600" "700" "800" "900")
+ ("height" length percentage "auto")
+ ("left" length percentage "auto")
+ ("letter-spacing" "normal" length)
+ ("line-height" "normal" number length percentage)
+ ("list-style" list-style-type list-style-position list-style-image)
+ ("list-style-image" uri "none")
+ ("list-style-position" "inside" "outside")
+ ("list-style-type" "disc" "circle" "square" "decimal" "decimal-leading-zero"
+ "lower-roman" "upper-roman" "lower-greek" "lower-latin" "upper-latin"
+ "armenian" "georgian" "lower-alpha" "upper-alpha" "none")
+ ("margin" margin-width)
+ ("margin-bottom" margin-width)
+ ("margin-left" margin-width)
+ ("margin-right" margin-width)
+ ("margin-top" margin-width)
+ ("max-height" length percentage "none")
+ ("max-width" length percentage "none")
+ ("min-height" length percentage)
+ ("min-width" length percentage)
+ ("orphans" integer)
+ ("outline" outline-color outline-style outline-width)
+ ("outline-color" color "invert")
+ ("outline-style" border-style)
+ ("outline-width" border-width)
+ ("overflow" "visible" "hidden" "scroll" "auto")
+ ("padding" padding-width)
+ ("padding-bottom" padding-width)
+ ("padding-left" padding-width)
+ ("padding-right" padding-width)
+ ("padding-top" padding-width)
+ ("page-break-after" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right")
+ ("page-break-before" "auto" "always" "avoid" "left" "right")
+ ("page-break-inside" "avoid" "auto")
+ ("pause" time percentage)
+ ("pause-after" time percentage)
+ ("pause-before" time percentage)
+ ("pitch" frequency "x-low" "low" "medium" "high" "x-high")
+ ("pitch-range" number)
+ ("play-during" uri "mix" "repeat" "auto" "none")
+ ("position" "static" "relative" "absolute" "fixed")
+ ("quotes" string string "none")
+ ("richness" number)
+ ("right" length percentage "auto")
+ ("speak" "normal" "none" "spell-out")
+ ("speak-header" "once" "always")
+ ("speak-numeral" "digits" "continuous")
+ ("speak-punctuation" "code" "none")
+ ("speech-rate" number "x-slow" "slow" "medium" "fast" "x-fast" "faster"
+ "slower")
+ ("stress" number)
+ ("table-layout" "auto" "fixed")
+ ("text-align" "left" "right" "center" "justify")
+ ("text-decoration" "none" "underline" "overline" "line-through" "blink")
+ ("text-indent" length percentage)
+ ("text-transform" "capitalize" "uppercase" "lowercase" "none")
+ ("top" length percentage "auto")
+ ("unicode-bidi" "normal" "embed" "bidi-override")
+ ("vertical-align" "baseline" "sub" "super" "top" "text-top" "middle"
+ "bottom" "text-bottom" percentage length)
+ ("visibility" "visible" "hidden" "collapse")
+ ("voice-family" specific-voice generic-voice "*" specific-voice
+ generic-voice)
+ ("volume" number percentage "silent" "x-soft" "soft" "medium" "loud"
+ "x-loud")
+ ("white-space" "normal" "pre" "nowrap" "pre-wrap" "pre-line")
+ ("widows" integer)
+ ("width" length percentage "auto")
+ ("word-spacing" "normal" length)
+ ("z-index" "auto" integer))
+ "A list of CSS properties and their possible values.")
+(defconst ac-css-value-classes
+ '((absolute-size "xx-small" "x-small" "small" "medium" "large" "x-large"
+ "xx-large")
+ (border-style "none" "hidden" "dotted" "dashed" "solid" "double" "groove"
+ "ridge" "inset" "outset")
+ (color "aqua" "black" "blue" "fuchsia" "gray" "green" "lime" "maroon" "navy"
+ "olive" "orange" "purple" "red" "silver" "teal" "white" "yellow"
+ "rgb")
+ (counter "counter")
+ (family-name "Courier" "Helvetica" "Times")
+ (generic-family "serif" "sans-serif" "cursive" "fantasy" "monospace")
+ (generic-voice "male" "female" "child")
+ (margin-width "auto") ;; length percentage
+ (relative-size "larger" "smaller")
+ (shape "rect")
+ (uri "url"))
+ "A list of CSS property value classes and their contents.")
+(defconst ac-css-pseudo-classes
+ '("active" "after" "before" "first" "first-child" "first-letter" "first-line"
+ "focus" "hover" "lang" "left" "link" "right" "visited")
+ "Identifiers for CSS pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes.")
+(defvar ac-css-property nil
+ "Current editing property.")
+(defun ac-css-prefix ()
+ (when (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\\_<\\(.+?\\)\\_>\\s *:.*\\=" nil t))
+ (setq ac-css-property (match-string 1))
+ (or (ac-prefix-symbol) (point))))
+(defun ac-css-property-candidates ()
+ (or (loop with list = (assoc-default ac-css-property ac-css-property-alist)
+ with value
+ while (setq value (pop list))
+ if (symbolp value)
+ do (setq list
+ (append list
+ (or (assoc-default value ac-css-value-classes)
+ (assoc-default (symbol-name value) ac-css-property-alist))))
+ else collect value)
+ ac-css-pseudo-classes))
+(defvar ac-source-css-property
+ '((candidates . ac-css-property-candidates)
+ (prefix . ac-css-prefix)
+ (requires . 0)))
+;;;; Not maintained sources
+;; ropemacs
+(defvar ac-ropemacs-loaded nil)
+(defun ac-ropemacs-require ()
+ (with-no-warnings
+ (unless ac-ropemacs-loaded
+ (pymacs-load "ropemacs" "rope-")
+ (if (boundp 'ropemacs-enable-autoimport)
+ (setq ropemacs-enable-autoimport t))
+ (setq ac-ropemacs-loaded t))))
+(defun ac-ropemacs-setup ()
+ (ac-ropemacs-require)
+ ;(setq ac-sources (append (list 'ac-source-ropemacs) ac-sources))
+ (setq ac-omni-completion-sources '(("\\." ac-source-ropemacs))))
+(defun ac-ropemacs-initialize ()
+ (autoload 'pymacs-apply "pymacs")
+ (autoload 'pymacs-call "pymacs")
+ (autoload 'pymacs-eval "pymacs" nil t)
+ (autoload 'pymacs-exec "pymacs" nil t)
+ (autoload 'pymacs-load "pymacs" nil t)
+ (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'ac-ropemacs-setup)
+ t)
+(defvar ac-ropemacs-completions-cache nil)
+(defvar ac-source-ropemacs
+ '((init
+ . (lambda ()
+ (setq ac-ropemacs-completions-cache
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (completion)
+ (concat ac-prefix completion))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (rope-completions))))))
+ (candidates . ac-ropemacs-completions-cache)))
+;; rcodetools
+(defvar ac-source-rcodetools
+ '((init . (lambda ()
+ (require 'rcodetools)
+ (condition-case x
+ (save-excursion
+ (rct-exec-and-eval rct-complete-command-name "--completion-emacs-icicles"))
+ (error) (setq rct-method-completion-table nil))))
+ (candidates . (lambda ()
+ (all-completions
+ ac-prefix
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (completion)
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "\t.*$" "" (car completion)))
+ rct-method-completion-table))))))
+;;;; Default settings
+(defun ac-common-setup ()
+ (add-to-list 'ac-sources 'ac-source-filename))
+(defun ac-emacs-lisp-mode-setup ()
+ (setq ac-sources (append '(ac-source-features ac-source-functions ac-source-yasnippet ac-source-variables ac-source-symbols) ac-sources)))
+(defun ac-cc-mode-setup ()
+ (setq ac-sources (append '(ac-source-yasnippet ac-source-gtags) ac-sources)))
+(defun ac-ruby-mode-setup ()
+ (make-local-variable 'ac-ignores)
+ (add-to-list 'ac-ignores "end"))
+(defun ac-css-mode-setup ()
+ (setq ac-sources (append '(ac-source-css-property) ac-sources)))
+(defun ac-config-default ()
+ (setq-default ac-sources '(ac-source-abbrev ac-source-dictionary ac-source-words-in-same-mode-buffers))
+ (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'ac-emacs-lisp-mode-setup)
+ (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'ac-cc-mode-setup)
+ (add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'ac-ruby-mode-setup)
+ (add-hook 'css-mode-hook 'ac-css-mode-setup)
+ (add-hook 'auto-complete-mode-hook 'ac-common-setup)
+ (global-auto-complete-mode t))
+(provide 'auto-complete-config)
+;;; auto-complete-config.el ends here
diff --git a/.emacs.d/auto-complete-config.elc b/.emacs.d/auto-complete-config.elc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2761c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/auto-complete-config.elc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/.emacs.d/auto-complete.el b/.emacs.d/auto-complete.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2472dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/auto-complete.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1897 @@
+;;; auto-complete.el --- Auto Completion for GNU Emacs
+;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Tomohiro Matsuyama
+;; Author: Tomohiro Matsuyama <>
+;; URL:
+;; Keywords: completion, convenience
+;; Version: 1.3
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This extension provides a way to complete with popup menu like:
+;; def-!-
+;; +-----------------+
+;; |defun::::::::::::|
+;; |defvar |
+;; |defmacro |
+;; | ... |
+;; +-----------------+
+;; You can complete by typing and selecting menu.
+;; Entire documents are located in doc/ directory.
+;; Take a look for information.
+;; Enjoy!
+;;; Code:
+ (require 'cl))
+(require 'popup)
+;;;; Global stuff
+(defun ac-error (&optional var)
+ "Report an error and disable `auto-complete-mode'."
+ (ignore-errors
+ (message "auto-complete error: %s" var)
+ (auto-complete-mode -1)
+ var))
+;;;; Customization
+(defgroup auto-complete nil
+ "Auto completion."
+ :group 'completion
+ :prefix "ac-")
+(defcustom ac-delay 0.1
+ "Delay to completions will be available."
+ :type 'float
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-auto-show-menu 0.8
+ "Non-nil means completion menu will be automatically shown."
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Yes" t)
+ (const :tag "Never" nil)
+ (float :tag "Timer"))
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-show-menu-immediately-on-auto-complete t
+ "Non-nil means menu will be showed immediately on `auto-complete'."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-expand-on-auto-complete t
+ "Non-nil means expand whole common part on first time `auto-complete'."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-disable-faces '(font-lock-comment-face font-lock-string-face font-lock-doc-face)
+ "Non-nil means disable automatic completion on specified faces."
+ :type '(repeat symbol)
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-stop-flymake-on-completing t
+ "Non-nil means disble flymake temporarily on completing."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-use-fuzzy t
+ "Non-nil means use fuzzy matching."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-fuzzy-cursor-color "red"
+ "Cursor color in fuzzy mode."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-use-comphist t
+ "Non-nil means use intelligent completion history."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-comphist-threshold 0.7
+ "Percentage of ignoring low scored candidates."
+ :type 'float
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-comphist-file
+ (expand-file-name (concat (if (boundp 'user-emacs-directory)
+ user-emacs-directory
+ "~/.emacs.d/")
+ "/ac-comphist.dat"))
+ "Completion history file name."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-use-quick-help t
+ "Non-nil means use quick help."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-quick-help-delay 1.5
+ "Delay to show quick help."
+ :type 'float
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-menu-height 10
+ "Max height of candidate menu."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defvaralias 'ac-candidate-menu-height 'ac-menu-height)
+(defcustom ac-quick-help-height 20
+ "Max height of quick help."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-quick-help-prefer-x t
+ "Prefer X tooltip than overlay popup for displaying quick help."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-candidate-limit nil
+ "Limit number of candidates. Non-integer means no limit."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defvaralias 'ac-candidate-max 'ac-candidate-limit)
+(defcustom ac-modes
+ '(emacs-lisp-mode
+ lisp-interaction-mode
+ c-mode cc-mode c++-mode
+ java-mode clojure-mode scala-mode
+ scheme-mode
+ ocaml-mode tuareg-mode
+ perl-mode cperl-mode python-mode ruby-mode
+ ecmascript-mode javascript-mode js-mode js2-mode php-mode css-mode
+ makefile-mode sh-mode fortran-mode f90-mode ada-mode
+ xml-mode sgml-mode)
+ "Major modes `auto-complete-mode' can run on."
+ :type '(repeat symbol)
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-compatible-packages-regexp
+ "^ac-"
+ "Regexp to indicate what packages can work with auto-complete."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-trigger-commands
+ '(self-insert-command)
+ "Trigger commands that specify whether `auto-complete' should start or not."
+ :type '(repeat symbol)
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-trigger-commands-on-completing
+ '(delete-backward-char
+ backward-delete-char
+ backward-delete-char-untabify)
+ "Trigger commands that specify whether `auto-complete' should continue or not."
+ :type '(repeat symbol)
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-trigger-key nil
+ "Non-nil means `auto-complete' will start by typing this key.
+If you specify this TAB, for example, `auto-complete' will start by typing TAB,
+and if there is no completions, an original command will be fallbacked."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'auto-complete
+ :set (lambda (symbol value)
+ (set-default symbol value)
+ (when (and value
+ (fboundp 'ac-set-trigger-key))
+ (ac-set-trigger-key value))))
+(defcustom ac-auto-start 2
+ "Non-nil means completion will be started automatically.
+Positive integer means if a length of a word you entered is larger than the value,
+completion will be started automatically.
+If you specify `nil', never be started automatically."
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Yes" t)
+ (const :tag "Never" nil)
+ (integer :tag "Require"))
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-ignores nil
+ "List of string to ignore completion."
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-ignore-case 'smart
+ "Non-nil means auto-complete ignores case.
+If this value is `smart', auto-complete ignores case only when
+a prefix doen't contain any upper case letters."
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Yes" t)
+ (const :tag "Smart" smart)
+ (const :tag "No" nil))
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-dwim t
+ "Non-nil means `auto-complete' works based on Do What I Mean."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-use-menu-map nil
+ "Non-nil means a special keymap `ac-menu-map' on completing menu will be used."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-use-overriding-local-map nil
+ "Non-nil means `overriding-local-map' will be used to hack for overriding key events on auto-copletion."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defface ac-completion-face
+ '((t (:foreground "darkgray" :underline t)))
+ "Face for inline completion"
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defface ac-candidate-face
+ '((t (:background "lightgray" :foreground "black")))
+ "Face for candidate."
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defface ac-selection-face
+ '((t (:background "steelblue" :foreground "white")))
+ "Face for selected candidate."
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defvar auto-complete-mode-hook nil
+ "Hook for `auto-complete-mode'.")
+;;;; Internal variables
+(defvar auto-complete-mode nil
+ "Dummy variable to suppress compiler warnings.")
+(defvar ac-cursor-color nil
+ "Old cursor color.")
+(defvar ac-inline nil
+ "Inline completion instance.")
+(defvar ac-menu nil
+ "Menu instance.")
+(defvar ac-show-menu nil
+ "Flag to show menu on timer tick.")
+(defvar ac-last-completion nil
+ "Cons of prefix marker and selected item of last completion.")
+(defvar ac-quick-help nil
+ "Quick help instance")
+(defvar ac-completing nil
+ "Non-nil means `auto-complete-mode' is now working on completion.")
+(defvar ac-buffer nil
+ "Buffer where auto-complete is started.")
+(defvar ac-point nil
+ "Start point of prefix.")
+(defvar ac-last-point nil
+ "Last point of updating pattern.")
+(defvar ac-prefix nil
+ "Prefix string.")
+(defvaralias 'ac-target 'ac-prefix)
+(defvar ac-selected-candidate nil
+ "Last selected candidate.")
+(defvar ac-common-part nil
+ "Common part string of meaningful candidates.
+If there is no common part, this will be nil.")
+(defvar ac-whole-common-part nil
+ "Common part string of whole candidates.
+If there is no common part, this will be nil.")
+(defvar ac-prefix-overlay nil
+ "Overlay for prefix string.")
+(defvar ac-timer nil
+ "Completion idle timer.")
+(defvar ac-show-menu-timer nil
+ "Show menu idle timer.")
+(defvar ac-quick-help-timer nil
+ "Quick help idle timer.")
+(defvar ac-triggered nil
+ "Flag to update.")
+(defvar ac-limit nil
+ "Limit number of candidates for each sources.")
+(defvar ac-candidates nil
+ "Current candidates.")
+(defvar ac-candidates-cache nil
+ "Candidates cache for individual sources.")
+(defvar ac-fuzzy-enable nil
+ "Non-nil means fuzzy matching is enabled.")
+(defvar ac-dwim-enable nil
+ "Non-nil means DWIM completion will be allowed.")
+(defvar ac-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
+ "Auto-complete mode map. It is also used for trigger key command. See also `ac-trigger-key'.")
+(defvar ac-completing-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map "\t" 'ac-expand)
+ (define-key map "\r" 'ac-complete)
+ (define-key map (kbd "M-TAB") 'auto-complete)
+ (define-key map "\C-s" 'ac-isearch)
+ (define-key map "\M-n" 'ac-next)
+ (define-key map "\M-p" 'ac-previous)
+ (define-key map [down] 'ac-next)
+ (define-key map [up] 'ac-previous)
+ (define-key map [f1] 'ac-help)
+ (define-key map [M-f1] 'ac-persist-help)
+ (define-key map (kbd "C-?") 'ac-help)
+ (define-key map (kbd "C-M-?") 'ac-persist-help)
+ (define-key map [C-down] 'ac-quick-help-scroll-down)
+ (define-key map [C-up] 'ac-quick-help-scroll-up)
+ (define-key map "\C-\M-n" 'ac-quick-help-scroll-down)
+ (define-key map "\C-\M-p" 'ac-quick-help-scroll-up)
+ (dotimes (i 9)
+ (let ((symbol (intern (format "ac-complete-%d" (1+ i)))))
+ (fset symbol
+ `(lambda ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when (and (ac-menu-live-p) (popup-select ac-menu ,i))
+ (ac-complete))))
+ (define-key map (read-kbd-macro (format "M-%s" (1+ i))) symbol)))
+ map)
+ "Keymap for completion.")
+(defvaralias 'ac-complete-mode-map 'ac-completing-map)
+(defvar ac-menu-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map "\C-n" 'ac-next)
+ (define-key map "\C-p" 'ac-previous)
+ (set-keymap-parent map ac-completing-map)
+ map)
+ "Keymap for completion on completing menu.")
+(defvar ac-current-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (set-keymap-parent map ac-completing-map)
+ map))
+(defvar ac-match-function 'all-completions
+ "Default match function.")
+(defvar ac-prefix-definitions
+ '((symbol . ac-prefix-symbol)
+ (file . ac-prefix-file)
+ (valid-file . ac-prefix-valid-file)
+ (c-dot . ac-prefix-c-dot)
+ (c-dot-ref . ac-prefix-c-dot-ref))
+ "Prefix definitions for common use.")
+(defvar ac-sources '(ac-source-words-in-same-mode-buffers)
+ "Sources for completion.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ac-sources)
+(defvar ac-compiled-sources nil
+ "Compiled source of `ac-sources'.")
+(defvar ac-current-sources nil
+ "Current working sources. This is sublist of `ac-compiled-sources'.")
+(defvar ac-omni-completion-sources nil
+ "Do not use this anymore.")
+(defvar ac-current-prefix-def nil)
+(defvar ac-ignoring-prefix-def nil)
+;;;; Intelligent completion history
+(defvar ac-comphist nil
+ "Database of completion history.")
+(defsubst ac-comphist-make-tab ()
+ (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defsubst ac-comphist-tab (db)
+ (nth 0 db))
+(defsubst ac-comphist-cache (db)
+ (nth 1 db))
+(defun ac-comphist-make (&optional tab)
+ (list (or tab (ac-comphist-make-tab)) (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness t)))
+(defun ac-comphist-get (db string &optional create)
+ (let* ((tab (ac-comphist-tab db))
+ (index (gethash string tab)))
+ (when (and create (null index))
+ (setq index (make-vector (length string) 0))
+ (puthash string index tab))
+ index))
+(defun ac-comphist-add (db string prefix)
+ (setq prefix (min prefix (1- (length string))))
+ (when (<= 0 prefix)
+ (setq string (substring-no-properties string))
+ (let ((stat (ac-comphist-get db string t)))
+ (incf (aref stat prefix))
+ (remhash string (ac-comphist-cache db)))))
+(defun ac-comphist-score (db string prefix)
+ (setq prefix (min prefix (1- (length string))))
+ (if (<= 0 prefix)
+ (let ((cache (gethash string (ac-comphist-cache db))))
+ (or (and cache (aref cache prefix))
+ (let ((stat (ac-comphist-get db string))
+ (score 0.0))
+ (when stat
+ (loop for p from 0 below (length string)
+ ;; sigmoid function
+ with a = 5
+ with d = (/ 6.0 a)
+ for x = (- d (abs (- prefix p)))
+ for r = (/ 1.0 (1+ (exp (* (- a) x))))
+ do
+ (incf score (* (aref stat p) r))))
+ ;; Weight by distance
+ (incf score (max 0.0 (- 0.3 (/ (- (length string) prefix) 100.0))))
+ (unless cache
+ (setq cache (make-vector (length string) nil))
+ (puthash string cache (ac-comphist-cache db)))
+ (aset cache prefix score)
+ score)))
+ 0.0))
+(defun ac-comphist-sort (db collection prefix &optional threshold)
+ (let (result
+ (n 0)
+ (total 0)
+ (cur 0))
+ (setq result (mapcar (lambda (a)
+ (when (and cur threshold)
+ (if (>= cur (* total threshold))
+ (setq cur nil)
+ (incf n)
+ (incf cur (cdr a))))
+ (car a))
+ (sort (mapcar (lambda (string)
+ (let ((score (ac-comphist-score db string prefix)))
+ (incf total score)
+ (cons string score)))
+ collection)
+ (lambda (a b) (< (cdr b) (cdr a))))))
+ (if threshold
+ (cons n result)
+ result)))
+(defun ac-comphist-serialize (db)
+ (let (alist)
+ (maphash (lambda (k v)
+ (push (cons k v) alist))
+ (ac-comphist-tab db))
+ (list alist)))
+(defun ac-comphist-deserialize (sexp)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (ac-comphist-make (let ((tab (ac-comphist-make-tab)))
+ (mapc (lambda (cons)
+ (puthash (car cons) (cdr cons) tab))
+ (nth 0 sexp))
+ tab))
+ (error (message "Invalid comphist db.") nil)))
+(defun ac-comphist-init ()
+ (ac-comphist-load)
+ (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'ac-comphist-save))
+(defun ac-comphist-load ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((db (if (file-exists-p ac-comphist-file)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents ac-comphist-file)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (ac-comphist-deserialize (read (current-buffer))))))))
+ (setq ac-comphist (or db (ac-comphist-make)))))
+(defun ac-comphist-save ()
+ (interactive)
+ (require 'pp)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (pp (ac-comphist-serialize ac-comphist) (current-buffer))
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max) ac-comphist-file))))
+;;;; Auto completion internals
+(defun ac-menu-at-wrapper-line-p ()
+ "Return non-nil if current line is long and wrapped to next visual line."
+ (and (not truncate-lines)
+ (eq (line-beginning-position)
+ (save-excursion
+ (vertical-motion 1)
+ (line-beginning-position)))))
+(defun ac-prefix-symbol ()
+ "Default prefix definition function."
+ (require 'thingatpt)
+ (car-safe (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))
+(defalias 'ac-prefix-default 'ac-prefix-symbol)
+(defun ac-prefix-file ()
+ "File prefix."
+ (let ((point (re-search-backward "[\"<>' \t\r\n]" nil t)))
+ (if point (1+ point))))
+(defun ac-prefix-valid-file ()
+ "Existed (or to be existed) file prefix."
+ (let* ((line-beg (line-beginning-position))
+ (end (point))
+ (start (or (let ((point (re-search-backward "[\"<>'= \t\r\n]" line-beg t)))
+ (if point (1+ point)))
+ line-beg))
+ (file (buffer-substring start end)))
+ (if (and file (or (string-match "^/" file)
+ (and (setq file (and (string-match "^[^/]*/" file)
+ (match-string 0 file)))
+ (file-directory-p file))))
+ start)))
+(defun ac-prefix-c-dot ()
+ "C-like languages dot(.) prefix."
+ (if (re-search-backward "\\.\\(\\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\\)?\\)\\=" nil t)
+ (match-beginning 1)))
+(defun ac-prefix-c-dot-ref ()
+ "C-like languages dot(.) and reference(->) prefix."
+ (if (re-search-backward "\\(?:\\.\\|->\\)\\(\\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\\)?\\)\\=" nil t)
+ (match-beginning 1)))
+(defun ac-define-prefix (name prefix)
+ "Define new prefix definition.
+You can not use it in source definition like (prefix . `NAME')."
+ (push (cons name prefix) ac-prefix-definitions))
+(defun ac-match-substring (prefix candidates)
+ (loop with regexp = (regexp-quote prefix)
+ for candidate in candidates
+ if (string-match regexp candidate)
+ collect candidate))
+(defsubst ac-source-entity (source)
+ (if (symbolp source)
+ (symbol-value source)
+ source))
+(defun ac-source-available-p (source)
+ (if (and (symbolp source)
+ (get source 'available))
+ (eq (get source 'available) t)
+ (let* ((src (ac-source-entity source))
+ (avail-pair (assq 'available src))
+ (avail-cond (cdr avail-pair))
+ (available (and (if avail-pair
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp avail-cond)
+ (funcall avail-cond))
+ ((listp avail-cond)
+ (eval avail-cond)))
+ t)
+ (loop for feature in (assoc-default 'depends src)
+ unless (require feature nil t) return nil
+ finally return t))))
+ (if (symbolp source)
+ (put source 'available (if available t 'no)))
+ available)))
+(defun ac-compile-sources (sources)
+ "Compiled `SOURCES' into expanded sources style."
+ (loop for source in sources
+ if (ac-source-available-p source)
+ do
+ (setq source (ac-source-entity source))
+ (flet ((add-attribute (name value &optional append) (add-to-list 'source (cons name value) append)))
+ ;; prefix
+ (let* ((prefix (assoc 'prefix source))
+ (real (assoc-default (cdr prefix) ac-prefix-definitions)))
+ (cond
+ (real
+ (add-attribute 'prefix real))
+ ((null prefix)
+ (add-attribute 'prefix 'ac-prefix-default))))
+ ;; match
+ (let ((match (assq 'match source)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq (cdr match) 'substring)
+ (setcdr match 'ac-match-substring)))))
+ and collect source))
+(defun ac-compiled-sources ()
+ (or ac-compiled-sources
+ (setq ac-compiled-sources
+ (ac-compile-sources ac-sources))))
+(defsubst ac-menu-live-p ()
+ (popup-live-p ac-menu))
+(defun ac-menu-create (point width height)
+ (setq ac-menu
+ (popup-create point width height
+ :around t
+ :face 'ac-candidate-face
+ :selection-face 'ac-selection-face
+ :symbol t
+ :scroll-bar t
+ :margin-left 1)))
+(defun ac-menu-delete ()
+ (when ac-menu
+ (popup-delete ac-menu)
+ (setq ac-menu)))
+(defsubst ac-inline-marker ()
+ (nth 0 ac-inline))
+(defsubst ac-inline-overlay ()
+ (nth 1 ac-inline))
+(defsubst ac-inline-live-p ()
+ (and ac-inline (ac-inline-overlay) t))
+(defun ac-inline-show (point string)
+ (unless ac-inline
+ (setq ac-inline (list (make-marker) nil)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((overlay (ac-inline-overlay))
+ (width 0)
+ (string-width (string-width string))
+ (length 0)
+ (original-string string))
+ ;; Calculate string space to show completion
+ (goto-char point)
+ (let (c)
+ (while (and (not (eolp))
+ (< width string-width)
+ (setq c (char-after))
+ (not (eq c ?\t))) ; special case for tab
+ (incf width (char-width c))
+ (incf length)
+ (forward-char)))
+ ;; Show completion
+ (goto-char point)
+ (cond
+ ((= width 0)
+ (set-marker (ac-inline-marker) point)
+ (let ((buffer-undo-list t))
+ (insert " "))
+ (setq width 1
+ length 1))
+ ((<= width string-width)
+ ;; No space to show
+ ;; Do nothing
+ )
+ ((> width string-width)
+ ;; Need to fill space
+ (setq string (concat string (make-string (- width string-width) ? )))))
+ (setq string (propertize string 'face 'ac-completion-face))
+ (if overlay
+ (progn
+ (move-overlay overlay point (+ point length))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'invisible nil))
+ (setq overlay (make-overlay point (+ point length)))
+ (setf (nth 1 ac-inline) overlay)
+ (overlay-put overlay 'priority 9999)
+ ;; Help prefix-overlay in some cases
+ (overlay-put overlay 'keymap ac-current-map))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'display (substring string 0 1))
+ ;; TODO no width but char
+ (overlay-put overlay 'after-string (substring string 1))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'string original-string))))
+(defun ac-inline-delete ()
+ (when (ac-inline-live-p)
+ (ac-inline-hide)
+ (delete-overlay (ac-inline-overlay))
+ (setq ac-inline nil)))
+(defun ac-inline-hide ()
+ (when (ac-inline-live-p)
+ (let ((overlay (ac-inline-overlay))
+ (marker (ac-inline-marker))
+ (buffer-undo-list t))
+ (when overlay
+ (when (marker-position marker)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char marker)
+ (delete-char 1)
+ (set-marker marker nil)))
+ (move-overlay overlay (point-min) (point-min))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'invisible t)
+ (overlay-put overlay 'display nil)
+ (overlay-put overlay 'after-string nil)))))
+(defun ac-inline-update ()
+ (if (and ac-completing ac-prefix (stringp ac-common-part))
+ (let ((common-part-length (length ac-common-part))
+ (prefix-length (length ac-prefix)))
+ (if (> common-part-length prefix-length)
+ (progn
+ (ac-inline-hide)
+ (ac-inline-show (point) (substring ac-common-part prefix-length)))
+ (ac-inline-delete)))
+ (ac-inline-delete)))
+(defun ac-put-prefix-overlay ()
+ (unless ac-prefix-overlay
+ (let (newline)
+ ;; Insert newline to make sure that cursor always on the overlay
+ (when (and (eq ac-point (point-max))
+ (eq ac-point (point)))
+ (popup-save-buffer-state
+ (insert "\n"))
+ (setq newline t))
+ (setq ac-prefix-overlay (make-overlay ac-point (1+ (point)) nil t t))
+ (overlay-put ac-prefix-overlay 'priority 9999)
+ (overlay-put ac-prefix-overlay 'keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (overlay-put ac-prefix-overlay 'newline newline))))
+(defun ac-remove-prefix-overlay ()
+ (when ac-prefix-overlay
+ (when (overlay-get ac-prefix-overlay 'newline)
+ ;; Remove inserted newline
+ (popup-save-buffer-state
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (if (eq (char-before) ?\n)
+ (delete-char -1))))
+ (delete-overlay ac-prefix-overlay)))
+(defun ac-activate-completing-map ()
+ (if (and ac-show-menu ac-use-menu-map)
+ (set-keymap-parent ac-current-map ac-menu-map))
+ (when (and ac-use-overriding-local-map
+ (null overriding-terminal-local-map))
+ (setq overriding-terminal-local-map ac-current-map))
+ (when ac-prefix-overlay
+ (set-keymap-parent (overlay-get ac-prefix-overlay 'keymap) ac-current-map)))
+(defun ac-deactivate-completing-map ()
+ (set-keymap-parent ac-current-map ac-completing-map)
+ (when (and ac-use-overriding-local-map
+ (eq overriding-terminal-local-map ac-current-map))
+ (setq overriding-terminal-local-map nil))
+ (when ac-prefix-overlay
+ (set-keymap-parent (overlay-get ac-prefix-overlay 'keymap) nil)))
+(defsubst ac-selected-candidate ()
+ (if ac-menu
+ (popup-selected-item ac-menu)))
+(defun ac-prefix (requires ignore-list)
+ (loop with current = (point)
+ with point
+ with prefix-def
+ with sources
+ for source in (ac-compiled-sources)
+ for prefix = (assoc-default 'prefix source)
+ for req = (or (assoc-default 'requires source) requires 1)
+ if (null prefix-def)
+ do
+ (unless (member prefix ignore-list)
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq point (cond
+ ((symbolp prefix)
+ (funcall prefix))
+ ((stringp prefix)
+ (and (re-search-backward (concat prefix "\\=") nil t)
+ (or (match-beginning 1) (match-beginning 0))))
+ ((stringp (car-safe prefix))
+ (let ((regexp (nth 0 prefix))
+ (end (nth 1 prefix))
+ (group (nth 2 prefix)))
+ (and (re-search-backward (concat regexp "\\=") nil t)
+ (funcall (if end 'match-end 'match-beginning)
+ (or group 0)))))
+ (t
+ (eval prefix))))
+ (if (and point
+ (integerp req)
+ (< (- current point) req))
+ (setq point nil))
+ (if point
+ (setq prefix-def prefix))))
+ if (equal prefix prefix-def) do (push source sources)
+ finally return
+ (and point (list prefix-def point (nreverse sources)))))
+(defun ac-init ()
+ "Initialize current sources to start completion."
+ (setq ac-candidates-cache nil)
+ (loop for source in ac-current-sources
+ for function = (assoc-default 'init source)
+ if function do
+ (save-excursion
+ (cond
+ ((functionp function)
+ (funcall function))
+ (t
+ (eval function))))))
+(defun ac-candidates-1 (source)
+ (let* ((do-cache (assq 'cache source))
+ (function (assoc-default 'candidates source))
+ (action (assoc-default 'action source))
+ (document (assoc-default 'document source))
+ (symbol (assoc-default 'symbol source))
+ (ac-limit (or (assoc-default 'limit source) ac-limit))
+ (face (or (assoc-default 'face source) (assoc-default 'candidate-face source)))
+ (selection-face (assoc-default 'selection-face source))
+ (cache (and do-cache (assq source ac-candidates-cache)))
+ (candidates (cdr cache)))
+ (unless cache
+ (setq candidates (save-excursion
+ (cond
+ ((functionp function)
+ (funcall function))
+ (t
+ (eval function)))))
+ ;; Convert (name value) format candidates into name with text properties.
+ (setq candidates (mapcar (lambda (candidate)
+ (if (consp candidate)
+ (propertize (car candidate) 'value (cdr candidate))
+ candidate))
+ candidates))
+ (when do-cache
+ (push (cons source candidates) ac-candidates-cache)))
+ (setq candidates (funcall (or (assoc-default 'match source)
+ ac-match-function)
+ ac-prefix candidates))
+ ;; Remove extra items regarding to ac-limit
+ (if (and (integerp ac-limit) (> ac-limit 1) (> (length candidates) ac-limit))
+ (setcdr (nthcdr (1- ac-limit) candidates) nil))
+ ;; Put candidate properties
+ (setq candidates (mapcar (lambda (candidate)
+ (popup-item-propertize candidate
+ 'action action
+ 'symbol symbol
+ 'document document
+ 'popup-face face
+ 'selection-face selection-face))
+ candidates))
+ candidates))
+(defun ac-candidates ()
+ "Produce candidates for current sources."
+ (loop with completion-ignore-case = (or (eq ac-ignore-case t)
+ (and (eq ac-ignore-case 'smart)
+ (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (not (string-match "[[:upper:]]" ac-prefix)))))
+ with case-fold-search = completion-ignore-case
+ with prefix-len = (length ac-prefix)
+ for source in ac-current-sources
+ append (ac-candidates-1 source) into candidates
+ finally return
+ (progn
+ (delete-dups candidates)
+ (if (and ac-use-comphist ac-comphist)
+ (if ac-show-menu
+ (let* ((pair (ac-comphist-sort ac-comphist candidates prefix-len ac-comphist-threshold))
+ (n (car pair))
+ (result (cdr pair))
+ (cons (if (> n 0) (nthcdr (1- n) result)))
+ (cdr (cdr cons)))
+ (if cons (setcdr cons nil))
+ (setq ac-common-part (try-completion ac-prefix result))
+ (setq ac-whole-common-part (try-completion ac-prefix candidates))
+ (if cons (setcdr cons cdr))
+ result)
+ (setq candidates (ac-comphist-sort ac-comphist candidates prefix-len))
+ (setq ac-common-part (if candidates (popup-x-to-string (car candidates))))
+ (setq ac-whole-common-part (try-completion ac-prefix candidates))
+ candidates)
+ (setq ac-common-part (try-completion ac-prefix candidates))
+ (setq ac-whole-common-part ac-common-part)
+ candidates))))
+(defun ac-update-candidates (cursor scroll-top)
+ "Update candidates of menu to `ac-candidates' and redraw it."
+ (setf (popup-cursor ac-menu) cursor
+ (popup-scroll-top ac-menu) scroll-top)
+ (setq ac-dwim-enable (= (length ac-candidates) 1))
+ (if ac-candidates
+ (progn
+ (setq ac-completing t)
+ (ac-activate-completing-map))
+ (setq ac-completing nil)
+ (ac-deactivate-completing-map))
+ (ac-inline-update)
+ (popup-set-list ac-menu ac-candidates)
+ (if (and (not ac-fuzzy-enable)
+ (<= (length ac-candidates) 1))
+ (popup-hide ac-menu)
+ (if ac-show-menu
+ (popup-draw ac-menu))))
+(defun ac-reposition ()
+ "Force to redraw candidate menu with current `ac-candidates'."
+ (let ((cursor (popup-cursor ac-menu))
+ (scroll-top (popup-scroll-top ac-menu)))
+ (ac-menu-delete)
+ (ac-menu-create ac-point (popup-preferred-width ac-candidates) (popup-height ac-menu))
+ (ac-update-candidates cursor scroll-top)))
+(defun ac-cleanup ()
+ "Cleanup auto completion."
+ (if ac-cursor-color
+ (set-cursor-color ac-cursor-color))
+ (when (and ac-use-comphist ac-comphist)
+ (when (and (null ac-selected-candidate)
+ (member ac-prefix ac-candidates))
+ ;; Assume candidate is selected by just typing
+ (setq ac-selected-candidate ac-prefix)
+ (setq ac-last-point ac-point))
+ (when ac-selected-candidate
+ (ac-comphist-add ac-comphist
+ ac-selected-candidate
+ (if ac-last-point
+ (- ac-last-point ac-point)
+ (length ac-prefix)))))
+ (ac-deactivate-completing-map)
+ (ac-remove-prefix-overlay)
+ (ac-remove-quick-help)
+ (ac-inline-delete)
+ (ac-menu-delete)
+ (ac-cancel-timer)
+ (ac-cancel-show-menu-timer)
+ (ac-cancel-quick-help-timer)
+ (setq ac-cursor-color nil
+ ac-inline nil
+ ac-show-menu nil
+ ac-menu nil
+ ac-completing nil
+ ac-point nil
+ ac-last-point nil
+ ac-prefix nil
+ ac-prefix-overlay nil
+ ac-selected-candidate nil
+ ac-common-part nil
+ ac-whole-common-part nil
+ ac-triggered nil
+ ac-limit nil
+ ac-candidates nil
+ ac-candidates-cache nil
+ ac-fuzzy-enable nil
+ ac-dwim-enable nil
+ ac-compiled-sources nil
+ ac-current-sources nil
+ ac-current-prefix-def nil
+ ac-ignoring-prefix-def nil))
+(defsubst ac-abort ()
+ "Abort completion."
+ (ac-cleanup))
+(defun ac-expand-string (string &optional remove-undo-boundary)
+ "Expand `STRING' into the buffer and update `ac-prefix' to `STRING'.
+This function records deletion and insertion sequences by `undo-boundary'.
+If `remove-undo-boundary' is non-nil, this function also removes `undo-boundary'
+that have been made before in this function."
+ (when (not (equal string (buffer-substring ac-point (point))))
+ (undo-boundary)
+ ;; We can't use primitive-undo since it undoes by
+ ;; groups, divided by boundaries.
+ ;; We don't want boundary between deletion and insertion.
+ ;; So do it manually.
+ ;; Delete region silently for undo:
+ (if remove-undo-boundary
+ (progn
+ (let (buffer-undo-list)
+ (save-excursion
+ (delete-region ac-point (point))))
+ (setq buffer-undo-list
+ (nthcdr 2 buffer-undo-list)))
+ (delete-region ac-point (point)))
+ (insert string)
+ ;; Sometimes, possible when omni-completion used, (insert) added
+ ;; to buffer-undo-list strange record about position changes.
+ ;; Delete it here:
+ (when (and remove-undo-boundary
+ (integerp (cadr buffer-undo-list)))
+ (setcdr buffer-undo-list (nthcdr 2 buffer-undo-list)))
+ (undo-boundary)
+ (setq ac-selected-candidate string)
+ (setq ac-prefix string)))
+(defun ac-set-trigger-key (key)
+ "Set `ac-trigger-key' to `KEY'. It is recommemded to use this function instead of calling `setq'."
+ ;; Remove old mapping
+ (when ac-trigger-key
+ (define-key ac-mode-map (read-kbd-macro ac-trigger-key) nil))
+ ;; Make new mapping
+ (setq ac-trigger-key key)
+ (when key
+ (define-key ac-mode-map (read-kbd-macro key) 'ac-trigger-key-command)))
+(defun ac-set-timer ()
+ (unless ac-timer
+ (setq ac-timer (run-with-idle-timer ac-delay ac-delay 'ac-update-greedy))))
+(defun ac-cancel-timer ()
+ (when (timerp ac-timer)
+ (cancel-timer ac-timer)
+ (setq ac-timer nil)))
+(defun ac-update (&optional force)
+ (when (and auto-complete-mode
+ ac-prefix
+ (or ac-triggered
+ force)
+ (not isearch-mode))
+ (ac-put-prefix-overlay)
+ (setq ac-candidates (ac-candidates))
+ (let ((preferred-width (popup-preferred-width ac-candidates)))
+ ;; Reposition if needed
+ (when (or (null ac-menu)
+ (>= (popup-width ac-menu) preferred-width)
+ (<= (popup-width ac-menu) (- preferred-width 10))
+ (and (> (popup-direction ac-menu) 0)
+ (ac-menu-at-wrapper-line-p)))
+ (ac-inline-hide) ; Hide overlay to calculate correct column
+ (ac-menu-delete)
+ (ac-menu-create ac-point preferred-width ac-menu-height)))
+ (ac-update-candidates 0 0)
+ t))
+(defun ac-update-greedy (&optional force)
+ (let (result)
+ (while (when (and (setq result (ac-update force))
+ (null ac-candidates))
+ (add-to-list 'ac-ignoring-prefix-def ac-current-prefix-def)
+ (ac-start :force-init t)
+ ac-current-prefix-def))
+ result))
+(defun ac-set-show-menu-timer ()
+ (when (and (or (integerp ac-auto-show-menu) (floatp ac-auto-show-menu))
+ (null ac-show-menu-timer))
+ (setq ac-show-menu-timer (run-with-idle-timer ac-auto-show-menu ac-auto-show-menu 'ac-show-menu))))
+(defun ac-cancel-show-menu-timer ()
+ (when (timerp ac-show-menu-timer)
+ (cancel-timer ac-show-menu-timer)
+ (setq ac-show-menu-timer nil)))
+(defun ac-show-menu ()
+ (when (not (eq ac-show-menu t))
+ (setq ac-show-menu t)
+ (ac-inline-hide)
+ (ac-remove-quick-help)
+ (ac-update t)))
+(defun ac-help (&optional persist)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (when ac-menu
+ (popup-menu-show-help ac-menu persist)))
+(defun ac-persist-help ()
+ (interactive)
+ (ac-help t))
+(defun ac-last-help (&optional persist)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (when ac-last-completion
+ (popup-item-show-help (cdr ac-last-completion) persist)))
+(defun ac-last-persist-help ()
+ (interactive)
+ (ac-last-help t))
+(defun ac-set-quick-help-timer ()
+ (when (and ac-use-quick-help
+ (null ac-quick-help-timer))
+ (setq ac-quick-help-timer (run-with-idle-timer ac-quick-help-delay ac-quick-help-delay 'ac-quick-help))))
+(defun ac-cancel-quick-help-timer ()
+ (when (timerp ac-quick-help-timer)
+ (cancel-timer ac-quick-help-timer)
+ (setq ac-quick-help-timer nil)))
+(defun ac-pos-tip-show-quick-help (menu &optional item &rest args)
+ (let* ((point (plist-get args :point))
+ (around nil)
+ (parent-offset (popup-offset menu))
+ (doc (popup-menu-documentation menu item)))
+ (when (stringp doc)
+ (if (popup-hidden-p menu)
+ (setq around t)
+ (setq point nil))
+ (with-no-warnings
+ (pos-tip-show doc
+ 'popup-tip-face
+ (or point
+ (and menu
+ (popup-child-point menu parent-offset))
+ (point))
+ nil 0
+ popup-tip-max-width
+ nil nil
+ (and (not around) 0))
+ (unless (plist-get args :nowait)
+ (clear-this-command-keys)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (push (read-event (plist-get args :prompt)) unread-command-events)
+ (pos-tip-hide))
+ t)))))
+(defun ac-quick-help (&optional force)
+ (interactive)
+ (when (and (or force (null this-command))
+ (ac-menu-live-p)
+ (null ac-quick-help))
+ (setq ac-quick-help
+ (funcall (if (and ac-quick-help-prefer-x
+ (eq window-system 'x)
+ (featurep 'pos-tip))
+ 'ac-pos-tip-show-quick-help
+ 'popup-menu-show-quick-help)
+ ac-menu nil
+ :point ac-point
+ :height ac-quick-help-height
+ :nowait t))))
+(defun ac-remove-quick-help ()
+ (when ac-quick-help
+ (popup-delete ac-quick-help)
+ (setq ac-quick-help nil)))
+(defun ac-last-quick-help ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when (and ac-last-completion
+ (eq (marker-buffer (car ac-last-completion))
+ (current-buffer)))
+ (let ((doc (popup-item-documentation (cdr ac-last-completion)))
+ (point (marker-position (car ac-last-completion))))
+ (when (stringp doc)
+ (if (and ac-quick-help-prefer-x
+ (eq window-system 'x)
+ (featurep 'pos-tip))
+ (with-no-warnings (pos-tip-show doc nil point nil 0))
+ (popup-tip doc
+ :point point
+ :around t
+ :scroll-bar t
+ :margin t))))))
+(defmacro ac-define-quick-help-command (name arglist &rest body)
+ (declare (indent 2))
+ `(progn
+ (defun ,name ,arglist ,@body)
+ (put ',name 'ac-quick-help-command t)))
+(ac-define-quick-help-command ac-quick-help-scroll-down ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when ac-quick-help
+ (popup-scroll-down ac-quick-help)))
+(ac-define-quick-help-command ac-quick-help-scroll-up ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when ac-quick-help
+ (popup-scroll-up ac-quick-help)))
+;;;; Auto completion isearch
+(defun ac-isearch-callback (list)
+ (setq ac-dwim-enable (eq (length list) 1)))
+(defun ac-isearch ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when (ac-menu-live-p)
+ (ac-cancel-show-menu-timer)
+ (ac-cancel-quick-help-timer)
+ (ac-show-menu)
+ (popup-isearch ac-menu :callback 'ac-isearch-callback)))
+;;;; Auto completion commands
+(defun auto-complete (&optional sources)
+ "Start auto-completion at current point."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((menu-live (ac-menu-live-p))
+ (inline-live (ac-inline-live-p)))
+ (ac-abort)
+ (let ((ac-sources (or sources ac-sources)))
+ (if (or ac-show-menu-immediately-on-auto-complete
+ inline-live)
+ (setq ac-show-menu t))
+ (ac-start))
+ (when (ac-update-greedy t)
+ ;; TODO Not to cause inline completion to be disrupted.
+ (if (ac-inline-live-p)
+ (ac-inline-hide))
+ ;; Not to expand when it is first time to complete
+ (when (and (or (and (not ac-expand-on-auto-complete)
+ (> (length ac-candidates) 1)
+ (not menu-live))
+ (not (let ((ac-common-part ac-whole-common-part))
+ (ac-expand-common))))
+ ac-use-fuzzy
+ (null ac-candidates))
+ (ac-fuzzy-complete)))))
+(defun ac-fuzzy-complete ()
+ "Start fuzzy completion at current point."
+ (interactive)
+ (when (require 'fuzzy nil)
+ (unless (ac-menu-live-p)
+ (ac-start))
+ (let ((ac-match-function 'fuzzy-all-completions))
+ (unless ac-cursor-color
+ (setq ac-cursor-color (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'cursor-color)))
+ (if ac-fuzzy-cursor-color
+ (set-cursor-color ac-fuzzy-cursor-color))
+ (setq ac-show-menu t)
+ (setq ac-fuzzy-enable t)
+ (setq ac-triggered nil)
+ (ac-update t)))
+ t)
+(defun ac-next ()
+ "Select next candidate."
+ (interactive)
+ (when (ac-menu-live-p)
+ (popup-next ac-menu)
+ (setq ac-show-menu t)
+ (if (eq this-command 'ac-next)
+ (setq ac-dwim-enable t))))
+(defun ac-previous ()
+ "Select previous candidate."
+ (interactive)
+ (when (ac-menu-live-p)
+ (popup-previous ac-menu)
+ (setq ac-show-menu t)
+ (if (eq this-command 'ac-previous)
+ (setq ac-dwim-enable t))))
+(defun ac-expand ()
+ "Try expand, and if expanded twice, select next candidate."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless (ac-expand-common)
+ (let ((string (ac-selected-candidate)))
+ (when string
+ (when (equal ac-prefix string)
+ (ac-next)
+ (setq string (ac-selected-candidate)))
+ (ac-expand-string string (eq last-command this-command))
+ ;; Do reposition if menu at long line
+ (if (and (> (popup-direction ac-menu) 0)
+ (ac-menu-at-wrapper-line-p))
+ (ac-reposition))
+ (setq ac-show-menu t)
+ string))))
+(defun ac-expand-common ()
+ "Try to expand meaningful common part."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (and ac-dwim ac-dwim-enable)
+ (ac-complete)
+ (when (and (ac-inline-live-p)
+ ac-common-part)
+ (ac-inline-hide)
+ (ac-expand-string ac-common-part (eq last-command this-command))
+ (setq ac-common-part nil)
+ t)))
+(defun ac-complete ()
+ "Try complete."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((candidate (ac-selected-candidate))
+ (action (popup-item-property candidate 'action))
+ (fallback nil))
+ (when candidate
+ (unless (ac-expand-string candidate)
+ (setq fallback t))
+ ;; Remember to show help later
+ (when (and ac-point candidate)
+ (unless ac-last-completion
+ (setq ac-last-completion (cons (make-marker) nil)))
+ (set-marker (car ac-last-completion) ac-point ac-buffer)
+ (setcdr ac-last-completion candidate)))
+ (ac-abort)
+ (cond
+ (action
+ (funcall action))
+ (fallback
+ (ac-fallback-command)))
+ candidate))
+(defun* ac-start (&key
+ requires
+ force-init)
+ "Start completion."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (not auto-complete-mode)
+ (message "auto-complete-mode is not enabled")
+ (let* ((info (ac-prefix requires ac-ignoring-prefix-def))
+ (prefix-def (nth 0 info))
+ (point (nth 1 info))
+ (sources (nth 2 info))
+ prefix
+ (init (or force-init (not (eq ac-point point)))))
+ (if (or (null point)
+ (member (setq prefix (buffer-substring-no-properties point (point)))
+ ac-ignores))
+ (prog1 nil
+ (ac-abort))
+ (unless ac-cursor-color
+ (setq ac-cursor-color (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'cursor-color)))
+ (setq ac-show-menu (or ac-show-menu (if (eq ac-auto-show-menu t) t))
+ ac-current-sources sources
+ ac-buffer (current-buffer)
+ ac-point point
+ ac-prefix prefix
+ ac-limit ac-candidate-limit
+ ac-triggered t
+ ac-current-prefix-def prefix-def)
+ (when (or init (null ac-prefix-overlay))
+ (ac-init))
+ (ac-set-timer)
+ (ac-set-show-menu-timer)
+ (ac-set-quick-help-timer)
+ (ac-put-prefix-overlay)))))
+(defun ac-stop ()
+ "Stop completiong."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq ac-selected-candidate nil)
+ (ac-abort))
+(defun ac-trigger-key-command (&optional force)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (or force (ac-trigger-command-p last-command))
+ (auto-complete)
+ (ac-fallback-command 'ac-trigger-key-command)))
+;;;; Basic cache facility
+(defvar ac-clear-variables-every-minute-timer nil)
+(defvar ac-clear-variables-after-save nil)
+(defvar ac-clear-variables-every-minute nil)
+(defvar ac-minutes-counter 0)
+(defun ac-clear-variable-after-save (variable &optional pred)
+ (add-to-list 'ac-clear-variables-after-save (cons variable pred)))
+(defun ac-clear-variables-after-save ()
+ (dolist (pair ac-clear-variables-after-save)
+ (if (or (null (cdr pair))
+ (funcall (cdr pair)))
+ (set (car pair) nil))))
+(defun ac-clear-variable-every-minutes (variable minutes)
+ (add-to-list 'ac-clear-variables-every-minute (cons variable minutes)))
+(defun ac-clear-variable-every-minute (variable)
+ (ac-clear-variable-every-minutes variable 1))
+(defun ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes (variable)
+ (ac-clear-variable-every-minutes variable 10))
+(defun ac-clear-variables-every-minute ()
+ (incf ac-minutes-counter)
+ (dolist (pair ac-clear-variables-every-minute)
+ (if (eq (% ac-minutes-counter (cdr pair)) 0)
+ (set (car pair) nil))))
+;;;; Auto complete mode
+(defun ac-cursor-on-diable-face-p (&optional point)
+ (memq (get-text-property (or point (point)) 'face) ac-disable-faces))
+(defun ac-trigger-command-p (command)
+ "Return non-nil if `COMMAND' is a trigger command."
+ (and (symbolp command)
+ (or (memq command ac-trigger-commands)
+ (string-match "self-insert-command" (symbol-name command))
+ (string-match "electric" (symbol-name command)))))
+(defun ac-fallback-command (&optional except-command)
+ (let* ((auto-complete-mode nil)
+ (keys (this-command-keys-vector))
+ (command (if keys (key-binding keys))))
+ (when (and (commandp command)
+ (not (eq command except-command)))
+ (setq this-command command)
+ (call-interactively command))))
+(defun ac-compatible-package-command-p (command)
+ "Return non-nil if `COMMAND' is compatible with auto-complete."
+ (and (symbolp command)
+ (string-match ac-compatible-packages-regexp (symbol-name command))))
+(defun ac-handle-pre-command ()
+ (condition-case var
+ (if (or (setq ac-triggered (and (not ac-fuzzy-enable) ; ignore key storkes in fuzzy mode
+ (or (eq this-command 'auto-complete) ; special case
+ (ac-trigger-command-p this-command)
+ (and ac-completing
+ (memq this-command ac-trigger-commands-on-completing)))
+ (not (ac-cursor-on-diable-face-p))))
+ (ac-compatible-package-command-p this-command))
+ (progn
+ (if (or (not (symbolp this-command))
+ (not (get this-command 'ac-quick-help-command)))
+ (ac-remove-quick-help))
+ ;; Not to cause inline completion to be disrupted.
+ (ac-inline-hide))
+ (ac-abort))
+ (error (ac-error var))))
+(defun ac-handle-post-command ()
+ (condition-case var
+ (when (and ac-triggered
+ (or ac-auto-start
+ ac-completing)
+ (not isearch-mode))
+ (setq ac-last-point (point))
+ (ac-start :requires (unless ac-completing ac-auto-start))
+ (ac-inline-update))
+ (error (ac-error var))))
+(defun ac-setup ()
+ (if ac-trigger-key
+ (ac-set-trigger-key ac-trigger-key))
+ (if ac-use-comphist
+ (ac-comphist-init))
+ (unless ac-clear-variables-every-minute-timer
+ (setq ac-clear-variables-every-minute-timer (run-with-timer 60 60 'ac-clear-variables-every-minute)))
+ (if ac-stop-flymake-on-completing
+ (defadvice flymake-on-timer-event (around ac-flymake-stop-advice activate)
+ (unless ac-completing
+ ad-do-it))
+ (ad-disable-advice 'flymake-on-timer-event 'around 'ac-flymake-stop-advice)))
+(define-minor-mode auto-complete-mode
+ "AutoComplete mode"
+ :lighter " AC"
+ :keymap ac-mode-map
+ :group 'auto-complete
+ (if auto-complete-mode
+ (progn
+ (ac-setup)
+ (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'ac-handle-pre-command nil t)
+ (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'ac-handle-post-command nil t)
+ (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'ac-clear-variables-after-save nil t)
+ (run-hooks 'auto-complete-mode-hook))
+ (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'ac-handle-pre-command t)
+ (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'ac-handle-post-command t)
+ (remove-hook 'after-save-hook 'ac-clear-variables-after-save t)
+ (ac-abort)))
+(defun auto-complete-mode-maybe ()
+ "What buffer `auto-complete-mode' prefers."
+ (if (and (not (minibufferp (current-buffer)))
+ (memq major-mode ac-modes))
+ (auto-complete-mode 1)))
+(define-global-minor-mode global-auto-complete-mode
+ auto-complete-mode auto-complete-mode-maybe
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+;;;; Compatibilities with other extensions
+(defun ac-flyspell-workaround ()
+ "Flyspell uses `sit-for' for delaying its process. Unfortunatelly,
+it stops auto completion which is trigger with `run-with-idle-timer'.
+This workaround avoid flyspell processes when auto completion is being started."
+ (interactive)
+ (defadvice flyspell-post-command-hook (around ac-flyspell-workaround activate)
+ (unless ac-triggered
+ ad-do-it)))
+;;;; Standard sources
+(defmacro ac-define-source (name source)
+ "Source definition macro. It defines a complete command also."
+ (declare (indent 1))
+ `(progn
+ (defvar ,(intern (format "ac-source-%s" name))
+ ,source)
+ (defun ,(intern (format "ac-complete-%s" name)) ()
+ (interactive)
+ (auto-complete '(,(intern (format "ac-source-%s" name)))))))
+;; Words in buffer source
+(defvar ac-word-index nil)
+(defun ac-candidate-words-in-buffer (point prefix limit)
+ (let ((i 0)
+ candidate
+ candidates
+ (regexp (concat "\\_<" (regexp-quote prefix) "\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\_>")))
+ (save-excursion
+ ;; Search backward
+ (goto-char point)
+ (while (and (or (not (integerp limit)) (< i limit))
+ (re-search-backward regexp nil t))
+ (setq candidate (match-string-no-properties 0))
+ (unless (member candidate candidates)
+ (push candidate candidates)
+ (incf i)))
+ ;; Search backward
+ (goto-char (+ point (length prefix)))
+ (while (and (or (not (integerp limit)) (< i limit))
+ (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+ (setq candidate (match-string-no-properties 0))
+ (unless (member candidate candidates)
+ (push candidate candidates)
+ (incf i)))
+ (nreverse candidates))))
+(defun ac-incremental-update-word-index ()
+ (unless (local-variable-p 'ac-word-index)
+ (make-local-variable 'ac-word-index))
+ (if (null ac-word-index)
+ (setq ac-word-index (cons nil nil)))
+ ;; Mark incomplete
+ (if (car ac-word-index)
+ (setcar ac-word-index nil))
+ (let ((index (cdr ac-word-index))
+ (words (ac-candidate-words-in-buffer ac-point ac-prefix (or (and (integerp ac-limit) ac-limit) 10))))
+ (dolist (word words)
+ (unless (member word index)
+ (push word index)
+ (setcdr ac-word-index index)))))
+(defun ac-update-word-index-1 ()
+ (unless (local-variable-p 'ac-word-index)
+ (make-local-variable 'ac-word-index))
+ (when (and (not (car ac-word-index))
+ (< (buffer-size) 1048576))
+ ;; Complete index
+ (setq ac-word-index
+ (cons t
+ (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))
+ "\\(?:^\\|\\_>\\).*?\\(?:\\_<\\|$\\)")))))
+(defun ac-update-word-index ()
+ (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
+ (when (or ac-fuzzy-enable
+ (not (eq buffer (current-buffer))))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (ac-update-word-index-1)))))
+(defun ac-word-candidates (&optional buffer-pred)
+ (loop initially (unless ac-fuzzy-enable (ac-incremental-update-word-index))
+ for buffer in (buffer-list)
+ if (and (or (not (integerp ac-limit)) (< (length candidates) ac-limit))
+ (if buffer-pred (funcall buffer-pred buffer) t))
+ append (funcall ac-match-function
+ ac-prefix
+ (and (local-variable-p 'ac-word-index buffer)
+ (cdr (buffer-local-value 'ac-word-index buffer))))
+ into candidates
+ finally return candidates))
+(ac-define-source words-in-buffer
+ '((candidates . ac-word-candidates)))
+(ac-define-source words-in-all-buffer
+ '((init . ac-update-word-index)
+ (candidates . ac-word-candidates)))
+(ac-define-source words-in-same-mode-buffers
+ '((init . ac-update-word-index)
+ (candidates . (ac-word-candidates
+ (lambda (buffer)
+ (derived-mode-p (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buffer)))))))
+;; Lisp symbols source
+(defvar ac-symbols-cache nil)
+(ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes 'ac-symbols-cache)
+(defun ac-symbol-file (symbol type)
+ (if (fboundp 'find-lisp-object-file-name)
+ (find-lisp-object-file-name symbol type)
+ (let ((file-name (with-no-warnings
+ (describe-simplify-lib-file-name
+ (symbol-file symbol type)))))
+ (when (equal file-name "loaddefs.el")
+ ;; Find the real def site of the preloaded object.
+ (let ((location (condition-case nil
+ (if (eq type 'defun)
+ (find-function-search-for-symbol symbol nil
+ "loaddefs.el")
+ (find-variable-noselect symbol file-name))
+ (error nil))))
+ (when location
+ (with-current-buffer (car location)
+ (when (cdr location)
+ (goto-char (cdr location)))
+ (when (re-search-backward
+ "^;;; Generated autoloads from \\(.*\\)" nil t)
+ (setq file-name (match-string 1)))))))
+ (if (and (null file-name)
+ (or (eq type 'defun)
+ (integerp (get symbol 'variable-documentation))))
+ ;; It's a object not defined in Elisp but in C.
+ (if (get-buffer " *DOC*")
+ (if (eq type 'defun)
+ (help-C-file-name (symbol-function symbol) 'subr)
+ (help-C-file-name symbol 'var))
+ 'C-source)
+ file-name))))
+(defun ac-symbol-documentation (symbol)
+ (if (stringp symbol)
+ (setq symbol (intern-soft symbol)))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+ (prin1 symbol)
+ (princ " is ")
+ (cond
+ ((fboundp symbol)
+ (let ((help-xref-following t))
+ (describe-function-1 symbol))
+ (buffer-string))
+ ((boundp symbol)
+ (let ((file-name (ac-symbol-file symbol 'defvar)))
+ (princ "a variable")
+ (when file-name
+ (princ " defined in `")
+ (princ (if (eq file-name 'C-source)
+ "C source code"
+ (file-name-nondirectory file-name))))
+ (princ "'.\n\n")
+ (princ (or (documentation-property symbol 'variable-documentation t)
+ "Not documented."))
+ (buffer-string)))
+ ((facep symbol)
+ (let ((file-name (ac-symbol-file symbol 'defface)))
+ (princ "a face")
+ (when file-name
+ (princ " defined in `")
+ (princ (if (eq file-name 'C-source)
+ "C source code"
+ (file-name-nondirectory file-name))))
+ (princ "'.\n\n")
+ (princ (or (documentation-property symbol 'face-documentation t)
+ "Not documented."))
+ (buffer-string)))
+ (t
+ (let ((doc (documentation-property symbol 'group-documentation t)))
+ (when doc
+ (princ "a group.\n\n")
+ (princ doc)
+ (buffer-string)))))))))
+(defun ac-symbol-candidates ()
+ (or ac-symbols-cache
+ (setq ac-symbols-cache
+ (loop for x being the symbols
+ if (or (fboundp x)
+ (boundp x)
+ (symbol-plist x))
+ collect (symbol-name x)))))
+(ac-define-source symbols
+ '((candidates . ac-symbol-candidates)
+ (document . ac-symbol-documentation)
+ (symbol . "s")
+ (cache)))
+;; Lisp functions source
+(defvar ac-functions-cache nil)
+(ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes 'ac-functions-cache)
+(defun ac-function-candidates ()
+ (or ac-functions-cache
+ (setq ac-functions-cache
+ (loop for x being the symbols
+ if (fboundp x)
+ collect (symbol-name x)))))
+(ac-define-source functions
+ '((candidates . ac-function-candidates)
+ (document . ac-symbol-documentation)
+ (symbol . "f")
+ (prefix . "(\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)")
+ (cache)))
+;; Lisp variables source
+(defvar ac-variables-cache nil)
+(ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes 'ac-variables-cache)
+(defun ac-variable-candidates ()
+ (or ac-variables-cache
+ (setq ac-variables-cache
+ (loop for x being the symbols
+ if (boundp x)
+ collect (symbol-name x)))))
+(ac-define-source variables
+ '((candidates . ac-variable-candidates)
+ (document . ac-symbol-documentation)
+ (symbol . "v")
+ (cache)))
+;; Lisp features source
+(defvar ac-emacs-lisp-features nil)
+(ac-clear-variable-every-10-minutes 'ac-emacs-lisp-features)
+(defun ac-emacs-lisp-feature-candidates ()
+ (or ac-emacs-lisp-features
+ (if (fboundp 'find-library-suffixes)
+ (let ((suffix (concat (regexp-opt (find-library-suffixes) t) "\\'")))
+ (setq ac-emacs-lisp-features
+ (append (mapcar 'prin1-to-string features)
+ (loop for dir in load-path
+ if (file-directory-p dir)
+ append (loop for file in (directory-files dir)
+ if (string-match suffix file)
+ collect (substring file 0 (match-beginning 0))))))))))
+(ac-define-source features
+ '((depends find-func)
+ (candidates . ac-emacs-lisp-feature-candidates)
+ (prefix . "require +'\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)*\\)")
+ (requires . 0)))
+(defvaralias 'ac-source-emacs-lisp-features 'ac-source-features)
+;; Abbrev source
+(ac-define-source abbrev
+ '((candidates . (mapcar 'popup-x-to-string (append (vconcat local-abbrev-table global-abbrev-table) nil)))
+ (action . expand-abbrev)
+ (symbol . "a")
+ (cache)))
+;; Files in current directory source
+(ac-define-source files-in-current-dir
+ '((candidates . (directory-files default-directory))
+ (cache)))
+;; Filename source
+(defvar ac-filename-cache nil)
+(defun ac-filename-candidate ()
+ (unless (file-regular-p ac-prefix)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (loop with dir = (file-name-directory ac-prefix)
+ with files = (or (assoc-default dir ac-filename-cache)
+ (let ((files (directory-files dir nil "^[^.]")))
+ (push (cons dir files) ac-filename-cache)
+ files))
+ for file in files
+ for path = (concat dir file)
+ collect (if (file-directory-p path)
+ (concat path "/")
+ path)))))
+(ac-define-source filename
+ '((init . (setq ac-filename-cache nil))
+ (candidates . ac-filename-candidate)
+ (prefix . valid-file)
+ (requires . 0)
+ (action . ac-start)
+ (limit . nil)))
+;; Dictionary source
+(defcustom ac-user-dictionary nil
+ "User dictionary"
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-user-dictionary-files '("~/.dict")
+ "User dictionary files."
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defcustom ac-dictionary-directories nil
+ "Dictionary directories."
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'auto-complete)
+(defvar ac-dictionary nil)
+(defvar ac-dictionary-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defun ac-clear-dictionary-cache ()
+ (interactive)
+ (clrhash ac-dictionary-cache))
+(defun ac-read-file-dictionary (filename)
+ (let ((cache (gethash filename ac-dictionary-cache 'none)))
+ (if (and cache (not (eq cache 'none)))
+ cache
+ (let (result)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents filename)
+ (setq result (split-string (buffer-string) "\n"))))
+ (puthash filename result ac-dictionary-cache)
+ result))))
+(defun ac-buffer-dictionary ()
+ (apply 'append
+ (mapcar 'ac-read-file-dictionary
+ (mapcar (lambda (name)
+ (loop for dir in ac-dictionary-directories
+ for file = (concat dir "/" name)
+ if (file-exists-p file)
+ return file))
+ (list (symbol-name major-mode)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name))))))))
+(defun ac-dictionary-candidates ()
+ (apply 'append `(,ac-user-dictionary
+ ,(ac-buffer-dictionary)
+ ,@(mapcar 'ac-read-file-dictionary
+ ac-user-dictionary-files))))
+(ac-define-source dictionary
+ '((candidates . ac-dictionary-candidates)
+ (symbol . "d")))
+(provide 'auto-complete)
+;;; auto-complete.el ends here
diff --git a/.emacs.d/auto-complete.elc b/.emacs.d/auto-complete.elc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b0e44d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/auto-complete.elc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/.emacs.d/color-theme-vibrant-ink.el b/.emacs.d/color-theme-vibrant-ink.el
deleted file mode 100644
index dee8c6a..0000000
--- a/.emacs.d/color-theme-vibrant-ink.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-(require 'color-theme)
-;; vibrant-ink color theme
-(defun color-theme-vibrant-ink ()
- (interactive)
- (color-theme-install
- '(color-theme-ryrobes
- ((background-color . "#000000")
- (background-mode . dark)
- (border-color . "#000000")
- (cursor-color . "#FFFFFF")
- (foreground-color . "#FFFFFF")
- (mouse-color . "#FFFFFF"))
- (font-lock-comment-face ((t (:foreground "#9933CC" :italic t))))
- (font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground "#FF6600"))))
- (font-lock-type-face ((t (:foreground "#FFCC00"))))
- (font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "#66FF00")))))))
-(provide 'color-theme-vibrant-ink)
diff --git a/.emacs.d/fuzzy.el b/.emacs.d/fuzzy.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c69150a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/fuzzy.el
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+;;; fuzzy.el --- Fuzzy matching utilities
+;; Copyright (C) 2010 Tomohiro Matsuyama
+;; Author: Tomohiro Matsuyama <>
+;; Keywords: convenience
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+ (require 'cl))
+(require 'regexp-opt)
+(defgroup fuzzy nil
+ "Fuzzy matching utilities."
+ :group 'convenience
+ :prefix "fuzzy-")
+(defcustom fuzzy-accept-error-rate 0.10
+ "Error threshold."
+ :group 'fuzzy)
+(defvar fuzzy-accept-length-difference 2)
+(defvar fuzzy-regexp-some-char (format "\\w\\{0,%s\\}" fuzzy-accept-length-difference))
+;;; Functions
+(defun fuzzy-reverse-string (string)
+ (apply 'string (nreverse (append string nil))))
+(defun fuzzy-regexp-compile (string)
+ (labels ((oddp (n) (eq (logand n 1) 1))
+ (evenp (n) (eq (logand n 1) 0))
+ (opt (n) (regexp-opt-charset (append (substring string
+ (max 0 (- n 1))
+ (min (length string) (+ n 2))) nil))))
+ (concat
+ "\\("
+ (loop for i below (length string)
+ for c = (if (evenp i) (opt i) fuzzy-regexp-some-char)
+ concat c)
+ "\\|"
+ (loop for i below (length string)
+ for c = (if (oddp i) (opt i) fuzzy-regexp-some-char)
+ concat c)
+ "\\)")))
+(defalias 'fuzzy-edit-distance 'fuzzy-jaro-winkler-distance)
+(defun fuzzy-jaro-winkler-distance (s1 s2)
+ ""
+ (let* ((l1 (length s1))
+ (l2 (length s2))
+ (r (max 1 (1- (/ (max l1 l2) 2))))
+ (m 0)
+ (tr 0)
+ (p 0)
+ cs1 cs2)
+ (loop with seen = (make-vector l2 nil)
+ for i below l1
+ for c1 = (aref s1 i) do
+ (loop for j from (max 0 (- i r)) below (min l2 (+ i r))
+ for c2 = (aref s2 j)
+ if (and (char-equal c1 c2)
+ (null (aref seen j))) do
+ (push c1 cs1)
+ (aset seen j c2)
+ (incf m)
+ and return nil)
+ finally
+ (setq cs1 (nreverse cs1)
+ cs2 (loop for i below l2
+ for c = (aref seen i)
+ if c collect c)))
+ (loop for c1 in cs1
+ for c2 in cs2
+ if (not (char-equal c1 c2)) do
+ (incf tr))
+ (loop for i below (min m 5)
+ for c1 across s1
+ for c2 across s2
+ while (char-equal c1 c2) do
+ (incf p))
+ (if (eq m 0)
+ 0.0
+ (setq m (float m))
+ (let* ((dj (/ (+ (/ m l1) (/ m l2) (/ (- m (/ tr 2)) m)) 3))
+ (dw (+ dj (* p 0.1 (- 1 dj)))))
+ dw))))
+;; this function should be compiled
+(byte-compile 'fuzzy-jaro-winkler-distance)
+(defun fuzzy-match (s1 s2 &optional function)
+ (or function (setq function 'fuzzy-edit-distance))
+ (and (<= (abs (- (length s1) (length s2)))
+ fuzzy-accept-length-difference)
+ (>= (funcall function s1 s2)
+ (- 1 fuzzy-accept-error-rate))))
+(defun fuzzy-all-completions (string collection)
+ "all-completions family with fuzzy matching."
+ (loop with length = (length string)
+ for str in collection
+ for s = (substring str 0 (min (length str)
+ (+ length fuzzy-accept-length-difference)))
+ if (fuzzy-match string s)
+ collect str))
+;;; Search and Incremental Search
+(defvar fuzzy-search-cache nil)
+(defvar fuzzy-search-cache-string nil)
+(defun fuzzy-search-cache-activate ()
+ (setq fuzzy-search-cache (make-hash-table))
+ (setq fuzzy-search-cache-string nil))
+(defun fuzzy-search-cache-deactive ()
+ (setq fuzzy-search-cache nil)
+ (setq fuzzy-search-cache-string nil))
+(defun fuzzy-search-edit-distance (s1 s2)
+ (or (and fuzzy-search-cache
+ (cond
+ ((null fuzzy-search-cache-string)
+ (setq fuzzy-search-cache-string s1)
+ nil)
+ ((not (equal fuzzy-search-cache-string s1))
+ (setq fuzzy-search-cache-string s1)
+ (clrhash fuzzy-search-cache)
+ nil)
+ (t))
+ (gethash s2 fuzzy-search-cache))
+ (let ((d (fuzzy-edit-distance s1 s2)))
+ (if fuzzy-search-cache
+ (puthash s2 d fuzzy-search-cache))
+ d)))
+(defun fuzzy-search-match (s1 s2)
+ (fuzzy-match s1 s2 'fuzzy-search-edit-distance))
+(defun fuzzy-search-forward (string &optional bound noerror count)
+ (let* ((regexp (fuzzy-regexp-compile string))
+ match-data)
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (and (null match-data)
+ (re-search-forward regexp bound t))
+ (if (fuzzy-search-match string (match-string 1))
+ (setq match-data (match-data))
+ (goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 1))))))
+ (when match-data
+ (store-match-data match-data)
+ (goto-char (match-end 1)))))
+(defun fuzzy-search-backward (string &optional bound noerror count)
+ (let* ((regexp (fuzzy-regexp-compile string))
+ match-data begin end)
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (and (null match-data)
+ (re-search-backward regexp bound t))
+ (setq begin (match-beginning 1)
+ end (match-end 1))
+ (store-match-data nil)
+ (goto-char (max (point-min) (- begin (* (length string) 2))))
+ (while (re-search-forward regexp end t)
+ (if (fuzzy-search-match string (match-string 1))
+ (setq match-data (match-data))
+ (goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 1)))))
+ (unless match-data
+ (goto-char begin)))
+ (if match-data
+ (progn
+ (store-match-data match-data)
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 1)))
+ (store-match-data nil)))))
+(defvar fuzzy-isearch nil)
+(defvar fuzzy-isearch-failed-count 0)
+(defvar fuzzy-isearch-enabled 'on-failed)
+(defvar fuzzy-isearch-original-search-fun nil)
+(defvar fuzzy-isearch-prefix "[FUZZY] ")
+(defun fuzzy-isearch-activate ()
+ (setq fuzzy-isearch t)
+ (setq fuzzy-isearch-failed-count 0)
+ (fuzzy-search-cache-activate))
+(defun fuzzy-isearch-deactivate ()
+ (setq fuzzy-isearch nil)
+ (setq fuzzy-isearch-failed-count 0)
+ (fuzzy-search-cache-deactive))
+(defun fuzzy-isearch ()
+ (cond (isearch-word
+ (if isearch-forward 'word-search-forward 'word-search-backward))
+ (isearch-regexp
+ (if isearch-forward 're-search-forward 're-search-backward))
+ ((or fuzzy-isearch
+ (eq fuzzy-isearch-enabled 'always)
+ (and (eq fuzzy-isearch-enabled 'on-failed)
+ (null isearch-success)
+ isearch-wrapped
+ (> (setq fuzzy-isearch-failed-count (1+ fuzzy-isearch-failed-count))
+ 1)))
+ (unless fuzzy-isearch
+ ;(goto-char isearch-opoint)
+ (fuzzy-isearch-activate))
+ (if isearch-forward 'fuzzy-search-forward 'fuzzy-search-backward))
+ (t
+ (if isearch-forward 'search-forward 'search-backward))))
+(defun fuzzy-isearch-end-hook ()
+ (fuzzy-isearch-deactivate))
+(defun turn-on-fuzzy-isearch ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq fuzzy-isearch-original-search-fun isearch-search-fun-function)
+ (setq isearch-search-fun-function 'fuzzy-isearch)
+ (add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook 'fuzzy-isearch-end-hook))
+(defun turn-off-fuzzy-isearch ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq isearch-search-fun-function fuzzy-isearch-original-search-fun)
+ (remove-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook 'fuzzy-isearch-end-hook))
+(defadvice isearch-message-prefix (after fuzzy-isearch-message-prefix activate)
+ (if fuzzy-isearch
+ (setq ad-return-value (concat fuzzy-isearch-prefix ad-return-value))
+ ad-return-value))
+(provide 'fuzzy)
+;;; fuzzy.el ends here
diff --git a/.emacs.d/fuzzy.elc b/.emacs.d/fuzzy.elc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef35d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/fuzzy.elc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ide-skel.el b/.emacs.d/ide-skel.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb70ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ide-skel.el
@@ -0,0 +1,4016 @@
+;; ide-skel.el --- IDE skeleton for Emacs Lisp hackers
+;; Copyright (C) 2008 Peter Karpiuk, Scott Tiger S.A.
+;; Author: Peter Karpiuk <piotr.karpiuk (at) gmail (dot) com>
+;; Maintainer: Peter Karpiuk <piotr.karpiuk (at) gmail (dot) com>
+;; Created: 24 Apr 2008
+;; Version 0.6.0
+;; Keywords: ide speedbar
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
+;; option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Ide-skel is a skeleton (or framework) of IDE for Emacs users.
+;; Like Eclipse, it can be used as is with some predefined plugins
+;; on board, but is designed to extend by Emacs Lisp programmers to
+;; suite their own needs. Emacs 22 only, tested under Linux only
+;; (under Windows ide-skel.el will rather not work, sorry).
+;; ** Configuration in .emacs
+;; (require 'ide-skel)
+;; ;; optional, but useful - see Emacs Manual
+;; (partial-completion-mode)
+;; (icomplete-mode)
+;; ;; for convenience
+;; (global-set-key [f4] 'ide-skel-proj-find-files-by-regexp)
+;; (global-set-key [f5] 'ide-skel-proj-grep-files-by-regexp)
+;; (global-set-key [f10] 'ide-skel-toggle-left-view-window)
+;; (global-set-key [f11] 'ide-skel-toggle-bottom-view-window)
+;; (global-set-key [f12] 'ide-skel-toggle-right-view-window)
+;; (global-set-key [C-next] 'tabbar-backward)
+;; (global-set-key [C-prior] 'tabbar-forward)
+;; ** Side view windows
+;; Left and right view windows are "speedbars" - they are embedded
+;; inside main Emacs frame and can be open/closed independently.
+;; Right view window summarizes information related to the current
+;; editor buffer - it can present content of such buffer in another
+;; way (eg. Imenu tree), or show an extra panel for buffer major
+;; mode operations (see SQL*Plus mode plugin example). Left view
+;; window contains buffers such like buffer list (yet another,
+;; popular way for switching buffers), filesystem/project browser
+;; for easy navigation, or Info documentation browser,
+;; or... whatever you wish.
+;; Side view windows are special - they cannot take focus and we can
+;; operate on it only with mouse (!). Some window operations like
+;; delete-other-windows (C-x 1) are slighty modified to treat side
+;; view windows specially.
+;; ** Bottom view window
+;; Let auxiliary buffers (*shell*, *Messages*, *Help*, *Compilation*
+;; and another buffers with '*' in name) pop up/show in bottom
+;; window only. BUT, if you want, you can open any buffer in any
+;; window (except side windows) as usual - that's only nice
+;; heuristic, not pressure.
+;; Bottom view window remembers last selected buffer within it, so
+;; if you close this window and open later, it will show you buffer
+;; which you expect.
+;; ** Tabbars
+;; Ide-skel uses (great) tabbar.el package with some modifications:
+;; - there is no division into major mode groups (like in
+;; Eclipse),
+;; - side view windows, bottom view window and editor windows have
+;; different tabsets,
+;; - you can scroll tabs with mouse wheel,
+;; - the Home button in window left corner acts as window menu
+;; (you can add your items to it in your plugin),
+;; - mouse-3 click on tab kills its buffer
+;; * Project
+;; Here, "project" means a directory tree checked out from CVS or
+;; SVN. One project can contain source files of many types. When
+;; we edit any project file, Emacs can easily find the project root
+;; directory simply by looking at filesystem.
+;; So, we can execute many commands (grep, find, replace) on all
+;; project source files or on all project source files of the same
+;; type as file edited now (see Project menu). Ide-skel package
+;; also automatically configures partial-completion-mode for project
+;; edited now.
+;; There is no configuration for concrete projects needed (and
+;; that's great advantage in my opinion).
+;; If you find this package useful, send me a postcard to address:
+;; Peter Karpiuk
+;; Scott Tiger S.A.
+;; ul. Gawinskiego 8
+;; 01-645 Warsaw
+;; Poland
+;; * Notes for Emacs Lisp hackers
+;; Each side window buffer should have:
+;; - name that begins with space,
+;; - tab label (string) - buffer local IDE-SKEL-TABBAR-TAB-LABEL
+;; variable,
+;; - keep condition function (IDE-SKEL-KEEP-CONDITION-FUNCTION),
+;; - menu (IDE-SKEL-TABBAR-MENU-FUNCTION) - optional.
+;; Side window buffer is enabled (can be choosed by mouse click on
+;; his tab) if it has buffer local variable IDE-SKEL-TABBAR-ENABLED
+;; set to non-nil. There may be many live side window buffers, but
+;; unavailable in current context ("context" means buffer edited in
+;; editor window) if they have IDE-SKEL-TABBAR-ENABLED set to nil.
+;; Hiding side window operation disables all window buffers. "Show
+;; side window" event handler should enable (and maybe create) side
+;; window buffers based on current context. When you switch to
+;; other buffer in editor window (switching the context), all side
+;; window buffers for which keep condition function returns nil are
+;; disabled. Handlers for EDITOR-BUFFER-CHANGED event should enable
+;; (and maybe create) additional buffers based on current context.
+;; ** Side window events
+;; Event handlers should be implemented as an abnormal hook:
+;; ide-skel-side-view-window-functions
+;; It should be function with parameters
+;; - side: symbol LEFT or RIGHT
+;; - event-type: symbol for event:
+;; - list (optional): event parameters specific for event type.
+;; Events are send only for opened (existing and visible) windows.
+;; Hook functions are called in order until one of them returns
+;; non-nil.
+;; *** Show
+;; After side window open. Event handler should enable (and maybe
+;; create) buffers appropriate for current context. After event
+;; handle, if no side window buffer is selected, there will be
+;; selected one of them. No parameters.
+;; *** Editor Buffer Changed
+;; After editor buffer changed (aka context switch).
+;; Before event, buffers for which keep condition function returns
+;; nil, are disabled. Event handler should enable (and maybe
+;; create) buffers appropriate for new context.
+;; Parameters: before-buffer current-buffer.
+;; *** Tab Change
+;; Before side window buffer change (as result of mouse click on tab
+;; or ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer function call).
+;; Parameters: current-buffer new-buffer
+;; *** Hide
+;; Before side window hiding. After event handling, all side window
+;; buffers are disabled.
+;; *** Functions & vars
+;; In plugins, you can use variables with self-descriptive names:
+;; ide-skel-selected-frame
+;; ide-skel-current-editor-window
+;; ide-skel-current-editor-buffer
+;; ide-skel-current-left-view-window
+;; ide-skel-current-right-view-window
+;; Moreover, when user selects another buffer to edit, the
+;; ide-skel-editor-buffer-changed-hook
+;; hook is run. It is similar to "editor buffer changed" event, but
+;; has no parameters and is run even when all side windows are
+;; closed.
+;; **** Functions
+;; ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer (side-window buffer)
+;; Switch buffer in side window (please use only this function for
+;; this operation).
+;; ide-skel-get-side-view-buffer-create (name side-sym tab-label
+;; help-string keep-condition-function)
+;; Create new buffer for side view window. NAME should begin with
+;; space, side sym should be LEFT or RIGHT.
+;; **** Local variables in side window buffers
+;; ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label
+;; ide-skel-tabbar-tab-help-string
+;; ide-skel-tabbar-menu-function
+;; ide-skel-tabbar-enabled
+;; ide-skel-keep-condition-function
+(require 'cl)
+(require 'complete)
+(require 'tree-widget)
+(require 'tabbar)
+(require 'recentf)
+(defgroup ide-skel nil
+ "Ide Skeleton"
+ :group 'tools
+ :version 21)
+(defcustom ide-skel-tabbar-hidden-buffer-names-regexp-list '("^TAGS" "^diary$")
+ "Buffer name that matches any of this regexps, will have no tab."
+ :group 'ide-skel
+ :tag "Hidden Buffer Names Regexp List"
+ :type '(repeat regexp)
+ :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
+ :set (lambda (symbol value)
+ (when tabbar-mode
+ (tabbar-init-tabsets-store))
+ (set-default symbol value)))
+(defcustom ide-skel-bottom-view-buffer-names-regexps '("\\*.*\\*")
+ "Buffers with names matched by one of this regexps will be shown in bottom view."
+ :group 'ide-skel
+ :tag "Bottom View Buffer Names Regexps"
+ :type '(repeat regexp)
+ :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
+ :set (lambda (symbol value)
+ (when tabbar-mode
+ (tabbar-init-tabsets-store))
+ (set-default symbol value))
+ )
+(defcustom ide-skel-bottom-view-buffer-names-disallowed-regexps '("\\*info\\*" "\\*Backtrace\\*")
+ "Buffers with names matched by one of this regexps will NOT be shown in bottom view."
+ :group 'ide-skel
+ :tag "Bottom View Buffer Names Disallowed Regexps"
+ :type '(repeat regexp)
+ :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
+ :set (lambda (symbol value)
+ (when tabbar-mode
+ (tabbar-init-tabsets-store))
+ (set-default symbol value))
+ )
+(defconst ide-skel-left-view-window-tabset-name "LeftView")
+(defconst ide-skel-right-view-window-tabset-name "RightView")
+(defconst ide-skel-bottom-view-window-tabset-name "BottomView")
+(defconst ide-skel-editor-window-tabset-name "Editor")
+(defun ide-skel-shine-color (color percent)
+ (when (equal color "unspecified-bg")
+ (setq color (if (< percent 0) "white" "black")))
+ (apply 'format "#%02x%02x%02x"
+ (mapcar (lambda (value)
+ (min 65535 (max 0 (* (+ (/ value 650) percent) 650))))
+ (color-values color))))
+(defun ide-skel-color-percentage (color)
+ (truncate (* (/ (/ (reduce '+ (color-values color)) 3.0) 65535.0) 100.0)))
+(defun ide-skel-shine-face-background (face-sym percent)
+ (when (>= (ide-skel-color-percentage (face-background 'default)) 50)
+ (setq percent (- percent)))
+ (set-face-attribute face-sym nil
+ :background (ide-skel-shine-color (face-background 'default) percent)))
+(defun ide-skel-shine-face-foreground (face-sym percent)
+ (when (>= (ide-skel-color-percentage (face-foreground 'default)) 50)
+ (setq percent (- percent)))
+ (set-face-attribute face-sym nil
+ :foreground (ide-skel-shine-color (face-foreground 'default) percent)))
+(defvar ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label-max-width 25
+ "Max width for tab label. Nil means no limit. If label width is too big, it will be shortened with ... inside.")
+(defvar ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label nil
+ "Tab name. Local for buffer in side view window.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label)
+(defvar ide-skel-tabbar-tab-help-string nil
+ "Tooltip text for tab in side view window. Buffer local.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-tabbar-tab-help-string)
+(defvar ide-skel-tabset-name nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-tabset-name)
+(defvar ide-skel-tabbar-menu-function nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-tabbar-menu-function)
+(defvar ide-skel-tabbar-enabled nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-tabbar-enabled)
+(defvar ide-skel-keep-condition-function nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-keep-condition-function)
+(defvar ide-skel-current-left-view-window nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-current-right-view-window nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-current-editor-window nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-current-editor-buffer nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-selected-frame nil)
+(defconst ide-skel-left-view-window-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char * left_view_xpm[] = {
+\"24 24 145 2\",
+\" c None\",
+\". c #000000\",
+\"+ c #FBFED6\",
+\"@ c #F3F6CE\",
+\"# c #EBEEC7\",
+\"$ c #E3E7BF\",
+\"% c #DCE0B9\",
+\"& c #D5D9B2\",
+\"* c #FFFFFF\",
+\"= c #FDFDFD\",
+\"- c #F9F9F9\",
+\"; c #F4F4F4\",
+\"> c #DDDDDD\",
+\", c #F2F5CD\",
+\"' c #E4E8C0\",
+\") c #DDE1BA\",
+\"! c #D7DAB4\",
+\"~ c #D1D4AE\",
+\"{ c #FEFEFE\",
+\"] c #FBFBFB\",
+\"^ c #F8F8F8\",
+\"/ c #F5F5F5\",
+\"( c #F2F2F2\",
+\"_ c #DBDBDB\",
+\": c #E9EDC5\",
+\"< c #D8DBB5\",
+\"[ c #D2D5AF\",
+\"} c #CDD0AA\",
+\"| c #FCFCFC\",
+\"1 c #F6F6F6\",
+\"2 c #F3F3F3\",
+\"3 c #F0F0F0\",
+\"4 c #DADADA\",
+\"5 c #E1E5BD\",
+\"6 c #CDD0AB\",
+\"7 c #C8CCA6\",
+\"8 c #FAFAFA\",
+\"9 c #F7F7F7\",
+\"0 c #EFEFEF\",
+\"a c #D9D9D9\",
+\"b c #DADDB6\",
+\"c c #C4C7A2\",
+\"d c #EDEDED\",
+\"e c #D7D7D7\",
+\"f c #D3D6B0\",
+\"g c #CFD3AD\",
+\"h c #CBCFA9\",
+\"i c #C8CBA6\",
+\"j c #C0C39F\",
+\"k c #F1F1F1\",
+\"l c #EEEEEE\",
+\"m c #ECECEC\",
+\"n c #D6D6D6\",
+\"o c #C9CDA7\",
+\"p c #C6C9A4\",
+\"q c #C3C6A1\",
+\"r c #BFC39E\",
+\"s c #BCBF9B\",
+\"t c #EAEAEA\",
+\"u c #D4D4D4\",
+\"v c #C7CAA5\",
+\"w c #C1C5A0\",
+\"x c #BEC29D\",
+\"y c #BBBF9B\",
+\"z c #B9BC98\",
+\"A c #EBEBEB\",
+\"B c #E8E8E8\",
+\"C c #D3D3D3\",
+\"D c #C2C5A0\",
+\"E c #BDC09C\",
+\"F c #BABE99\",
+\"G c #B8BB97\",
+\"H c #B5B895\",
+\"I c #E9E9E9\",
+\"J c #E7E7E7\",
+\"K c #D1D1D1\",
+\"L c #BBBE9A\",
+\"M c #B7BA96\",
+\"N c #B4B794\",
+\"O c #B2B592\",
+\"P c #E5E5E5\",
+\"Q c #D0D0D0\",
+\"R c #B3B693\",
+\"S c #B1B491\",
+\"T c #AFB28F\",
+\"U c #E3E3E3\",
+\"V c #CECECE\",
+\"W c #B4B793\",
+\"X c #B0B390\",
+\"Y c #AEB18F\",
+\"Z c #ACAF8D\",
+\"` c #E6E6E6\",
+\" . c #E4E4E4\",
+\".. c #E2E2E2\",
+\"+. c #CDCDCD\",
+\"@. c #ADB08E\",
+\"#. c #ABAE8C\",
+\"$. c #AAAD8B\",
+\"%. c #E0E0E0\",
+\"&. c #CBCBCB\",
+\"*. c #A9AC8A\",
+\"=. c #A7AA89\",
+\"-. c #DEDEDE\",
+\";. c #CACACA\",
+\">. c #ABAE8B\",
+\",. c #A8AB89\",
+\"'. c #A6A988\",
+\"). c #A5A887\",
+\"!. c #C8C8C8\",
+\"~. c #A7AA88\",
+\"{. c #A6A987\",
+\"]. c #A4A786\",
+\"^. c #A3A685\",
+\"/. c #DFDFDF\",
+\"(. c #C7C7C7\",
+\"_. c #A5A886\",
+\":. c #A2A584\",
+\"<. c #A1A483\",
+\"[. c #C6C6C6\",
+\"}. c #A4A785\",
+\"|. c #A0A382\",
+\"1. c #9FA282\",
+\"2. c #D8D8D8\",
+\"3. c #C4C4C4\",
+\"4. c #A3A684\",
+\"5. c #A2A484\",
+\"6. c #A0A383\",
+\"7. c #9EA181\",
+\"8. c #9DA080\",
+\"9. c #C3C3C3\",
+\"0. c #8D8F72\",
+\"a. c #8C8E72\",
+\"b. c #8B8D71\",
+\"c. c #8A8C70\",
+\"d. c #898B6F\",
+\"e. c #888A6F\",
+\"f. c #C5C5C5\",
+\"g. c #C2C2C2\",
+\"h. c #C1C1C1\",
+\"i. c #C0C0C0\",
+\"j. c #BEBEBE\",
+\"k. c #BDBDBD\",
+\"l. c #BBBBBB\",
+\"m. c #BABABA\",
+\"n. c #ABABAB\",
+\" \",
+\" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \",
+\". + @ # $ % & . * * * * * * * * * * = - ; ; > . \",
+\". , # ' ) ! ~ . * * * * * * * * * { ] ^ / ( _ . \",
+\". : $ ) < [ } . * * * * * * * * * | - 1 2 3 4 . \",
+\". 5 % ! [ 6 7 . * * * * * * * * = 8 9 ; 3 0 a . \",
+\". b & ~ } 7 c . * * * * * * * { ] ^ / ( 0 d e . \",
+\". f g h i c j . * * * * * * * | - 1 2 k l m n . \",
+\". } o p q r s . * * * * * * = 8 9 ; 3 0 m t u . \",
+\". v c w x y z . * * * * * = 8 9 / ( 0 d A B C . \",
+\". D r E F G H . * * * * { ] ^ / 2 3 l A I J K . \",
+\". E L z M N O . * * * { ] ^ 1 2 3 l m I J P Q . \",
+\". z M H R S T . * * { ] ^ 1 2 k l m t B P U V . \",
+\". H W O X Y Z . * = ] ^ 1 2 k 0 m t B ` ...+.. \",
+\". O X T @.#.$.. = 8 ^ 1 2 k 0 m t B ` ...%.&.. \",
+\". T @.Z $.*.=.. 8 9 / 2 k 0 m t B ` ...%.-.;.. \",
+\". Z >.*.,.'.).. 9 / 2 3 l m t B ` ...%.-.> !.. \",
+\". *.,.~.{.].^.. ; ( 3 l m t B ` ...%./.> _ (.. \",
+\". ~.{._.^.:.<.. k 0 l m t B ` ...%./.> _ a [.. \",
+\". _.}.:.<.|.1.. 0 d A I B ` ...%./.> _ a 2.3.. \",
+\". m A I J P ...%.-.> _ a 2.n 9.. \",
+\". 0.a.b.c.d.e.. +.&.;.!.(.f.3.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.. \",
+\" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \",
+\" \"};
+ "XPM format image used as left view window icon")
+(defconst ide-skel-left-view-window-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-left-view-window-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defconst ide-skel-right-view-window-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char * right_view_xpm[] = {
+\"24 24 125 2\",
+\" c None\",
+\". c #000000\",
+\"+ c #FFFFFF\",
+\"@ c #A8AB89\",
+\"# c #A6A987\",
+\"$ c #A4A785\",
+\"% c #A2A484\",
+\"& c #A0A282\",
+\"* c #919376\",
+\"= c #A7AA88\",
+\"- c #A5A886\",
+\"; c #A2A584\",
+\"> c #A0A383\",
+\", c #9FA181\",
+\"' c #909275\",
+\") c #A3A685\",
+\"! c #A1A483\",
+\"~ c #9FA282\",
+\"{ c #9DA080\",
+\"] c #8F9174\",
+\"^ c #A4A786\",
+\"/ c #A0A382\",
+\"( c #9EA181\",
+\"_ c #9C9F7F\",
+\": c #8E9073\",
+\"< c #FEFEFE\",
+\"[ c #9B9E7F\",
+\"} c #8D8F73\",
+\"| c #FCFCFC\",
+\"1 c #A1A484\",
+\"2 c #9EA180\",
+\"3 c #9A9D7E\",
+\"4 c #8C8E72\",
+\"5 c #FDFDFD\",
+\"6 c #FAFAFA\",
+\"7 c #9B9E7E\",
+\"8 c #999C7D\",
+\"9 c #8B8D71\",
+\"0 c #F7F7F7\",
+\"a c #9FA281\",
+\"b c #9A9C7D\",
+\"c c #989B7C\",
+\"d c #8A8C70\",
+\"e c #FBFBFB\",
+\"f c #F8F8F8\",
+\"g c #F5F5F5\",
+\"h c #9C9E7F\",
+\"i c #9A9D7D\",
+\"j c #979A7B\",
+\"k c #898B70\",
+\"l c #F6F6F6\",
+\"m c #F3F3F3\",
+\"n c #999C7C\",
+\"o c #96997A\",
+\"p c #888A6F\",
+\"q c #F1F1F1\",
+\"r c #9B9D7E\",
+\"s c #989A7B\",
+\"t c #959779\",
+\"u c #87896E\",
+\"v c #EFEFEF\",
+\"w c #959879\",
+\"x c #949678\",
+\"y c #86886D\",
+\"z c #ECECEC\",
+\"A c #97997B\",
+\"B c #949778\",
+\"C c #939577\",
+\"D c #85876C\",
+\"E c #EAEAEA\",
+\"F c #95987A\",
+\"G c #919476\",
+\"H c #84876C\",
+\"I c #F9F9F9\",
+\"J c #F0F0F0\",
+\"K c #EEEEEE\",
+\"L c #E8E8E8\",
+\"M c #949779\",
+\"N c #939578\",
+\"O c #929476\",
+\"P c #909375\",
+\"Q c #83866B\",
+\"R c #F4F4F4\",
+\"S c #F2F2F2\",
+\"T c #E6E6E6\",
+\"U c #939678\",
+\"V c #929477\",
+\"W c #909376\",
+\"X c #8F9275\",
+\"Y c #82856A\",
+\"Z c #E4E4E4\",
+\"` c #8E9174\",
+\" . c #818469\",
+\".. c #EDEDED\",
+\"+. c #EBEBEB\",
+\"@. c #E9E9E9\",
+\"#. c #E2E2E2\",
+\"$. c #8D9073\",
+\"%. c #808368\",
+\"&. c #E7E7E7\",
+\"*. c #E5E5E5\",
+\"=. c #E0E0E0\",
+\"-. c #8C8F72\",
+\";. c #7F8268\",
+\">. c #D6D6D6\",
+\",. c #D5D5D5\",
+\"'. c #D4D4D4\",
+\"). c #D2D2D2\",
+\"!. c #D1D1D1\",
+\"~. c #D0D0D0\",
+\"{. c #CECECE\",
+\"]. c #CDCDCD\",
+\"^. c #CBCBCB\",
+\"/. c #CACACA\",
+\"(. c #C8C8C8\",
+\"_. c #C7C7C7\",
+\":. c #C5C5C5\",
+\"<. c #C4C4C4\",
+\"[. c #C2C2C2\",
+\"}. c #7D8066\",
+\"|. c #7C7F65\",
+\"1. c #7B7E64\",
+\"2. c #7B7D64\",
+\"3. c #7A7C63\",
+\"4. c #70725B\",
+\" \",
+\" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + . @ # $ % & * . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + . = - ; > , ' . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + . # ) ! ~ { ] . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + . ^ ; / ( _ : . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + < . ) ! ~ { [ } . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + | . 1 & 2 _ 3 4 . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + 5 6 . > ( _ 7 8 9 . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + 5 6 0 . a { 7 b c d . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + < e f g . { h i c j k . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + < e f l m . _ 3 n j o p . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + < e f l m q . r 8 s o t u . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + 5 e f l m q v . 8 c o w x y . \",
+\". + + + + + + + 5 6 f l m q v z . c A w B C D . \",
+\". + + + + + < | 6 0 g m q v z E . A F B C G H . \",
+\". + + + + 5 e I 0 g m J K z E L . F M N O P Q . \",
+\". + + < | 6 f l R S J K z E L T . M U V W X Y . \",
+\". < 5 e I 0 g m q v K z E L T Z . U V * X ` .. \",
+\". e I f l R S q v ..+.@.L T Z #.. V * X ` $.%.. \",
+\". f l g m q J K z +.@.&.*.Z #.=.. W X ` $.-.;.. \",
+\". >.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.. }.|. \",
+\" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \",
+\" \"};
+ "XPM format image used as right view window icon")
+(defconst ide-skel-right-view-window-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-right-view-window-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defconst ide-skel-bottom-view-window-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char * bottom_view_xpm[] = {
+\"24 24 130 2\",
+\" c None\",
+\". c #000000\",
+\"+ c #FFFFFF\",
+\"@ c #FDFDFD\",
+\"# c #F9F9F9\",
+\"$ c #F6F6F6\",
+\"% c #F4F4F4\",
+\"& c #DDDDDD\",
+\"* c #FEFEFE\",
+\"= c #FBFBFB\",
+\"- c #F8F8F8\",
+\"; c #F5F5F5\",
+\"> c #F2F2F2\",
+\", c #DBDBDB\",
+\"' c #FCFCFC\",
+\") c #F3F3F3\",
+\"! c #F0F0F0\",
+\"~ c #DADADA\",
+\"{ c #FAFAFA\",
+\"] c #F7F7F7\",
+\"^ c #F1F1F1\",
+\"/ c #EFEFEF\",
+\"( c #D9D9D9\",
+\"_ c #EDEDED\",
+\": c #D7D7D7\",
+\"< c #EEEEEE\",
+\"[ c #ECECEC\",
+\"} c #D6D6D6\",
+\"| c #EAEAEA\",
+\"1 c #D4D4D4\",
+\"2 c #EBEBEB\",
+\"3 c #E8E8E8\",
+\"4 c #D3D3D3\",
+\"5 c #E9E9E9\",
+\"6 c #E7E7E7\",
+\"7 c #D1D1D1\",
+\"8 c #E5E5E5\",
+\"9 c #D0D0D0\",
+\"0 c #E3E3E3\",
+\"a c #CECECE\",
+\"b c #E6E6E6\",
+\"c c #E4E4E4\",
+\"d c #E2E2E2\",
+\"e c #CDCDCD\",
+\"f c #E0E0E0\",
+\"g c #CBCBCB\",
+\"h c #CCCFAB\",
+\"i c #CACDAA\",
+\"j c #C8CBA8\",
+\"k c #C7CAA7\",
+\"l c #C5C8A5\",
+\"m c #C3C6A4\",
+\"n c #C2C5A3\",
+\"o c #C0C3A1\",
+\"p c #BEC1A0\",
+\"q c #BDBF9E\",
+\"r c #BBBE9D\",
+\"s c #B9BC9B\",
+\"t c #B8BA9A\",
+\"u c #B6B999\",
+\"v c #B4B797\",
+\"w c #B3B596\",
+\"x c #B1B495\",
+\"y c #B0B293\",
+\"z c #AEB192\",
+\"A c #ADAF91\",
+\"B c #ABAE8F\",
+\"C c #9C9E82\",
+\"D c #C9CCA8\",
+\"E c #C6C9A6\",
+\"F c #C4C7A5\",
+\"G c #C1C4A2\",
+\"H c #BFC2A1\",
+\"I c #BEC19F\",
+\"J c #BCBF9E\",
+\"K c #BABD9C\",
+\"L c #B7BA9A\",
+\"M c #B6B998\",
+\"N c #ABAE90\",
+\"O c #AAAD8E\",
+\"P c #9A9D81\",
+\"Q c #C2C4A2\",
+\"R c #BFC1A0\",
+\"S c #BDC09F\",
+\"T c #BCBE9D\",
+\"U c #B9BB9B\",
+\"V c #B7BA99\",
+\"W c #B6B898\",
+\"X c #B1B494\",
+\"Y c #A9AB8D\",
+\"Z c #999C80\",
+\"` c #C1C3A2\",
+\" . c #BFC2A0\",
+\".. c #B9BC9C\",
+\"+. c #B8BB9A\",
+\"@. c #B7B999\",
+\"#. c #B5B898\",
+\"$. c #B4B697\",
+\"%. c #B2B596\",
+\"&. c #AAAD8F\",
+\"*. c #A7AA8C\",
+\"=. c #989B80\",
+\"-. c #BDC09E\",
+\";. c #B3B696\",
+\">. c #B2B595\",
+\",. c #B1B394\",
+\"'. c #AFB293\",
+\"). c #A6A98B\",
+\"!. c #97997F\",
+\"~. c #A7A98C\",
+\"{. c #A6A88B\",
+\"]. c #A4A78A\",
+\"^. c #A3A689\",
+\"/. c #A2A588\",
+\"(. c #A1A487\",
+\"_. c #A0A286\",
+\":. c #9FA185\",
+\"<. c #9EA084\",
+\"[. c #9D9F83\",
+\"}. c #9B9E82\",
+\"|. c #999B80\",
+\"1. c #989A7F\",
+\"2. c #97997E\",
+\"3. c #96987D\",
+\"4. c #95977D\",
+\"5. c #94967C\",
+\"6. c #92957B\",
+\"7. c #91947A\",
+\"8. c #909279\",
+\"9. c #85876F\",
+\" \",
+\" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + @ # $ % & . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * = - ; > , . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ' # $ ) ! ~ . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + @ { ] % ^ / ( . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * = - ; > ! _ : . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ' # $ ) / < [ } . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + + @ { ] % ^ < [ | 1 . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + + @ { ] ; > / _ 2 3 4 . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + + * = - ; > ! < 2 5 6 7 . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + + * = - $ ) ! < [ 5 6 8 9 . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + + * = - $ ) ^ < [ | 3 8 0 a . \",
+\". + + + + + + + + @ = - $ ) ^ / [ | 3 b c d e . \",
+\". + + + + + + + @ { - $ ) ^ / [ | 3 b c d f g . \",
+\". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \",
+\". h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C . \",
+\". D k E F n G H I J K s L M v w x y z A N O P . \",
+\". E F m Q o R S T K U V W v w X y z A N O Y Z . \",
+\". m n ` .I J r ..+.@.#.$.%.X y z A N &.Y *.=.. \",
+\". G H p -.T K s t u #.;.>.,.'.z A N O Y *.).!.. \",
+\". ~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.P |. \",
+\" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \",
+\" \"};
+ "XPM format image used as bottom view window icon")
+(defconst ide-skel-bottom-view-window-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-bottom-view-window-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defvar ide-skel-win--win2-switch t)
+(defvar ide-skel-win--minibuffer-selected-p nil)
+;; (copy-win-node w)
+;; (win-node-corner-pos w)
+;; (make-win-node :corner-pos 0 :buffer b :horiz-scroll 0 :point 0 :mark nil :divisions nil)
+;; (win-node-p w)
+(defstruct win-node
+ "Window configuration tree node."
+ (corner-pos nil) ; pair - original position of left top window corner
+ (buf-corner-pos 1) ; position within the buffer at the upper left of the window
+ buffer ; the buffer window displays
+ (horiz-scroll 0) ; amount of horizontal scrolling, in columns
+ (point 1) ; point
+ (mark nil) ; the mark
+ (edges nil) ; (window-edges)
+ (cursor-priority nil)
+ (fixed-size nil)
+ (divisions nil)) ; children (list of division)
+(defstruct division
+ "Podzial okienka"
+ win-node ; winnode for window after division
+ horizontal-p ; division horizontal or vertical
+ percent) ; 0.0-1.0: width/height of parent after division
+(defvar sel-window nil)
+(defvar sel-priority nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-ommited-windows nil)
+(defvar ide-skel--fixed-size-windows nil)
+;; args: 'left/right 'show/editor-buffer-changed/hide/tab-change &rest buffer...
+(defvar ide-skel-side-view-window-functions nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-editor-buffer-changed-hook nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-last-buffer-change-event nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-last-selected-window-or-buffer nil)
+(defcustom ide-skel-bottom-view-window-size 0.35
+ "Default bottom view window height in characters (int >= 5) or percent of Emacs frame height (0.0 - 1.0)"
+ :group 'ide-skel
+ :tag "Default Bottom View Window Height"
+ :type (list 'restricted-sexp
+ :match-alternatives (list (lambda (value)
+ (or (and (floatp value)
+ (> value 0.0)
+ (< value 1.0))
+ (and (integerp value)
+ (>= value 5)))))))
+(defcustom ide-skel-bottom-view-on-left-view t
+ "Non-nil if bottom view lies partially on left view."
+ :group 'ide-skel
+ :tag "Bottom View on Left View"
+ :type '(boolean)
+ :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
+ :set (lambda (symbol value)
+ (let ((is-bottom-view-window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)))
+ (when is-bottom-view-window
+ (ide-skel-hide-bottom-view-window))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (set-default symbol value)
+ (when is-bottom-view-window
+ (ide-skel-show-bottom-view-window))))))
+(defcustom ide-skel-bottom-view-on-right-view t
+ "Non-nil if bottom view lies partially on right view."
+ :group 'ide-skel
+ :tag "Bottom View on Right View"
+ :type '(boolean)
+ :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
+ :set (lambda (symbol value)
+ (let ((is-bottom-view-window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)))
+ (when is-bottom-view-window
+ (ide-skel-hide-bottom-view-window))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (set-default symbol value)
+ (when is-bottom-view-window
+ (ide-skel-show-bottom-view-window))))))
+(defconst ide-skel-unexpected-bottom-view-window-buffer-names '("*Completions*" "*Compile-Log*"))
+(defvar ide-skel--last-bottom-view-buffer-name nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-was-scratch nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-bottom-view-window-oper-in-progress nil)
+(defvar ide-skel--current-side-windows (cons nil nil))
+(defcustom ide-skel-left-view-window-width 25
+ "Default width of left view window."
+ :group 'ide-skel
+ :tag "Default Left View Window Width"
+ :type '(integer)
+ :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
+ :set (lambda (symbol value)
+ (let ((is-left-view-window (ide-skel-get-left-view-window)))
+ (when is-left-view-window
+ (ide-skel-hide-left-view-window))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (set-default symbol value)
+ (when is-left-view-window
+ (ide-skel-show-left-view-window))))))
+(defcustom ide-skel-right-view-window-width 30
+ "Default width of right view window."
+ :group 'ide-skel
+ :tag "Default Right View Window Width"
+ :type '(integer)
+ :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
+ :set (lambda (symbol value)
+ (let ((is-right-view-window (ide-skel-get-right-view-window)))
+ (when is-right-view-window
+ (ide-skel-hide-right-view-window))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (set-default symbol value)
+ (when is-right-view-window
+ (ide-skel-show-right-view-window))))))
+(defcustom ide-skel-side-view-display-cursor nil
+ "Non-nil if cursor should be displayed in side view windows"
+ :group 'ide-skel
+ :tag "Side View Display Cursor"
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defvar ide-skel-highlight-face 'ide-skel-highlight-face)
+(defface ide-skel-highlight-face
+ (list
+ (list '((background light))
+ (append (list :inherit 'variable-pitch :background (ide-skel-shine-color (face-background 'default) -70) :foreground (face-background 'default))
+ (when (>= emacs-major-version 22) '(:box (:style released-button)))))
+ (list '((background dark))
+ (append (list :inherit 'variable-pitch :background (ide-skel-shine-color (face-background 'default) +70) :foreground (face-background 'default))
+ (when (>= emacs-major-version 22) '(:box (:style released-button)))))
+ '(t (:inherit default)))
+ "Face for selection in side views."
+ :group 'ide-skel)
+;;; buffer -> alist
+;;; :imenu-buffer
+;;; :default-left-tab-label, :default-right-tab-label
+(defvar ide-skel-context-properties (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
+(defvar ide-skel-last-left-view-window-tab-label nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-last-right-view-window-tab-label nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-buffer-list-buffer nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-buffer-list nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-buffer-list-tick nil)
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-open-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char *open[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+\"11 15 49 1\",
+\" c #4D084D080B7B\",
+\". c #5A705A700DBB\",
+\"X c #7B647B6404B5\",
+\"o c #7818781810F1\",
+\"O c #7E1E7E1E16D4\",
+\"+ c #5EB75D2D6FCF\",
+\"@ c #5FD85D2D6FCF\",
+\"# c #60415D2D6FCF\",
+\"$ c #88BD88BD068F\",
+\"% c #8A5D8A5D0969\",
+\"& c #82F782F71033\",
+\"* c #841B841B1157\",
+\"= c #87BC87BC1125\",
+\"- c #878787871696\",
+\"; c #87D587BE172E\",
+\": c #87C187C11812\",
+\"> c #895A895A1B9C\",
+\", c #8A0A8A0A1C10\",
+\"< c #8E5B8DF21DE7\",
+\"1 c #95DF95DF1A5F\",
+\"2 c #95CC95CC1B5B\",
+\"3 c #98D498D41EE5\",
+\"4 c #9BBB9BBB2414\",
+\"5 c #9BBB9BBB2622\",
+\"6 c #9CDF9CDF2696\",
+\"7 c #984C984C281C\",
+\"8 c #9EA19EA129C1\",
+\"9 c #A060A0602B4B\",
+\"0 c #A3BAA3BA3148\",
+\"q c #A78AA78A36FD\",
+\"w c #A7BBA7BB38D9\",
+\"e c #A7B7A7B73B03\",
+\"r c #AB1AAB1A3B03\",
+\"t c #ABD7ABD73C6C\",
+\"y c #AFC5AFC54435\",
+\"u c #B5D2B5D24A67\",
+\"i c #B659B6594AEE\",
+\"p c #B959B9595378\",
+\"a c #BBCEBBCE5267\",
+\"s c #BE64BE645A53\",
+\"d c #C2D2C2D26078\",
+\"f c #C43BC43B60D8\",
+\"g c #C42EC42E60EE\",
+\"h c #C44FC44F60EC\",
+\"j c #C73BC73B66E7\",
+\"k c #C65DC65D697B\",
+\"l c #CECECECE7676\",
+\"z c #D02CD02C7B7B\",
+\"x c None\",
+/* pixels */
+\"x,> xxxxxxx\",
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-open-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-tree-widget-open-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-no-handle-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char *no_handle[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+\"7 15 1 1\",
+\" c None\",
+/* pixels */
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \"
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-no-handle-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-tree-widget-no-handle-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-no-guide-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char *no_guide[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+\"4 15 1 1\",
+\" c None\",
+/* pixels */
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \",
+\" \"
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-no-guide-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-tree-widget-no-guide-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-leaf-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char *leaf[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+\"11 15 42 1\",
+\" c #224222422242\",
+\". c #254525452545\",
+\"X c #272727272727\",
+\"o c #31DA31DA31DA\",
+\"O c #4CAC4CAC4CAC\",
+\"+ c #4F064F064F06\",
+\"@ c #506050605060\",
+\"# c #511651165116\",
+\"$ c #57D657D657D6\",
+\"% c #59A559A559A5\",
+\"& c #5AAC5AAC5AAC\",
+\"* c #5D5A5D5A5D5A\",
+\"= c #5F025F025F02\",
+\"- c #60C660C660C6\",
+\"; c #617D617D617D\",
+\": c #63D363D363D3\",
+\"> c #8B908B908B90\",
+\", c #8E3C8E3C8E3C\",
+\"< c #8F588F588F58\",
+\"1 c #93FC93FC93FC\",
+\"2 c #949194919491\",
+\"3 c #96AD96AD96AD\",
+\"4 c #991899189918\",
+\"5 c #99EA99EA99EA\",
+\"6 c #9B619B619B61\",
+\"7 c #9CD69CD69CD6\",
+\"8 c #9E769E769E76\",
+\"9 c #9FA59FA59FA5\",
+\"0 c #A0C3A0C3A0C3\",
+\"q c #A293A293A293\",
+\"w c #A32EA32EA32E\",
+\"e c #A480A480A480\",
+\"r c #A5A5A5A5A5A5\",
+\"t c #A755A755A755\",
+\"y c #AA39AA39AA39\",
+\"u c #AC77AC77AC77\",
+\"i c #B1B7B1B7B1B7\",
+\"p c #B283B283B283\",
+\"a c #B7B7B7B7B7B7\",
+\"s c #BD02BD02BD02\",
+\"d c gray74\",
+\"f c None\",
+/* pixels */
+\"XXXXXX ffff\",
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-leaf-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-tree-widget-leaf-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-handle-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char *handle[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+\"7 15 2 1\",
+\" c #56D752D36363\",
+\". c None\",
+/* pixels */
+\" \",
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-handle-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-tree-widget-handle-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-guide-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char *guide[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+\"4 15 2 1\",
+\" c #73C96E6E8484\",
+\". c None\",
+/* pixels */
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \"
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-guide-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-tree-widget-guide-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-end-guide-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char *end_guide[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+\"4 15 2 1\",
+\" c #73C96E6E8484\",
+\". c None\",
+/* pixels */
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+\"... \",
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-end-guide-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-tree-widget-end-guide-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-empty-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char *empty[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+\"11 15 39 1\",
+\" c #2BCF2BCF2BCF\",
+\". c #31F831F831F8\",
+\"X c #3F283F283F28\",
+\"o c #41B141B141B1\",
+\"O c #467946794679\",
+\"+ c #476747674767\",
+\"@ c #484648464846\",
+\"# c #498749874987\",
+\"$ c #4B684B684B68\",
+\"% c #524F524F524F\",
+\"& c #52D352D352D3\",
+\"* c #554155415541\",
+\"= c #561C561C561C\",
+\"- c #598659865986\",
+\"; c #5D775D775D77\",
+\": c #5E7E5E7E5E7E\",
+\"> c #60CE60CE60CE\",
+\", c #615161516151\",
+\"< c #61F361F361F3\",
+\"1 c #642464246424\",
+\"2 c #654865486548\",
+\"3 c #678767876787\",
+\"4 c #68D868D868D8\",
+\"5 c #699569956995\",
+\"6 c #6D556D556D55\",
+\"7 c #6FB56FB56FB5\",
+\"8 c #72CF72CF72CF\",
+\"9 c #731073107310\",
+\"0 c #757775777577\",
+\"q c #7B747B747B74\",
+\"w c #809080908090\",
+\"e c #81F281F281F2\",
+\"r c #820D820D820D\",
+\"t c #84F984F984F9\",
+\"y c #858285828582\",
+\"u c #95E295E295E2\",
+\"i c #9FFF9FFF9FFF\",
+\"p c #A5A5A5A5A5A5\",
+\"a c None\",
+/* pixels */
+\"a&% aaaaaaa\",
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-empty-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-tree-widget-empty-xpm 'xpm t))
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-close-xpm "\
+/* XPM */
+static char *close[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+\"11 15 45 1\",
+\" c #4EA14EA10DFA\",
+\". c #5AA05AA00C52\",
+\"X c #75297529068F\",
+\"o c #7B647B6404B5\",
+\"O c #8B888B880B91\",
+\"+ c #8EDE8EDE0F5F\",
+\"@ c #82F782F71033\",
+\"# c #83A683A61157\",
+\"$ c #84AD84AD13BC\",
+\"% c #857985791489\",
+\"& c #868086801590\",
+\"* c #8A8A8A8A1697\",
+\"= c #878787871812\",
+\"- c #885388531936\",
+\"; c #8BAB8BAB17B8\",
+\": c #8CCC8CCC1A7D\",
+\"> c #8DB68DB61BC4\",
+\", c #90EC90EC11D0\",
+\"< c #9161916114B5\",
+\"1 c #92A292A2163F\",
+\"2 c #8E8B8E8B2150\",
+\"3 c #8F0F8F0F2274\",
+\"4 c #9AF79AF72386\",
+\"5 c #9D289D282655\",
+\"6 c #9ED19ED1286E\",
+\"7 c #9F599F592912\",
+\"8 c #A31DA31D2D82\",
+\"9 c #A3DDA3DD2DA2\",
+\"0 c #A144A1442ED2\",
+\"q c #A828A82833B4\",
+\"w c #AB38AB383AEB\",
+\"e c #AD21AD213DC2\",
+\"r c #AD6DAD6D3E56\",
+\"t c #AFFCAFFC4481\",
+\"y c #B0AAB0AA429F\",
+\"u c #B1B1B1B144E8\",
+\"i c #B51DB51D4A5F\",
+\"p c #B535B5354A8A\",
+\"a c #B56FB56F4AEE\",
+\"s c #B7B0B7B0525B\",
+\"d c #BD14BD1459B1\",
+\"f c #BFACBFAC5C55\",
+\"g c #C5D9C5D965F7\",
+\"h c #C85FC85F6D04\",
+\"j c None\",
+/* pixels */
+\"j32 jjjjjjj\",
+(defconst ide-skel-tree-widget-close-image
+ (create-image ide-skel-tree-widget-close-xpm 'xpm t))
+(define-widget 'ide-skel-imenu-internal-node-widget 'tree-widget
+ "Internal node widget.")
+(define-widget 'ide-skel-imenu-leaf-widget 'push-button
+ "Leaf widget."
+ :format "%[%t%]\n"
+ :button-face 'variable-pitch
+ )
+(defvar ide-skel-imenu-sorted nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-imenu-sorted)
+(defvar ide-skel-imenu-editor-buffer nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-imenu-editor-buffer)
+(defvar ide-skel-imenu-open-paths nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-imenu-open-paths)
+(defface imenu-side-view-face '((t :inherit variable-pitch :height 0.8))
+ "Default face used in right view for imenu"
+ :group 'ide-skel)
+(define-widget 'ide-skel-info-tree-dir-widget 'tree-widget
+ "Directory Tree widget."
+ :expander 'ide-skel-info-tree-expand-dir
+ :notify 'ide-skel-info-open
+ :indent 0)
+(define-widget 'ide-skel-info-tree-file-widget 'push-button
+ "File widget."
+ :format "%[%t%]%d\n"
+ :button-face 'variable-pitch
+ :notify 'ide-skel-info-file-open)
+(defvar ide-skel-info-open-paths nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-info-open-paths)
+(defvar ide-skel-info-root-node nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-info-root-node)
+(defvar ide-skel-info-buffer nil)
+(define-widget 'ide-skel-dir-tree-dir-widget 'tree-widget
+ "Directory Tree widget."
+ :expander 'ide-skel-dir-tree-expand-dir
+ :notify 'ide-skel-dir-open
+ :indent 0)
+(define-widget 'ide-skel-dir-tree-file-widget 'push-button
+ "File widget."
+ :format "%[%t%]%d\n"
+ :button-face 'variable-pitch
+ :notify 'ide-skel-file-open)
+(defvar ide-skel-dir-open-paths nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-dir-open-paths)
+(defvar ide-skel-dir-root-dir "/")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-dir-root-dir)
+(defvar ide-skel-dir-buffer nil)
+(defconst ide-skel-cvs-dir-regexp "\\(\\.svn\\|CVS\\|\\.git\\)$")
+(defstruct ide-skel-project
+ root-path
+ include-file-path ; for PC-include-file-path variable
+(defvar ide-skel-projects nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-proj-find-results-buffer-name "*Proj find*")
+(defvar ide-skel-project-menu
+ '("Project"
+ :filter ide-skel-project-menu)
+ "Menu for CVS/SVN projects")
+(defvar ide-skel-proj-find-project-files-history nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-proj-grep-project-files-history nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-proj-ignored-extensions '("semantic.cache"))
+(defvar ide-skel-all-text-files-flag nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-proj-grep-header nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-proj-old-compilation-exit-message-function nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ide-skel-proj-old-compilation-exit-message-function)
+(defvar ide-skel-proj-grep-mode-map nil)
+(defvar ide-skel-proj-grep-replace-history nil)
+(copy-face 'mode-line 'mode-line-inactive)
+(define-key tree-widget-button-keymap [drag-mouse-1] 'ignore)
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label (tab)
+ "Return a label for TAB.
+That is, a string used to represent it on the tab bar."
+ (let* ((object (tabbar-tab-value tab))
+ (tabset (tabbar-tab-tabset tab))
+ (label (format " %s "
+ (or (and (bufferp object)
+ (with-current-buffer object ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label)) ; local in buffer
+ object))))
+ (when (and (not (memq tabset (list (tabbar-get-tabset ide-skel-left-view-window-tabset-name)
+ (tabbar-get-tabset ide-skel-right-view-window-tabset-name))))
+ (numberp ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label-max-width)
+ (> ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label-max-width 0))
+ (setq label (tabbar-shorten label ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label-max-width)))
+ label))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-help-on-tab (tab)
+ "Return the help string shown when mouse is onto TAB."
+ (let ((tabset (tabbar-tab-tabset tab))
+ (object (tabbar-tab-value tab)))
+ (or (when (bufferp object)
+ (with-current-buffer object
+ (or ide-skel-tabbar-tab-help-string ; local in buffer
+ (buffer-file-name))))
+ "mouse-1: switch to buffer\nmouse-2: delete other windows\nmouse-3: kill buffer")))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-buffer-groups ()
+ "Return the list of group names the current buffer belongs to."
+ (if (and (ide-skel-side-view-buffer-p (current-buffer))
+ (or (not ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label)
+ (not ide-skel-tabbar-enabled)))
+ nil
+ (let ((result (list (or ide-skel-tabset-name ; local in current buffer
+ (when (ide-skel-bottom-view-buffer-p (current-buffer)) ide-skel-bottom-view-window-tabset-name)
+ ide-skel-editor-window-tabset-name))))
+ (dolist (window (copy-list (window-list nil 1)))
+ (when (eq (window-buffer window) (current-buffer))
+ (let ((tabset-name (ide-skel-get-tabset-name-for-window window)))
+ (unless (member tabset-name result)
+ (push tabset-name result)))))
+ result)))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-buffer-tabs ()
+ "Return the buffers to display on the tab bar, in a tab set."
+ ;; (message "ide-skel-tabbar-buffer-tabs %S" (current-buffer))
+ (tabbar-buffer-update-groups)
+ (let* ((window (selected-window))
+ (tabset (tabbar-get-tabset (ide-skel-get-tabset-name-for-window window))))
+ (when (not (tabbar-get-tab (current-buffer) tabset))
+ (tabbar-add-tab tabset (current-buffer) t))
+ (tabbar-select-tab-value (current-buffer) tabset)
+ tabset))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-buffer-list ()
+ "Return the list of buffers to show in tabs.
+The current buffer is always included."
+ (ide-skel-tabbar-faces-adapt)
+ (delq t
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (b)
+ (let ((buffer-name (buffer-name b)))
+ (cond
+ ((and (ide-skel-side-view-buffer-p b)
+ (with-current-buffer b
+ (or (not ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label)
+ (not ide-skel-tabbar-enabled))))
+ t)
+ ;; Always include the current buffer.
+ ((eq (current-buffer) b) b)
+ ;; accept if buffer has tabset name
+ ((with-current-buffer b ide-skel-tabset-name) b)
+ ;; remove if matches any regexp from ide-skel-tabbar-hidden-buffer-names-regexp-list
+ ((not (null (some (lambda (regexp)
+ (string-match regexp buffer-name))
+ ide-skel-tabbar-hidden-buffer-names-regexp-list)))
+ t)
+ ;; accept if buffer has filename
+ ((buffer-file-name b) b)
+ ;; remove if name starts with space
+ ((and (char-equal ?\ (aref (buffer-name b) 0))
+ (not (ide-skel-side-view-buffer-p b)))
+ t)
+ ;; accept otherwise
+ (b))))
+ (buffer-list (selected-frame)))))
+(defun ide-skel-get-tabset-name-for-window (window)
+ (cond ((eq (ide-skel-get-left-view-window) window) ide-skel-left-view-window-tabset-name)
+ ((eq (ide-skel-get-right-view-window) window) ide-skel-right-view-window-tabset-name)
+ ((eq (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window) window) ide-skel-bottom-view-window-tabset-name)
+ (t ide-skel-editor-window-tabset-name)))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-select-tab (event tab)
+ "On mouse EVENT, select TAB."
+ (let* ((mouse-button (event-basic-type event))
+ (buffer (tabbar-tab-value tab))
+ (tabset-name (and (buffer-live-p buffer)
+ (with-current-buffer buffer ide-skel-tabset-name)))
+ (left-tabset (equal tabset-name ide-skel-left-view-window-tabset-name))
+ (right-tabset (equal tabset-name ide-skel-right-view-window-tabset-name)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq mouse-button 'mouse-1)
+ (cond (left-tabset (ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer ide-skel-current-left-view-window buffer))
+ (right-tabset (ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer ide-skel-current-right-view-window buffer))
+ (t (switch-to-buffer buffer))))
+ ((and (eq mouse-button 'mouse-2)
+ (not left-tabset)
+ (not right-tabset))
+ (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+ (delete-other-windows))
+ ((and (eq mouse-button 'mouse-3)
+ (not left-tabset)
+ (not right-tabset))
+ (kill-buffer buffer)))
+ ;; Disable group mode.
+ (set 'tabbar-buffer-group-mode nil)))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-buffer-kill-buffer-hook ()
+ "Hook run just before actually killing a buffer.
+In Tabbar mode, try to switch to a buffer in the current tab bar,
+after the current buffer has been killed. Try first the buffer in tab
+after the current one, then the buffer in tab before. On success, put
+the sibling buffer in front of the buffer list, so it will be selected
+ (let ((buffer-to-kill (current-buffer)))
+ (save-selected-window
+ (save-current-buffer
+ ;; cannot kill buffer from any side view window
+ (when (and (eq header-line-format tabbar-header-line-format)
+ (not (ide-skel-side-view-buffer-p (current-buffer))))
+ (dolist (window (copy-list (window-list nil 1)))
+ (when (eq buffer-to-kill (window-buffer window))
+ (select-window window)
+ (let ((bl (tabbar-tab-values (funcall tabbar-current-tabset-function)))
+ found sibling)
+ (while (and bl (not found))
+ (if (equal buffer-to-kill (car bl))
+ (setq found t)
+ (setq sibling (car bl)))
+ (setq bl (cdr bl)))
+ (setq sibling (or sibling (car bl)))
+ (if (and sibling
+ (not (eq sibling buffer-to-kill))
+ (buffer-live-p sibling))
+ ;; Move sibling buffer in front of the buffer list.
+ (switch-to-buffer sibling)
+ (let ((next-buffer (ide-skel--find-buffer-for-bottom-view-window)))
+ (when (eq next-buffer buffer-to-kill)
+ (setq next-buffer (some (lambda (buf)
+ (if (or (eq buf buffer-to-kill)
+ (ide-skel-side-view-buffer-p buf)
+ (ide-skel-hidden-buffer-name-p (buffer-name buf)))
+ nil
+ buf))
+ (buffer-list (selected-frame)))))
+ (when next-buffer
+ (switch-to-buffer next-buffer)
+ (tabbar-current-tabset t))))))))))))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-inhibit-function ()
+ "Inhibit display of the tab bar in specified windows, that is
+in `checkdoc' status windows and in windows with its own header
+ (let ((result (tabbar-default-inhibit-function))
+ (sw (selected-window)))
+ (when (and result
+ (ide-skel-side-view-window-p sw))
+ (setq result nil))
+ (when (not (eq header-line-format tabbar-header-line-format))
+ (setq result t))
+ result))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-home-function (event)
+ (let* ((window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+ (is-view-window (ide-skel-side-view-window-p window))
+ (buffer (window-buffer window))
+ extra-commands
+ (normal-window-counter 0))
+ (dolist (win (copy-list (window-list nil 1)))
+ (unless (ide-skel-side-view-window-p win)
+ (incf normal-window-counter)))
+ (with-selected-window window
+ (when (and is-view-window
+ ide-skel-tabbar-menu-function)
+ (setq extra-commands (funcall ide-skel-tabbar-menu-function)))
+ (let ((close-p (when (or is-view-window
+ (> normal-window-counter 1))
+ (list '(close "Close" t))))
+ (maximize-p (when (and (not is-view-window)
+ (> normal-window-counter 1))
+ (list '(maximize "Maximize" t)))))
+ (when (or close-p maximize-p)
+ (let ((user-selection
+ (car (x-popup-menu event (append (list 'keymap) close-p maximize-p extra-commands)))))
+ (cond ((eq user-selection 'close)
+ (call-interactively 'delete-window))
+ ((eq user-selection 'maximize)
+ (delete-other-windows window))
+ ((eq user-selection nil))
+ (t
+ (funcall user-selection)))))))))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-mwheel-scroll-forward (event)
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (tabbar-press-scroll-left))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-mwheel-scroll-backward (event)
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (tabbar-press-scroll-right))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-mwheel-scroll (event)
+ "Select the next or previous group of tabs according to EVENT."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (if (tabbar--mwheel-up-p event)
+ (ide-skel-tabbar-mwheel-scroll-forward event)
+ (ide-skel-tabbar-mwheel-scroll-backward event)))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-mwhell-mode-hook ()
+ (setq tabbar-mwheel-mode-map
+ (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (if (get 'mouse-wheel 'event-symbol-elements)
+ ;; Use one generic mouse wheel event
+ (define-key km [A-mouse-wheel]
+ 'ide-skel-tabbar-mwheel-scroll)
+ ;; Use separate up/down mouse wheel events
+ (let ((up (tabbar--mwheel-key tabbar--mwheel-up-event))
+ (down (tabbar--mwheel-key tabbar--mwheel-down-event)))
+ (define-key km `[header-line ,down]
+ 'ide-skel-tabbar-mwheel-scroll-backward)
+ (define-key km `[header-line ,up]
+ 'ide-skel-tabbar-mwheel-scroll-forward)
+ ))
+ km))
+ (setcdr (assoc 'tabbar-mwheel-mode minor-mode-map-alist) tabbar-mwheel-mode-map))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-mode-hook ()
+ (setq tabbar-prefix-map
+ (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key km [(control home)] 'tabbar-press-home)
+ (define-key km [(control left)] 'tabbar-backward)
+ (define-key km [(control right)] 'tabbar-forward)
+ (define-key km [(control prior)] 'tabbar-press-scroll-left)
+ (define-key km [(control next)] 'tabbar-press-scroll-right)
+ km))
+ (setq tabbar-mode-map
+ (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key km tabbar-prefix-key tabbar-prefix-map)
+ km))
+ (setcdr (assoc 'tabbar-mode minor-mode-map-alist) tabbar-mode-map))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-init-hook ()
+ (setq tabbar-cycle-scope 'tabs
+ tabbar-auto-scroll-flag nil)
+ (setq
+ tabbar-tab-label-function 'ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label
+ tabbar-help-on-tab-function 'ide-skel-tabbar-help-on-tab
+ tabbar-buffer-groups-function 'ide-skel-tabbar-buffer-groups
+ tabbar-buffer-list-function 'ide-skel-tabbar-buffer-list
+ tabbar-current-tabset-function 'ide-skel-tabbar-buffer-tabs
+ tabbar-select-tab-function 'ide-skel-tabbar-select-tab
+ tabbar-inhibit-functions (append '(ide-skel-tabbar-inhibit-function)
+ (delq 'tabbar-default-inhibit-function tabbar-inhibit-functions))
+ tabbar-home-function 'ide-skel-tabbar-home-function
+ tabbar-home-help-function (lambda () "Window menu"))
+ (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'ide-skel-tabbar-buffer-kill-buffer-hook))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-quit-hook ()
+ (setq
+ tabbar-current-tabset-function nil
+ tabbar-tab-label-function nil
+ tabbar-select-tab-function nil
+ tabbar-help-on-tab-function nil
+ tabbar-home-function nil
+ tabbar-home-help-function nil
+ tabbar-buffer-groups-function nil
+ tabbar-buffer-list-function nil)
+ (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'ide-skel-tabbar-buffer-kill-buffer-hook))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-load-hook ()
+ (add-hook 'tabbar-mode-hook 'ide-skel-tabbar-mode-hook)
+ (add-hook 'tabbar-mwheel-mode-hook 'ide-skel-tabbar-mwhell-mode-hook)
+ (add-hook 'tabbar-init-hook 'ide-skel-tabbar-init-hook t)
+ (add-hook 'tabbar-quit-hook 'ide-skel-tabbar-quit-hook t)
+ (custom-set-faces
+ '(tabbar-default ((t (:inherit variable-pitch :background "gray82" :foreground "gray50" :height 0.8))))
+ '(tabbar-selected ((t (:inherit tabbar-default :background "white" :foreground "blue" :box (:line-width 1 :color "black")))))
+ '(tabbar-separator ((t (:inherit tabbar-default :height 0.2))))
+ '(tabbar-highlight ((t ())))
+ '(tabbar-button-highlight ((t (:inherit tabbar-button))))
+ '(tabbar-unselected ((t (:inherit tabbar-default :background "gray72" :foreground "black" :box (:line-width 1 :color "black"))))))
+ (ide-skel-tabbar-faces-adapt))
+(defun ide-skel-tabbar-faces-adapt ()
+ (ide-skel-shine-face-background 'tabbar-default +18)
+ (set-face-attribute 'tabbar-selected nil :background (face-background 'default))
+ (set-face-attribute 'tabbar-selected nil :foreground (face-foreground 'font-lock-function-name-face))
+ (set-face-attribute 'tabbar-selected nil :box (list :line-width 1 :color (face-foreground 'default)))
+ (ide-skel-shine-face-background 'tabbar-unselected +30)
+ (set-face-attribute 'tabbar-unselected nil :foreground (face-foreground 'default))
+ (set-face-attribute 'tabbar-unselected nil :box (list :line-width 1 :color (face-foreground 'default)))
+ (ide-skel-shine-face-background 'tabbar-button +18)
+ (ide-skel-shine-face-foreground 'tabbar-button +20))
+(defun ide-skel-paradox-settings ()
+ ;; hide scroll buttons
+ (setq tabbar-scroll-left-button (cons (cons "" nil) (cons "" nil))
+ tabbar-scroll-right-button (cons (cons "" nil) (cons "" nil))))
+;;; Views
+(defun ide-skel-window-list ()
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar (lambda (win)
+ (unless (memq win ide-skel-ommited-windows)
+ win))
+ (copy-list (window-list nil 1)))))
+(defun ide-skel-next-window (&optional window minibuf all-frames)
+ (let ((nw (next-window window minibuf all-frames)))
+ (if (memq nw ide-skel-ommited-windows)
+ (ide-skel-next-window nw minibuf all-frames)
+ nw)))
+(defun ide-skel-previous-window (window minibuf all-frames)
+ (let ((pw (previous-window window minibuf all-frames)))
+ (if (memq pw ide-skel-ommited-windows)
+ window
+ pw)))
+(defun ide-skel-win--absorb-win-node (dest-win-node src-win-node)
+ (dotimes (index (length src-win-node))
+ (setf (elt dest-win-node index)
+ (elt src-win-node index))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--create-win-node (object)
+ (cond ((win-node-p object) (copy-win-node object))
+ ((windowp object)
+ (make-win-node :corner-pos (ide-skel-win-corner object)
+ :buf-corner-pos (window-start object)
+ :buffer (window-buffer object)
+ :horiz-scroll (window-hscroll object)
+ :point (window-point object)
+ :mark nil
+ :edges (window-edges object)
+ :fixed-size (cdr (assoc (ide-skel-win-corner object) ide-skel--fixed-size-windows))
+ :divisions nil))
+ (t (error "Argument is not win-not nor window: %S" object))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--get-corner-pos (object)
+ (cond ((windowp object) (ide-skel-win-corner object))
+ ((win-node-p object) (win-node-corner-pos object))
+ ((consp object) object)
+ (t (error "Invalid arg: %S" object))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--corner-pos-equal (win-node1 win-node2)
+ (let ((corner-pos1 (ide-skel-win--get-corner-pos win-node1))
+ (corner-pos2 (ide-skel-win--get-corner-pos win-node2)))
+ (equal corner-pos1 corner-pos2)))
+(defun ide-skel-win--add-division (win-node division &optional at-end-p)
+ (setf (win-node-divisions win-node)
+ (if at-end-p
+ (reverse (cons division (reverse (win-node-divisions win-node))))
+ (cons division (win-node-divisions win-node)))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--remove-division (win-node &optional from-end-p)
+ (let (result)
+ (if from-end-p
+ (let ((divs (reverse (win-node-divisions win-node))))
+ (setq result (car divs))
+ (setf (win-node-divisions win-node)
+ (reverse (cdr divs))))
+ (setq result (car (win-node-divisions win-node)))
+ (setf (win-node-divisions win-node) (cdr (win-node-divisions win-node))))
+ result))
+(defun ide-skel-win--find-node (root predicate)
+ "Return node for which predicate returns non-nil."
+ (when root
+ (if (funcall predicate root)
+ root
+ (some (lambda (division)
+ (ide-skel-win--find-node (division-win-node division) predicate))
+ (win-node-divisions root)))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--find-node-by-corner-pos (root corner-pos)
+ "Return struct for window with specified corner coordinates."
+ (setq corner-pos
+ (cond ((windowp corner-pos) (ide-skel-win-corner corner-pos))
+ ((consp corner-pos) corner-pos)
+ (t (error "arg corner-pos %S is not a pair/window" corner-pos))))
+ (ide-skel-win--find-node root
+ (lambda (win-node)
+ (equal corner-pos (win-node-corner-pos win-node)))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--get-window-list ()
+ (let* ((start-win (selected-window))
+ (cur-win (ide-skel-next-window start-win 1 1))
+ (win-list (list start-win)))
+ (while (not (eq cur-win start-win))
+ (setq win-list (cons cur-win win-list))
+ (setq cur-win (ide-skel-next-window cur-win 1 1)))
+ (reverse win-list)))
+(defun ide-skel-win--analysis (&optional window-proc)
+ ;; (message "ide-skel-win--analysis BEGIN %S" (get-internal-run-time))
+ (let ((window-size-fixed nil))
+ (setq ide-skel--fixed-size-windows nil)
+ (dolist (window (copy-list (window-list nil 1)))
+ (with-selected-window window
+ (cond ((eq window-size-fixed 'width)
+ (push (cons (ide-skel-win-corner window) (cons (window-width window) nil)) ide-skel--fixed-size-windows))
+ ((eq window-size-fixed 'height)
+ (push (cons (ide-skel-win-corner window) (cons nil (window-height window))) ide-skel--fixed-size-windows))
+ ((not window-size-fixed)
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (push (cons (ide-skel-win-corner window) (cons (window-width window) (window-height window))) ide-skel--fixed-size-windows)))))
+ (dolist (window (ide-skel-window-list))
+ (when (ide-skel-side-view-window-p window) (set-window-dedicated-p window nil)))
+ (setq ide-skel-win--minibuffer-selected-p (eq (selected-window) (minibuffer-window)))
+ (when ide-skel-win--minibuffer-selected-p
+ (select-window (ide-skel-get-editor-window)))
+ (when (memq (selected-window) ide-skel-ommited-windows)
+ (select-window (ide-skel-next-window (selected-window) 1 1)))
+ (let* (leaf-win
+ (counter 0)
+ (cursor-alist (mapcar (lambda (win) (prog1 (cons win counter) (incf counter))) (ide-skel-win--get-window-list)))
+ win-node-set)
+ (select-window (ide-skel-win-get-upper-left-window))
+ (while (setq leaf-win (get-window-with-predicate
+ (lambda (win)
+ (if ide-skel-win--win2-switch (ide-skel-win--is-leaf2 win) (ide-skel-win--is-leaf win))) 1 1))
+ (let* ((parent-win (ide-skel-previous-window leaf-win 1 1))
+ (parent-node (car (member* (ide-skel-win-corner parent-win) win-node-set :test 'ide-skel-win--corner-pos-equal)))
+ (leaf-node (car (member* (ide-skel-win-corner leaf-win) win-node-set :test 'ide-skel-win--corner-pos-equal))))
+ (unless leaf-node
+ (setq leaf-node (ide-skel-win--create-win-node leaf-win))
+ (setf (win-node-cursor-priority leaf-node) (cdr (assq leaf-win cursor-alist)))
+ (setq win-node-set (adjoin leaf-node win-node-set :test 'ide-skel-win--corner-pos-equal)))
+ (unless parent-node
+ (setq parent-node (ide-skel-win--create-win-node parent-win))
+ (setf (win-node-cursor-priority parent-node) (cdr (assq parent-win cursor-alist)))
+ (setq win-node-set (adjoin parent-node win-node-set :test 'ide-skel-win--corner-pos-equal)))
+ (let* ((is-horizontal (ide-skel-win--is-adjacent parent-win 'right leaf-win))
+ (size (if is-horizontal (window-width parent-win) (window-height parent-win)))
+ percent)
+ (setf (win-node-edges leaf-node) (window-edges leaf-win))
+ (when window-proc (funcall window-proc parent-win))
+ (when window-proc (funcall window-proc leaf-win))
+ (delete-window leaf-win)
+ (when window-proc (funcall window-proc parent-win))
+ (setq percent
+ (/ (float size) (if is-horizontal (window-width parent-win) (window-height parent-win))))
+ (ide-skel-win--add-division parent-node
+ (make-division :win-node leaf-node
+ :horizontal-p is-horizontal
+ :percent percent)))))
+ ;; if there was only one window
+ (unless win-node-set
+ (when window-proc (funcall window-proc (selected-window)))
+ (let ((node (ide-skel-win--create-win-node (selected-window))))
+ (setq win-node-set (adjoin node win-node-set
+ :test 'ide-skel-win--corner-pos-equal))))
+ ;; return root node
+ (let ((root-node (car (member* (ide-skel-win-corner (selected-window))
+ win-node-set
+ :test 'ide-skel-win--corner-pos-equal))))
+ (setf (win-node-edges root-node) (window-edges (selected-window)))
+ ;; (message "ide-skel-win--analysis END %S" (get-internal-run-time))
+ root-node))))
+(defun ide-skel-win-get-upper-left-window ()
+ "Return window in left upper corner"
+ (let (best-window)
+ (dolist (win (ide-skel-window-list))
+ (if (null best-window)
+ (setq best-window win)
+ (let* ((best-window-coords (window-edges best-window))
+ (best-window-weight (+ (car best-window-coords) (cadr best-window-coords)))
+ (win-coords (window-edges win))
+ (win-weight (+ (car win-coords) (cadr win-coords))))
+ (when (< win-weight best-window-weight)
+ (setq best-window win)))))
+ best-window))
+(defun ide--is-right-window (window)
+ (let ((bounds (window-edges window))
+ (result t))
+ (dolist (win (ide-skel-window-list))
+ (let ((left-edge-pos (car (window-edges win))))
+ (when (>= left-edge-pos (nth 2 bounds))
+ (setq result nil))))
+ result))
+(defun ide-skel-get-win-width-delta (window)
+ (if window-system
+ (let ((bounds (window-edges window)))
+ (+ (- (- (nth 2 bounds) (nth 0 bounds)) (window-width window))
+ (if (and (not scroll-bar-mode)
+ (ide--is-right-window window))
+ 1
+ 0)))
+ 1))
+(defun ide-skel-win--split (window horizontal-p percentage)
+ "Split window and return children."
+ (let* ((delta (ide-skel-get-win-width-delta window))
+ (weight percentage)
+ (new-size (cond
+ ((integerp weight) (if (< weight 0)
+ (if horizontal-p
+ (+ (window-width window) weight)
+ (+ (window-height window) weight))
+ (if horizontal-p (+ delta weight) weight)))
+ (t ; float
+ (when (< weight 0.0)
+ (setq weight (+ 1.0 weight)))
+ (if horizontal-p
+ (round (+ delta (* (window-width window) weight)))
+ (round (* (window-height window) weight)))))))
+ (split-window window new-size horizontal-p)))
+(defun ide-skel-win--process-win-node (win win-node &optional window-proc)
+ (let ((win2 win))
+ (set-window-buffer win (win-node-buffer win-node))
+ ; (set-window-start win (win-node-buf-corner-pos win-node))
+ (set-window-hscroll win (win-node-horiz-scroll win-node))
+ (set-window-point win (win-node-point win-node))
+ (when window-proc (setq win (funcall window-proc win)))
+ (dolist (division (win-node-divisions win-node))
+ (when (not (null (division-win-node division)))
+ (let ((child-window (ide-skel-win--split win (division-horizontal-p division) (division-percent division))))
+ (when window-proc (setq win (funcall window-proc win)))
+ (ide-skel-win--process-win-node child-window (division-win-node division) window-proc))))
+ (with-selected-window win2
+ (let ((fixed-size (win-node-fixed-size win-node))
+ (window-size-fixed nil))
+ (when fixed-size
+ (when (car fixed-size)
+ (enlarge-window (- (car fixed-size) (window-width win2)) t))
+ (when (cdr fixed-size)
+ (enlarge-window (- (cdr fixed-size) (window-height win2)) nil)))))
+ (when (win-node-cursor-priority win-node)
+ (unless sel-window
+ (setq sel-window win
+ sel-priority (win-node-cursor-priority win-node)))
+ (when (< (win-node-cursor-priority win-node) sel-priority)
+ (setq sel-window win
+ sel-priority (win-node-cursor-priority win-node))))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--synthesis (window win-node &optional window-proc)
+ (let ((window-size-fixed nil)
+ sel-window
+ sel-priority)
+ (ide-skel-win--process-win-node window win-node window-proc)
+ (when sel-window
+ (select-window sel-window))
+ (when ide-skel-win--minibuffer-selected-p
+ (select-window (minibuffer-window)))
+ (setq ide-skel-win--minibuffer-selected-p nil)
+ (dolist (window (ide-skel-window-list))
+ (when (ide-skel-side-view-window-p window) (set-window-dedicated-p window t)))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--remove-child (win-node child-win-node)
+ (if (eq win-node child-win-node)
+ (let* ((division (ide-skel-win--remove-division win-node t))
+ (divisions (win-node-divisions win-node)))
+ (when division
+ (ide-skel-win--absorb-win-node win-node (division-win-node division)))
+ (setf (win-node-divisions win-node)
+ (append divisions (win-node-divisions win-node))))
+ (dolist (division (win-node-divisions win-node))
+ (if (and (eq (division-win-node division) child-win-node) (null (win-node-divisions (division-win-node division))))
+ (setf (division-win-node division) nil)
+ (ide-skel-win--remove-child (division-win-node division) child-win-node)))))
+(defun ide-skel-win-remove-window (window)
+ "Remove window with coordinates WINDOW."
+ (let* ((window-corner-pos (ide-skel-win-corner window))
+ (root-win-node (ide-skel-win--analysis))
+ (child-win-node (ide-skel-win--find-node-by-corner-pos root-win-node window-corner-pos)))
+ (ide-skel-win--remove-child root-win-node child-win-node)
+ (ide-skel-win--synthesis (selected-window) root-win-node)))
+(defun ide-skel-win-add-window (buffer parent-window-edges edge-symbol size)
+ "Split PARENT-WINDOW-EDGES window along specified edge. In new window with width/height SIZE
+show buffer BUFFER. SIZE can be integer (character count) or float 0.0 - 1.0."
+ (when (windowp parent-window-edges)
+ (setq parent-window-edges (window-edges parent-window-edges)))
+ (let ((horizontal-p (or (eq edge-symbol 'left) (eq edge-symbol 'right)))
+ (replace-parent-p (or (eq edge-symbol 'top) (eq edge-symbol 'left)))
+ (percentage
+ (if (or (eq edge-symbol 'bottom) (eq edge-symbol 'right))
+ (- size)
+ size)))
+ (ide-skel-win--add-window buffer parent-window-edges horizontal-p percentage replace-parent-p)))
+(defun ide-skel-win--add-window (buffer parent-window-edges horizontal-p percentage replace-parent-p)
+ (let* ((root-win-node (ide-skel-win--analysis))
+ (new-win-node (make-win-node :buffer buffer)))
+ (ide-skel-win--synthesis (selected-window) root-win-node
+ (lambda (window)
+ (if (equal (window-edges window) parent-window-edges)
+ (let ((child-window (ide-skel-win--split window horizontal-p percentage)))
+ (set-window-buffer (if replace-parent-p window child-window) buffer)
+ (if replace-parent-p child-window window))
+ window)))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--get-bounds (object)
+ (cond ((windowp object) (window-edges object))
+ ((and (listp object) (= (length object) 4)) object)
+ (t (error "Invalid object param: %S" object))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--win-area (window)
+ (let ((win-bounds (ide-skel-win--get-bounds window)))
+ (* (- (nth 2 win-bounds) (nth 0 win-bounds))
+ (- (nth 3 win-bounds) (nth 1 win-bounds)))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--is-adjacent(window1 edge-symbol window2)
+ "Non-nil if WINDOW1 sticks to WINDOW2 along specified edge."
+ (let ((bounds1 (ide-skel-win--get-bounds window1))
+ (bounds2 (ide-skel-win--get-bounds window2))
+ result)
+ (if (or (equal edge-symbol 'top) (equal edge-symbol 'bottom))
+ (setq result (and
+ (equal (nth 0 bounds1) (nth 0 bounds2)) ; bounds.LEFT = bounds2.LEFT
+ (equal (nth 2 bounds1) (nth 2 bounds2)))) ; bounds.RIGHT = bounds2.RIGHT
+ (setq result (and
+ (equal (nth 1 bounds1) (nth 1 bounds2)) ; bounds.TOP = bounds2.TOP
+ (equal (nth 3 bounds1) (nth 3 bounds2))))) ; bounds.BOTTOM = bounds2.BOTTOM
+ (when result
+ (setq result
+ (cond ((equal edge-symbol 'top) (equal (nth 1 bounds1) (nth 3 bounds2))) ; bounds.TOP = bounds2.BOTTOM
+ ((equal edge-symbol 'bottom) (equal (nth 3 bounds1) (nth 1 bounds2))) ; bounds.BOTTOM = bounds2.TOP
+ ((equal edge-symbol 'left) (equal (nth 0 bounds1) (nth 2 bounds2))) ; bounds.LEFT = bounds2.RIGHT
+ (t (equal (nth 2 bounds1) (nth 0 bounds2))))))
+ result))
+(defun ide-skel-win--is-leaf (&optional window)
+ "Non-nil if WINDOW is a leaf."
+ (unless window
+ (setq window (selected-window)))
+ ;; no window can stick from right or bottom
+ (when (and (not (get-window-with-predicate
+ (lambda (win) (ide-skel-win--is-adjacent window 'right win)) 1 1))
+ (not (get-window-with-predicate
+ (lambda (win) (ide-skel-win--is-adjacent window 'bottom win)) 1 1)))
+ (let ((parent (ide-skel-previous-window window 1 1)))
+ ;; parent must exist and come from left or up
+ (when (and parent
+ (or (ide-skel-win--is-adjacent window 'top parent)
+ (ide-skel-win--is-adjacent window 'left parent)))
+ window))))
+(defun ide-skel-win--is-leaf2 (&optional win2)
+ "Non-nil if WIN2 is leaf."
+ (unless win2
+ (setq win2 (selected-window)))
+ ;; no window can stick from right or bottom
+ (when (and (not (get-window-with-predicate
+ (lambda (win) (ide-skel-win--is-adjacent win2 'right win))))
+ (not (get-window-with-predicate
+ (lambda (win) (ide-skel-win--is-adjacent win2 'bottom win)))))
+ (let ((parent (ide-skel-previous-window win2 1 1)))
+ ;; parent must exist and come from left or up
+ (when (and parent
+ (or (ide-skel-win--is-adjacent win2 'top parent)
+ (ide-skel-win--is-adjacent win2 'left parent)))
+ win2))))
+(defun ide-skel-win-corner (window)
+ (let ((coords (window-edges window)))
+ (cons (car coords) (cadr coords))))
+(defun ide-skel-window-size-changed (frame)
+ (let* ((editor-window (ide-skel-get-editor-window))
+ (left-view-window (car ide-skel--current-side-windows))
+ (right-view-window (cdr ide-skel--current-side-windows))
+ (bottom-view-window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)))
+ (ide-skel-recalculate-view-cache)
+ (when bottom-view-window
+ (ide-skel-remember-bottom-view-window))
+ (when left-view-window
+ (setq ide-skel-left-view-window-width (window-width left-view-window)))
+ (when right-view-window
+ (setq ide-skel-right-view-window-width (window-width right-view-window)))))
+(add-hook 'window-size-change-functions 'ide-skel-window-size-changed)
+(setq special-display-regexps ide-skel-bottom-view-buffer-names-regexps)
+(defun ide-skel-recalculate-view-cache ()
+ (setq ide-skel-selected-frame (selected-frame)
+ ide-skel-current-editor-window (ide-skel-get-editor-window))
+ (setq ide-skel-current-editor-buffer (window-buffer ide-skel-current-editor-window)
+ ide-skel-current-left-view-window (car ide-skel--current-side-windows)
+ ide-skel-current-right-view-window (cdr ide-skel--current-side-windows)))
+(defun ide-skel-get-last-selected-window ()
+ (and ide-skel-last-selected-window-or-buffer
+ (or (and (window-live-p (car ide-skel-last-selected-window-or-buffer))
+ (car ide-skel-last-selected-window-or-buffer))
+ (and (buffer-live-p (cdr ide-skel-last-selected-window-or-buffer))
+ (get-buffer-window (cdr ide-skel-last-selected-window-or-buffer))))))
+(require 'mwheel)
+(defvar ide-skel-mouse-wheel-events (list mouse-wheel-up-event mouse-wheel-down-event))
+(run-with-idle-timer 0 t (lambda ()
+;; (when ide-skel-current-left-view-window
+;; (with-selected-window ide-skel-current-left-view-window
+;; (beginning-of-line)))
+;; (when ide-skel-current-right-view-window
+;; (with-selected-window ide-skel-current-right-view-window
+;; (beginning-of-line)))
+ (unless (or (active-minibuffer-window)
+ (memq 'down (event-modifiers last-input-event))
+ (memq (event-basic-type last-input-event) ide-skel-mouse-wheel-events)
+ (mouse-movement-p last-input-event))
+ ;; selected frame changed?
+ (unless (eq (selected-frame) ide-skel-selected-frame)
+ (ide-skel-recalculate-view-cache))
+ ;; side view windows cannot have cursor
+ (while (memq (selected-window) (list ide-skel-current-left-view-window
+ ide-skel-current-right-view-window))
+ (let ((win (ide-skel-get-last-selected-window)))
+ (if (and win (not (eq (selected-window) win)))
+ (select-window win)
+ (other-window 1))))
+ (setq ide-skel-last-selected-window-or-buffer
+ (cons (selected-window) (window-buffer (selected-window))))
+ ;; current buffer changed?
+ (let ((editor-buffer (window-buffer ide-skel-current-editor-window)))
+ (when (not (eq ide-skel-last-buffer-change-event editor-buffer))
+ (ide-skel-send-event nil 'editor-buffer-changed ide-skel-last-buffer-change-event editor-buffer))))))
+(setq special-display-function
+ (lambda (buffer &optional data)
+ (let ((bottom-view-window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)))
+ (if (and bottom-view-window
+ (eq bottom-view-window (selected-window))
+ (member (buffer-name buffer) ide-skel-unexpected-bottom-view-window-buffer-names))
+ (progn
+ (show-buffer (ide-skel-get-editor-window) buffer)
+ (ide-skel-get-editor-window))
+ (unless (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)
+ (ide-skel-show-bottom-view-window))
+ (set-window-buffer (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window) buffer)
+ ;; (select-window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window))
+ (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)))))
+;;; Bottom view
+(defun ide-skel-hidden-buffer-name-p (buffer-name)
+ (equal (elt buffer-name 0) 32))
+(defun ide-skel-bottom-view-buffer-p (buffer)
+ "Non-nil if buffer should be shown in bottom view."
+ (let ((name (buffer-name buffer)))
+ (or (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (and ide-skel-tabset-name
+ (string= ide-skel-tabset-name ide-skel-bottom-view-window-tabset-name)))
+ (and (not (ide-skel-hidden-buffer-name-p name))
+ (some (lambda (regexp) (string-match regexp name)) ide-skel-bottom-view-buffer-names-regexps)
+ (not (some (lambda (regexp) (string-match regexp name)) ide-skel-bottom-view-buffer-names-disallowed-regexps))))))
+(defun ide-skel-remember-bottom-view-window ()
+ (let ((bottom-view-window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)))
+ (when bottom-view-window
+ (setq ide-skel--last-bottom-view-buffer-name (buffer-name (window-buffer bottom-view-window))
+ ide-skel-bottom-view-window-size (max 5 (window-height bottom-view-window))))))
+(defun ide-skel--find-buffer-for-bottom-view-window ()
+ "Returns first buffer to display in bottom view window (always returns a buffer)."
+ (let ((best-buffers (list (car (buffer-list (selected-frame))))))
+ (some (lambda (buffer)
+ (when (ide-skel-bottom-view-buffer-p buffer)
+ (if (member (buffer-name buffer) ide-skel-unexpected-bottom-view-window-buffer-names)
+ (setq best-buffers (append best-buffers (list buffer)))
+ (setq best-buffers (cons buffer best-buffers)))
+ nil))
+ (buffer-list (selected-frame)))
+ (if (and (not ide-skel-was-scratch)
+ (get-buffer "*scratch*"))
+ (progn
+ (setq ide-skel-was-scratch t)
+ (get-buffer "*scratch*"))
+ (car best-buffers))))
+(defun ide-skel--is-full-width-window (window &rest except-windows)
+ (let ((bounds (window-edges window))
+ (result t))
+ (dolist (win (ide-skel-window-list))
+ (unless (memq win except-windows)
+ (let ((left-edge-pos (car (window-edges win))))
+ (when (or (< left-edge-pos (car bounds))
+ (>= left-edge-pos (nth 2 bounds)))
+ (setq result nil)))))
+ result))
+(defun ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window ()
+ (let* ((editor-window (ide-skel-get-editor-window))
+ best-window)
+ ;; get lowest window
+ (dolist (win (copy-list (window-list nil 1)))
+ (when (with-current-buffer (window-buffer win)
+ (and (or (not ide-skel-tabset-name)
+ (equal ide-skel-tabset-name ide-skel-bottom-view-window-tabset-name))
+ (not (eq win editor-window))))
+ (if (null best-window)
+ (setq best-window win)
+ (when (> (cadr (window-edges win)) (cadr (window-edges best-window)))
+ (setq best-window win)))))
+ (when (and best-window
+ (not (ide-skel--is-full-width-window best-window (ide-skel-get-left-view-window) (ide-skel-get-right-view-window))))
+ (setq best-window nil))
+ best-window))
+(defun ide-skel-show-bottom-view-window (&optional buffer)
+ (interactive)
+ (unless ide-skel-bottom-view-window-oper-in-progress
+ (let ((saved-window (cons (selected-window) (window-buffer (selected-window)))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (unless (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window) ;; if not open yet
+ (setq ide-skel-bottom-view-window-oper-in-progress t)
+ (unless buffer
+ (setq buffer
+ (or (and ide-skel--last-bottom-view-buffer-name (get-buffer ide-skel--last-bottom-view-buffer-name))
+ (ide-skel--find-buffer-for-bottom-view-window))))
+ (let* ((left-view-window (ide-skel-get-left-view-window))
+ (left-view-window-bounds (and left-view-window
+ (window-edges left-view-window)))
+ (right-view-window (ide-skel-get-right-view-window))
+ (right-view-window-bounds (and right-view-window
+ (window-edges right-view-window)))
+ (root-win-node (ide-skel-win--analysis))
+ (window-bounds (window-edges (selected-window)))) ; bounds of maximized window (after analysis)
+ (when (and left-view-window-bounds (not ide-skel-bottom-view-on-left-view))
+ (setf (nth 0 window-bounds) (nth 2 left-view-window-bounds)))
+ (when (and right-view-window-bounds (not ide-skel-bottom-view-on-right-view))
+ (setf (nth 2 window-bounds) (nth 0 right-view-window-bounds)))
+ (ide-skel-win--synthesis (selected-window) root-win-node)
+ (let ((ide-skel-win--win2-switch (and (not (null left-view-window))
+ ide-skel-bottom-view-on-right-view))
+ (old ide-skel-ommited-windows))
+ (when (and (not ide-skel-bottom-view-on-left-view)
+ (not ide-skel-bottom-view-on-right-view)
+ (ide-skel-get-left-view-window))
+ (push (ide-skel-get-left-view-window) ide-skel-ommited-windows))
+ (ide-skel-win-add-window buffer window-bounds 'bottom ide-skel-bottom-view-window-size)
+ (setq ide-skel-ommited-windows old))))
+ (if (window-live-p (car saved-window))
+ (select-window (car saved-window))
+ (when (get-buffer-window (cdr saved-window))
+ (select-window (get-buffer-window (cdr saved-window)))))
+ (setq ide-skel-bottom-view-window-oper-in-progress nil)))))
+(defun ide-skel-hide-bottom-view-window ()
+ (interactive)
+ (unless ide-skel-bottom-view-window-oper-in-progress
+ (setq ide-skel-bottom-view-window-oper-in-progress t)
+ (let ((bottom-view-window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)))
+ (when bottom-view-window
+ (let ((ide-skel-win--win2-switch nil)
+ (select-editor (eq bottom-view-window (selected-window))))
+ (ide-skel-remember-bottom-view-window)
+ (ide-skel-win-remove-window bottom-view-window)
+ (when select-editor (select-window (ide-skel-get-editor-window))))))
+ (setq ide-skel-bottom-view-window-oper-in-progress nil)))
+(defun ide-skel-toggle-bottom-view-window ()
+ "Toggle bottom view window."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)
+ (ide-skel-hide-bottom-view-window)
+ (ide-skel-show-bottom-view-window)))
+;;; Editor
+(defun ide-skel-get-editor-window ()
+ (let (best-window)
+ (setq ide-skel--current-side-windows (cons nil nil))
+ (dolist (win (copy-list (window-list nil 1)))
+ (when (with-current-buffer (window-buffer win)
+ (when (equal ide-skel-tabset-name ide-skel-left-view-window-tabset-name)
+ (setcar ide-skel--current-side-windows win))
+ (when (equal ide-skel-tabset-name ide-skel-right-view-window-tabset-name)
+ (setcdr ide-skel--current-side-windows win))
+ (or (not ide-skel-tabset-name)
+ (equal ide-skel-tabset-name ide-skel-editor-window-tabset-name)))
+ (if (null best-window)
+ (setq best-window win)
+ (let* ((best-window-coords (window-edges best-window))
+ (win-coords (window-edges win)))
+ (when (or (< (cadr win-coords) (cadr best-window-coords))
+ (and (= (cadr win-coords) (cadr best-window-coords))
+ (< (car win-coords) (car best-window-coords))))
+ (setq best-window win))))))
+ best-window))
+;;; Left view & Right view
+(defun ide-skel-toggle-side-view-window (name &optional run-hooks)
+ (if (funcall (intern (format "ide-skel-get-%s-view-window" name)))
+ (funcall (intern (format "ide-skel-hide-%s-view-window" name)) run-hooks)
+ (funcall (intern (format "ide-skel-show-%s-view-window" name)) run-hooks)))
+(defun ide-skel-toggle-left-view-window ()
+ (interactive)
+ (ide-skel-toggle-side-view-window 'left (interactive-p)))
+(defun ide-skel-toggle-right-view-window ()
+ (interactive)
+ (ide-skel-toggle-side-view-window 'right (interactive-p)))
+(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook (lambda ()
+ (when (eq ide-skel-current-editor-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (let* ((context (gethash ide-skel-current-editor-buffer ide-skel-context-properties))
+ (imenu-buffer (cdr (assq :imenu-buffer context)))
+ (imenu-window (when imenu-buffer (get-buffer-window imenu-buffer))))
+ (when imenu-window
+ (set-window-dedicated-p imenu-window nil)
+ (set-window-buffer imenu-window ide-skel-default-right-view-buffer)
+ (set-window-dedicated-p imenu-window t))
+ (remhash (current-buffer) ide-skel-context-properties)
+ (when imenu-buffer
+ (kill-buffer imenu-buffer))))))
+(defun ide-skel-send-event (side-symbol event-type &rest params)
+ (ide-skel-recalculate-view-cache)
+ (cond ((eq event-type 'hide)
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'ide-skel-side-view-window-functions side-symbol 'hide)
+ (ide-skel-disable-nonactual-side-view-tabs side-symbol 'disable-all))
+ ((eq event-type 'show)
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'ide-skel-side-view-window-functions side-symbol 'show)
+ (ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-current-%s-view-window" side-symbol))) nil))
+ ((eq event-type 'editor-buffer-changed)
+ (run-hooks 'ide-skel-editor-buffer-changed-hook)
+ (when ide-skel-current-left-view-window
+ (ide-skel-disable-nonactual-side-view-tabs 'left)
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'ide-skel-side-view-window-functions
+ 'left 'editor-buffer-changed
+ ide-skel-last-buffer-change-event ide-skel-current-editor-buffer)
+ (ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer ide-skel-current-left-view-window nil))
+ (when ide-skel-current-right-view-window
+ (ide-skel-disable-nonactual-side-view-tabs 'right)
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'ide-skel-side-view-window-functions
+ 'right 'editor-buffer-changed
+ (car params) (cadr params))
+ (ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer ide-skel-current-right-view-window nil))
+ (setq ide-skel-last-buffer-change-event ide-skel-current-editor-buffer))
+ ((eq event-type 'tab-change)
+ (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'ide-skel-side-view-window-functions side-symbol 'tab-change (car params) (cadr params)))))
+(defun ide-skel-hide-side-view-window (name &optional run-hooks)
+ (let* ((view-window (funcall (intern (format "ide-skel-get-%s-view-window" name))))
+ (select-editor (eq view-window (selected-window))))
+ (when view-window
+ (when (active-minibuffer-window)
+ (error "Cannot remove side window while minibuffer is active"))
+ (let* ((bottom-view-window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window))
+ (selected-bottom-view-window (and bottom-view-window (eq bottom-view-window (selected-window))))
+ (buffer (window-buffer view-window))
+ (second-side-window (funcall (intern (format "ide-skel-get-%s-view-window" (if (eq name 'left) 'right 'left))))))
+ (set (intern (format "ide-skel-last-%s-view-buffer" name)) buffer)
+ (when run-hooks
+ (ide-skel-send-event name 'hide))
+ (when bottom-view-window
+ (ide-skel-hide-bottom-view-window))
+ (when second-side-window
+ (push second-side-window ide-skel-ommited-windows))
+ (let ((ide-skel-win--win2-switch (eq name 'left)))
+ (set (intern (format "ide-skel-%s-view-window-width" name)) (window-width view-window))
+ (ide-skel-win-remove-window view-window))
+ (setq ide-skel-ommited-windows nil)
+ (when bottom-view-window
+ (ide-skel-show-bottom-view-window)
+ (when selected-bottom-view-window
+ (select-window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window))))
+ (ide-skel-recalculate-view-cache)
+ (when select-editor (select-window (ide-skel-get-editor-window)))))))
+(defun ide-skel-hide-left-view-window (&optional run-hooks)
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((right-view-window (ide-skel-get-right-view-window)))
+ (when right-view-window
+ (ide-skel-hide-right-view-window))
+ (ide-skel-hide-side-view-window 'left (or run-hooks (interactive-p)))
+ (when right-view-window
+ (ide-skel-show-right-view-window))))
+(defun ide-skel-hide-right-view-window (&optional run-hooks)
+ (interactive)
+ (ide-skel-hide-side-view-window 'right (or (interactive-p) run-hooks)))
+(defun ide-skel-get-side-view-buffer-create (name side-sym tab-label help-string keep-condition-function)
+ (let* ((was-buffer (get-buffer name))
+ (km (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (buffer (get-buffer-create name)))
+ (unless was-buffer
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (remove-overlays)
+ (define-key km [drag-mouse-1] 'ignore)
+ (use-local-map km)
+ (make-local-variable 'mouse-wheel-scroll-amount)
+ (make-local-variable 'auto-hscroll-mode)
+ (make-local-variable 'hscroll-step)
+ (make-local-variable 'hscroll-margin)
+ (setq ide-skel-tabset-name (if (eq side-sym 'left) ide-skel-left-view-window-tabset-name ide-skel-right-view-window-tabset-name)
+ ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label tab-label
+ ide-skel-tabbar-tab-help-string help-string
+ ide-skel-keep-condition-function keep-condition-function
+ auto-hscroll-mode nil
+ hscroll-step 0.0
+ hscroll-margin 0
+;; left-fringe-width 0
+;; right-fringe-width 0
+ buffer-read-only t
+ mode-line-format " "
+ mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1)
+ window-size-fixed 'width)
+ ;; (make-variable-buffer-local 'fringe-indicator-alist)
+ (setq fringe-indicator-alist (copy-alist default-fringe-indicator-alist))
+;; (when (>= emacs-major-version 22)
+;; (set 'indicate-buffer-boundaries '((up . left) (down . left))))
+ (setcdr (assq 'truncation fringe-indicator-alist) nil)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'scroll-conservatively) 1500) ; much greater than 0
+ (when (and window-system
+ (not ide-skel-side-view-display-cursor))
+ (setq cursor-type nil))))
+ buffer))
+(defvar ide-skel-default-left-view-buffer
+ (let ((buffer (ide-skel-get-side-view-buffer-create " Default Left View Buffer" 'left nil nil (lambda (buf) t))))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (setq header-line-format " "))
+ buffer))
+(defvar ide-skel-last-left-view-buffer ide-skel-default-left-view-buffer)
+(defvar ide-skel-default-right-view-buffer
+ (let ((buffer (ide-skel-get-side-view-buffer-create " Default Right View Buffer" 'right nil nil (lambda (buf) t))))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (setq header-line-format " "))
+ buffer))
+(defvar ide-skel-last-right-view-buffer ide-skel-default-right-view-buffer)
+(defun ide-skel-show-side-view-window (name &optional run-hooks)
+ (unless (funcall (intern (format "ide-skel-get-%s-view-window" name)))
+ (let* ((current-buffer (window-buffer (selected-window)))
+ (bottom-view-window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window))
+ root-win-node
+ (bottom-view-window-bounds (and (or (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-bottom-view-on-%s-view" name)))
+ (and ide-skel-bottom-view-on-left-view
+ (not ide-skel-bottom-view-on-right-view)))
+ bottom-view-window
+ (window-edges bottom-view-window)))
+ best-window-bounds)
+ (when bottom-view-window-bounds
+ (ide-skel-hide-bottom-view-window))
+ (let ((second-side-window (funcall (intern (format "ide-skel-get-%s-view-window" (if (eq name 'left) 'right 'left))))))
+ (when second-side-window
+ (push second-side-window ide-skel-ommited-windows))
+ (setq root-win-node (ide-skel-win--analysis))
+ (setq best-window-bounds (window-edges (selected-window))) ; bounds of maximized window (after analysis)
+ (ide-skel-win--synthesis (selected-window) root-win-node)
+ (ide-skel-win-add-window
+ (symbol-value (intern (format (if run-hooks "ide-skel-default-%s-view-buffer" "ide-skel-last-%s-view-buffer") name)))
+ best-window-bounds name
+ (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-%s-view-window-width" name))))
+ (setq ide-skel-ommited-windows nil)
+ (when bottom-view-window-bounds
+ (ide-skel-show-bottom-view-window))
+ (set-window-dedicated-p (funcall (intern (format "ide-skel-get-%s-view-window" name))) t)
+ (when run-hooks
+ (dolist (tab (tabbar-tabs (tabbar-get-tabset (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-%s-view-window-tabset-name" name))))))
+ (tabbar-delete-tab tab))
+ (ide-skel-send-event name 'show))
+ (some (lambda (win) (when (eq (window-buffer win) current-buffer) (select-window win) t)) (copy-list (window-list nil 1)))))))
+;; Disables from view all buffers for which keep condition function
+;; returns nil. If a current buffer is there, select another enabled,
+;; which implies tab-change event, then select any enabled buffer.
+(defun ide-skel-disable-nonactual-side-view-tabs (name &optional disable-all)
+ (let* ((tabset (tabbar-get-tabset (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-%s-view-window-tabset-name" name)))))
+ (tabs (tabbar-tabs tabset))
+ (editor-buffer (window-buffer (ide-skel-get-editor-window)))
+ selected-deleted
+ (selected-tab (tabbar-selected-tab tabset)))
+ (when tabs
+ (dolist (tab tabs)
+ (let ((buffer (tabbar-tab-value tab)))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (when (or disable-all
+ (not ide-skel-keep-condition-function)
+ (not (funcall ide-skel-keep-condition-function editor-buffer)))
+ (setq ide-skel-tabbar-enabled nil)
+ (when (eq tab selected-tab)
+ (setq selected-deleted t))
+ (tabbar-delete-tab tab)))))
+ (let ((selected-buffer (when (and (not selected-deleted)
+ (tabbar-tabs tabset) (tabbar-selected-value tabset)))))
+ (when (and (not disable-all)
+ (or selected-deleted
+ (not (eq (tabbar-selected-tab tabset) selected-tab))))
+ (unless selected-buffer
+ (setq selected-buffer (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-default-%s-view-buffer" name)))))
+ (ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer
+ (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-current-%s-view-window" name)))
+ selected-buffer))))))
+(defun ide-skel-show-left-view-window (&optional run-hooks)
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((right-view-window (ide-skel-get-right-view-window)))
+ (when right-view-window
+ (ide-skel-hide-right-view-window))
+ (ide-skel-show-side-view-window 'left (or run-hooks (interactive-p)))
+ (when right-view-window
+ (ide-skel-show-right-view-window))))
+(defun ide-skel-show-right-view-window (&optional run-hooks)
+ (interactive)
+ (ide-skel-show-side-view-window 'right (or run-hooks (interactive-p))))
+(defun ide-skel-get-side-view-window (name)
+ (let ((tabset-name (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-%s-view-window-tabset-name" name)))))
+ (some (lambda (win)
+ (when (with-current-buffer (window-buffer win)
+ (equal ide-skel-tabset-name tabset-name))
+ win))
+ (copy-list (window-list nil 1)))))
+(defun ide-skel-get-left-view-window ()
+ (ide-skel-get-side-view-window 'left))
+(defun ide-skel-get-right-view-window ()
+ (ide-skel-get-side-view-window 'right))
+(defun ide-skel-get-side-view-windows ()
+ (let (result
+ (left-view-win (ide-skel-get-left-view-window))
+ (right-view-win (ide-skel-get-right-view-window)))
+ (when left-view-win (push left-view-win result))
+ (when right-view-win (push right-view-win result))
+ result))
+(defun ide-skel-side-view-window-p (window)
+ (ide-skel-side-view-buffer-p (window-buffer window)))
+(defun ide-skel-side-view-buffer-p (buffer)
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (or (equal ide-skel-tabset-name ide-skel-left-view-window-tabset-name)
+ (equal ide-skel-tabset-name ide-skel-right-view-window-tabset-name))))
+(defadvice delete-window (around delete-window-around-advice (&optional window))
+ (let* ((target-window (if window window (selected-window)))
+ (editor-window (and (interactive-p) (ide-skel-get-editor-window))) ; for ide-skel--current-side-windows (side-effects)
+ (hide-view-windows (and (interactive-p)
+ (not (eq (car ide-skel--current-side-windows) target-window))
+ (not (eq (cdr ide-skel--current-side-windows) target-window))))
+ (hide-left-view-window (and hide-view-windows (car ide-skel--current-side-windows)))
+ (hide-right-view-window (and hide-view-windows (cdr ide-skel--current-side-windows)))
+ result)
+ (when (interactive-p)
+ (if (eq (car ide-skel--current-side-windows) target-window)
+ (ide-skel-send-event 'left 'hide)
+ (when (eq (cdr ide-skel--current-side-windows) target-window)
+ (ide-skel-send-event 'right 'hide))))
+ (let* ((edges (window-inside-edges window))
+ (buf (window-buffer window))
+ win
+ (center-position (cons (/ (+ (car edges) (caddr edges)) 2)
+ (/ (+ (cadr edges) (cadddr edges)) 2))))
+ (when hide-left-view-window (ide-skel-hide-left-view-window))
+ (when hide-right-view-window (ide-skel-hide-right-view-window))
+ (setq win (window-at (car center-position) (cdr center-position)))
+ (when (eq (window-buffer win) buf)
+ (setq window (window-at (car center-position) (cdr center-position)))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (setq result (progn ad-do-it))
+ (when hide-left-view-window (ide-skel-show-left-view-window))
+ (when hide-right-view-window (ide-skel-show-right-view-window)))
+ result))
+(ad-activate 'delete-window)
+(defadvice delete-other-windows (around delete-other-windows-around-advice (&optional window))
+ (ide-skel-assert-not-in-side-view-window)
+ (let* ((editor-window (ide-skel-get-editor-window))
+ (dont-revert-after (and (interactive-p) (listp current-prefix-arg) (car current-prefix-arg))) ; C-u
+ (hide-left-view-window (and (interactive-p) (car ide-skel--current-side-windows)))
+ (hide-right-view-window (and (interactive-p) (cdr ide-skel--current-side-windows)))
+ result)
+ (when hide-left-view-window (ide-skel-hide-left-view-window dont-revert-after))
+ (when hide-right-view-window (ide-skel-hide-right-view-window dont-revert-after))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (setq result (progn ad-do-it))
+ (when (not dont-revert-after)
+ (when hide-left-view-window
+ (ide-skel-show-left-view-window))
+ (when hide-right-view-window
+ (ide-skel-show-right-view-window))))
+ result))
+(ad-activate 'delete-other-windows)
+(defun ide-skel-assert-not-in-side-view-window ()
+ (when (and (interactive-p) (ide-skel-side-view-window-p (selected-window)))
+ (error "Cannot do it")))
+(defadvice kill-buffer (before kill-buffer-before-advice (buffer))
+ (ide-skel-assert-not-in-side-view-window))
+(ad-activate 'kill-buffer)
+(defadvice split-window-vertically (before split-window-vertically-before-advice (&optional size))
+ (ide-skel-assert-not-in-side-view-window))
+(ad-activate 'split-window-vertically)
+(defadvice split-window-horizontally (before split-window-horizontally-before-advice (&optional size))
+ (ide-skel-assert-not-in-side-view-window))
+(ad-activate 'split-window-horizontally)
+(defadvice mouse-drag-vertical-line (around mouse-drag-vertical-line-around-advice (start-event))
+ (let* ((editor-window (ide-skel-get-editor-window))
+ (left-view-window (car ide-skel--current-side-windows))
+ (right-view-window (cdr ide-skel--current-side-windows)))
+ (when left-view-window (with-selected-window left-view-window (setq window-size-fixed nil)))
+ (when right-view-window (with-selected-window right-view-window (setq window-size-fixed nil)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn ad-do-it)
+ (when left-view-window (with-selected-window left-view-window (setq window-size-fixed 'width)))
+ (when right-view-window (with-selected-window right-view-window (setq window-size-fixed 'width))))))
+(ad-activate 'mouse-drag-vertical-line)
+(defadvice other-window (after other-window-after-advice (arg &optional all-frames))
+ (if (memq (selected-window) (list ide-skel-current-left-view-window ide-skel-current-right-view-window))
+ (other-window arg all-frames)
+ ad-return-value))
+(ad-activate 'other-window)
+;; Buffer list buffer (left side view)
+(define-derived-mode fundmental-mode
+ fundamental-mode "Fundmental")
+(setq default-major-mode 'fundmental-mode)
+(defun ide-skel-recentf-closed-files-list ()
+ "Lista ostatnio otwieranych, ale aktualnie zamknietych plikow"
+ (let* ((open-file-paths (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (buffer) (buffer-file-name buffer)) (buffer-list)))))
+ (if (featurep 'recentf)
+ (sort (reverse (set-difference recentf-list open-file-paths :test 'string=))
+ (lambda (path1 path2)
+ (string< (file-name-nondirectory path1) (file-name-nondirectory path2))))
+ nil)))
+(defun ide-skel-select-buffer (buffer-or-path &optional line-no)
+ (let* ((window (ide-skel-get-last-selected-window))
+ (buffer (or (and (bufferp buffer-or-path) buffer-or-path)
+ (find-file-noselect buffer-or-path)))
+ (is-bottom-view-buffer (ide-skel-bottom-view-buffer-p buffer)))
+ (when (not (buffer-live-p buffer))
+ (error "Buffer %s is dead" buffer))
+ (unless (get-buffer-window buffer)
+ ;; (message "%S %S" window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window))
+ (if (and window
+ (not (eq window (ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)))
+ (not is-bottom-view-buffer))
+ (set-window-buffer window buffer)
+ (let ((editor-window (ide-skel-get-editor-window)))
+ (select-window editor-window)
+ (if is-bottom-view-buffer
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer)
+ (set-window-buffer editor-window buffer)))))
+ (setq ide-skel-last-selected-window-or-buffer (cons (get-buffer-window buffer) buffer))
+ (select-window (car ide-skel-last-selected-window-or-buffer))
+ (when line-no
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (goto-line line-no)))))
+(defun ide-skel-select-buffer-handler (event)
+ (interactive "@e")
+ ;; (message "EVENT: %S" event)
+ (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event))
+ (let* ((object (get-text-property (posn-point (event-start event)) 'object-to-display)))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (ide-skel-select-buffer object))))
+(defun ide-skel-buffers-view-insert-buffer-list (label buffer-list)
+ (setq label (propertize label 'face 'bold))
+ (insert (format "%s\n" label))
+ (dolist (object buffer-list)
+ (let* ((label (format " % -100s" (if (bufferp object) (buffer-name object) (file-name-nondirectory object))))
+ (km (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key km [mouse-1] 'ide-skel-select-buffer-handler)
+ (setq label (propertize label
+ 'mouse-face 'ide-skel-highlight-face
+ 'local-map km
+ 'face 'variable-pitch
+ 'pointer 'hand
+ 'object-to-display object
+ 'help-echo (if (bufferp object) (buffer-file-name object) object)))
+ (insert label)
+ (insert "\n"))))
+(defun ide-skel-buffers-view-fill ()
+ (when ide-skel-current-left-view-window
+ (with-current-buffer ide-skel-buffer-list-buffer
+ (let ((point (point))
+ (window-start (when (eq (window-buffer ide-skel-current-left-view-window) ide-skel-buffer-list-buffer)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (window-start ide-skel-current-left-view-window))
+ (cons (line-number-at-pos) (current-column))))))
+ ;; (message "%S" window-start)
+ (let (asterisk-buffers
+ (inhibit-read-only t)
+ normal-buffers)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (dolist (buffer (sort (buffer-list) (lambda (buf1 buf2) (string< (buffer-name buf1) (buffer-name buf2)))))
+ (let* ((name (buffer-name buffer))
+ (first-char (aref (buffer-name buffer) 0)))
+ (unless (char-equal ?\ first-char)
+ (if (char-equal ?* first-char)
+ (push buffer asterisk-buffers)
+ (push buffer normal-buffers)))))
+ (ide-skel-buffers-view-insert-buffer-list "Normal Buffers:" normal-buffers)
+ (ide-skel-buffers-view-insert-buffer-list "Scratch Buffers:" asterisk-buffers)
+ (ide-skel-buffers-view-insert-buffer-list "Recent Files:" (ide-skel-recentf-closed-files-list)))
+ (if window-start
+ (let ((pos (save-excursion
+ (goto-line (car window-start))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (forward-char (cdr window-start))
+ (point))))
+ (set-window-start ide-skel-current-left-view-window pos))
+ (goto-char point)
+ (beginning-of-line))))))
+(defun ide-skel-some-view-window-buffer (side-symbol predicate)
+ (some (lambda (buffer)
+ (and (buffer-live-p buffer)
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (and (equal ide-skel-tabset-name (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-%s-view-window-tabset-name" side-symbol))))
+ ide-skel-tabbar-enabled
+ (funcall predicate buffer)
+ buffer))))
+ (buffer-list)))
+(defun ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer (side-window buffer)
+ "If BUFFER is nil, then select any non-default buffer. The
+TAB-CHANGE event is send only if selected buffer changed."
+ (unwind-protect
+ (let* ((side-symbol (cond ((eq side-window ide-skel-current-left-view-window) 'left)
+ ((eq side-window ide-skel-current-right-view-window) 'right)
+ (t nil)))
+ (context (gethash ide-skel-current-editor-buffer ide-skel-context-properties))
+ (context-default-tab-label-symbol (intern (format "default-%s-tab-label" side-symbol))))
+ (when side-symbol
+ (unless buffer
+ (let* ((default-empty-buffer (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-default-%s-view-buffer" side-symbol))))
+ (context-default-tab-label (cdr (assq context-default-tab-label-symbol context)))
+ (last-view-window-tab-label (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-last-%s-view-window-tab-label" side-symbol)))))
+ ;; first non-nil:
+ ;; - selected before in this context
+ ;; - selected in previous context
+ ;; - current if other than default-empty
+ ;; - first non default-empty
+ ;; - default-empty
+ (setq buffer
+ (or (and context-default-tab-label
+ (ide-skel-some-view-window-buffer side-symbol (lambda (buffer)
+ (equal ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label context-default-tab-label))))
+ (and last-view-window-tab-label
+ (ide-skel-some-view-window-buffer side-symbol (lambda (buffer)
+ (equal ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label last-view-window-tab-label))))
+ (and (not (eq (window-buffer side-window) default-empty-buffer))
+ (window-buffer side-window))
+ (ide-skel-some-view-window-buffer side-symbol (lambda (buffer) ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label))
+ default-empty-buffer))))
+ (unless (eq (window-buffer side-window) buffer)
+ (set (intern (format "ide-skel-last-%s-view-window-tab-label" side-symbol)) (with-current-buffer buffer ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label))
+ (setq context (assq-delete-all context-default-tab-label-symbol context))
+ (puthash ide-skel-current-editor-buffer
+ (cons (cons context-default-tab-label-symbol (with-current-buffer buffer ide-skel-tabbar-tab-label)) context)
+ ide-skel-context-properties)
+ (ide-skel-send-event side-symbol 'tab-change (window-buffer side-window) buffer)))
+ (set-window-dedicated-p side-window nil)
+ (set-window-buffer side-window buffer))
+ (set-window-dedicated-p side-window t)))
+;; args: 'left/right 'show/editor-buffer-changed/hide/tab-change &rest buffer...
+(defun ide-skel-default-side-view-window-function (side event &rest list)
+ ;; (message "SIDE: %S, event: %S, rest: %S %S" side event list ide-skel-current-left-view-window)
+ (when (and (eq side 'left) ide-skel-current-left-view-window)
+ (cond ((eq event 'show)
+ (unless ide-skel-buffer-list-buffer
+ (setq ide-skel-buffer-list-buffer (ide-skel-get-side-view-buffer-create
+ " Ide-Skel Buffer List Buffer" 'left "Bufs" "List of opened and recent files"
+ (lambda (buf) t)))
+ (with-current-buffer ide-skel-buffer-list-buffer
+ (setq ide-skel-tabbar-enabled t)))
+ (ide-skel-buffers-view-fill)
+ (ide-skel-side-window-switch-to-buffer ide-skel-current-left-view-window ide-skel-buffer-list-buffer))))
+ nil)
+ ;; (message "SIDE: %S, event: %S, rest: %S" side event list)
+(add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook (lambda () (setq ide-skel-buffer-list-tick t)))
+(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook (lambda () (setq ide-skel-buffer-list-tick t)))
+(run-with-idle-timer 0.1 t (lambda ()
+ (when ide-skel-buffer-list-tick
+ (setq ide-skel-buffer-list-tick nil)
+ (ide-skel-buffers-view-fill))))
+(add-hook 'ide-skel-side-view-window-functions 'ide-skel-default-side-view-window-function)
+(define-key-after global-map [tool-bar ide-skel-toggle-left-view-window]
+ (list 'menu-item "Left View Window" 'ide-skel-toggle-left-view-window :image ide-skel-left-view-window-image))
+(define-key-after global-map [tool-bar ide-skel-toggle-bottom-view-window]
+ (list 'menu-item "Bottom View Window" 'ide-skel-toggle-bottom-view-window :image ide-skel-bottom-view-window-image))
+(define-key-after global-map [tool-bar ide-skel-toggle-right-view-window]
+ (list 'menu-item "Right View Window" 'ide-skel-toggle-right-view-window :image ide-skel-right-view-window-image))
+(eval-after-load "tabbar" '(ide-skel-tabbar-load-hook))
+;;; Tree Widget
+(defadvice tree-widget-lookup-image (around tree-widget-lookup-image-around-advice (name))
+ (if (equal (tree-widget-theme-name) "small-folder")
+ (setq ad-return-value (apply 'create-image (symbol-value (intern (format "ide-skel-tree-widget-%s-xpm" name))) 'xpm t (tree-widget-image-properties name)))
+ ad-do-it))
+(ad-activate 'tree-widget-lookup-image)
+;;; Imenu
+(require 'imenu)
+(defun ide-skel-imenu-refresh ()
+ (interactive)
+ (ide-skel-imenu-side-view-draw-tree (window-buffer ide-skel-current-right-view-window) t))
+(defun ide-skel-imenu-sort-change ()
+ (interactive)
+ (with-current-buffer (window-buffer ide-skel-current-right-view-window)
+ (setq ide-skel-imenu-sorted (not ide-skel-imenu-sorted)))
+ (ide-skel-imenu-side-view-draw-tree (window-buffer ide-skel-current-right-view-window) t))
+(defun ide-skel-imenu-get-buffer-create (editor-buffer &optional dont-create)
+ (let* ((context (gethash editor-buffer ide-skel-context-properties))
+ (buffer (cdr (assq :imenu-buffer context))))
+ (when (and (not buffer) (not dont-create))
+ (setq buffer (ide-skel-get-side-view-buffer-create (concat " " (buffer-name editor-buffer) " Ide Skel Imenu")
+ 'right "Imenu" nil
+ (lambda (editor-buffer)
+ (eq ide-skel-imenu-editor-buffer ide-skel-current-editor-buffer))))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (setq ide-skel-tabbar-menu-function
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((is-outline-mode (with-current-buffer (window-buffer ide-skel-current-right-view-window)
+ (with-current-buffer ide-skel-imenu-editor-buffer
+ (or (eq major-mode 'outline-mode)
+ (and (boundp 'outline-minor-mode)
+ (symbol-value 'outline-minor-mode)))))))
+ (append
+ (list
+ (list 'ide-skel-imenu-refresh "Refresh" t)
+ (unless is-outline-mode
+ (list 'ide-skel-imenu-sort-change (if (with-current-buffer (window-buffer ide-skel-current-right-view-window)
+ ide-skel-imenu-sorted)
+ "Natural order"
+ "Sorted order") t))))))
+ ide-skel-imenu-editor-buffer editor-buffer
+ ide-skel-imenu-open-paths (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ (add-hook 'tree-widget-after-toggle-functions (lambda (widget)
+ (let ((path (widget-get widget :path)))
+ (when path
+ (if (widget-get widget :open)
+ (puthash path t ide-skel-imenu-open-paths)
+ (remhash path ide-skel-imenu-open-paths)))))
+ nil t))
+ (puthash editor-buffer (cons (cons :imenu-buffer buffer) context) ide-skel-context-properties))
+ buffer))
+(defun ide-skel-tree-node-notify (widget &rest rest)
+ (let ((index-name (widget-get widget :index-name))
+ (index-position (widget-get widget :index-position))
+ (function (widget-get widget :function))
+ (arguments (widget-get widget :arguments)))
+ (select-window (ide-skel-get-editor-window))
+ (if function
+ (apply function index-name index-position arguments)
+ (goto-char index-position))))
+;; building hash
+(defun ide-skel-imenu-analyze (hash prefix element)
+ (when element
+ (if (and (consp (cdr element))
+ (listp (cadr element)))
+ (dolist (elem (cdr element))
+ (ide-skel-imenu-analyze hash (concat prefix "/" (car element)) elem))
+ (puthash (concat prefix "/" (car element)) (list (cons :element element)) hash))))
+;; logical linking, internal nodes creation
+(defun ide-skel-imenu-analyze2 (hash prefix element)
+ (when element
+ (if (and (consp (cdr element))
+ (listp (cadr element)))
+ (dolist (elem (cdr element))
+ (ide-skel-imenu-analyze2 hash (concat prefix "/" (car element)) elem))
+ (let* ((index-name (car element))
+ (path (concat prefix "/" index-name))
+ (node (gethash path hash))
+ (reverse-separators (let ((index 0)
+ result)
+ (while (string-match "[*#:.]+" index-name index)
+ (push (cons (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)) result)
+ (setq index (match-end 0)))
+ result))
+ found)
+ (some (lambda (separator-pair)
+ (let* ((begin (car separator-pair))
+ (end (cdr separator-pair))
+ (before-name (substring index-name 0 begin))
+ (after-name (substring index-name end))
+ (parent-path (concat prefix "/" before-name))
+ (parent-node (gethash parent-path hash)))
+ (when parent-node
+ (push (cons :parent parent-path) node)
+ (unless (assq :name node)
+ (push (cons :name after-name) node))
+ (puthash path node hash)
+ (unless (assq :widget parent-node)
+ (let* ((parent-element (cdr (assq :element parent-node)))
+ (parent-index-name (car parent-element))
+ (parent-index-position (if (consp (cdr parent-element)) (cadr parent-element) (cdr parent-element)))
+ (parent-function (when (consp (cdr parent-element)) (caddr parent-element)))
+ (open-status (gethash parent-path ide-skel-imenu-open-paths))
+ (parent-arguments (when (consp (cdr parent-element)) (cdddr parent-element))))
+ (push (cons :widget
+ ;; internal node
+ (list 'ide-skel-imenu-internal-node-widget
+ :open open-status
+ :indent 0
+ :path parent-path
+ :notify 'ide-skel-tree-node-notify
+ :index-name parent-index-name
+ :index-position parent-index-position
+ :function parent-function
+ :arguments parent-arguments
+ :node (list 'push-button
+ :format "%[%t%]\n"
+ :button-face 'variable-pitch
+ :tag (or (cdr (assq :name parent-node))
+ before-name)
+ ;; :tag (cadr (assq :element parent-node))
+ )))
+ parent-node)
+ (puthash parent-path parent-node hash)))
+ t)))
+ reverse-separators)))))
+;; widget linking, leafs creation
+(defun ide-skel-imenu-analyze3 (hash prefix element)
+ (when element
+ (if (and (consp (cdr element))
+ (listp (cadr element)))
+ (dolist (elem (cdr element))
+ (ide-skel-imenu-analyze3 hash (concat prefix "/" (car element)) elem))
+ (let* ((index-name (car element))
+ (index-position (if (consp (cdr element)) (cadr element) (cdr element)))
+ (function (when (consp (cdr element)) (caddr element)))
+ (arguments (when (consp (cdr element)) (cdddr element)))
+ (path (concat prefix "/" index-name))
+ (node (gethash path hash))
+ (widget (cdr (assq :widget node)))
+ (parent-path (cdr (assq :parent node)))
+ (parent-node (when parent-path (gethash parent-path hash)))
+ (parent-widget (when parent-node (cdr (assq :widget parent-node)))))
+ ;; create leaf if not exists
+ (unless widget
+ ;; leaf node
+ (push (cons :widget (list 'ide-skel-imenu-leaf-widget
+ :notify 'ide-skel-tree-node-notify
+ :index-name index-name
+ :index-position index-position
+ :function function
+ :arguments arguments
+ :tag (or (cdr (assq :name node))
+ index-name)))
+ node)
+ (puthash path node hash)
+ (setq widget (cdr (assq :widget node))))
+ ;; add to parent
+ (when parent-widget
+ (setcdr (last parent-widget) (cons widget nil)))))))
+(defun ide-skel-imenu-create-tree (hash prefix element)
+ (when element
+ (if (and (consp (cdr element))
+ (listp (cadr element)))
+ (let* ((menu-title (car element))
+ (sub-alist (cdr element))
+ (path (concat prefix "/" menu-title))
+ (open-status (gethash path ide-skel-imenu-open-paths)))
+ (append
+ (list 'ide-skel-imenu-internal-node-widget
+ :open open-status
+ :indent 0
+ :path path
+ :node (list 'push-button
+ :format "%[%t%]\n"
+ :button-face 'variable-pitch
+ :tag menu-title))
+ (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (elem)
+ (ide-skel-imenu-create-tree hash path elem))
+ sub-alist))))
+ (let* ((index-name (car element))
+ (index-position (if (consp (cdr element)) (cadr element) (cdr element)))
+ (function (when (consp (cdr element)) (caddr element)))
+ (arguments (when (consp (cdr element)) (cdddr element)))
+ (path (concat prefix "/" index-name))
+ (node (gethash path hash))
+ (parent-path (cdr (assq :parent node)))
+ (widget (cdr (assq :widget node))))
+ (unless parent-path
+ widget)))))
+(defun ide-skel-imenu-compare (e1 e2)
+ (let ((ce1 (and (consp (cdr e1)) (listp (cadr e1))))
+ (ce2 (and (consp (cdr e2)) (listp (cadr e2)))))
+ (when ce1
+ (setcdr e1 (sort (cdr e1) 'ide-skel-imenu-compare)))
+ (when ce2
+ (setcdr e2 (sort (cdr e2) 'ide-skel-imenu-compare)))
+ (if (or (and ce1 ce2)
+ (and (not ce1) (not ce2)))
+ (string< (car e1) (car e2))
+ (and ce1 (not ce2)))))
+(defun ide-skel-outline-tree-create (index-alist)
+ (let (stack
+ node-list
+ (current-depth 0))
+ (dolist (element index-alist)
+ (let ((index-name (car element))
+ (index-position (if (consp (cdr element)) (cadr element) (cdr element)))
+ (function (when (consp (cdr element)) (caddr element)))
+ (arguments (when (consp (cdr element)) (cdddr element))))
+ ;; (message "index-name: %S" index-name)
+ (string-match "^\\([*]+\\)[ ]*\\(.*\\)$" index-name)
+ (let* ((depth (length (match-string 1 index-name)))
+ (name (match-string 2 index-name))
+ parent-node
+ node)
+ (while (and stack
+ (>= (caar stack) depth))
+ (setq stack (cdr stack)))
+ (when stack
+ (setq parent-node (cdar stack))
+ (when (eq (car parent-node) 'ide-skel-imenu-leaf-widget)
+ (let ((path (plist-get (cdr parent-node) :path)))
+ (setcar parent-node 'ide-skel-imenu-internal-node-widget)
+ (setcdr parent-node (list :open (gethash path ide-skel-imenu-open-paths)
+ :indent 0
+ :notify 'ide-skel-tree-node-notify
+ :index-name (plist-get (cdr parent-node) :index-name)
+ :index-position (plist-get (cdr parent-node) :index-position)
+ :function (plist-get (cdr parent-node) :function)
+ :arguments (plist-get (cdr parent-node) :arguments)
+ :path path
+ :node (list 'push-button
+ :format "%[%t%]\n"
+ :button-face 'variable-pitch
+ :tag (plist-get (cdr parent-node) :tag)))))))
+ (setq node (list 'ide-skel-imenu-leaf-widget
+ :notify 'ide-skel-tree-node-notify
+ :index-name index-name
+ :index-position index-position
+ :function function
+ :path (concat (plist-get (cdr parent-node) :path) "/" index-name)
+ :arguments arguments
+ :tag name))
+ (push (cons depth node) stack)
+ (if parent-node
+ (setcdr (last parent-node) (cons node nil))
+ (push node node-list)))))
+ (append
+ (list 'ide-skel-imenu-internal-node-widget
+ :open t
+ :indent 0
+ :path ""
+ :tag "")
+ (reverse node-list))))
+(defun ide-skel-imenu-side-view-draw-tree (imenu-buffer &optional refresh)
+ (with-current-buffer imenu-buffer
+ (let ((index-alist (with-current-buffer ide-skel-imenu-editor-buffer
+ (when refresh
+ (imenu--cleanup)
+ (setq imenu--index-alist nil))
+ (cons "" (progn
+ (unless imenu--index-alist
+ (font-lock-default-fontify-buffer)
+ (condition-case err
+ (imenu--make-index-alist t)
+ (error nil)))
+ imenu--index-alist))))
+ (is-outline-mode (with-current-buffer ide-skel-imenu-editor-buffer
+ (or (eq major-mode 'outline-mode)
+ (and (boundp 'outline-minor-mode)
+ (symbol-value 'outline-minor-mode)))))
+ (inhibit-read-only t)
+ (hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ (start-line (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (window-start ide-skel-current-right-view-window))
+ (line-number-at-pos))))
+ (unless is-outline-mode
+ (when ide-skel-imenu-sorted
+ (setq index-alist (cons "" (sort (copy-tree (cdr index-alist)) 'ide-skel-imenu-compare))))
+ (ide-skel-imenu-analyze hash "/" index-alist)
+ (ide-skel-imenu-analyze2 hash "/" index-alist)
+ (ide-skel-imenu-analyze3 hash "/" index-alist))
+ (let ((tree (if is-outline-mode
+ (ide-skel-outline-tree-create (cdr index-alist))
+ (ide-skel-imenu-create-tree hash "/" index-alist))))
+ (plist-put (cdr tree) :open t)
+ (plist-put (cdr tree) :indent 0)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (tree-widget-set-theme "small-folder")
+ (widget-create tree)
+ (set-keymap-parent (current-local-map) tree-widget-button-keymap)
+ (widget-setup)
+ (goto-line start-line)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (set-window-start ide-skel-current-right-view-window (point))))))
+(defun ide-skel-imenu-side-view-window-function (side event &rest list)
+ ;; (message "%S %S %S" side event list)
+ (when (and (eq side 'right)
+ ide-skel-current-right-view-window)
+ (let ((imenu-buffer (ide-skel-imenu-get-buffer-create ide-skel-current-editor-buffer t)))
+ (when (memq event '(show editor-buffer-changed))
+ (when (ide-skel-has-imenu ide-skel-current-editor-buffer)
+ (unless imenu-buffer
+ (setq imenu-buffer (ide-skel-imenu-get-buffer-create ide-skel-current-editor-buffer)))
+ (with-current-buffer imenu-buffer
+ (setq ide-skel-tabbar-enabled t))))
+ (when (and imenu-buffer
+ (eq event 'tab-change)
+ (eq (cadr list) imenu-buffer))
+ (with-current-buffer imenu-buffer
+ (when (= (buffer-size) 0)
+ (ide-skel-imenu-side-view-draw-tree imenu-buffer))))))
+ nil)
+(add-hook 'ide-skel-side-view-window-functions 'ide-skel-imenu-side-view-window-function)
+;;; Info
+(require 'info)
+(defun ide-skel-info-get-buffer-create ()
+ (let ((buffer (ide-skel-get-side-view-buffer-create " Ide Skel Info"
+ 'left "Info" "Info browser"
+ (lambda (editor-buffer) t))))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (setq ide-skel-tabbar-menu-function
+ (lambda ()
+ (append
+ (list
+ (list 'ide-skel-info-refresh "Refresh" t))))
+ ide-skel-info-open-paths (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ ide-skel-info-root-node (cons "Top" "(dir)top"))
+ (add-hook 'tree-widget-after-toggle-functions (lambda (widget)
+ (let ((path (widget-get widget :path)))
+ (when path
+ (if (widget-get widget :open)
+ (puthash path t ide-skel-info-open-paths)
+ (remhash path ide-skel-info-open-paths)))))
+ nil t))
+ buffer))
+(defun ide-skel-info-file-open (widget &rest rest)
+ (let ((path (widget-get widget :path)))
+ (if (not (string-match "^(\\([^)]+\\))\\([^.]+\\)$" path))
+ (error "Invalid node %s" path)
+ (let ((filename (match-string 1 path))
+ (nodename (match-string 2 path))
+ (buffer (get-buffer "*info*"))
+ buffer-win)
+ (unless buffer
+ (with-selected-window (ide-skel-get-last-selected-window)
+ (info)
+ (setq buffer (window-buffer (selected-window)))
+ (setq buffer-win (selected-window))))
+ (unless buffer-win
+ (setq buffer-win (get-buffer-window buffer))
+ (unless buffer-win
+ (with-selected-window (ide-skel-get-last-selected-window)
+ (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+ (setq buffer-win (selected-window)))))
+ (select-window buffer-win)
+ (Info-find-node filename nodename)))))
+(defun ide-skel-info-tree-expand-dir (tree)
+ (let ((path (widget-get tree :path)))
+ (condition-case err
+ (mapcar 'ide-skel-info-tree-widget (Info-speedbar-fetch-file-nodes path))
+ (error
+ (message "%s" (error-message-string err))
+ nil))))
+(defun ide-skel-info-tree-widget (e)
+ (let ((name (car e))
+ (path (cdr e)))
+ (if (condition-case err
+ (Info-speedbar-fetch-file-nodes path)
+ (error nil))
+ (list 'ide-skel-info-tree-dir-widget
+ :path path
+ :help-echo name
+ :open (gethash path ide-skel-info-open-paths)
+ :node (list 'push-button
+ :tag name
+ :format "%[%t%]\n"
+ :notify 'ide-skel-info-file-open
+ :path path
+ :button-face 'variable-pitch
+ :help-echo name
+ :keymap tree-widget-button-keymap
+ ))
+ (list 'ide-skel-info-tree-file-widget
+ :path path
+ :help-echo name
+ :keymap tree-widget-button-keymap
+ :tag name))))
+(defun ide-skel-info-refresh (&optional show-top)
+ (interactive)
+ (with-current-buffer ide-skel-info-buffer
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+ (start-line (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (window-start ide-skel-current-left-view-window))
+ (line-number-at-pos))))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (tree-widget-set-theme "small-folder")
+ (let ((tree (ide-skel-info-tree-widget ide-skel-info-root-node)))
+ (plist-put (cdr tree) :open t)
+ (widget-create tree))
+ (set-keymap-parent (current-local-map) tree-widget-button-keymap)
+ (widget-setup)
+ (if show-top
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (goto-line start-line))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (set-window-start ide-skel-current-right-view-window (point)))))
+(defun ide-skel-info (root-node)
+ (with-current-buffer ide-skel-info-buffer
+ (clrhash ide-skel-info-open-paths)
+ (setq ide-skel-info-root-node root-node)
+ (ide-skel-info-refresh t)))
+(defun ide-skel-info-side-view-window-function (side event &rest list)
+ (when (and (eq side 'left) ide-skel-current-left-view-window)
+ (cond ((eq event 'show)
+ (unless ide-skel-info-buffer
+ (setq ide-skel-info-buffer (ide-skel-info-get-buffer-create)))
+ (with-current-buffer ide-skel-info-buffer
+ (setq ide-skel-tabbar-enabled t)))
+ ((and (eq event 'tab-change)
+ (eq (cadr list) ide-skel-info-buffer)
+ (= (buffer-size ide-skel-info-buffer) 0))
+ (ide-skel-info-refresh))))
+ nil)
+(add-hook 'ide-skel-side-view-window-functions 'ide-skel-info-side-view-window-function)
+;;; Dir tree
+(defun ide-skel-dir-node-notify (widget &rest rest)
+ (let ((path (widget-get widget :path)))
+ (ide-skel-dir path)))
+(defun ide-skel-file-open (widget &rest rest)
+ (let ((path (widget-get widget :path)))
+ (ide-skel-select-buffer path)))
+(defun ide-skel-dir-tree-widget (e)
+ "Return a widget to display file or directory E."
+ (if (file-directory-p e)
+ `(ide-skel-dir-tree-dir-widget
+ :path ,e
+ :help-echo ,e
+ :open ,(gethash e ide-skel-dir-open-paths)
+ :node (push-button
+ :tag ,(file-name-as-directory
+ (file-name-nondirectory e))
+ :format "%[%t%]\n"
+ :notify ide-skel-dir-node-notify
+ :path ,e
+ :button-face (variable-pitch bold)
+ :help-echo ,e
+ :keymap ,tree-widget-button-keymap ; Emacs
+ ))
+ `(ide-skel-dir-tree-file-widget
+ :path ,e
+ :help-echo ,e
+ :tag ,(file-name-nondirectory e))))
+(defun ide-skel-dir-get-buffer-create ()
+ (let ((buffer (ide-skel-get-side-view-buffer-create " Ide Skel Dirs"
+ 'left "Dirs" "Filesystem browser"
+ (lambda (editor-buffer) t))))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (setq ide-skel-tabbar-menu-function
+ (lambda ()
+ (append
+ (list
+ (list 'ide-skel-dir-refresh "Refresh" t)
+ (when (and (buffer-file-name ide-skel-current-editor-buffer)
+ (fboundp 'ide-skel-proj-get-project-create)
+ (funcall 'ide-skel-project-p (car (funcall 'ide-skel-proj-get-project-create (buffer-file-name ide-skel-current-editor-buffer)))))
+ (list 'ide-skel-dir-project "Show project tree" t))
+ (list 'ide-skel-dir-home "Home" t)
+ (list 'ide-skel-dir-filesystem-root "/" t)
+ )))
+ ide-skel-dir-open-paths (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ ide-skel-dir-root-dir (file-truename (substitute-in-file-name "~")))
+ (add-hook 'tree-widget-after-toggle-functions (lambda (widget)
+ (let ((path (widget-get widget :path)))
+ (when path
+ (if (widget-get widget :open)
+ (puthash path t ide-skel-dir-open-paths)
+ (remhash path ide-skel-dir-open-paths)))))
+ nil t))
+ buffer))
+(defun ide-skel-dir-tree-list (dir)
+ "Return the content of the directory DIR.
+Return the list of components found, with sub-directories at the
+beginning of the list."
+ (let (files dirs)
+ (dolist (entry (directory-files dir 'full))
+ (unless (string-equal (substring entry -1) ".")
+ (if (file-directory-p entry)
+ (push entry dirs)
+ (push entry files))))
+ (nreverse (nconc files dirs))))
+(defun ide-skel-dir-tree-expand-dir (tree)
+ "Expand the tree widget TREE.
+Return a list of child widgets."
+ (let ((dir (directory-file-name (widget-get tree :path))))
+ (if (file-accessible-directory-p dir)
+ (progn
+ (message "Reading directory %s..." dir)
+ (condition-case err
+ (prog1
+ (mapcar 'ide-skel-dir-tree-widget (ide-skel-dir-tree-list dir))
+ (message "Reading directory %s...done" dir))
+ (error
+ (message "%s" (error-message-string err))
+ nil)))
+ (error "This directory is inaccessible"))))
+(defun ide-skel-select-dir-handler (event)
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event))
+ (let* ((path (get-text-property (posn-point (event-start event)) 'path)))
+ (ide-skel-dir path))))
+(defun ide-skel-dir-refresh (&optional show-top)
+ (interactive)
+ (with-current-buffer ide-skel-dir-buffer
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+ (start-line (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (window-start ide-skel-current-left-view-window))
+ (line-number-at-pos))))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (let ((path-dirs (split-string (directory-file-name ide-skel-dir-root-dir) "[/\\]"))
+ (km (make-sparse-keymap))
+ path)
+ (setq path-dirs (reverse (cdr (reverse path-dirs))))
+ (define-key km [mouse-1] 'ide-skel-select-dir-handler)
+ (while path-dirs
+ (let ((dir (car path-dirs)))
+ (when (and (> (current-column) 0)
+ (>= (+ (current-column) (length dir) 1) (window-width ide-skel-current-left-view-window)))
+ (insert "\n"))
+ (setq path (directory-file-name (concat path (format "/%s" dir))))
+ (unless (equal (char-before) ?/)
+ (insert "/"))
+ (insert (propertize dir
+ 'face 'bold
+ 'local-map km
+ 'mouse-face 'highlight
+ 'path path)))
+ (setq path-dirs (cdr path-dirs))))
+ (insert "\n\n")
+ (tree-widget-set-theme "small-folder")
+ (let ((default-directory ide-skel-dir-root-dir)
+ (tree (ide-skel-dir-tree-widget (directory-file-name ide-skel-dir-root-dir))))
+ (plist-put (cdr tree) :open t)
+ (widget-create tree))
+ (set-keymap-parent (current-local-map) tree-widget-button-keymap)
+ (widget-setup)
+ (if show-top
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (goto-line start-line))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (set-window-start ide-skel-current-right-view-window (point))
+ )))
+(defun ide-skel-dir (root-dir)
+ (with-current-buffer ide-skel-dir-buffer
+ (clrhash ide-skel-dir-open-paths)
+ (setq ide-skel-dir-root-dir (file-truename (substitute-in-file-name root-dir)))
+ (ide-skel-dir-refresh t)))
+(defun ide-skel-dir-project ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((root-dir (funcall 'ide-skel-project-root-path
+ (car (funcall 'ide-skel-proj-get-project-create (buffer-file-name ide-skel-current-editor-buffer))))))
+ (message "Root dir: %S" root-dir)
+ (ide-skel-dir root-dir)))
+(defun ide-skel-dir-home ()
+ (interactive)
+ (ide-skel-dir "~"))
+(defun ide-skel-dir-filesystem-root ()
+ (interactive)
+ (ide-skel-dir "/"))
+(defun ide-skel-dirs-side-view-window-function (side event &rest list)
+ (when (and (eq side 'left) ide-skel-current-left-view-window)
+ (cond ((eq event 'show)
+ (unless ide-skel-dir-buffer
+ (setq ide-skel-dir-buffer (ide-skel-dir-get-buffer-create)))
+ (with-current-buffer ide-skel-dir-buffer
+ (setq ide-skel-tabbar-enabled t)))
+ ((and (eq event 'tab-change)
+ (eq (cadr list) ide-skel-dir-buffer)
+ (= (buffer-size ide-skel-dir-buffer) 0))
+ (ide-skel-dir-refresh))))
+ nil)
+(add-hook 'ide-skel-side-view-window-functions 'ide-skel-dirs-side-view-window-function)
+(easy-menu-add-item nil nil ide-skel-project-menu t)
+(defun ide-skel-proj-insert-with-face (string face)
+ (let ((point (point)))
+ (insert string)
+ (let ((overlay (make-overlay point (point))))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'face face))))
+(defun ide-skel-mode-name-stringify (mode-name)
+ (let ((name (format "%s" mode-name)))
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "-" " "
+ (capitalize
+ (if (string-match "^\\(.*\\)-mode" name)
+ (match-string 1 name)
+ name)))))
+(defun ide-skel-proj-get-all-dirs (root-dir)
+ (condition-case err
+ (split-string (shell-command-to-string (format "find %s -type d | grep -v '/CVS\\|/\\.svn\\|/\\.git'" root-dir))
+ "\n" t)
+ (error nil)))
+(defun ide-skel-shell ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when (fboundp 'ide-skel-show-bottom-view-window)
+ (funcall 'ide-skel-show-bottom-view-window)
+ (select-window (or (funcall 'ide-skel-get-bottom-view-window)
+ (selected-window)))
+ (ansi-term (or (getenv "ESHELL") (getenv "SHELL")))))
+(defun ide-skel-project-menu (menu)
+ (let* ((curbuf-file (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
+ (curbuf-mode-name (when (and (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))
+ (ide-skel-mode-file-regexp-list (list major-mode)))
+ (ide-skel-mode-name-stringify major-mode))))
+ (condition-case err
+ (append
+ (when curbuf-mode-name
+ (list (vector (format "Search for %s file..." curbuf-mode-name) 'ide-skel-proj-find-files-by-regexp curbuf-mode-name)))
+ (list (vector "Search for file..." 'ide-skel-proj-find-text-files-by-regexp curbuf-mode-name))
+ (when curbuf-mode-name
+ (list (vector (format "Grep %s files..." curbuf-mode-name) 'ide-skel-proj-grep-files-by-regexp curbuf-mode-name)))
+ (list (vector "Grep files..." 'ide-skel-proj-grep-text-files-by-regexp curbuf-file))
+ (list (vector "Shell" 'ide-skel-shell t)))
+ (error (message (error-message-string err))))))
+;; (ide-skel-project . relative-path) jesli path nalezy do projektu,
+;; (qdir . filename) wpp
+(defun ide-skel-proj-get-project-create (path)
+ (let ((path (file-truename (substitute-in-file-name path)))
+ dir)
+ (if (file-directory-p path)
+ (progn
+ (setq path (file-name-as-directory path))
+ (setq dir path))
+ (setq dir (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory path))))
+ ;; path - true, qualified file name (no environment variables, ~, links)
+ (let ((project (some (lambda (project)
+ (let ((root-dir (ide-skel-project-root-path project)))
+ (when (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote root-dir)) path)
+ project)))
+ ide-skel-projects)))
+ (when project
+ (setq dir (ide-skel-project-root-path project)))
+ ;; there is no such project
+ (unless project
+ (let ((last-project-dir dir)
+ (dir-list (split-string dir "/"))
+ is-project)
+ ;; there is no root dir
+ (while (directory-files dir t (concat "^" ide-skel-cvs-dir-regexp) t)
+ (setq is-project t
+ last-project-dir (file-name-as-directory dir)
+ dir (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir)))))
+ (when is-project
+ (let ((list (nthcdr (1- (length (split-string last-project-dir "/"))) dir-list)))
+ (cond ((equal (car list) "trunk")
+ (setq last-project-dir (concat last-project-dir "trunk/")))
+ ((member (car list) '("branches" "tags"))
+ (setq last-project-dir (concat last-project-dir (car list) "/" (when (cdr list) (concat (cadr list) "/")))))
+ (t)))
+ (setq project (make-ide-skel-project :root-path last-project-dir
+ :include-file-path (ide-skel-proj-get-all-dirs last-project-dir))
+ dir last-project-dir)
+ (push project ide-skel-projects))))
+ (list (or project dir) (file-relative-name path dir) path))))
+(defun ide-skel-proj-get-root (proj-or-dir)
+ (when proj-or-dir
+ (directory-file-name (file-truename (substitute-in-file-name
+ (if (ide-skel-project-p proj-or-dir)
+ (ide-skel-project-root-path proj-or-dir)
+ proj-or-dir))))))
+(defun ide-skel-proj-find-files (dir file-predicate &optional dir-predicate)
+ "Return list of all qualified file paths in tree dir with root
+DIR, for which FILE-PREDICATE returns non-nil. We will go into
+directory only if DIR-PREDICATE returns non-nil or DIR-PREDICATE *is* nil."
+ (setq dir (file-name-as-directory (file-truename (substitute-in-file-name dir))))
+ (let (result-list)
+ (mapcar (lambda (path)
+ (if (file-directory-p path)
+ (when (and (file-accessible-directory-p path)
+ (or (null dir-predicate)
+ (funcall dir-predicate path)))
+ (setq result-list (append result-list (ide-skel-proj-find-files path file-predicate dir-predicate))))
+ (when (or (null file-predicate)
+ (funcall file-predicate path))
+ (push path result-list))))
+ (delete (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) ".")
+ (delete (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) "..")
+ (directory-files dir t nil t))))
+ result-list))
+(defun ide-skel-root-dir-for-path (path)
+ (let (root-dir)
+ (setq root-dir (car (ide-skel-proj-get-project-create path)))
+ (unless (stringp root-dir)
+ (setq root-dir (ide-skel-project-root-path root-dir)))
+ root-dir))
+(defun ide-skel-has-imenu (&optional buffer)
+ (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
+ (or (and imenu-prev-index-position-function
+ imenu-extract-index-name-function)
+ imenu-generic-expression
+ (not (eq imenu-create-index-function
+ 'imenu-default-create-index-function)))))
+(defun ide-skel-mode-file-regexp-list (mode-symbol-list)
+ (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (element)
+ (let ((fun-name (if (listp (cdr element)) (cadr element) (cdr element))))
+ (when (memq fun-name mode-symbol-list) (cons (car element) fun-name))))
+ auto-mode-alist)))
+(defun ide-skel-find-project-files (root-dir mode-symbol-list predicate)
+ (let ((obj-file-regexp-list (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (element)
+ (let ((len (length element)))
+ (unless (and (> len 0)
+ (equal (elt element (1- len)) ?/))
+ (concat (regexp-quote element) "$"))))
+ (append ide-skel-proj-ignored-extensions completion-ignored-extensions))))
+ (mode-file-regexp-list (ide-skel-mode-file-regexp-list mode-symbol-list))) ; (file-path-regexp . major-mode-function-symbol)
+ (when (and mode-symbol-list
+ (not mode-file-regexp-list))
+ (error (format "No rules for %s major modes in auto-mode-alist." (mapconcat 'identity mode-symbol-list ", "))))
+ (ide-skel-proj-find-files root-dir
+ (lambda (file-name)
+ (and (not (string-match "#" file-name))
+ (not (string-match "semantic.cache" file-name))
+ (or (and (not mode-symbol-list)
+ (not (some (lambda (regexp)
+ (string-match regexp file-name))
+ obj-file-regexp-list)))
+ (and mode-symbol-list
+ (some (lambda (element)
+ (let ((freg (if (string-match "[$]" (car element))
+ (car element)
+ (concat (car element) "$"))))
+ (when (string-match freg file-name)
+ (cdr element))))
+ mode-file-regexp-list)))
+ (or (not predicate)
+ (funcall predicate file-name))))
+ (lambda (dir-path)
+ (not (string-match (concat "/" ide-skel-cvs-dir-regexp) dir-path))))))
+(defun ide-skel-proj-find-text-files-by-regexp ()
+ (interactive)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setq ide-skel-all-text-files-flag t)
+ (call-interactively 'ide-skel-proj-find-files-by-regexp))
+ (setq ide-skel-all-text-files-flag nil)))
+(defun ide-skel-proj-grep-text-files-by-regexp ()
+ (interactive)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setq ide-skel-all-text-files-flag t)
+ (call-interactively 'ide-skel-proj-grep-files-by-regexp))
+ (setq ide-skel-all-text-files-flag nil)))
+(defun ide-skel-proj-grep-files-by-regexp (root-dir mode-symbol-list regexp)
+ (interactive (let* ((path (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
+ (all-text-files (or ide-skel-all-text-files-flag
+ (consp current-prefix-arg)))
+ (whatever (progn
+ (when (and (not all-text-files)
+ (not (ide-skel-mode-file-regexp-list (list major-mode))))
+ (error (format "No rules for %s major mode in auto-mode-alist" (symbol-name major-mode))))
+ (unless path
+ (error "Current buffer (%s) is not visiting any project file" (buffer-name (current-buffer))))))
+ (root-dir (when path (ide-skel-root-dir-for-path path)))
+ (thing (let ((res (thing-at-point 'symbol)))
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length res) nil res)
+ res))
+ (chunk (let ((result (read-string (concat (if root-dir (format "Root dir is %s. " root-dir) "")
+ (format "Search in %s files. Regexp%s: "
+ (if all-text-files
+ "all text"
+ (ide-skel-mode-name-stringify major-mode))
+ (if thing (format " (default %s)" thing) "")))
+ nil ide-skel-proj-grep-project-files-history thing)))
+ (if (and result (> (length result) 0))
+ result
+ (error "Regexp cannot be null")))))
+ (list root-dir (unless all-text-files (list major-mode)) chunk)))
+ (let* ((paths (ide-skel-find-project-files root-dir mode-symbol-list (lambda (path) t)))
+ (temp-file-path (concat (file-name-as-directory temporary-file-directory) (make-temp-name "ide-"))))
+ (unless paths
+ (error "No files to grep"))
+ ;; create temporary file with file paths to search
+ (with-temp-file temp-file-path
+ (dolist (path paths)
+ ;; save buffer if is open
+ (let ((buffer (get-file-buffer path)))
+ (when (and buffer
+ (buffer-live-p buffer))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (save-buffer))))
+ (setq path (concat "./" (file-relative-name path (file-name-as-directory root-dir))))
+ (insert (concat "'" path "'\n"))))
+ (let* ((default-directory root-dir)
+ (grep-command (format "cat %s | xargs grep -n %s" temp-file-path regexp)))
+ (setq ide-skel-proj-grep-header (list root-dir
+ (if mode-symbol-list
+ (mapconcat (lambda (sym) (ide-skel-mode-name-stringify sym)) mode-symbol-list ", ")
+ "all text")
+ regexp))
+ (grep grep-command))
+ ;; delete file after some time, because grep is executed as external process
+ (run-with-idle-timer 5 nil (lambda (file-path)
+ (condition-case nil
+ nil ; (delete-file file-path)
+ (error nil)))
+ temp-file-path)))
+(defun ide-skel-proj-find-files-by-regexp (root-dir mode-symbol-list name-regexp &optional case-sensitive)
+ "Search directory tree with root in ROOT-DIR and returns
+qualified paths to files which after open in Emacs would have one
+of modes in MODE-SYMBOL-LIST (if list is empty, we will take all
+text files) and their name (without dir) matches NAME-REGEXP."
+ (interactive (let* ((path (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
+ (all-text-files (or ide-skel-all-text-files-flag
+ (consp current-prefix-arg)))
+ (whatever (progn
+ (when (and (not all-text-files)
+ (not (ide-skel-mode-file-regexp-list (list major-mode))))
+ (error (format "No rules for %s major mode in auto-mode-alist" (symbol-name major-mode))))
+ (unless path
+ (error "Current buffer (%s) is not visiting any project file" (buffer-name (current-buffer))))))
+ (root-dir (when path (ide-skel-root-dir-for-path path)))
+ (chunk (read-string (concat (if root-dir (format "Root dir is %s. " root-dir) "")
+ (if all-text-files
+ "F"
+ (concat (ide-skel-mode-name-stringify major-mode) " f"))
+ (format "ile name regexp: " ))
+ nil ide-skel-proj-find-project-files-history nil)))
+ (list root-dir (unless all-text-files (list major-mode)) chunk)))
+ (let* ((paths (ide-skel-find-project-files root-dir mode-symbol-list
+ (lambda (path)
+ (let ((case-fold-search (not case-sensitive)))
+ (or (not name-regexp)
+ (string-match name-regexp (file-name-nondirectory path)))))))
+ (buffer (get-buffer-create ide-skel-proj-find-results-buffer-name))
+ (saved-window (cons (selected-window) (window-buffer (selected-window)))))
+ (if (= (length paths) 1)
+ (find-file (car paths))
+ (save-selected-window
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil
+ default-directory root-dir)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert "Root dir: ")
+ (ide-skel-proj-insert-with-face root-dir 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (insert "; Range: ")
+ (ide-skel-proj-insert-with-face
+ (if mode-symbol-list
+ (mapconcat (lambda (sym) (ide-skel-mode-name-stringify sym)) mode-symbol-list ", ")
+ "all text")
+ 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (insert " files; Regexp: ")
+ (ide-skel-proj-insert-with-face name-regexp 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (insert "; Case sensitive: ")
+ (ide-skel-proj-insert-with-face (if case-sensitive "Yes" "No") 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (insert "\n\n")
+ (compilation-minor-mode 1)
+ (let ((invisible-suffix ":1:1 s"))
+ (put-text-property 0 (length invisible-suffix) 'invisible t invisible-suffix)
+ (dolist (path paths)
+ (let ((relative-path (file-relative-name path root-dir)))
+ (put-text-property 0 (length relative-path) 'mouse-face 'highlight relative-path)
+ (insert relative-path)
+ (insert invisible-suffix)
+ (insert "\n"))))
+ (insert (format "\n%d files found." (length paths)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (when (and paths (fboundp 'compile-reinitialize-errors) (funcall (symbol-function 'compile-reinitialize-errors) t)))
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer)
+ (goto-line 1)
+ (goto-line 3)))
+ (if (window-live-p (car saved-window))
+ (select-window (car saved-window))
+ (when (get-buffer-window (cdr saved-window))
+ (select-window (get-buffer-window (cdr saved-window))))))))
+(unless ide-skel-proj-grep-mode-map
+ (setq ide-skel-proj-grep-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key ide-skel-proj-grep-mode-map "r" 'ide-skel-proj-grep-replace))
+(defun ide-skel-proj-grep-replace ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((replace-to (read-string "Replace to: " nil 'ide-skel-proj-grep-replace-history))
+ (current-pos 1)
+ begin end
+ buffers-to-revert
+ replace-info)
+ (save-excursion
+ (while current-pos
+ (setq current-pos (next-single-property-change current-pos 'font-lock-face (current-buffer)))
+ (when (and current-pos
+ (eq (get-text-property current-pos 'font-lock-face) 'match))
+ (setq begin current-pos)
+ (setq current-pos (next-single-property-change current-pos 'font-lock-face (current-buffer)))
+ (setq end current-pos)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char begin)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let ((begline (point)))
+ (re-search-forward "^\\(.*\\):\\([0-9]+\\):" nil t)
+ (let ((len (length (match-string 0)))
+ (file-path (expand-file-name (substring-no-properties (match-string 1)) default-directory)))
+ (when (get-file-buffer file-path)
+ (push (get-file-buffer file-path) buffers-to-revert))
+ (push (list file-path
+ (string-to-number (match-string 2))
+ (- begin begline len)
+ (- end begline len))
+ replace-info)))))))
+ (dolist (replacement replace-info)
+ (let ((file-path (nth 0 replacement))
+ (line-no (nth 1 replacement))
+ (from-column-no (nth 2 replacement))
+ (to-column-no (nth 3 replacement)))
+ (condition-case err
+ (with-temp-file file-path
+ (insert-file-contents file-path)
+ (goto-line line-no)
+ (forward-char from-column-no)
+ (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (- to-column-no from-column-no)))
+ (insert replace-to))
+ (error (message "%s" (error-message-string err))))))
+ (dolist (buffer buffers-to-revert)
+ (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (revert-buffer t t t)))) ; ignore-auto, nonconfirm, preserve-modes
+ (message "Done.")))
+(define-minor-mode ide-skel-proj-grep-mode
+ ""
+ nil ; init value
+ nil ; mode indicator
+ ide-skel-proj-grep-mode-map ; keymap
+ ;; body
+ (unless (assq 'ide-skel-proj-grep-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
+ (push (cons 'ide-skel-proj-grep-mode ide-skel-proj-grep-mode-map) minor-mode-map-alist)))
+(add-hook 'grep-setup-hook (lambda ()
+ (when ide-skel-proj-grep-header
+ (ide-skel-proj-grep-mode 1)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (remove-overlays)
+ (insert "Root dir: ")
+ (ide-skel-proj-insert-with-face (car ide-skel-proj-grep-header) 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (insert "; Range: ")
+ (ide-skel-proj-insert-with-face (cadr ide-skel-proj-grep-header) 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (insert " files; Regexp: ")
+ (ide-skel-proj-insert-with-face (caddr ide-skel-proj-grep-header) 'font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (insert "\n")
+ (insert "mouse-1 toggle match; r replace matches")
+ (insert "\n\n"))
+ (setq buffer-read-only t
+ ide-skel-proj-grep-header nil)
+ (setq ide-skel-proj-old-compilation-exit-message-function (symbol-value 'compilation-exit-message-function))
+ (set 'compilation-exit-message-function
+ (lambda (status code msg)
+ (let ((result (if ide-skel-proj-old-compilation-exit-message-function
+ (funcall ide-skel-proj-old-compilation-exit-message-function
+ status code msg)
+ (cons msg code))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let (begin
+ end
+ (km (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (inhibit-read-only t))
+ (define-key km [down-mouse-1] 'ignore)
+ (define-key km [mouse-1] 'ide-skel-proj-grep-click)
+ (while (setq begin (next-single-property-change (point) 'font-lock-face (current-buffer) nil))
+ (setq end (next-single-property-change begin 'font-lock-face (current-buffer) nil))
+ (put-text-property begin end 'pointer 'hand)
+ (put-text-property begin end 'local-map km)
+ (goto-char end))))
+ result)))))))
+(defun ide-skel-proj-grep-click (event)
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event))
+ (let* ((posn-point (posn-point (event-start event)))
+ (begin (or (and (not (get-text-property (1- posn-point) 'font-lock-face))
+ posn-point)
+ (previous-single-property-change posn-point 'font-lock-face (current-buffer) nil)))
+ (end (next-single-property-change posn-point 'font-lock-face (current-buffer) nil))
+ (font-lock-face (get-text-property posn-point 'font-lock-face))
+ (inhibit-read-only t))
+ (put-text-property begin end 'font-lock-face (if (eq font-lock-face 'match) 'widget-field 'match)))))
+(defun ide-skel-proj-change-buffer-hook-function ()
+ (let ((path (buffer-file-name)))
+ (when path
+ (condition-case err
+ (let ((project-list (ide-skel-proj-get-project-create path)))
+ (when (ide-skel-project-p (car project-list))
+ (setq PC-include-file-path (ide-skel-project-include-file-path (car project-list)))))
+ (error nil)))))
+(add-hook 'ide-skel-editor-buffer-changed-hook 'ide-skel-proj-change-buffer-hook-function)
+(tabbar-mode 1)
+(provide 'ide-skel)
diff --git a/.emacs.d/include.el b/.emacs.d/include.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a6e238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/include.el
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(load-file "~/.emacs.d/slash_theme.el")
+(load-file "~/.emacs.d/slash_python.el")
+(load-file "~/.emacs.d/slash_functions.el")
+(autoload 'vala-mode
+ "~/.emacs.d/vala-mode.el" "A Major mode for editing Vala files" t)
+(autoload 'csharp-mode
+ "~/.emacs.d/csharp-mode.el" "A Major mode for editing C# files" t)
+(autoload 'javascript-mode
+ "~/.emacs.d/javascript.el" "A Major mode for editing JavaScript" t)
+(autoload 'sqlplus
+ "~/.emacs.d/sqlplus.el" "A Major mode for communicating with Oracle" t)
+(autoload 'batch-mode
+ "~/.emacs.d/batch-mode.el" "A Major mode for editing Batch files" t)
+(autoload 'rainbow-mode
+ "~/.emacs.d/rainbow-mode.el" "A Minor mode for showing colors inline" t)
+(load-file "~/.emacs.d/autopair.el")
+(load-file "~/.emacs.d/auto-complete-config.el")
+(require 'auto-complete-config)
+(require 'tabbar)
+(require 'ide-skel) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.emacs.d/linux/.emacs b/.emacs.d/linux/.emacs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..991f9c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/linux/.emacs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(set-default-font "-xos4-terminus-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.emacs.d/popup.el b/.emacs.d/popup.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f14dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/popup.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1061 @@
+;;; popup.el --- Visual popup interface
+;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Tomohiro Matsuyama
+;; Author: Tomohiro Matsuyama <>
+;; Keywords: lisp
+;; Version: 0.4
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+ (require 'cl))
+;; Utilities
+(defvar popup-use-optimized-column-computation t
+ "Use optimized column computation routine.
+If there is a problem, please set it to nil.")
+;; Borrowed from anything.el
+(defmacro popup-aif (test-form then-form &rest else-forms)
+ "Anaphoric if. Temporary variable `it' is the result of test-form."
+ (declare (indent 2))
+ `(let ((it ,test-form))
+ (if it ,then-form ,@else-forms)))
+(defun popup-x-to-string (x)
+ "Convert any object to string effeciently.
+This is faster than prin1-to-string in many cases."
+ (typecase x
+ (string x)
+ (symbol (symbol-name x))
+ (integer (number-to-string x))
+ (float (number-to-string x))
+ (t (format "%s" x))))
+(defun popup-substring-by-width (string width)
+ "Return cons of substring and remaining string by `WIDTH'."
+ ;; Expand tabs with 4 spaces
+ (setq string (replace-regexp-in-string "\t" " " string))
+ (loop with len = (length string)
+ with w = 0
+ for l from 0
+ for c in (append string nil)
+ while (<= (incf w (char-width c)) width)
+ finally return
+ (if (< l len)
+ (cons (substring string 0 l) (substring string l))
+ (list string))))
+(defun popup-fill-string (string &optional width max-width justify squeeze)
+ "Split STRING into fixed width strings and return a cons cell like
+\(WIDTH . ROWS). Here, the car WIDTH indicates the actual maxim width of ROWS.
+The argument WIDTH specifies the width of filling each paragraph. WIDTH nil
+means don't perform any justification and word wrap. Note that this function
+doesn't add any padding characters at the end of each row.
+MAX-WIDTH, if WIDTH is nil, specifies the maximum number of columns.
+The optional fourth argument JUSTIFY specifies which kind of justification
+to do: `full', `left', `right', `center', or `none' (equivalent to nil).
+A value of t means handle each paragraph as specified by its text properties.
+SQUEEZE nil means leave whitespaces other than line breaks untouched."
+ (if (eq width 0)
+ (error "Can't fill string with 0 width"))
+ (if width
+ (setq max-width width))
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (let ((tab-width 4)
+ (fill-column width)
+ (left-margin 0)
+ (kinsoku-limit 1)
+ indent-tabs-mode
+ row rows)
+ (insert string)
+ (untabify (point-min) (point-max))
+ (if width
+ (fill-region (point-min) (point-max) justify (not squeeze)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq width 0)
+ (while (prog2
+ (let ((line (buffer-substring
+ (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point)))))
+ (if max-width
+ (while (progn
+ (setq row (truncate-string-to-width line max-width)
+ width (max width (string-width row)))
+ (push row rows)
+ (if (not (= (length row) (length line)))
+ (setq line (substring line (length row))))))
+ (setq width (max width (string-width line)))
+ (push line rows)))
+ (< (point) (point-max))
+ (beginning-of-line 2)))
+ (cons width (nreverse rows)))))
+(defmacro popup-save-buffer-state (&rest body)
+ (declare (indent 0))
+ `(save-excursion
+ (let ((buffer-undo-list t)
+ (buffer-read-only nil)
+ (modified (buffer-modified-p)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn ,@body)
+ (set-buffer-modified-p modified)))))
+(defun popup-preferred-width (list)
+ "Return preferred width of popup to show `LIST' beautifully."
+ (loop with tab-width = 4
+ for item in list
+ for summary = (popup-item-summary item)
+ maximize (string-width (popup-x-to-string item)) into width
+ if (stringp summary)
+ maximize (+ (string-width summary) 2) into summary-width
+ finally return (* (ceiling (/ (+ (or width 0) (or summary-width 0)) 10.0)) 10)))
+;; window-full-width-p is not defined in Emacs 22.1
+(defun popup-window-full-width-p (&optional window)
+ (if (fboundp 'window-full-width-p)
+ (window-full-width-p window)
+ (= (window-width window) (frame-width (window-frame (or window (selected-window)))))))
+;; truncated-partial-width-window-p is not defined in Emacs 22
+(defun popup-truncated-partial-width-window-p (&optional window)
+ (unless window
+ (setq window (selected-window)))
+ (unless (popup-window-full-width-p window)
+ (let ((t-p-w-w (buffer-local-value 'truncate-partial-width-windows
+ (window-buffer window))))
+ (if (integerp t-p-w-w)
+ (< (window-width window) t-p-w-w)
+ t-p-w-w))))
+(defun popup-current-physical-column ()
+ (or (when (and popup-use-optimized-column-computation
+ (eq (window-hscroll) 0))
+ (let ((current-column (current-column)))
+ (if (or (popup-truncated-partial-width-window-p)
+ truncate-lines
+ (< current-column (window-width)))
+ current-column)))
+ (car (posn-col-row (posn-at-point)))))
+(defun popup-last-line-of-buffer-p ()
+ (save-excursion (end-of-line) (/= (forward-line) 0)))
+(defun popup-lookup-key-by-event (function event)
+ (or (funcall function (vector event))
+ (if (symbolp event)
+ (popup-aif (get event 'event-symbol-element-mask)
+ (funcall function (vector (logior (or (get (car it) 'ascii-character) 0)
+ (cadr it))))))))
+;; Popup common
+(defgroup popup nil
+ "Visual popup interface"
+ :group 'lisp
+ :prefix "popup-")
+(defface popup-face
+ '((t (:background "lightgray" :foreground "black")))
+ "Face for popup."
+ :group 'popup)
+(defface popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face
+ '((t (:background "black")))
+ "Foreground face for scroll-bar."
+ :group 'popup)
+(defface popup-scroll-bar-background-face
+ '((t (:background "gray")))
+ "Background face for scroll-bar."
+ :group 'popup)
+(defvar popup-instances nil
+ "Popup instances.")
+(defvar popup-scroll-bar-foreground-char
+ (propertize " " 'face 'popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face)
+ "Foreground character for scroll-bar.")
+(defvar popup-scroll-bar-background-char
+ (propertize " " 'face 'popup-scroll-bar-background-face)
+ "Background character for scroll-bar.")
+(defstruct popup
+ point row column width height min-height direction overlays
+ parent depth
+ face selection-face
+ margin-left margin-right margin-left-cancel scroll-bar symbol
+ cursor offset scroll-top current-height list newlines
+ pattern original-list)
+(defun popup-item-propertize (item &rest properties)
+ "Same to `propertize` but this avoids overriding existed value with `nil` property."
+ (let (props)
+ (while properties
+ (when (cadr properties)
+ (push (car properties) props)
+ (push (cadr properties) props))
+ (setq properties (cddr properties)))
+ (apply 'propertize
+ (popup-x-to-string item)
+ (nreverse props))))
+(defun popup-item-property (item property)
+ (if (stringp item)
+ (get-text-property 0 property item)))
+(defun* popup-make-item (name
+ &key
+ value
+ popup-face
+ selection-face
+ sublist
+ document
+ symbol
+ summary)
+ "Utility function to make popup item.
+See also `popup-item-propertize'."
+ (popup-item-propertize name
+ 'value value
+ 'popup-face popup-face
+ 'selection-face selection-face
+ 'document document
+ 'symbol symbol
+ 'summary summary
+ 'sublist sublist))
+(defsubst popup-item-value (item) (popup-item-property item 'value))
+(defsubst popup-item-value-or-self (item) (or (popup-item-value item) item))
+(defsubst popup-item-popup-face (item) (popup-item-property item 'popup-face))
+(defsubst popup-item-selection-face (item) (popup-item-property item 'selection-face))
+(defsubst popup-item-document (item) (popup-item-property item 'document))
+(defsubst popup-item-summary (item) (popup-item-property item 'summary))
+(defsubst popup-item-symbol (item) (popup-item-property item 'symbol))
+(defsubst popup-item-sublist (item) (popup-item-property item 'sublist))
+(defun popup-item-documentation (item)
+ (let ((doc (popup-item-document item)))
+ (if (functionp doc)
+ (setq doc (funcall doc (popup-item-value-or-self item))))
+ doc))
+(defun popup-item-show-help-1 (item)
+ (let ((doc (popup-item-documentation item)))
+ (when doc
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Popup Help*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert doc)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (display-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ t)))
+(defun popup-item-show-help (item &optional persist)
+ (when item
+ (if (not persist)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (when (popup-item-show-help-1 item)
+ (block nil
+ (while t
+ (clear-this-command-keys)
+ (let ((key (read-key-sequence-vector nil)))
+ (case (key-binding key)
+ ('scroll-other-window
+ (scroll-other-window))
+ ('scroll-other-window-down
+ (scroll-other-window-down nil))
+ (t
+ (setq unread-command-events (append key unread-command-events))
+ (return))))))))
+ (popup-item-show-help-1 item))))
+(defun popup-set-list (popup list)
+ (popup-set-filtered-list popup list)
+ (setf (popup-pattern popup) nil)
+ (setf (popup-original-list popup) list))
+(defun popup-set-filtered-list (popup list)
+ (setf (popup-list popup) list
+ (popup-offset popup) (if (> (popup-direction popup) 0)
+ 0
+ (max (- (popup-height popup) (length list)) 0))))
+(defun popup-selected-item (popup)
+ (nth (popup-cursor popup) (popup-list popup)))
+(defun popup-selected-line (popup)
+ (- (popup-cursor popup) (popup-scroll-top popup)))
+(defun popup-line-overlay (popup line)
+ (aref (popup-overlays popup) line))
+(defun popup-selected-line-overlay (popup)
+ (popup-line-overlay popup (popup-selected-line popup)))
+(defun popup-hide-line (popup line)
+ (let ((overlay (popup-line-overlay popup line)))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'display nil)
+ (overlay-put overlay 'after-string nil)))
+(defun popup-line-hidden-p (popup line)
+ (let ((overlay (popup-line-overlay popup line)))
+ (and (eq (overlay-get overlay 'display) nil)
+ (eq (overlay-get overlay 'after-string) nil))))
+(defun popup-set-line-item (popup line item face margin-left margin-right scroll-bar-char symbol summary)
+ (let* ((overlay (popup-line-overlay popup line))
+ (content (popup-create-line-string popup (popup-x-to-string item) margin-left margin-right symbol summary))
+ (start 0)
+ (prefix (overlay-get overlay 'prefix))
+ (postfix (overlay-get overlay 'postfix))
+ end)
+ ;; Overlap face properties
+ (if (get-text-property start 'face content)
+ (setq start (next-single-property-change start 'face content)))
+ (while (and start (setq end (next-single-property-change start 'face content)))
+ (put-text-property start end 'face face content)
+ (setq start (next-single-property-change end 'face content)))
+ (if start
+ (put-text-property start (length content) 'face face content))
+ (unless (overlay-get overlay 'dangle)
+ (overlay-put overlay 'display (concat prefix (substring content 0 1)))
+ (setq prefix nil
+ content (concat (substring content 1))))
+ (overlay-put overlay
+ 'after-string
+ (concat prefix
+ content
+ scroll-bar-char
+ postfix))))
+(defun popup-create-line-string (popup string margin-left margin-right symbol summary)
+ (let* ((popup-width (popup-width popup))
+ (summary-width (string-width summary))
+ (string (car (popup-substring-by-width string
+ (- popup-width
+ (if (> summary-width 0)
+ (+ summary-width 2)
+ 0)))))
+ (string-width (string-width string)))
+ (concat margin-left
+ string
+ (make-string (max (- popup-width string-width summary-width) 0) ? )
+ summary
+ symbol
+ margin-right)))
+(defun popup-live-p (popup)
+ (and popup (popup-overlays popup) t))
+(defun popup-child-point (popup &optional offset)
+ (overlay-end (popup-line-overlay popup
+ (or offset
+ (popup-selected-line popup)))))
+(defun* popup-create (point
+ width
+ height
+ &key
+ min-height
+ around
+ (face 'popup-face)
+ (selection-face face)
+ scroll-bar
+ margin-left
+ margin-right
+ symbol
+ parent
+ parent-offset)
+ (or margin-left (setq margin-left 0))
+ (or margin-right (setq margin-right 0))
+ (unless point
+ (setq point
+ (if parent (popup-child-point parent parent-offset) (point))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char point)
+ (let* ((row (line-number-at-pos))
+ (column (popup-current-physical-column))
+ (overlays (make-vector height nil))
+ (popup-width (+ width
+ (if scroll-bar 1 0)
+ margin-left
+ margin-right
+ (if symbol 2 0)))
+ margin-left-cancel
+ (window (selected-window))
+ (window-start (window-start))
+ (window-hscroll (window-hscroll))
+ (window-width (window-width))
+ (right (+ column popup-width))
+ (overflow (and (> right window-width)
+ (>= right popup-width)))
+ (foldable (and (null parent)
+ (>= column popup-width)))
+ (direction (or
+ ;; Currently the direction of cascade popup won't be changed
+ (and parent (popup-direction parent))
+ ;; Calculate direction
+ (if (and (> row height)
+ (> height (- (max 1 (- (window-height)
+ (if mode-line-format 1 0)
+ (if header-line-format 1 0)))
+ (count-lines window-start (point)))))
+ -1
+ 1)))
+ (depth (if parent (1+ (popup-depth parent)) 0))
+ (newlines (max 0 (+ (- height (count-lines point (point-max))) (if around 1 0))))
+ current-column)
+ (when (> newlines 0)
+ (popup-save-buffer-state
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert (make-string newlines ?\n))))
+ (if overflow
+ (if foldable
+ (progn
+ (decf column (- popup-width margin-left margin-right))
+ (unless around (move-to-column column)))
+ (when (not truncate-lines)
+ ;; Cut out overflow
+ (let ((d (1+ (- popup-width (- window-width column)))))
+ (decf popup-width d)
+ (decf width d)))
+ (decf column margin-left))
+ (decf column margin-left))
+ (when (and (null parent)
+ (< column 0))
+ ;; Cancel margin left
+ (setq column 0)
+ (decf popup-width margin-left)
+ (setq margin-left-cancel t))
+ (dotimes (i height)
+ (let (overlay begin w (dangle t) (prefix "") (postfix ""))
+ (when around
+ (if (>= emacs-major-version 23)
+ (vertical-motion (cons column direction))
+ (vertical-motion direction)
+ (move-to-column (+ (current-column) column))))
+ (setq around t
+ current-column (popup-current-physical-column))
+ (when (> current-column column)
+ (backward-char)
+ (setq current-column (popup-current-physical-column)))
+ (when (< current-column column)
+ ;; Extend short buffer lines by popup prefix (line of spaces)
+ (setq prefix (make-string (+ (if (= current-column 0)
+ (- window-hscroll (current-column))
+ 0)
+ (- column current-column))
+ ? )))
+ (setq begin (point))
+ (setq w (+ popup-width (length prefix)))
+ (while (and (not (eolp)) (> w 0))
+ (setq dangle nil)
+ (decf w (char-width (char-after)))
+ (forward-char))
+ (if (< w 0)
+ (setq postfix (make-string (- w) ? )))
+ (setq overlay (make-overlay begin (point)))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'window window)
+ (overlay-put overlay 'dangle dangle)
+ (overlay-put overlay 'prefix prefix)
+ (overlay-put overlay 'postfix postfix)
+ (overlay-put overlay 'width width)
+ (aset overlays
+ (if (> direction 0) i (- height i 1))
+ overlay)))
+ (loop for p from (- 10000 (* depth 1000))
+ for overlay in (nreverse (append overlays nil))
+ do (overlay-put overlay 'priority p))
+ (let ((it (make-popup :point point
+ :row row
+ :column column
+ :width width
+ :height height
+ :min-height min-height
+ :direction direction
+ :parent parent
+ :depth depth
+ :face face
+ :selection-face selection-face
+ :margin-left margin-left
+ :margin-right margin-right
+ :margin-left-cancel margin-left-cancel
+ :scroll-bar scroll-bar
+ :symbol symbol
+ :cursor 0
+ :scroll-top 0
+ :current-height 0
+ :list nil
+ :newlines newlines
+ :overlays overlays)))
+ (push it popup-instances)
+ it))))
+(defun popup-delete (popup)
+ (when (popup-live-p popup)
+ (popup-hide popup)
+ (mapc 'delete-overlay (popup-overlays popup))
+ (setf (popup-overlays popup) nil)
+ (setq popup-instances (delq popup popup-instances))
+ (let ((newlines (popup-newlines popup)))
+ (when (> newlines 0)
+ (popup-save-buffer-state
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (dotimes (i newlines)
+ (if (= (char-before) ?\n)
+ (delete-char -1)))))))
+ nil)
+(defun popup-draw (popup)
+ (loop with height = (popup-height popup)
+ with min-height = (popup-min-height popup)
+ with popup-face = (popup-face popup)
+ with selection-face = (popup-selection-face popup)
+ with list = (popup-list popup)
+ with length = (length list)
+ with thum-size = (max (/ (* height height) (max length 1)) 1)
+ with page-size = (/ (+ 0.0 (max length 1)) height)
+ with scroll-bar = (popup-scroll-bar popup)
+ with margin-left = (make-string (if (popup-margin-left-cancel popup) 0 (popup-margin-left popup)) ? )
+ with margin-right = (make-string (popup-margin-right popup) ? )
+ with symbol = (popup-symbol popup)
+ with cursor = (popup-cursor popup)
+ with scroll-top = (popup-scroll-top popup)
+ with offset = (popup-offset popup)
+ for o from offset
+ for i from scroll-top
+ while (< o height)
+ for item in (nthcdr scroll-top list)
+ for page-index = (* thum-size (/ o thum-size))
+ for face = (if (= i cursor)
+ (or (popup-item-selection-face item) selection-face)
+ (or (popup-item-popup-face item) popup-face))
+ for empty-char = (propertize " " 'face face)
+ for scroll-bar-char = (if scroll-bar
+ (cond
+ ((<= page-size 1)
+ empty-char)
+ ((and (> page-size 1)
+ (>= cursor (* page-index page-size))
+ (< cursor (* (+ page-index thum-size) page-size)))
+ popup-scroll-bar-foreground-char)
+ (t
+ popup-scroll-bar-background-char))
+ "")
+ for sym = (if symbol
+ (concat " " (or (popup-item-symbol item) " "))
+ "")
+ for summary = (or (popup-item-summary item) "")
+ do
+ ;; Show line and set item to the line
+ (popup-set-line-item popup o item face margin-left margin-right scroll-bar-char sym summary)
+ finally
+ ;; Remember current height
+ (setf (popup-current-height popup) (- o offset))
+ ;; Hide remaining lines
+ (let ((scroll-bar-char (if scroll-bar (propertize " " 'face popup-face) ""))
+ (symbol (if symbol " " "")))
+ (if (> (popup-direction popup) 0)
+ (progn
+ (when min-height
+ (while (< o min-height)
+ (popup-set-line-item popup o "" popup-face margin-left margin-right scroll-bar-char symbol "")
+ (incf o)))
+ (while (< o height)
+ (popup-hide-line popup o)
+ (incf o)))
+ (loop with h = (if min-height (- height min-height) offset)
+ for o from 0 below offset
+ if (< o h)
+ do (popup-hide-line popup o)
+ if (>= o h)
+ do (popup-set-line-item popup o "" popup-face margin-left margin-right scroll-bar-char symbol ""))))))
+(defun popup-hide (popup)
+ (dotimes (i (popup-height popup))
+ (popup-hide-line popup i)))
+(defun popup-hidden-p (popup)
+ (let ((hidden t))
+ (when (popup-live-p popup)
+ (dotimes (i (popup-height popup))
+ (unless (popup-line-hidden-p popup i)
+ (setq hidden nil))))
+ hidden))
+(defun popup-select (popup i)
+ (setq i (+ i (popup-offset popup)))
+ (when (and (<= 0 i) (< i (popup-height popup)))
+ (setf (popup-cursor popup) i)
+ (popup-draw popup)
+ t))
+(defun popup-next (popup)
+ (let ((height (popup-height popup))
+ (cursor (1+ (popup-cursor popup)))
+ (scroll-top (popup-scroll-top popup))
+ (length (length (popup-list popup))))
+ (cond
+ ((>= cursor length)
+ ;; Back to first page
+ (setq cursor 0
+ scroll-top 0))
+ ((= cursor (+ scroll-top height))
+ ;; Go to next page
+ (setq scroll-top (min (1+ scroll-top) (max (- length height) 0)))))
+ (setf (popup-cursor popup) cursor
+ (popup-scroll-top popup) scroll-top)
+ (popup-draw popup)))
+(defun popup-previous (popup)
+ (let ((height (popup-height popup))
+ (cursor (1- (popup-cursor popup)))
+ (scroll-top (popup-scroll-top popup))
+ (length (length (popup-list popup))))
+ (cond
+ ((< cursor 0)
+ ;; Go to last page
+ (setq cursor (1- length)
+ scroll-top (max (- length height) 0)))
+ ((= cursor (1- scroll-top))
+ ;; Go to previous page
+ (decf scroll-top)))
+ (setf (popup-cursor popup) cursor
+ (popup-scroll-top popup) scroll-top)
+ (popup-draw popup)))
+(defun popup-scroll-down (popup &optional n)
+ (let ((scroll-top (min (+ (popup-scroll-top popup) (or n 1))
+ (- (length (popup-list popup)) (popup-height popup)))))
+ (setf (popup-cursor popup) scroll-top
+ (popup-scroll-top popup) scroll-top)
+ (popup-draw popup)))
+(defun popup-scroll-up (popup &optional n)
+ (let ((scroll-top (max (- (popup-scroll-top popup) (or n 1))
+ 0)))
+ (setf (popup-cursor popup) scroll-top
+ (popup-scroll-top popup) scroll-top)
+ (popup-draw popup)))
+;; Popup isearch
+(defface popup-isearch-match
+ '((t (:background "sky blue")))
+ "Popup isearch match face."
+ :group 'popup)
+(defvar popup-isearch-cursor-color "blue")
+(defvar popup-isearch-keymap
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ ;(define-key map "\r" 'popup-isearch-done)
+ (define-key map "\C-g" 'popup-isearch-cancel)
+ (define-key map "\C-h" 'popup-isearch-delete)
+ (define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'popup-isearch-delete)
+ map))
+(defsubst popup-isearch-char-p (char)
+ (and (integerp char)
+ (<= 32 char)
+ (<= char 126)))
+(defun popup-isearch-filter-list (pattern list)
+ (loop with regexp = (regexp-quote pattern)
+ for item in list
+ do
+ (unless (stringp item)
+ (setq item (popup-item-propertize (popup-x-to-string item)
+ 'value item)))
+ if (string-match regexp item)
+ collect (let ((beg (match-beginning 0))
+ (end (match-end 0)))
+ (alter-text-property 0 (length item) 'face
+ (lambda (prop)
+ (unless (eq prop 'popup-isearch-match)
+ prop))
+ item)
+ (put-text-property beg end
+ 'face 'popup-isearch-match
+ item)
+ item)))
+(defun popup-isearch-prompt (popup pattern)
+ (format "Pattern: %s" (if (= (length (popup-list popup)) 0)
+ (propertize pattern 'face 'isearch-fail)
+ pattern)))
+(defun popup-isearch-update (popup pattern &optional callback)
+ (setf (popup-cursor popup) 0
+ (popup-scroll-top popup) 0
+ (popup-pattern popup) pattern)
+ (let ((list (popup-isearch-filter-list pattern (popup-original-list popup))))
+ (popup-set-filtered-list popup list)
+ (if callback
+ (funcall callback list)))
+ (popup-draw popup))
+(defun* popup-isearch (popup
+ &key
+ (cursor-color popup-isearch-cursor-color)
+ (keymap popup-isearch-keymap)
+ callback
+ help-delay)
+ (let ((list (popup-original-list popup))
+ (pattern (or (popup-pattern popup) ""))
+ (old-cursor-color (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'cursor-color))
+ prompt key binding done)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (unless (block nil
+ (if cursor-color
+ (set-cursor-color cursor-color))
+ (while t
+ (setq prompt (popup-isearch-prompt popup pattern))
+ (setq key (popup-menu-read-key-sequence keymap prompt help-delay))
+ (if (null key)
+ (unless (funcall popup-menu-show-quick-help-function popup nil :prompt prompt)
+ (clear-this-command-keys)
+ (push (read-event prompt) unread-command-events))
+ (setq binding (lookup-key keymap key))
+ (cond
+ ((and (stringp key)
+ (popup-isearch-char-p (aref key 0)))
+ (setq pattern (concat pattern key)))
+ ((eq binding 'popup-isearch-done)
+ (return t))
+ ((eq binding 'popup-isearch-cancel)
+ (return nil))
+ ((eq binding 'popup-isearch-delete)
+ (if (> (length pattern) 0)
+ (setq pattern (substring pattern 0 (1- (length pattern))))))
+ (t
+ (setq unread-command-events
+ (append (listify-key-sequence key) unread-command-events))
+ (return t)))
+ (popup-isearch-update popup pattern callback))))
+ (popup-isearch-update popup "" callback)
+ t) ; Return non-nil if isearch is cancelled
+ (if old-cursor-color
+ (set-cursor-color old-cursor-color)))))
+;; Popup tip
+(defface popup-tip-face
+ '((t (:background "khaki1" :foreground "black")))
+ "Face for popup tip."
+ :group 'popup)
+(defvar popup-tip-max-width 80)
+(defun* popup-tip (string
+ &key
+ point
+ (around t)
+ width
+ (height 15)
+ min-height
+ truncate
+ margin
+ margin-left
+ margin-right
+ scroll-bar
+ parent
+ parent-offset
+ nowait
+ prompt
+ &aux tip lines)
+ (if (bufferp string)
+ (setq string (with-current-buffer string (buffer-string))))
+ ;; TODO strip text (mainly face) properties
+ (setq string (substring-no-properties string))
+ (and (eq margin t) (setq margin 1))
+ (or margin-left (setq margin-left margin))
+ (or margin-right (setq margin-right margin))
+ (let ((it (popup-fill-string string width popup-tip-max-width)))
+ (setq width (car it)
+ lines (cdr it)))
+ (setq tip (popup-create point width height
+ :min-height min-height
+ :around around
+ :margin-left margin-left
+ :margin-right margin-right
+ :scroll-bar scroll-bar
+ :face 'popup-tip-face
+ :parent parent
+ :parent-offset parent-offset))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (when (> (popup-width tip) 0) ; not to be corrupted
+ (when (and (not (eq width (popup-width tip))) ; truncated
+ (not truncate))
+ ;; Refill once again to lines be fitted to popup width
+ (setq width (popup-width tip))
+ (setq lines (cdr (popup-fill-string string width width))))
+ (popup-set-list tip lines)
+ (popup-draw tip)
+ (if nowait
+ tip
+ (clear-this-command-keys)
+ (push (read-event prompt) unread-command-events)
+ t))
+ (unless nowait
+ (popup-delete tip))))
+;; Popup menu
+(defface popup-menu-face
+ '((t (:background "lightgray" :foreground "black")))
+ "Face for popup menu."
+ :group 'popup)
+(defface popup-menu-selection-face
+ '((t (:background "steelblue" :foreground "white")))
+ "Face for popup menu selection."
+ :group 'popup)
+(defvar popup-menu-show-tip-function 'popup-tip
+ "Function used for showing tooltip by `popup-menu-show-quick-help'.")
+(defvar popup-menu-show-quick-help-function 'popup-menu-show-quick-help
+ "Function used for showing quick help by `popup-menu*'.")
+(defun popup-menu-show-help (menu &optional persist item)
+ (popup-item-show-help (or item (popup-selected-item menu)) persist))
+(defun popup-menu-documentation (menu &optional item)
+ (popup-item-documentation (or item (popup-selected-item menu))))
+(defun popup-menu-show-quick-help (menu &optional item &rest args)
+ (let* ((point (plist-get args :point))
+ (height (or (plist-get args :height) (popup-height menu)))
+ (min-height (min height (popup-current-height menu)))
+ (around nil)
+ (parent-offset (popup-offset menu))
+ (doc (popup-menu-documentation menu item)))
+ (when (stringp doc)
+ (if (popup-hidden-p menu)
+ (setq around t
+ menu nil
+ parent-offset nil)
+ (setq point nil))
+ (let ((popup-use-optimized-column-computation nil)) ; To avoid wrong positioning
+ (apply popup-menu-show-tip-function
+ doc
+ :point point
+ :height height
+ :min-height min-height
+ :around around
+ :parent menu
+ :parent-offset parent-offset
+ args)))))
+(defun popup-menu-read-key-sequence (keymap &optional prompt timeout)
+ (catch 'timeout
+ (let ((timer (and timeout
+ (run-with-timer timeout nil
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (zerop (length (this-command-keys)))
+ (throw 'timeout nil))))))
+ (old-global-map (current-global-map))
+ (temp-global-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (overriding-terminal-local-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (substitute-key-definition 'keyboard-quit 'keyboard-quit
+ temp-global-map old-global-map)
+ (define-key temp-global-map [menu-bar] (lookup-key old-global-map [menu-bar]))
+ (define-key temp-global-map [tool-bar] (lookup-key old-global-map [tool-bar]))
+ (set-keymap-parent overriding-terminal-local-map keymap)
+ (if (current-local-map)
+ (define-key overriding-terminal-local-map [menu-bar]
+ (lookup-key (current-local-map) [menu-bar])))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (use-global-map temp-global-map)
+ (clear-this-command-keys)
+ (with-temp-message prompt
+ (read-key-sequence nil)))
+ (use-global-map old-global-map)
+ (if timer (cancel-timer timer))))))
+(defun popup-menu-fallback (event default))
+(defun* popup-menu-event-loop (menu keymap fallback &optional prompt help-delay isearch isearch-cursor-color isearch-keymap isearch-callback &aux key binding)
+ (block nil
+ (while (popup-live-p menu)
+ (and isearch
+ (popup-isearch menu
+ :cursor-color isearch-cursor-color
+ :keymap isearch-keymap
+ :callback isearch-callback
+ :help-delay help-delay)
+ (keyboard-quit))
+ (setq key (popup-menu-read-key-sequence keymap prompt help-delay))
+ (if (null key)
+ (unless (funcall popup-menu-show-quick-help-function menu nil :prompt prompt)
+ (clear-this-command-keys)
+ (push (read-event prompt) unread-command-events))
+ (if (eq (lookup-key (current-global-map) key) 'keyboard-quit)
+ (keyboard-quit))
+ (setq binding (lookup-key keymap key))
+ (cond
+ ((eq binding 'popup-close)
+ (if (popup-parent menu)
+ (return)))
+ ((memq binding '(popup-select popup-open))
+ (let* ((item (popup-selected-item menu))
+ (sublist (popup-item-sublist item)))
+ (if sublist
+ (popup-aif (popup-cascade-menu sublist
+ :around nil
+ :parent menu
+ :margin-left (popup-margin-left menu)
+ :margin-right (popup-margin-right menu)
+ :scroll-bar (popup-scroll-bar menu))
+ (and it (return it)))
+ (if (eq binding 'popup-select)
+ (return (popup-item-value-or-self item))))))
+ ((eq binding 'popup-next)
+ (popup-next menu))
+ ((eq binding 'popup-previous)
+ (popup-previous menu))
+ ((eq binding 'popup-help)
+ (popup-menu-show-help menu))
+ ((eq binding 'popup-isearch)
+ (popup-isearch menu
+ :cursor-color isearch-cursor-color
+ :keymap isearch-keymap
+ :callback isearch-callback
+ :help-delay help-delay))
+ ((commandp binding)
+ (call-interactively binding))
+ (t
+ (funcall fallback key (key-binding key))))))))
+;; popup-menu is used by mouse.el unfairly...
+(defun* popup-menu* (list
+ &key
+ point
+ (around t)
+ (width (popup-preferred-width list))
+ (height 15)
+ margin
+ margin-left
+ margin-right
+ scroll-bar
+ symbol
+ parent
+ parent-offset
+ (keymap popup-menu-keymap)
+ (fallback 'popup-menu-fallback)
+ help-delay
+ prompt
+ isearch
+ (isearch-cursor-color popup-isearch-cursor-color)
+ (isearch-keymap popup-isearch-keymap)
+ isearch-callback
+ &aux menu event)
+ (and (eq margin t) (setq margin 1))
+ (or margin-left (setq margin-left margin))
+ (or margin-right (setq margin-right margin))
+ (if (and scroll-bar
+ (integerp margin-right)
+ (> margin-right 0))
+ ;; Make scroll-bar space as margin-right
+ (decf margin-right))
+ (setq menu (popup-create point width height
+ :around around
+ :face 'popup-menu-face
+ :selection-face 'popup-menu-selection-face
+ :margin-left margin-left
+ :margin-right margin-right
+ :scroll-bar scroll-bar
+ :symbol symbol
+ :parent parent))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (popup-set-list menu list)
+ (popup-draw menu)
+ (popup-menu-event-loop menu keymap fallback prompt help-delay isearch
+ isearch-cursor-color isearch-keymap isearch-callback))
+ (popup-delete menu)))
+(defun popup-cascade-menu (list &rest args)
+ "Same to `popup-menu', but an element of `LIST' can be
+list of submenu."
+ (apply 'popup-menu*
+ (mapcar (lambda (item)
+ (if (consp item)
+ (popup-make-item (car item)
+ :sublist (cdr item)
+ :symbol ">")
+ item))
+ list)
+ :symbol t
+ args))
+(defvar popup-menu-keymap
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map "\r" 'popup-select)
+ (define-key map "\C-f" 'popup-open)
+ (define-key map [right] 'popup-open)
+ (define-key map "\C-b" 'popup-close)
+ (define-key map [left] 'popup-close)
+ (define-key map "\C-n" 'popup-next)
+ (define-key map [down] 'popup-next)
+ (define-key map "\C-p" 'popup-previous)
+ (define-key map [up] 'popup-previous)
+ (define-key map [f1] 'popup-help)
+ (define-key map (kbd "\C-?") 'popup-help)
+ (define-key map "\C-s" 'popup-isearch)
+ map))
+(provide 'popup)
+;;; popup.el ends here
diff --git a/.emacs.d/popup.elc b/.emacs.d/popup.elc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0acbfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/popup.elc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/.emacs.d/ports.el b/.emacs.d/ports.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eec3854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/ports.el
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+;; function copied from by Dimitri Fontaine
+(defun lsb-release (&optional property)
+ "Parse lsb-release output and return an alist, or the value for the given property"
+ (when (file-executable-p "/usr/bin/lsb_release")
+ (let* ((lsbr (shell-command-to-string "/usr/bin/lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null"))
+ (props (split-string lsbr "[:\n]" t))
+ (kv))
+ (while (>= (length props) 2)
+ ;; Don't keep extra spaces. This way seems like the easy one in elisp.
+ (let ((key (mapconcat 'identity (split-string (car props)) " "))
+ (val (mapconcat 'identity (split-string (cadr props)) " ")))
+ (setq kv (add-to-list 'kv (cons key val)))
+ (setq props (cddr props))))
+ (if property
+ (cdr (assoc property (lsb-release)))
+ kv))))
+;; function copied from by Dimitri Fontaine
+(defmacro when-running-ubuntu (&rest body)
+ "eval body only when running under Ubuntu"
+ (when (equal (lsb-release "Distributor ID") "Ubuntu") ,@body))
+;; function adapted from by Dimitri Fontaine
+(defmacro when-running-fedora (&rest body)
+ "eval body only when running under Fedora"
+ (when (equal (lsb-release "Distributor ID") "Fedora") ,@body)) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.emacs.d/slash_c.el b/.emacs.d/slash_c.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8d35fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/slash_c.el
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(if (not (intern-soft "cc-mode"))
+ (require 'cc-mode))
+(global-set-key [(f9)] 'compile) ; make F9 call the compilation command
+(setq compilation-window-height 8) ; make the compilation window smaller
+;; Make compilation window disappear on succesful build
+(setq compilation-finish-function
+ (lambda (buf str)
+ (if (string-match "exited abnormally" str)
+ ;; there were errors
+ (message "compilation errors, press C-x ` to visit")
+ ;; no errors, make the compilation window go away in 0.5 seconds
+ (run-at-time 0.5 nil 'delete-windows-on buf)
+ (message "NO COMPILATION ERRORS!")))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.emacs.d/slash_functions.el b/.emacs.d/slash_functions.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa27bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/slash_functions.el
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(defun what-face (pos)
+ (interactive "d")
+ (let ((face (or (get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name)
+ (get-char-property (point) 'face))))
+ (if face (message "Face: %s" face) (message "No face at %d" pos)))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.emacs.d/slash_python.el b/.emacs.d/slash_python.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cb2a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/slash_python.el
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+;; Pyflakes
+(when (load "flymake" t)
+ (defun flymake-pyflakes-init ()
+ (let* ((temp-file (flymake-init-create-temp-buffer-copy
+ 'flymake-create-temp-inplace))
+ (local-file (file-relative-name
+ temp-file
+ (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))))
+ (list "pyflakes" (list local-file))))
+ (add-to-list 'flymake-allowed-file-name-masks
+ '("\\.py\\'" flymake-pyflakes-init)))
+(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flymake-find-file-hook)
+;; Bind RET to py-newline-and-indent
+(add-hook 'python-mode-hook '(lambda ()
+ (define-key python-mode-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.emacs.d/color-theme-weirdness.el b/.emacs.d/slash_theme.el
index a97cefc..1847b6d 100644
--- a/.emacs.d/color-theme-weirdness.el
+++ b/.emacs.d/slash_theme.el
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d")
(require 'color-theme)
;; weirdness color-theme
@@ -35,3 +36,31 @@
(font-lock-variable-name-face ((t (:foreground "#18EFF2"))))
(font-lock-warning-face ((t (:foreground "#FF0000" :bold t)))))))
(provide 'color-theme-weirdness)
+;; ryrobes color theme
+(defun color-theme-vibrant-ink ()
+ (interactive)
+ (color-theme-install
+ '(color-theme-ryrobes
+ ((background-color . "#000000")
+ (background-mode . dark)
+ (border-color . "#000000")
+ (cursor-color . "#FFFFFF")
+ (foreground-color . "#FFFFFF")
+ (mouse-color . "#FFFFFF"))
+ (font-lock-comment-face ((t (:foreground "#9933CC" :italic t))))
+ (font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground "#FF6600"))))
+ (font-lock-type-face ((t (:foreground "#FFCC00"))))
+ (font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "#66FF00")))))))
+(provide 'color-theme-vibrant-ink)
+(provide 'color-theme-ryrobes)
diff --git a/.emacs.d/tabbar.el b/.emacs.d/tabbar.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09db712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/tabbar.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1932 @@
+;;; Tabbar.el --- Display a tab bar in the header line
+;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 David Ponce
+;; Author: David Ponce <>
+;; Maintainer: David Ponce <>
+;; Created: 25 February 2003
+;; Keywords: convenience
+;; Revision: $Id: tabbar.el,v 1.69 2006/06/08 08:27:39 ponced Exp $
+(defconst tabbar-version "2.0")
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This library provides the Tabbar global minor mode to display a tab
+;; bar in the header line of Emacs 21 and later versions. You can use
+;; the mouse to click on a tab and select it. Also, three buttons are
+;; displayed on the left side of the tab bar in this order: the
+;; "home", "scroll left", and "scroll right" buttons. The "home"
+;; button is a general purpose button used to change something on the
+;; tab bar. The scroll left and scroll right buttons are used to
+;; scroll tabs horizontally. Tabs can be divided up into groups to
+;; maintain several sets of tabs at the same time (see also the
+;; chapter "Core" below for more details on tab grouping). Only one
+;; group is displayed on the tab bar, and the "home" button, for
+;; example, can be used to navigate through the different groups, to
+;; show different tab bars.
+;; In a graphic environment, using the mouse is probably the preferred
+;; way to work with the tab bar. However, you can also use the tab
+;; bar when Emacs is running on a terminal, so it is possible to use
+;; commands to press special buttons, or to navigate cyclically
+;; through tabs.
+;; These commands, and default keyboard shortcuts, are provided:
+;; `tabbar-mode'
+;; Toggle the Tabbar global minor mode. When enabled a tab bar is
+;; displayed in the header line.
+;; `tabbar-local-mode' (C-c <C-f10>)
+;; Toggle the Tabbar-Local minor mode. Provided the global minor
+;; mode is turned on, the tab bar becomes local in the current
+;; buffer when the local minor mode is enabled. This permits to
+;; see the tab bar in a buffer where the header line is already
+;; used by another mode (like `Info-mode' for example).
+;; `tabbar-mwheel-mode'
+;; Toggle the Tabbar-Mwheel global minor mode. When enabled you
+;; can use the mouse wheel to navigate through tabs of groups.
+;; `tabbar-press-home' (C-c <C-home>)
+;; `tabbar-press-scroll-left' (C-c <C-prior>)
+;; `tabbar-press-scroll-right' (C-c <C-next>)
+;; Simulate a mouse-1 click on respectively the "home", "scroll
+;; left", and "scroll right" buttons. A numeric prefix argument
+;; value of 2, or 3, respectively simulates a mouse-2, or mouse-3
+;; click.
+;; `tabbar-backward' (C-c <C-left>)
+;; `tabbar-forward' (C-c <C-right>)
+;; Are the basic commands to navigate cyclically through tabs or
+;; groups of tabs. The cycle is controlled by the
+;; `tabbar-cycle-scope' option. The default is to navigate
+;; through all tabs across all existing groups of tabs. You can
+;; change the default behavior to navigate only through the tabs
+;; visible on the tab bar, or through groups of tabs only. Or use
+;; the more specialized commands below.
+;; `tabbar-backward-tab'
+;; `tabbar-forward-tab'
+;; Navigate through the tabs visible on the tab bar.
+;; `tabbar-backward-group' (C-c <C-up>)
+;; `tabbar-forward-group' (C-c <C-down>)
+;; Navigate through existing groups of tabs.
+;; Core
+;; ----
+;; The content of the tab bar is represented by an internal data
+;; structure: a tab set. A tab set is a collection (group) of tabs,
+;; identified by an unique name. In a tab set, at any time, one and
+;; only one tab is designated as selected within the tab set.
+;; A tab is a simple data structure giving the value of the tab, and a
+;; reference to its tab set container. A tab value can be any Lisp
+;; object. Each tab object is guaranteed to be unique.
+;; A tab set is displayed on the tab bar through a "view" defined by
+;; the index of the leftmost tab shown. Thus, it is possible to
+;; scroll the tab bar horizontally by changing the start index of the
+;; tab set view.
+;; The visual representation of a tab bar is a list of valid
+;; `header-line-format' template elements, one for each special
+;; button, and for each tab found into a tab set "view". When the
+;; visual representation of a tab is required, the function specified
+;; in the variable `tabbar-tab-label-function' is called to obtain it.
+;; The visual representation of a special button is obtained by
+;; calling the function specified in `tabbar-button-label-function',
+;; which is passed a button name among `home', `scroll-left', or
+;; `scroll-right'. There are also options and faces to customize the
+;; appearance of buttons and tabs (see the code for more details).
+;; When the mouse is over a tab, the function specified in
+;; `tabbar-help-on-tab-function' is called, which is passed the tab
+;; and should return a help string to display. When a tab is
+;; selected, the function specified in `tabbar-select-tab-function' is
+;; called, which is passed the tab and the event received.
+;; Similarly, to control the behavior of the special buttons, the
+;; following variables are available, for respectively the `home',
+;; `scroll-left' and `scroll-right' value of `<button>':
+;; `tabbar-<button>-function'
+;; Function called when <button> is selected. The function is
+;; passed the mouse event received.
+;; `tabbar-<button>-help-function'
+;; Function called with no arguments to obtain a help string
+;; displayed when the mouse is over <button>.
+;; To increase performance, each tab set automatically maintains its
+;; visual representation in a cache. As far as possible, the cache is
+;; used to display the tab set, and refreshed only when necessary.
+;; Several tab sets can be maintained at the same time. Only one is
+;; displayed on the tab bar, it is obtained by calling the function
+;; specified in the variable `tabbar-current-tabset-function'.
+;; A special tab set is maintained, that contains the list of the
+;; currently selected tabs in the existing tab sets. This tab set is
+;; useful to show the existing tab sets in a tab bar, and switch
+;; between them easily. The function `tabbar-get-tabsets-tabset'
+;; returns this special tab set.
+;; Buffer tabs
+;; -----------
+;; The default tab bar implementation provided displays buffers in
+;; dedicated tabs. Selecting a tab, switch (mouse-1), or pop
+;; (mouse-2), to the buffer it contains.
+;; The list of buffers put in tabs is provided by the function
+;; specified in the variable `tabbar-buffer-list-function'. The
+;; default function: `tabbar-buffer-list', excludes buffers whose name
+;; starts with a space, when they are not visiting a file.
+;; Buffers are organized in groups, each one represented by a tab set.
+;; A buffer can have no group, or belong to more than one group. The
+;; function specified by the variable `tabbar-buffer-groups-function'
+;; is called for each buffer to obtain the groups it belongs to. The
+;; default function provided: `tabbar-buffer-groups' organizes buffers
+;; depending on their major mode (see that function for details).
+;; The "home" button toggles display of buffer groups on the tab bar,
+;; allowing to easily show another buffer group by clicking on the
+;; associated tab.
+;; Known problems:
+;; Bug item #858306 at <>:
+;; tabbar-mode crashes GNU Emacs 21.3 on MS-Windows 98/95.
+;;; History:
+;;; Code:
+;;; Options
+(defgroup tabbar nil
+ "Display a tab bar in the header line."
+ :group 'convenience)
+(defcustom tabbar-cycle-scope nil
+ "*Specify the scope of cyclic navigation through tabs.
+The following scopes are possible:
+- `tabs'
+ Navigate through visible tabs only.
+- `groups'
+ Navigate through tab groups only.
+- default
+ Navigate through visible tabs, then through tab groups."
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :type '(choice :tag "Cycle through..."
+ (const :tag "Visible Tabs Only" tabs)
+ (const :tag "Tab Groups Only" groups)
+ (const :tag "Visible Tabs then Tab Groups" nil)))
+(defcustom tabbar-auto-scroll-flag t
+ "*Non-nil means to automatically scroll the tab bar.
+That is, when a tab is selected outside of the tab bar visible area,
+the tab bar is scrolled horizontally so the selected tab becomes
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defvar tabbar-inhibit-functions '(tabbar-default-inhibit-function)
+ "List of functions to be called before displaying the tab bar.
+Those functions are called one by one, with no arguments, until one of
+them returns a non-nil value, and thus, prevents to display the tab
+(defvar tabbar-current-tabset-function nil
+ "Function called with no argument to obtain the current tab set.
+This is the tab set displayed on the tab bar.")
+(defvar tabbar-tab-label-function nil
+ "Function that obtains a tab label displayed on the tab bar.
+The function is passed a tab and should return a string.")
+(defvar tabbar-select-tab-function nil
+ "Function that select a tab.
+The function is passed a mouse event and a tab, and should make it the
+selected tab.")
+(defvar tabbar-help-on-tab-function nil
+ "Function to obtain a help string for a tab.
+The help string is displayed when the mouse is onto the button. The
+function is passed the tab and should return a help string or nil for
+(defvar tabbar-button-label-function nil
+ "Function that obtains a button label displayed on the tab bar.
+The function is passed a button name should return a propertized
+string to display.")
+(defvar tabbar-home-function nil
+ "Function called when clicking on the tab bar home button.
+The function is passed the mouse event received.")
+(defvar tabbar-home-help-function nil
+ "Function to obtain a help string for the tab bar home button.
+The help string is displayed when the mouse is onto the button.
+The function is called with no arguments.")
+(defvar tabbar-scroll-left-function 'tabbar-scroll-left
+ "Function that scrolls tabs on left.
+The function is passed the mouse event received when clicking on the
+scroll left button. It should scroll the current tab set.")
+(defvar tabbar-scroll-left-help-function 'tabbar-scroll-left-help
+ "Function to obtain a help string for the scroll left button.
+The help string is displayed when the mouse is onto the button.
+The function is called with no arguments.")
+(defvar tabbar-scroll-right-function 'tabbar-scroll-right
+ "Function that scrolls tabs on right.
+The function is passed the mouse event received when clicking on the
+scroll right button. It should scroll the current tab set.")
+(defvar tabbar-scroll-right-help-function 'tabbar-scroll-right-help
+ "Function to obtain a help string for the scroll right button.
+The help string is displayed when the mouse is onto the button.
+The function is called with no arguments.")
+;;; Misc.
+ (defalias 'tabbar-display-update
+ (if (fboundp 'force-window-update)
+ #'(lambda () (force-window-update (selected-window)))
+ 'force-mode-line-update)))
+(defsubst tabbar-click-p (event)
+ "Return non-nil if EVENT is a mouse click event."
+ (memq 'click (event-modifiers event)))
+(defun tabbar-shorten (str width)
+ "Return a shortened string from STR that fits in the given display WIDTH.
+WIDTH is specified in terms of character display width in the current
+buffer; see also `char-width'. If STR display width is greater than
+WIDTH, STR is truncated and an ellipsis string \"...\" is inserted at
+end or in the middle of the returned string, depending on available
+ (let* ((n (length str))
+ (sw (string-width str))
+ (el "...")
+ (ew (string-width el))
+ (w 0)
+ (i 0))
+ (cond
+ ;; STR fit in WIDTH, return it.
+ ((<= sw width)
+ str)
+ ;; There isn't enough room for the ellipsis, STR is just
+ ;; truncated to fit in WIDTH.
+ ((<= width ew)
+ (while (< w width)
+ (setq w (+ w (char-width (aref str i)))
+ i (1+ i)))
+ (substring str 0 i))
+ ;; There isn't enough room to insert the ellipsis in the middle
+ ;; of the truncated string, so put the ellipsis at end.
+ ((zerop (setq sw (/ (- width ew) 2)))
+ (setq width (- width ew))
+ (while (< w width)
+ (setq w (+ w (char-width (aref str i)))
+ i (1+ i)))
+ (concat (substring str 0 i) el))
+ ;; Put the ellipsis in the middle of the truncated string.
+ (t
+ (while (< w sw)
+ (setq w (+ w (char-width (aref str i)))
+ i (1+ i)))
+ (setq w (+ w ew))
+ (while (< w width)
+ (setq n (1- n)
+ w (+ w (char-width (aref str n)))))
+ (concat (substring str 0 i) el (substring str n)))
+ )))
+;;; Tab and tab set
+(defsubst tabbar-make-tab (object tabset)
+ "Return a new tab with value OBJECT.
+TABSET is the tab set the tab belongs to."
+ (cons object tabset))
+(defsubst tabbar-tab-value (tab)
+ "Return the value of tab TAB."
+ (car tab))
+(defsubst tabbar-tab-tabset (tab)
+ "Return the tab set TAB belongs to."
+ (cdr tab))
+(defvar tabbar-tabsets nil
+ "The tab sets store.")
+(defvar tabbar-tabsets-tabset nil
+ "The special tab set of existing tab sets.")
+(defvar tabbar-current-tabset nil
+ "The tab set currently displayed on the tab bar.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'tabbar-current-tabset)
+(defvar tabbar-init-hook nil
+ "Hook run after tab bar data has been initialized.
+You should use this hook to initialize dependent data.")
+(defsubst tabbar-init-tabsets-store ()
+ "Initialize the tab set store."
+ (setq tabbar-tabsets (make-vector 31 0)
+ tabbar-tabsets-tabset (make-symbol "tabbar-tabsets-tabset"))
+ (put tabbar-tabsets-tabset 'start 0)
+ (run-hooks 'tabbar-init-hook))
+(defvar tabbar-quit-hook nil
+ "Hook run after tab bar data has been freed.
+You should use this hook to reset dependent data.")
+(defsubst tabbar-free-tabsets-store ()
+ "Free the tab set store."
+ (setq tabbar-tabsets nil
+ tabbar-tabsets-tabset nil)
+ (run-hooks 'tabbar-quit-hook))
+;; Define an "hygienic" function free of side effect between its local
+;; variables and those of the callee.
+ (defalias 'tabbar-map-tabsets
+ (let ((function (make-symbol "function"))
+ (result (make-symbol "result"))
+ (tabset (make-symbol "tabset")))
+ `(lambda (,function)
+ "Apply FUNCTION to each tab set, and make a list of the results.
+The result is a list just as long as the number of existing tab sets."
+ (let (,result)
+ (mapatoms
+ #'(lambda (,tabset)
+ (push (funcall ,function ,tabset) ,result))
+ tabbar-tabsets)
+ ,result)))))
+(defun tabbar-make-tabset (name &rest objects)
+ "Make a new tab set whose name is the string NAME.
+It is initialized with tabs build from the list of OBJECTS."
+ (let* ((tabset (intern name tabbar-tabsets))
+ (tabs (mapcar #'(lambda (object)
+ (tabbar-make-tab object tabset))
+ objects)))
+ (set tabset tabs)
+ (put tabset 'select (car tabs))
+ (put tabset 'start 0)
+ tabset))
+(defsubst tabbar-get-tabset (name)
+ "Return the tab set whose name is the string NAME.
+Return nil if not found."
+ (intern-soft name tabbar-tabsets))
+(defsubst tabbar-delete-tabset (tabset)
+ "Delete the tab set TABSET.
+That is, remove it from the tab sets store."
+ (unintern tabset tabbar-tabsets))
+(defsubst tabbar-tabs (tabset)
+ "Return the list of tabs in TABSET."
+ (symbol-value tabset))
+(defsubst tabbar-tab-values (tabset)
+ "Return the list of tab values in TABSET."
+ (mapcar 'tabbar-tab-value (tabbar-tabs tabset)))
+(defsubst tabbar-get-tab (object tabset)
+ "Search for a tab with value OBJECT in TABSET.
+Return the tab found, or nil if not found."
+ (assoc object (tabbar-tabs tabset)))
+(defsubst tabbar-member (tab tabset)
+ "Return non-nil if TAB is in TABSET."
+ (or (eq (tabbar-tab-tabset tab) tabset)
+ (memq tab (tabbar-tabs tabset))))
+(defsubst tabbar-template (tabset)
+ "Return the cached visual representation of TABSET.
+That is, a `header-line-format' template, or nil if the cache is
+ (get tabset 'template))
+(defsubst tabbar-set-template (tabset template)
+ "Set the cached visual representation of TABSET to TEMPLATE.
+TEMPLATE must be a valid `header-line-format' template, or nil to
+cleanup the cache."
+ (put tabset 'template template))
+(defsubst tabbar-selected-tab (tabset)
+ "Return the tab selected in TABSET."
+ (get tabset 'select))
+(defsubst tabbar-selected-value (tabset)
+ "Return the value of the tab selected in TABSET."
+ (tabbar-tab-value (tabbar-selected-tab tabset)))
+(defsubst tabbar-selected-p (tab tabset)
+ "Return non-nil if TAB is the selected tab in TABSET."
+ (eq tab (tabbar-selected-tab tabset)))
+(defvar tabbar--track-selected nil)
+(defsubst tabbar-select-tab (tab tabset)
+ "Make TAB the selected tab in TABSET.
+Does nothing if TAB is not found in TABSET.
+Return TAB if selected, nil if not."
+ (when (tabbar-member tab tabset)
+ (unless (tabbar-selected-p tab tabset)
+ (tabbar-set-template tabset nil)
+ (setq tabbar--track-selected tabbar-auto-scroll-flag))
+ (put tabset 'select tab)))
+(defsubst tabbar-select-tab-value (object tabset)
+ "Make the tab with value OBJECT, the selected tab in TABSET.
+Does nothing if a tab with value OBJECT is not found in TABSET.
+Return the tab selected, or nil if nothing was selected."
+ (tabbar-select-tab (tabbar-get-tab object tabset) tabset))
+(defsubst tabbar-start (tabset)
+ "Return the index of the first visible tab in TABSET."
+ (get tabset 'start))
+(defsubst tabbar-view (tabset)
+ "Return the list of visible tabs in TABSET.
+That is, the sub-list of tabs starting at the first visible one."
+ (nthcdr (tabbar-start tabset) (tabbar-tabs tabset)))
+(defun tabbar-add-tab (tabset object &optional append)
+ "Add to TABSET a tab with value OBJECT if there isn't one there yet.
+If the tab is added, it is added at the beginning of the tab list,
+unless the optional argument APPEND is non-nil, in which case it is
+added at the end."
+ (let ((tabs (tabbar-tabs tabset)))
+ (if (tabbar-get-tab object tabset)
+ tabs
+ (let ((tab (tabbar-make-tab object tabset)))
+ (tabbar-set-template tabset nil)
+ (set tabset (if append
+ (append tabs (list tab))
+ (cons tab tabs)))))))
+(defun tabbar-delete-tab (tab)
+ "Remove TAB from its tab set."
+ (let* ((tabset (tabbar-tab-tabset tab))
+ (tabs (tabbar-tabs tabset))
+ (sel (eq tab (tabbar-selected-tab tabset)))
+ (next (and sel (cdr (memq tab tabs)))))
+ (tabbar-set-template tabset nil)
+ (setq tabs (delq tab tabs))
+ ;; When the selected tab is deleted, select the next one, if
+ ;; available, or the last one otherwise.
+ (and sel (tabbar-select-tab (car (or next (last tabs))) tabset))
+ (set tabset tabs)))
+(defun tabbar-scroll (tabset count)
+ "Scroll the visible tabs in TABSET of COUNT units.
+If COUNT is positive move the view on right. If COUNT is negative,
+move the view on left."
+ (let ((start (min (max 0 (+ (tabbar-start tabset) count))
+ (1- (length (tabbar-tabs tabset))))))
+ (when (/= start (tabbar-start tabset))
+ (tabbar-set-template tabset nil)
+ (put tabset 'start start))))
+(defun tabbar-tab-next (tabset tab &optional before)
+ "Search in TABSET for the tab after TAB.
+If optional argument BEFORE is non-nil, search for the tab before
+TAB. Return the tab found, or nil otherwise."
+ (let* (last (tabs (tabbar-tabs tabset)))
+ (while (and tabs (not (eq tab (car tabs))))
+ (setq last (car tabs)
+ tabs (cdr tabs)))
+ (and tabs (if before last (nth 1 tabs)))))
+(defun tabbar-current-tabset (&optional update)
+ "Return the tab set currently displayed on the tab bar.
+If optional argument UPDATE is non-nil, call the user defined function
+`tabbar-current-tabset-function' to obtain it. Otherwise return the
+current cached copy."
+ (and update tabbar-current-tabset-function
+ (setq tabbar-current-tabset
+ (funcall tabbar-current-tabset-function)))
+ tabbar-current-tabset)
+(defun tabbar-get-tabsets-tabset ()
+ "Return the tab set of selected tabs in existing tab sets."
+ (set tabbar-tabsets-tabset (tabbar-map-tabsets 'tabbar-selected-tab))
+ (tabbar-scroll tabbar-tabsets-tabset 0)
+ (tabbar-set-template tabbar-tabsets-tabset nil)
+ tabbar-tabsets-tabset)
+;;; Faces
+(defface tabbar-default
+ '(
+ ;;(((class color grayscale) (background light))
+ ;; :inherit variable-pitch
+ ;; :height 0.8
+ ;; :foreground "gray50"
+ ;; :background "grey75"
+ ;; )
+ (((class color grayscale) (background dark))
+ :inherit variable-pitch
+ :height 0.8
+ :foreground "grey75"
+ :background "gray50"
+ )
+ (((class mono) (background light))
+ :inherit variable-pitch
+ :height 0.8
+ :foreground "black"
+ :background "white"
+ )
+ (((class mono) (background dark))
+ :inherit variable-pitch
+ :height 0.8
+ :foreground "white"
+ :background "black"
+ )
+ (t
+ :inherit variable-pitch
+ :height 0.8
+ :foreground "gray50"
+ :background "gray75"
+ ))
+ "Default face used in the tab bar."
+ :group 'tabbar)
+(defface tabbar-unselected
+ '((t
+ :inherit tabbar-default
+ :box (:line-width 1 :color "white" :style released-button)
+ ))
+ "Face used for unselected tabs."
+ :group 'tabbar)
+(defface tabbar-selected
+ '((t
+ :inherit tabbar-default
+ :box (:line-width 1 :color "white" :style pressed-button)
+ :foreground "blue"
+ ))
+ "Face used for the selected tab."
+ :group 'tabbar)
+(defface tabbar-highlight
+ '((t
+ :underline t
+ ))
+ "Face used to highlight a tab during mouse-overs."
+ :group 'tabbar)
+(defface tabbar-separator
+ '((t
+ :inherit tabbar-default
+ :height 0.1
+ ))
+ "Face used for separators between tabs."
+ :group 'tabbar)
+(defface tabbar-button
+ '((t
+ :inherit tabbar-default
+ :box (:line-width 1 :color "white" :style released-button)
+ :foreground "dark red"
+ ))
+ "Face used for tab bar buttons."
+ :group 'tabbar)
+(defface tabbar-button-highlight
+ '((t
+ :inherit tabbar-default
+ ))
+ "Face used to highlight a button during mouse-overs."
+ :group 'tabbar)
+(defcustom tabbar-background-color nil
+ "*Background color of the tab bar.
+By default, use the background color specified for the
+`tabbar-default' face (or inherited from another face), or the
+background color of the `default' face otherwise."
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Default" nil)
+ (color)))
+(defsubst tabbar-background-color ()
+ "Return the background color of the tab bar."
+ (or tabbar-background-color
+ (let* ((face 'tabbar-default)
+ (color (face-background face)))
+ (while (null color)
+ (or (facep (setq face (face-attribute face :inherit)))
+ (setq face 'default))
+ (setq color (face-background face)))
+ color)))
+;;; Buttons and separator look and feel
+(defconst tabbar-button-widget
+ '(cons
+ (cons :tag "Enabled"
+ (string)
+ (repeat :tag "Image"
+ :extra-offset 2
+ (restricted-sexp :tag "Spec"
+ :match-alternatives (listp))))
+ (cons :tag "Disabled"
+ (string)
+ (repeat :tag "Image"
+ :extra-offset 2
+ (restricted-sexp :tag "Spec"
+ :match-alternatives (listp))))
+ )
+ "Widget for editing a tab bar button.
+A button is specified as a pair (ENABLED-BUTTON . DISABLED-BUTTON),
+where ENABLED-BUTTON and DISABLED-BUTTON specify the value used when
+the button is respectively enabled and disabled. Each button value is
+a pair (STRING . IMAGE) where STRING is a string value, and IMAGE a
+list of image specifications.
+If IMAGE is non-nil, try to use that image, else use STRING.
+If only the ENABLED-BUTTON image is provided, a DISABLED-BUTTON image
+is derived from it.")
+;;; Home button
+(defvar tabbar-home-button-value nil
+ "Value of the home button.")
+(defconst tabbar-home-button-enabled-image
+ '((:type pbm :data "\
+P2 13 13 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 0
+6 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 9 130 9 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 26 130 26 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 9 26
+41 130 41 26 9 0 255 255 255 255 5 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 5 255
+255 255 255 0 9 26 41 130 41 26 9 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 26 130
+26 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 9 130 9 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 0 6 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255
+ "Default image for the enabled home button.")
+(defconst tabbar-home-button-disabled-image
+ '((:type pbm :data "\
+P2 13 13 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 0 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 0 255 255 255 255 0 132 128 123 119 114 110
+106 0 255 255 255 255 0 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+ "Default image for the disabled home button.")
+(defcustom tabbar-home-button
+ (cons (cons "[o]" tabbar-home-button-enabled-image)
+ (cons "[x]" tabbar-home-button-disabled-image))
+ "The home button.
+The variable `tabbar-button-widget' gives details on this widget."
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :type tabbar-button-widget
+ :set '(lambda (variable value)
+ (custom-set-default variable value)
+ ;; Schedule refresh of button value.
+ (setq tabbar-home-button-value nil)))
+;;; Scroll left button
+(defvar tabbar-scroll-left-button-value nil
+ "Value of the scroll left button.")
+(defconst tabbar-scroll-left-button-enabled-image
+ '((:type pbm :data "\
+P2 13 13 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 128 16 48 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 144 28 86 128 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 160 44 92 159 135 113 0
+255 255 255 255 160 44 97 165 144 129 120 117 0 255 255 176 44 98 175
+174 146 127 126 127 128 0 255 255 0 160 184 156 143 136 134 135 137
+138 0 255 255 176 32 67 144 146 144 145 146 148 149 0 255 255 255 255
+160 42 75 140 154 158 159 160 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 160 40 74 154
+170 171 0 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 160 41 82 163 0 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 160 32 48 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255
+ "Default image for the enabled scroll left button.
+A disabled button image will be automatically build from it.")
+(defcustom tabbar-scroll-left-button
+ (cons (cons " <" tabbar-scroll-left-button-enabled-image)
+ (cons " =" nil))
+ "The scroll left button.
+The variable `tabbar-button-widget' gives details on this widget."
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :type tabbar-button-widget
+ :set '(lambda (variable value)
+ (custom-set-default variable value)
+ ;; Schedule refresh of button value.
+ (setq tabbar-scroll-left-button-value nil)))
+;;; Scroll right button
+(defvar tabbar-scroll-right-button-value nil
+ "Value of the scroll right button.")
+(defconst tabbar-scroll-right-button-enabled-image
+ '((:type pbm :data "\
+P2 13 13 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+48 32 160 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 44 161 71 32 160 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 36 157 163 145 62 32 160 255 255 255 255
+255 255 30 128 133 137 142 124 50 32 160 255 255 255 255 29 120 121
+124 126 126 124 105 42 32 176 255 255 31 126 127 128 128 128 128 126
+124 89 32 255 255 33 134 135 136 137 137 138 119 49 32 176 255 255 34
+143 144 145 146 128 54 32 160 255 255 255 255 36 152 153 134 57 32 160
+255 255 255 255 255 255 38 141 60 32 160 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 48 32 160 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
+ "Default image for the enabled scroll right button.
+A disabled button image will be automatically build from it.")
+(defcustom tabbar-scroll-right-button
+ (cons (cons " >" tabbar-scroll-right-button-enabled-image)
+ (cons " =" nil))
+ "The scroll right button.
+The variable `tabbar-button-widget' gives details on this widget."
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :type tabbar-button-widget
+ :set '(lambda (variable value)
+ (custom-set-default variable value)
+ ;; Schedule refresh of button value.
+ (setq tabbar-scroll-right-button-value nil)))
+;;; Separator
+(defconst tabbar-separator-widget
+ '(cons (choice (string)
+ (number :tag "Space width" 0.2))
+ (repeat :tag "Image"
+ :extra-offset 2
+ (restricted-sexp :tag "Spec"
+ :match-alternatives (listp))))
+ "Widget for editing a tab bar separator.
+A separator is specified as a pair (STRING-OR-WIDTH . IMAGE) where
+STRING-OR-WIDTH is a string value or a space width, and IMAGE a list
+of image specifications.
+If IMAGE is non-nil, try to use that image, else use STRING-OR-WIDTH.
+The value (\"\"), or (0) hide separators.")
+(defvar tabbar-separator-value nil
+ "Value of the separator used between tabs.")
+(defcustom tabbar-separator (list 0.2)
+ "Separator used between tabs.
+The variable `tabbar-separator-widget' gives details on this widget."
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :type tabbar-separator-widget
+ :set '(lambda (variable value)
+ (custom-set-default variable value)
+ ;; Schedule refresh of separator value.
+ (setq tabbar-separator-value nil)))
+;;; Images
+(defcustom tabbar-use-images t
+ "*Non-nil means to try to use images in tab bar.
+That is for buttons and separators."
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :type 'boolean
+ :set '(lambda (variable value)
+ (custom-set-default variable value)
+ ;; Schedule refresh of all buttons and separator values.
+ (setq tabbar-separator-value nil
+ tabbar-home-button-value nil
+ tabbar-scroll-left-button-value nil
+ tabbar-scroll-right-button-value nil)))
+(defsubst tabbar-find-image (specs)
+ "Find an image, choosing one of a list of image specifications.
+SPECS is a list of image specifications. See also `find-image'."
+ (when (and tabbar-use-images (display-images-p))
+ (condition-case nil
+ (find-image specs)
+ (error nil))))
+(defsubst tabbar-disable-image (image)
+ "From IMAGE, return a new image which looks disabled."
+ (setq image (copy-sequence image))
+ (setcdr image (plist-put (cdr image) :conversion 'disabled))
+ image)
+(defsubst tabbar-normalize-image (image &optional margin)
+ "Make IMAGE centered and transparent.
+If optional MARGIN is non-nil, it must be a number of pixels to add as
+an extra margin around the image."
+ (let ((plist (cdr image)))
+ (or (plist-get plist :ascent)
+ (setq plist (plist-put plist :ascent 'center)))
+ (or (plist-get plist :mask)
+ (setq plist (plist-put plist :mask '(heuristic t))))
+ (or (not (natnump margin))
+ (plist-get plist :margin)
+ (plist-put plist :margin margin))
+ (setcdr image plist))
+ image)
+;;; Button keymaps and callbacks
+(defun tabbar-make-mouse-keymap (callback)
+ "Return a keymap that call CALLBACK on mouse events.
+CALLBACK is passed the received mouse event."
+ (let ((keymap (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ ;; Pass mouse-1, mouse-2 and mouse-3 events to CALLBACK.
+ (define-key keymap [header-line down-mouse-1] 'ignore)
+ (define-key keymap [header-line mouse-1] callback)
+ (define-key keymap [header-line down-mouse-2] 'ignore)
+ (define-key keymap [header-line mouse-2] callback)
+ (define-key keymap [header-line down-mouse-3] 'ignore)
+ (define-key keymap [header-line mouse-3] callback)
+ keymap))
+(defsubst tabbar-make-mouse-event (&optional type)
+ "Return a mouse click event.
+Optional argument TYPE is a mouse-click event or one of the
+symbols `mouse-1', `mouse-2' or `mouse-3'.
+The default is `mouse-1'."
+ (if (tabbar-click-p type)
+ type
+ (list (or (memq type '(mouse-2 mouse-3)) 'mouse-1)
+ (or (event-start nil) ;; Emacs 21.4
+ (list (selected-window) (point) '(0 . 0) 0)))))
+;;; Buttons
+(defconst tabbar-default-button-keymap
+ (tabbar-make-mouse-keymap 'tabbar-select-button-callback)
+ "Default keymap of a button.")
+(defun tabbar-help-on-button (window object position)
+ "Return a help string or nil for none, for the button under the mouse.
+WINDOW is the window in which the help was found (unused).
+OBJECT is the button label under the mouse.
+POSITION is the position in that label.
+Call `tabbar-NAME-help-function' where NAME is the button name
+associated to OBJECT."
+ (let* ((name (get-text-property position 'tabbar-button object))
+ (funvar (and name
+ (intern-soft (format "tabbar-%s-help-function"
+ name)))))
+ (and (symbol-value funvar)
+ (funcall (symbol-value funvar)))))
+(defsubst tabbar-click-on-button (name &optional type)
+ "Handle a mouse click event on button NAME.
+Call `tabbar-select-NAME-function' with the received, or simulated
+mouse click event.
+Optional argument TYPE is a mouse click event type (see the function
+`tabbar-make-mouse-event' for details)."
+ (let ((funvar (intern-soft (format "tabbar-%s-function" name))))
+ (when (symbol-value funvar)
+ (funcall (symbol-value funvar) (tabbar-make-mouse-event type))
+ (tabbar-display-update))))
+(defun tabbar-select-button-callback (event)
+ "Handle a mouse EVENT on a button.
+Pass mouse click events on a button to `tabbar-click-on-button'."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (when (tabbar-click-p event)
+ (let ((target (posn-string (event-start event))))
+ (tabbar-click-on-button
+ (get-text-property (cdr target) 'tabbar-button (car target))
+ event))))
+(defun tabbar-make-button-keymap (name)
+ "Return a keymap to handle mouse click events on button NAME."
+ (if (fboundp 'posn-string)
+ tabbar-default-button-keymap
+ (let ((event (make-symbol "event")))
+ (tabbar-make-mouse-keymap
+ `(lambda (,event)
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (and (tabbar-click-p ,event)
+ (tabbar-click-on-button ',name ,event)))))))
+;;; Button callbacks
+(defun tabbar-scroll-left (event)
+ "On mouse EVENT, scroll current tab set on left."
+ (when (eq (event-basic-type event) 'mouse-1)
+ (tabbar-scroll (tabbar-current-tabset) -1)))
+(defun tabbar-scroll-left-help ()
+ "Help string shown when mouse is over the scroll left button."
+ "mouse-1: scroll tabs left.")
+(defun tabbar-scroll-right (event)
+ "On mouse EVENT, scroll current tab set on right."
+ (when (eq (event-basic-type event) 'mouse-1)
+ (tabbar-scroll (tabbar-current-tabset) 1)))
+(defun tabbar-scroll-right-help ()
+ "Help string shown when mouse is over the scroll right button."
+ "mouse-1: scroll tabs right.")
+;;; Tabs
+(defconst tabbar-default-tab-keymap
+ (tabbar-make-mouse-keymap 'tabbar-select-tab-callback)
+ "Default keymap of a tab.")
+(defun tabbar-help-on-tab (window object position)
+ "Return a help string or nil for none, for the tab under the mouse.
+WINDOW is the window in which the help was found (unused).
+OBJECT is the tab label under the mouse.
+POSITION is the position in that label.
+Call `tabbar-help-on-tab-function' with the associated tab."
+ (when tabbar-help-on-tab-function
+ (let ((tab (get-text-property position 'tabbar-tab object)))
+ (funcall tabbar-help-on-tab-function tab))))
+(defsubst tabbar-click-on-tab (tab &optional type)
+ "Handle a mouse click event on tab TAB.
+Call `tabbar-select-tab-function' with the received, or simulated
+mouse click event, and TAB.
+Optional argument TYPE is a mouse click event type (see the function
+`tabbar-make-mouse-event' for details)."
+ (when tabbar-select-tab-function
+ (funcall tabbar-select-tab-function
+ (tabbar-make-mouse-event type) tab)
+ (tabbar-display-update)))
+(defun tabbar-select-tab-callback (event)
+ "Handle a mouse EVENT on a tab.
+Pass mouse click events on a tab to `tabbar-click-on-tab'."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (when (tabbar-click-p event)
+ (let ((target (posn-string (event-start event))))
+ (tabbar-click-on-tab
+ (get-text-property (cdr target) 'tabbar-tab (car target))
+ event))))
+(defun tabbar-make-tab-keymap (tab)
+ "Return a keymap to handle mouse click events on TAB."
+ (if (fboundp 'posn-string)
+ tabbar-default-tab-keymap
+ (let ((event (make-symbol "event")))
+ (tabbar-make-mouse-keymap
+ `(lambda (,event)
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (and (tabbar-click-p ,event)
+ (tabbar-click-on-tab ',tab ,event)))))))
+;;; Tab bar construction
+(defun tabbar-button-label (name)
+ "Return a label for button NAME.
+That is a pair (ENABLED . DISABLED), where ENABLED and DISABLED are
+respectively the appearance of the button when enabled and disabled.
+They are propertized strings which could display images, as specified
+by the variable `tabbar-NAME-button'."
+ (let* ((btn (symbol-value
+ (intern-soft (format "tabbar-%s-button" name))))
+ (on (tabbar-find-image (cdar btn)))
+ (off (and on (tabbar-find-image (cddr btn)))))
+ (when on
+ (tabbar-normalize-image on 1)
+ (if off
+ (tabbar-normalize-image off 1)
+ ;; If there is no disabled button image, derive one from the
+ ;; button enabled image.
+ (setq off (tabbar-disable-image on))))
+ (cons
+ (propertize (or (caar btn) " ") 'display on)
+ (propertize (or (cadr btn) " ") 'display off))))
+(defun tabbar-line-button (name)
+ "Return the display representation of button NAME.
+That is, a propertized string used as an `header-line-format' template
+ (let ((label (if tabbar-button-label-function
+ (funcall tabbar-button-label-function name)
+ (cons name name))))
+ ;; Cache the display value of the enabled/disabled buttons in
+ ;; variables `tabbar-NAME-button-value'.
+ (set (intern (format "tabbar-%s-button-value" name))
+ (cons
+ (propertize (car label)
+ 'tabbar-button name
+ 'face 'tabbar-button
+ 'mouse-face 'tabbar-button-highlight
+ 'pointer 'hand
+ 'local-map (tabbar-make-button-keymap name)
+ 'help-echo 'tabbar-help-on-button)
+ (propertize (cdr label)
+ 'face 'tabbar-button
+ 'pointer 'arrow)))))
+(defun tabbar-line-separator ()
+ "Return the display representation of a tab bar separator.
+That is, a propertized string used as an `header-line-format' template
+ (let ((image (tabbar-find-image (cdr tabbar-separator))))
+ ;; Cache the separator display value in variable
+ ;; `tabbar-separator-value'.
+ (setq tabbar-separator-value
+ (cond
+ (image
+ (propertize " "
+ 'face 'tabbar-separator
+ 'pointer 'arrow
+ 'display (tabbar-normalize-image image)))
+ ((numberp (car tabbar-separator))
+ (propertize " "
+ 'face 'tabbar-separator
+ 'pointer 'arrow
+ 'display (list 'space
+ :width (car tabbar-separator))))
+ ((propertize (or (car tabbar-separator) " ")
+ 'face 'tabbar-separator
+ 'pointer 'arrow))))
+ ))
+(defsubst tabbar-line-buttons (tabset)
+ "Return a list of propertized strings for tab bar buttons.
+TABSET is the tab set used to choose the appropriate buttons."
+ (list
+ (if tabbar-home-function
+ (car tabbar-home-button-value)
+ (cdr tabbar-home-button-value))
+ (if (> (tabbar-start tabset) 0)
+ (car tabbar-scroll-left-button-value)
+ (cdr tabbar-scroll-left-button-value))
+ (if (< (tabbar-start tabset)
+ (1- (length (tabbar-tabs tabset))))
+ (car tabbar-scroll-right-button-value)
+ (cdr tabbar-scroll-right-button-value))
+ tabbar-separator-value))
+(defsubst tabbar-line-tab (tab)
+ "Return the display representation of tab TAB.
+That is, a propertized string used as an `header-line-format' template
+Call `tabbar-tab-label-function' to obtain a label for TAB."
+ (concat (propertize
+ (if tabbar-tab-label-function
+ (funcall tabbar-tab-label-function tab)
+ tab)
+ 'tabbar-tab tab
+ 'local-map (tabbar-make-tab-keymap tab)
+ 'help-echo 'tabbar-help-on-tab
+ 'mouse-face 'tabbar-highlight
+ 'face (if (tabbar-selected-p tab (tabbar-current-tabset))
+ 'tabbar-selected
+ 'tabbar-unselected)
+ 'pointer 'hand)
+ tabbar-separator-value))
+(defun tabbar-line-format (tabset)
+ "Return the `header-line-format' value to display TABSET."
+ (let* ((sel (tabbar-selected-tab tabset))
+ (tabs (tabbar-view tabset))
+ (padcolor (tabbar-background-color))
+ atsel elts)
+ ;; Initialize buttons and separator values.
+ (or tabbar-separator-value
+ (tabbar-line-separator))
+ (or tabbar-home-button-value
+ (tabbar-line-button 'home))
+ (or tabbar-scroll-left-button-value
+ (tabbar-line-button 'scroll-left))
+ (or tabbar-scroll-right-button-value
+ (tabbar-line-button 'scroll-right))
+ ;; Track the selected tab to ensure it is always visible.
+ (when tabbar--track-selected
+ (while (not (memq sel tabs))
+ (tabbar-scroll tabset -1)
+ (setq tabs (tabbar-view tabset)))
+ (while (and tabs (not atsel))
+ (setq elts (cons (tabbar-line-tab (car tabs)) elts)
+ atsel (eq (car tabs) sel)
+ tabs (cdr tabs)))
+ (setq elts (nreverse elts))
+ ;; At this point the selected tab is the last elt in ELTS.
+ ;; Scroll TABSET and ELTS until the selected tab becomes
+ ;; visible.
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (let ((truncate-partial-width-windows nil)
+ (inhibit-modification-hooks t)
+ deactivate-mark ;; Prevent deactivation of the mark!
+ start)
+ (setq truncate-lines nil
+ buffer-undo-list t)
+ (apply 'insert (tabbar-line-buttons tabset))
+ (setq start (point))
+ (while (and (cdr elts) ;; Always show the selected tab!
+ (progn
+ (delete-region start (point-max))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (apply 'insert elts)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (> (vertical-motion 1) 0)))
+ (tabbar-scroll tabset 1)
+ (setq elts (cdr elts)))))
+ (setq elts (nreverse elts))
+ (setq tabbar--track-selected nil))
+ ;; Format remaining tabs.
+ (while tabs
+ (setq elts (cons (tabbar-line-tab (car tabs)) elts)
+ tabs (cdr tabs)))
+ ;; Cache and return the new tab bar.
+ (tabbar-set-template
+ tabset
+ (list (tabbar-line-buttons tabset)
+ (nreverse elts)
+ (propertize "%-"
+ 'face (list :background padcolor
+ :foreground padcolor)
+ 'pointer 'arrow)))
+ ))
+(defun tabbar-line ()
+ "Return the header line templates that represent the tab bar.
+Inhibit display of the tab bar in current window if any of the
+`tabbar-inhibit-functions' return non-nil."
+ (cond
+ ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'tabbar-inhibit-functions)
+ ;; Don't show the tab bar.
+ (setq header-line-format nil))
+ ((tabbar-current-tabset t)
+ ;; When available, use a cached tab bar value, else recompute it.
+ (or (tabbar-template tabbar-current-tabset)
+ (tabbar-line-format tabbar-current-tabset)))))
+(defconst tabbar-header-line-format '(:eval (tabbar-line))
+ "The tab bar header line format.")
+(defun tabbar-default-inhibit-function ()
+ "Inhibit display of the tab bar in specified windows.
+That is dedicated windows, and `checkdoc' status windows."
+ (or (window-dedicated-p (selected-window))
+ (member (buffer-name)
+ (list " *Checkdoc Status*"
+ (if (boundp 'ispell-choices-buffer)
+ ispell-choices-buffer
+ "*Choices*")))))
+;;; Cyclic navigation through tabs
+(defun tabbar-cycle (&optional backward type)
+ "Cycle to the next available tab.
+The scope of the cyclic navigation through tabs is specified by the
+option `tabbar-cycle-scope'.
+If optional argument BACKWARD is non-nil, cycle to the previous tab
+Optional argument TYPE is a mouse event type (see the function
+`tabbar-make-mouse-event' for details)."
+ (let* ((tabset (tabbar-current-tabset t))
+ (ttabset (tabbar-get-tabsets-tabset))
+ ;; If navigation through groups is requested, and there is
+ ;; only one group, navigate through visible tabs.
+ (cycle (if (and (eq tabbar-cycle-scope 'groups)
+ (not (cdr (tabbar-tabs ttabset))))
+ 'tabs
+ tabbar-cycle-scope))
+ selected tab)
+ (when tabset
+ (setq selected (tabbar-selected-tab tabset))
+ (cond
+ ;; Cycle through visible tabs only.
+ ((eq cycle 'tabs)
+ (setq tab (tabbar-tab-next tabset selected backward))
+ ;; When there is no tab after/before the selected one, cycle
+ ;; to the first/last visible tab.
+ (unless tab
+ (setq tabset (tabbar-tabs tabset)
+ tab (car (if backward (last tabset) tabset))))
+ )
+ ;; Cycle through tab groups only.
+ ((eq cycle 'groups)
+ (setq tab (tabbar-tab-next ttabset selected backward))
+ ;; When there is no group after/before the selected one, cycle
+ ;; to the first/last available group.
+ (unless tab
+ (setq tabset (tabbar-tabs ttabset)
+ tab (car (if backward (last tabset) tabset))))
+ )
+ (t
+ ;; Cycle through visible tabs then tab groups.
+ (setq tab (tabbar-tab-next tabset selected backward))
+ ;; When there is no visible tab after/before the selected one,
+ ;; cycle to the next/previous available group.
+ (unless tab
+ (setq tab (tabbar-tab-next ttabset selected backward))
+ ;; When there is no next/previous group, cycle to the
+ ;; first/last available group.
+ (unless tab
+ (setq tabset (tabbar-tabs ttabset)
+ tab (car (if backward (last tabset) tabset))))
+ ;; Select the first/last visible tab of the new group.
+ (setq tabset (tabbar-tabs (tabbar-tab-tabset tab))
+ tab (car (if backward (last tabset) tabset))))
+ ))
+ (tabbar-click-on-tab tab type))))
+(defun tabbar-backward ()
+ "Select the previous available tab.
+Depend on the setting of the option `tabbar-cycle-scope'."
+ (interactive)
+ (tabbar-cycle t))
+(defun tabbar-forward ()
+ "Select the next available tab.
+Depend on the setting of the option `tabbar-cycle-scope'."
+ (interactive)
+ (tabbar-cycle))
+(defun tabbar-backward-group ()
+ "Go to selected tab in the previous available group."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((tabbar-cycle-scope 'groups))
+ (tabbar-cycle t)))
+(defun tabbar-forward-group ()
+ "Go to selected tab in the next available group."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((tabbar-cycle-scope 'groups))
+ (tabbar-cycle)))
+(defun tabbar-backward-tab ()
+ "Select the previous visible tab."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((tabbar-cycle-scope 'tabs))
+ (tabbar-cycle t)))
+(defun tabbar-forward-tab ()
+ "Select the next visible tab."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((tabbar-cycle-scope 'tabs))
+ (tabbar-cycle)))
+;;; Button press commands
+(defsubst tabbar--mouse (number)
+ "Return a mouse button symbol from NUMBER.
+That is mouse-2, or mouse-3 when NUMBER is respectively 2, or 3.
+Return mouse-1 otherwise."
+ (cond ((eq number 2) 'mouse-2)
+ ((eq number 3) 'mouse-3)
+ ('mouse-1)))
+(defun tabbar-press-home (&optional arg)
+ "Press the tab bar home button.
+That is, simulate a mouse click on that button.
+A numeric prefix ARG value of 2, or 3, respectively simulates a
+mouse-2, or mouse-3 click. The default is a mouse-1 click."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (tabbar-click-on-button 'home (tabbar--mouse arg)))
+(defun tabbar-press-scroll-left (&optional arg)
+ "Press the tab bar scroll-left button.
+That is, simulate a mouse click on that button.
+A numeric prefix ARG value of 2, or 3, respectively simulates a
+mouse-2, or mouse-3 click. The default is a mouse-1 click."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (tabbar-click-on-button 'scroll-left (tabbar--mouse arg)))
+(defun tabbar-press-scroll-right (&optional arg)
+ "Press the tab bar scroll-right button.
+That is, simulate a mouse click on that button.
+A numeric prefix ARG value of 2, or 3, respectively simulates a
+mouse-2, or mouse-3 click. The default is a mouse-1 click."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (tabbar-click-on-button 'scroll-right (tabbar--mouse arg)))
+;;; Mouse-wheel support
+(require 'mwheel)
+;;; Compatibility
+(defconst tabbar--mwheel-up-event
+ (symbol-value (if (boundp 'mouse-wheel-up-event)
+ 'mouse-wheel-up-event
+ 'mouse-wheel-up-button)))
+(defconst tabbar--mwheel-down-event
+ (symbol-value (if (boundp 'mouse-wheel-down-event)
+ 'mouse-wheel-down-event
+ 'mouse-wheel-down-button)))
+(defsubst tabbar--mwheel-key (event-type)
+ "Return a mouse wheel key symbol from EVENT-TYPE.
+When EVENT-TYPE is a symbol return it.
+When it is a button number, return symbol `mouse-<EVENT-TYPE>'."
+ (if (symbolp event-type)
+ event-type
+ (intern (format "mouse-%s" event-type))))
+(defsubst tabbar--mwheel-up-p (event)
+ "Return non-nil if EVENT is a mouse-wheel up event."
+ (let ((x (event-basic-type event)))
+ (if (eq 'mouse-wheel x)
+ (< (car (cdr (cdr event))) 0) ;; Emacs 21.3
+ ;; Emacs > 21.3
+ (eq x tabbar--mwheel-up-event))))
+;;; Basic commands
+(defun tabbar-mwheel-backward (event)
+ "Select the previous available tab.
+EVENT is the mouse event that triggered this command.
+Mouse-enabled equivalent of the command `tabbar-backward'."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (tabbar-cycle t event))
+(defun tabbar-mwheel-forward (event)
+ "Select the next available tab.
+EVENT is the mouse event that triggered this command.
+Mouse-enabled equivalent of the command `tabbar-forward'."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (tabbar-cycle nil event))
+(defun tabbar-mwheel-backward-group (event)
+ "Go to selected tab in the previous available group.
+If there is only one group, select the previous visible tab.
+EVENT is the mouse event that triggered this command.
+Mouse-enabled equivalent of the command `tabbar-backward-group'."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (let ((tabbar-cycle-scope 'groups))
+ (tabbar-cycle t event)))
+(defun tabbar-mwheel-forward-group (event)
+ "Go to selected tab in the next available group.
+If there is only one group, select the next visible tab.
+EVENT is the mouse event that triggered this command.
+Mouse-enabled equivalent of the command `tabbar-forward-group'."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (let ((tabbar-cycle-scope 'groups))
+ (tabbar-cycle nil event)))
+(defun tabbar-mwheel-backward-tab (event)
+ "Select the previous visible tab.
+EVENT is the mouse event that triggered this command.
+Mouse-enabled equivalent of the command `tabbar-backward-tab'."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (let ((tabbar-cycle-scope 'tabs))
+ (tabbar-cycle t event)))
+(defun tabbar-mwheel-forward-tab (event)
+ "Select the next visible tab.
+EVENT is the mouse event that triggered this command.
+Mouse-enabled equivalent of the command `tabbar-forward-tab'."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (let ((tabbar-cycle-scope 'tabs))
+ (tabbar-cycle nil event)))
+;;; Wrappers when there is only one generic mouse-wheel event
+(defun tabbar-mwheel-switch-tab (event)
+ "Select the next or previous tab according to EVENT."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (if (tabbar--mwheel-up-p event)
+ (tabbar-mwheel-forward-tab event)
+ (tabbar-mwheel-backward-tab event)))
+(defun tabbar-mwheel-switch-group (event)
+ "Select the next or previous group of tabs according to EVENT."
+ (interactive "@e")
+ (if (tabbar--mwheel-up-p event)
+ (tabbar-mwheel-forward-group event)
+ (tabbar-mwheel-backward-group event)))
+;;; Minor modes
+(defsubst tabbar-mode-on-p ()
+ "Return non-nil if Tabbar mode is on."
+ (eq (default-value 'header-line-format)
+ tabbar-header-line-format))
+;;; Tabbar-Local mode
+(defvar tabbar--local-hlf nil)
+(define-minor-mode tabbar-local-mode
+ "Toggle local display of the tab bar.
+With prefix argument ARG, turn on if positive, otherwise off.
+Returns non-nil if the new state is enabled.
+When turned on, if a local header line is shown, it is hidden to show
+the tab bar. The tab bar is locally hidden otherwise. When turned
+off, if a local header line is hidden or the tab bar is locally
+hidden, it is shown again. Signal an error if Tabbar mode is off."
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :global nil
+ (unless (tabbar-mode-on-p)
+ (error "Tabbar mode must be enabled"))
+;;; ON
+ (if tabbar-local-mode
+ (if (and (local-variable-p 'header-line-format)
+ header-line-format)
+ ;; A local header line exists, hide it to show the tab bar.
+ (progn
+ ;; Fail in case of an inconsistency because another local
+ ;; header line is already hidden.
+ (when (local-variable-p 'tabbar--local-hlf)
+ (error "Another local header line is already hidden"))
+ (set (make-local-variable 'tabbar--local-hlf)
+ header-line-format)
+ (kill-local-variable 'header-line-format))
+ ;; Otherwise hide the tab bar in this buffer.
+ (setq header-line-format nil))
+;;; OFF
+ (if (local-variable-p 'tabbar--local-hlf)
+ ;; A local header line is hidden, show it again.
+ (progn
+ (setq header-line-format tabbar--local-hlf)
+ (kill-local-variable 'tabbar--local-hlf))
+ ;; The tab bar is locally hidden, show it again.
+ (kill-local-variable 'header-line-format))))
+;;; Tabbar mode
+(defvar tabbar-prefix-key [(control ?c)]
+ "The common prefix key used in Tabbar mode.")
+(defvar tabbar-prefix-map
+ (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key km [(control home)] 'tabbar-press-home)
+ (define-key km [(control left)] 'tabbar-backward)
+ (define-key km [(control right)] 'tabbar-forward)
+ (define-key km [(control up)] 'tabbar-backward-group)
+ (define-key km [(control down)] 'tabbar-forward-group)
+ (define-key km [(control prior)] 'tabbar-press-scroll-left)
+ (define-key km [(control next)] 'tabbar-press-scroll-right)
+ (define-key km [(control f10)] 'tabbar-local-mode)
+ km)
+ "The key bindings provided in Tabbar mode.")
+(defvar tabbar-mode-map
+ (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key km tabbar-prefix-key tabbar-prefix-map)
+ km)
+ "Keymap to use in Tabbar mode.")
+(defvar tabbar--global-hlf nil)
+(define-minor-mode tabbar-mode
+ "Toggle display of a tab bar in the header line.
+With prefix argument ARG, turn on if positive, otherwise off.
+Returns non-nil if the new state is enabled.
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :require 'tabbar
+ :global t
+ :keymap tabbar-mode-map
+ (if tabbar-mode
+;;; ON
+ (unless (tabbar-mode-on-p)
+ ;; Save current default value of `header-line-format'.
+ (setq tabbar--global-hlf (default-value 'header-line-format))
+ (tabbar-init-tabsets-store)
+ (setq-default header-line-format tabbar-header-line-format))
+;;; OFF
+ (when (tabbar-mode-on-p)
+ ;; Turn off Tabbar-Local mode globally.
+ (mapc #'(lambda (b)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (with-current-buffer b
+ (and tabbar-local-mode
+ (tabbar-local-mode -1)))
+ (error nil)))
+ (buffer-list))
+ ;; Restore previous `header-line-format'.
+ (setq-default header-line-format tabbar--global-hlf)
+ (tabbar-free-tabsets-store))
+ ))
+;;; Tabbar-Mwheel mode
+(defvar tabbar-mwheel-mode-map
+ (let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (if (get 'mouse-wheel 'event-symbol-elements)
+ ;; Use one generic mouse wheel event
+ (define-key km [A-mouse-wheel]
+ 'tabbar-mwheel-switch-group)
+ ;; Use separate up/down mouse wheel events
+ (let ((up (tabbar--mwheel-key tabbar--mwheel-up-event))
+ (down (tabbar--mwheel-key tabbar--mwheel-down-event)))
+ (define-key km `[header-line ,down]
+ 'tabbar-mwheel-backward-group)
+ (define-key km `[header-line ,up]
+ 'tabbar-mwheel-forward-group)
+ (define-key km `[header-line (control ,down)]
+ 'tabbar-mwheel-backward-tab)
+ (define-key km `[header-line (control ,up)]
+ 'tabbar-mwheel-forward-tab)
+ (define-key km `[header-line (shift ,down)]
+ 'tabbar-mwheel-backward)
+ (define-key km `[header-line (shift ,up)]
+ 'tabbar-mwheel-forward)
+ ))
+ km)
+ "Keymap to use in Tabbar-Mwheel mode.")
+(define-minor-mode tabbar-mwheel-mode
+ "Toggle use of the mouse wheel to navigate through tabs or groups.
+With prefix argument ARG, turn on if positive, otherwise off.
+Returns non-nil if the new state is enabled.
+ :group 'tabbar
+ :require 'tabbar
+ :global t
+ :keymap tabbar-mwheel-mode-map
+ (when tabbar-mwheel-mode
+ (unless (and mouse-wheel-mode tabbar-mode)
+ (tabbar-mwheel-mode -1))))
+(defun tabbar-mwheel-follow ()
+ "Toggle Tabbar-Mwheel following Tabbar and Mouse-Wheel modes."
+ (tabbar-mwheel-mode (if (and mouse-wheel-mode tabbar-mode) 1 -1)))
+(add-hook 'tabbar-mode-hook 'tabbar-mwheel-follow)
+(add-hook 'mouse-wheel-mode-hook 'tabbar-mwheel-follow)
+;;; Buffer tabs
+(defgroup tabbar-buffer nil
+ "Display buffers in the tab bar."
+ :group 'tabbar)
+(defcustom tabbar-buffer-home-button
+ (cons (cons "[+]" tabbar-home-button-enabled-image)
+ (cons "[-]" tabbar-home-button-disabled-image))
+ "The home button displayed when showing buffer tabs.
+The enabled button value is displayed when showing tabs for groups of
+buffers, and the disabled button value is displayed when showing
+buffer tabs.
+The variable `tabbar-button-widget' gives details on this widget."
+ :group 'tabbar-buffer
+ :type tabbar-button-widget
+ :set '(lambda (variable value)
+ (custom-set-default variable value)
+ ;; Schedule refresh of button value.
+ (setq tabbar-home-button-value nil)))
+(defvar tabbar-buffer-list-function 'tabbar-buffer-list
+ "Function that returns the list of buffers to show in tabs.
+That function is called with no arguments and must return a list of
+(defvar tabbar-buffer-groups-function 'tabbar-buffer-groups
+ "Function that gives the group names the current buffer belongs to.
+It must return a list of group names, or nil if the buffer has no
+group. Notice that it is better that a buffer belongs to one group.")
+(defun tabbar-buffer-list ()
+ "Return the list of buffers to show in tabs.
+Exclude buffers whose name starts with a space, when they are not
+visiting a file. The current buffer is always included."
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (b)
+ (cond
+ ;; Always include the current buffer.
+ ((eq (current-buffer) b) b)
+ ((buffer-file-name b) b)
+ ((char-equal ?\ (aref (buffer-name b) 0)) nil)
+ ((buffer-live-p b) b)))
+ (buffer-list))))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-mode-derived-p (mode parents)
+ "Return non-nil if MODE derives from a mode in PARENTS."
+ (let (derived)
+ (while (and (not derived) mode)
+ (if (memq mode parents)
+ (setq derived t)
+ (setq mode (get mode 'derived-mode-parent))))
+ derived))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-groups ()
+ "Return the list of group names the current buffer belongs to.
+Return a list of one element based on major mode."
+ (list
+ (cond
+ ((or (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
+ ;; Check if the major mode derives from `comint-mode' or
+ ;; `compilation-mode'.
+ (tabbar-buffer-mode-derived-p
+ major-mode '(comint-mode compilation-mode)))
+ "Process"
+ )
+ ((member (buffer-name)
+ '("*scratch*" "*Messages*"))
+ "Common"
+ )
+ ((eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
+ "Dired"
+ )
+ ((memq major-mode
+ '(help-mode apropos-mode Info-mode Man-mode))
+ "Help"
+ )
+ ((memq major-mode
+ '(rmail-mode
+ rmail-edit-mode vm-summary-mode vm-mode mail-mode
+ mh-letter-mode mh-show-mode mh-folder-mode
+ gnus-summary-mode message-mode gnus-group-mode
+ gnus-article-mode score-mode gnus-browse-killed-mode))
+ "Mail"
+ )
+ (t
+ ;; Return `mode-name' if not blank, `major-mode' otherwise.
+ (if (and (stringp mode-name)
+ ;; Take care of preserving the match-data because this
+ ;; function is called when updating the header line.
+ (save-match-data (string-match "[^ ]" mode-name)))
+ mode-name
+ (symbol-name major-mode))
+ ))))
+;;; Group buffers in tab sets.
+(defvar tabbar--buffers nil)
+(defun tabbar-buffer-update-groups ()
+ "Update tab sets from groups of existing buffers.
+Return the the first group where the current buffer is."
+ (let ((bl (sort
+ (mapcar
+ #'(lambda (b)
+ (with-current-buffer b
+ (list (current-buffer)
+ (buffer-name)
+ (if tabbar-buffer-groups-function
+ (funcall tabbar-buffer-groups-function)
+ '("Common")))))
+ (and tabbar-buffer-list-function
+ (funcall tabbar-buffer-list-function)))
+ #'(lambda (e1 e2)
+ (string-lessp (nth 1 e1) (nth 1 e2))))))
+ ;; If the cache has changed, update the tab sets.
+ (unless (equal bl tabbar--buffers)
+ ;; Add new buffers, or update changed ones.
+ (dolist (e bl)
+ (dolist (g (nth 2 e))
+ (let ((tabset (tabbar-get-tabset g)))
+ (if tabset
+ (unless (equal e (assq (car e) tabbar--buffers))
+ ;; This is a new buffer, or a previously existing
+ ;; buffer that has been renamed, or moved to another
+ ;; group. Update the tab set, and the display.
+ (tabbar-add-tab tabset (car e) t)
+ (tabbar-set-template tabset nil))
+ (tabbar-make-tabset g (car e))))))
+ ;; Remove tabs for buffers not found in cache or moved to other
+ ;; groups, and remove empty tabsets.
+ (mapc 'tabbar-delete-tabset
+ (tabbar-map-tabsets
+ #'(lambda (tabset)
+ (dolist (tab (tabbar-tabs tabset))
+ (let ((e (assq (tabbar-tab-value tab) bl)))
+ (or (and e (memq tabset
+ (mapcar 'tabbar-get-tabset
+ (nth 2 e))))
+ (tabbar-delete-tab tab))))
+ ;; Return empty tab sets
+ (unless (tabbar-tabs tabset)
+ tabset))))
+ ;; The new cache becomes the current one.
+ (setq tabbar--buffers bl)))
+ ;; Return the first group the current buffer belongs to.
+ (car (nth 2 (assq (current-buffer) tabbar--buffers))))
+;;; Tab bar callbacks
+(defvar tabbar--buffer-show-groups nil)
+(defsubst tabbar-buffer-show-groups (flag)
+ "Set display of tabs for groups of buffers to FLAG."
+ (setq tabbar--buffer-show-groups flag
+ ;; Redisplay the home button.
+ tabbar-home-button-value nil))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-tabs ()
+ "Return the buffers to display on the tab bar, in a tab set."
+ (let ((tabset (tabbar-get-tabset (tabbar-buffer-update-groups))))
+ (tabbar-select-tab-value (current-buffer) tabset)
+ (when tabbar--buffer-show-groups
+ (setq tabset (tabbar-get-tabsets-tabset))
+ (tabbar-select-tab-value (current-buffer) tabset))
+ tabset))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-button-label (name)
+ "Return a label for button NAME.
+That is a pair (ENABLED . DISABLED), where ENABLED and DISABLED are
+respectively the appearance of the button when enabled and disabled.
+They are propertized strings which could display images, as specified
+by the variable `tabbar-button-label'.
+When NAME is 'home, return a different ENABLED button if showing tabs
+or groups. Call the function `tabbar-button-label' otherwise."
+ (let ((lab (tabbar-button-label name)))
+ (when (eq name 'home)
+ (let* ((btn tabbar-buffer-home-button)
+ (on (tabbar-find-image (cdar btn)))
+ (off (tabbar-find-image (cddr btn))))
+ ;; When `tabbar-buffer-home-button' does not provide a value,
+ ;; default to the enabled value of `tabbar-home-button'.
+ (if on
+ (tabbar-normalize-image on 1)
+ (setq on (get-text-property 0 'display (car lab))))
+ (if off
+ (tabbar-normalize-image off 1)
+ (setq off (get-text-property 0 'display (car lab))))
+ (setcar lab
+ (if tabbar--buffer-show-groups
+ (propertize (or (caar btn) (car lab)) 'display on)
+ (propertize (or (cadr btn) (car lab)) 'display off)))
+ ))
+ lab))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-tab-label (tab)
+ "Return a label for TAB.
+That is, a string used to represent it on the tab bar."
+ (let ((label (if tabbar--buffer-show-groups
+ (format "[%s]" (tabbar-tab-tabset tab))
+ (format "%s" (tabbar-tab-value tab)))))
+ ;; Unless the tab bar auto scrolls to keep the selected tab
+ ;; visible, shorten the tab label to keep as many tabs as possible
+ ;; in the visible area of the tab bar.
+ (if tabbar-auto-scroll-flag
+ label
+ (tabbar-shorten
+ label (max 1 (/ (window-width)
+ (length (tabbar-view
+ (tabbar-current-tabset)))))))))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-help-on-tab (tab)
+ "Return the help string shown when mouse is onto TAB."
+ (if tabbar--buffer-show-groups
+ (let* ((tabset (tabbar-tab-tabset tab))
+ (tab (tabbar-selected-tab tabset)))
+ (format "mouse-1: switch to buffer %S in group [%s]"
+ (buffer-name (tabbar-tab-value tab)) tabset))
+ (format "mouse-1: switch to buffer %S\n\
+mouse-2: pop to buffer, mouse-3: delete other windows"
+ (buffer-name (tabbar-tab-value tab)))
+ ))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-select-tab (event tab)
+ "On mouse EVENT, select TAB."
+ (let ((mouse-button (event-basic-type event))
+ (buffer (tabbar-tab-value tab)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq mouse-button 'mouse-2)
+ (pop-to-buffer buffer t))
+ ((eq mouse-button 'mouse-3)
+ (delete-other-windows))
+ (t
+ (switch-to-buffer buffer)))
+ ;; Don't show groups.
+ (tabbar-buffer-show-groups nil)
+ ))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-click-on-home (event)
+ "Handle a mouse click EVENT on the tab bar home button.
+mouse-1, toggle the display of tabs for groups of buffers.
+mouse-3, close the current buffer."
+ (let ((mouse-button (event-basic-type event)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq mouse-button 'mouse-1)
+ (tabbar-buffer-show-groups (not tabbar--buffer-show-groups)))
+ ((eq mouse-button 'mouse-3)
+ (kill-buffer nil))
+ )))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-help-on-home ()
+ "Return the help string shown when mouse is onto the toggle button."
+ (concat
+ (if tabbar--buffer-show-groups
+ "mouse-1: show buffers in selected group"
+ "mouse-1: show groups of buffers")
+ ", mouse-3: close current buffer"))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-track-killed ()
+ "Hook run just before actually killing a buffer.
+In Tabbar mode, try to switch to a buffer in the current tab bar,
+after the current buffer has been killed. Try first the buffer in tab
+after the current one, then the buffer in tab before. On success, put
+the sibling buffer in front of the buffer list, so it will be selected
+ (and (eq header-line-format tabbar-header-line-format)
+ (eq tabbar-current-tabset-function 'tabbar-buffer-tabs)
+ (eq (current-buffer) (window-buffer (selected-window)))
+ (let ((bl (tabbar-tab-values (tabbar-current-tabset)))
+ (b (current-buffer))
+ found sibling)
+ (while (and bl (not found))
+ (if (eq b (car bl))
+ (setq found t)
+ (setq sibling (car bl)))
+ (setq bl (cdr bl)))
+ (when (and (setq sibling (or (car bl) sibling))
+ (buffer-live-p sibling))
+ ;; Move sibling buffer in front of the buffer list.
+ (save-current-buffer
+ (switch-to-buffer sibling))))))
+;;; Tab bar buffer setup
+(defun tabbar-buffer-init ()
+ "Initialize tab bar buffer data.
+Run as `tabbar-init-hook'."
+ (setq tabbar--buffers nil
+ tabbar--buffer-show-groups nil
+ tabbar-current-tabset-function 'tabbar-buffer-tabs
+ tabbar-tab-label-function 'tabbar-buffer-tab-label
+ tabbar-select-tab-function 'tabbar-buffer-select-tab
+ tabbar-help-on-tab-function 'tabbar-buffer-help-on-tab
+ tabbar-button-label-function 'tabbar-buffer-button-label
+ tabbar-home-function 'tabbar-buffer-click-on-home
+ tabbar-home-help-function 'tabbar-buffer-help-on-home
+ )
+ (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'tabbar-buffer-track-killed))
+(defun tabbar-buffer-quit ()
+ "Quit tab bar buffer.
+Run as `tabbar-quit-hook'."
+ (setq tabbar--buffers nil
+ tabbar--buffer-show-groups nil
+ tabbar-current-tabset-function nil
+ tabbar-tab-label-function nil
+ tabbar-select-tab-function nil
+ tabbar-help-on-tab-function nil
+ tabbar-button-label-function nil
+ tabbar-home-function nil
+ tabbar-home-help-function nil
+ )
+ (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'tabbar-buffer-track-killed))
+(add-hook 'tabbar-init-hook 'tabbar-buffer-init)
+(add-hook 'tabbar-quit-hook 'tabbar-buffer-quit)
+(provide 'tabbar)
+(run-hooks 'tabbar-load-hook)
+;;; tabbar.el ends here
diff --git a/.emacs.d/tramp b/.emacs.d/tramp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..407d593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/tramp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+;; -*- emacs-lisp -*-
+;; Tramp connection history. Don't change this file.
+;; You can delete it, forcing Tramp to reapply the checks.
+((["scp" "slash" "" nil]
+ ("uname" "Linux")
+ ("test" "test")
+ ("remote-path"
+ ("/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/sbin" "/usr/local/bin"))
+ ("remote-shell" "/bin/sh")
+ ("~" "/home/slash")
+ ("file-exists" "test -e")
+ ("stat" "\\stat")
+ ("id" "/usr/bin/id")
+ ("gid-integer" 500)
+ ("local-encoding" base64-encode-region)
+ ("local-decoding" base64-decode-region)
+ ("remote-encoding" "base64")
+ ("remote-decoding" "base64 -d")
+ ("perl" "\\perl")))